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The Red Book and insects

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01.03.2010 17:13, mikee

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02.03.2010 10:58, Penzyak

Awesome!? How we in Russia like to hang up labels and look for private benefits in everything!! Mind you, I didn't start it!!!

For more information: As an entomologist who participated in the project of the CC of the Penza region (Animals, 2005) - for 49 specific essays, a list of insects and literature for them, I received from 2001 to 2004 500 rubles each. field (per year) and for writing essays in 2005-4 thousand rubles (yes, I almost forgot, in in the middle of August 2003, I once went on an expedition around the region with our spines-I found 1 copy. apollo and realized that we have slightly different approaches to the study of b / p of the animal world). Since we then had only 2 computers at the department, we had to buy a second-hand laptop for 17 thousand rubles. so that it was elementary to write on something at home and at work. Every year, a fairly large amount of money was spent on trips around the region (during the field season) (I have been trading various literature all my life-mainly natural sciences, I have collected a large personal library, and how many private literary collections I have sold...) which, of course, no one returned to me. I am even proud of the essays I wrote - we scanned 100% of Penza insects for specific essays (which, as far as I know, no one in the Russian Federation except St. Petersburg and Moscow did), and the material for the essays was mostly original. I sincerely believed and believe that the red book theme is very suitable for popularizing entomology among the population (especially students of schools and universities) - it is simply unrealistic to publish something yourself for our penny salaries.

I very much doubt that Anufriev and even more so Kosarev (blessed memory to him!) received a lot of money for the CC of the Nizhny Novgorod region...

The products of your inquisitive mind are well known to me - I especially like your new taxon Suvorovka from the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region! If you don't know, this species was described by Eugenius Esper from near the city of Penza. But it is likely that the ecological conditions on your Volga macroslope are very different from those in the Volga region...

P.S. Yes, rhopalocera-Thank you! If I have any problems with w., then I will now know which "inquiring" mind to turn to for help...

02.03.2010 14:35, А.Й.Элез

For more information: As an entomologist who participated in the project of the CC of the Penza region (Animals, 2005) - for 49 specific essays, a list of insects and literature for them, I received from 2001 to 2004 500 rubles each. field (per year) and for writing essays in 2005-4 thousand rubles (yes, I almost forgot, in in the middle of August 2003, I once went on an expedition around the region with our spines-I found 1 copy. apollo and realized that we have slightly different approaches to the study of b / p of the animal world). Since we then had only 2 computers at the department, we had to buy a second-hand laptop for 17 thousand rubles. so that it was elementary to write on something at home and at work. Every year, a fairly large amount of money was spent on trips around the region (during the field season) (I have been trading various literature all my life-mainly natural sciences, I have collected a large personal library, and how many private literary collections I have sold...) which, of course, no one returned to me.
It must have been a hard life for many alchemists, too. And not every fortune-teller is awash in money. But did anyone say that work on the texts of the CC is necessarily paid for with good money (in the absence of a fat grant)? They talked about completely different money in connection with the CC, and not at all about the money that goes to the authors of articles. rhopalocera.com in my opinion, he made it clear, delicately referring to you (so far) as not those who will warm their hands on this, but only those who help this case through their fault own rose-colored glasses:
The Red Book is a great tool for making money. If you still haven't figured it out yet, I understand your terry stubbornness. But for God's sake, take off your rose-colored glasses. The Red Book from beginning to end is more than half fiction, and 100 % business. Why fiction? Yes, at least look at the lists of insects or plants of the Red Book. And try to imagine HOW quantitative assessments of all this were carried out? For example, they added a swallowtail to the CC. Perfectly! Why did you make it? Yes, because in Moscow it is relatively rare. And the fact that there is many times more of it outside the MKAD is already a tenth case... How was the quantification of, say, chilima (water nut) carried out? In those lakes where it is-it is full, it is in the mass. And in what lakes it is - very few people know. Because there are not so many botanists, and not so many of them explore the lake flora THROUGHOUT RUSSIA. So it turns out: for shooting a red-book ram-money to the treasury (whether a fine or a license); for export from Russia-money; import-money; for "protecting" it-money; etc., etc. - think up how much imagination is enough. Believe me, Russian nature protection officials have a very rich collection. And the topic of insects is generally a gold mine!
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10.03.2010 19:59, Pleco

Mikhail, I absolutely agree (just take a piece of hardware). Thanks! beer.gif

And what is the principle for allocating these territories? According to the principle of preserving the same" Red Book " species?

10.03.2010 20:21, Pleco

A list of official corrections to the Red Data Book of Ukraine has been released


download file Mistakes_tabl.doc

size: 77.5 k
number of downloads: 618

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10.03.2010 20:41, Egorus

A little weak...
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10.03.2010 21:02, Pleco

And I mean
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10.03.2010 23:41, mikee

And what is the principle for allocating these territories? According to the principle of preserving the same" Red Book " species?

And the criteria, in my opinion, are quite obvious and have long been known. Offhand:
- by biodiversity, the number of species living/growing in the given territory;
- according to the landscape and cenotic diversity of the territory;
- based on the uniqueness and / or character of the landscape for a given area.
By the way, nature reserves are a perfect example. I can't name a single exUSSR nature reserve that would be obviously stupidly placed on the ground. And, somehow, they didn't really tie it to the territorial division, unlike the current CC.

11.03.2010 10:00, Pleco

Yes, this is all true, but did you have to make a justification for new PZF objects, or justify the boundaries for taking them out in kind? For officials, it is extremely important that there are more "Red book" and green book communities. I don't know about Russia, but in our country, 2/3 of the objects created in exUSSR don't have their borders drawn in kind... We can assume that they are no longer there...

15.03.2010 10:33, Guest

The end of the world 2012 in Chinese:
Pandas were removed from the Red List - as a result, they began to multiply intensively, as a result of which the Chinese were forced out on the ocean coast...

31.03.2010 0:44, Zheka

A list of official corrections to the Red Data Book of Ukraine has been released

Стр. 418
"Живиться дрібними хребетними тваринами, іноді падлом і покидьками..." lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

01.04.2010 1:32, А.Й.Элез

The power of the cross is with us!
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04.04.2010 19:51, Yakovlev

I am even proud of the essays I wrote - we scanned 100% of Penza insects for specific essays (which, as far as I know, no one in the Russian Federation except St. Petersburg and Moscow did), and the material for the essays was mostly original.

You don't know KK very well. The Red Books of the Altai Republic, Tuva, Novosibirsk Region and Altai Krai are illustrated with local copies. Thanks to O. Kosterin, first of all!

04.04.2010 23:27, Papaver

Oh, in vain you, Rum, about KK Tuva for the night... There are photos - a scarecrow panopticon. eek.gif
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04.04.2010 23:28, Yakovlev

I was only talking about butterflies. But no, he didn't. But I meant babochek
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19.04.2010 19:49, Wild Yuri

Oleg, your message scares me-it's like saying goodbye to a dead comrade - I'm still alive. Thank you very much for your congratulations! I don't mind your work on creating essays for the CC, I agree - it's not a small job. But the example about polyxene remains a fact and not the only one. I see how our P. apollo in Nikonovo is guarded - a campsite there, riding on horses, people are dark, bottles are everywhere... it remains to lay out the asphalt tracks. Although he is in the CC. With such protection, there is also the last refuge in the area of A. laodice mallard socro. Just an address book is not a panacea, you need other methods. And the sale of insects has nothing to do with it! Both I and the others you're referring to - the apollo hasn't been caught here in several years - are all on the road. By the way, I don't deal in the insect trade, which you want me to get caught up in (which I don't have anything about), and I haven't ever done it, I like the exchange better. And I have never sold a single butterfly from our region - no one needs them for an exchange! In general, entomology is an expense item in my family budget, and certainly not an income. I'm also not ashamed of what I wrote, not even a little bit.

I have no qualms about the insect trade. For some reason, no one tests them in the trade of fish, bear skins, kangaroo meat and other biological resources. A mysterious paradox. I think there is a certain throwback to the subconscious, from the era when people fought for survival:
Insects are not food. You can only sell food!

19.04.2010 20:24, Wild Yuri

If only entomologists and collectors didn't take out everything beautiful for their own whim

The same whim to eat delicious things-lobsters, crabs... The world is made up of whims, isn't it? smile.gif

19.04.2010 21:09, Yakovlev

Be careful with the lobsters
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19.04.2010 21:55, Pirx

Be careful with the lobsters

lol.gif beer.gif
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20.04.2010 8:04, rhopalocera.com

Be careful with the lobsters

I like lobsters too ^^. Hypothetically jump.gif

20.05.2010 15:00, Penzyak

Insects, collectors, CC, food, trade, accusations," creations " ... - what is the truth brothers in mind???

20.05.2010 21:43, Pleco

The truth is, we're all going to die...

20.05.2010 22:33, rhopalocera.com

2 Penzyak

The truth is in the wine. In vino veritas smile.gif
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21.05.2010 16:20, Pleco

Whose fault is it? wink.gif

21.05.2010 17:30, rhopalocera.com

in white semi-dry.
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22.05.2010 16:57, Victor Titov

in white semi-dry.

+5! lol.gif beer.gif beer.gif beer.gif. Although, there is no dispute about the tastes - I prefer dry red or something much stronger-it all depends on the mood and what to drink...

02.06.2010 13:30, Трофим

I apologize if the question has already been discussed, but I would very much like to know what the nature conservation statuses in the Red Data Book of Ukraine for 2009 mean.
Very strange, but for some reason this is not mentioned at all in the book.
I had to flip through the book to find out all the statuses. If I missed something or translated it incorrectly, please correct the Ukrainian version.

Znik in Ukrian – disappeared in Ukraine
Неоцiнений – статус вида неоценен
Невизначений - ???
Lack of vidomy-biology is not well known?

P.S. What is the significant difference between the last four statuses (it seems that each ator wrote from himself - since in my opinion all 4 last statuses can be combined into 1 Drawback of vidomiy)

P.S. Please answer to the point.
1) Translation and meaning of statuses.
2) I haven't missed any more statuses.

02.06.2010 13:46, svm2

as for the transfer.then so

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02.06.2010 13:51, Pleco

ЗАКОН УКРАЇНИ «Про Червону книгу України»
Стаття 13. Категорії видів тваринного і рослинного світу, що заносяться до Червоної книги України
Залежно від стану та ступеня загрози зникнення видів тваринного і рослинного світу, що заносяться до Червоної книги України, вони поділяються на такі категорії:
зниклі - види, про які після неодноразових пошуків, проведених у типових місцевостях або в інших відомих та можливих місцях поширення, відсутня будь-яка інформація про наявність їх у природі чи спеціально створених умовах;
зниклі в природі - види, які зникли в природі, але збереглися у спеціально створених умовах;
зникаючі - види, які перебувають під загрозою зникнення у природних умовах і збереження яких є малоймовірним, якщо триватиме дія факторів, що негативно впливають на стан їх популяцій;
вразливі - види, які у найближчому майбутньому можуть бути віднесені до категорії зникаючих, якщо триватиме дія факторів, що негативно впливають на стан їх популяцій;
рідкісні - види, популяції яких невеликі і на даний час не належать до категорії зникаючих чи вразливих, хоча їм і загрожує небезпека;
неоцінені - види, про які відомо, що вони можуть належати до категорії зникаючих, вразливих чи рідкісних, але ще не віднесені до неї;
недостатньо відомі - види, які не можна віднести до жодної із зазначених категорій через відсутність необхідної повної і достовірної інформації.
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02.06.2010 14:01, Pleco

LAW OF UKRAINE" On the Red Book of Ukraine "
Article 13. Categories of animal and plant species that are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine
Depending on the state and degree of threat of extinction of animal and plant species that are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, they are divided into the following categories:
Extinct-species that after repeated searches conducted in typical habitats or in other known and possible
ones Extinct in nature - species that have disappeared in nature, but have been preserved in specially created conditions;
Endangered-species that are threatened with extinction in natural conditions and whose preservation is unlikely if the influence of factors that negatively affect the environment continues. state of their populations;
Vulnerable-species that may be classified as endangered in the near future if factors that negatively affect the state of their populations continue.
Rare - species whose populations are small and are not currently classified as endangered or vulnerable, although they are threatened;
Unappreciated - species that are known to be endangered, vulnerable or rare, but have not yet been classified;
Insufficiently studied - species that cannot be classified as either endangered or vulnerable. one of the specified categories due to the lack of the necessary complete and reliable information.
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02.06.2010 14:02, Pleco

All other categories are made up by the authors and have no official meaning...
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02.06.2010 14:11, Трофим

I thank Vasily and Grigory for their specific answers on this topic.

28.06.2010 11:52, Victor Titov

Honestly, I don't want to offend anyone. But, on the other hand, how, except as nonsense, to call it?!
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28.06.2010 12:12, vasiliy-feoktistov

Honestly, I don't want to offend anyone. But, on the other hand, how, except as nonsense, to call it?!

As a resident of the Moscow region: what kind of fright did you get there from?
Funny by God lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif
Intertidal horse - Cicindela hybrida
Field horse - Cicindela campestris
Smooth ground beetle -
glabratus Cychrus ground
beetle - Cychrus caraboides Cephaloid ground beetle - Broscus cephalotes Fringed swimmer - Dytiscus marginalis
beetle - Platycerus caraboides Metallic bronze - Protaetia metallica [Potosia cuprea]
Golden bronzer - Cetonia aurata
Bandaged waxwort - Trichius fasciatus
Woodcutter-tanner - Prionus coriarius
Who makes it up? Yes on a respected website confused.gif

28.06.2010 12:29, Victor Titov

Who makes it up? Yes on a reputable site confused.gif

Well, as I understand it, ZIN's website has nothing to do with the publication of the Red Book of Moscow; it only posted P. Korzunovich's information about the release of its new edition and the list of beetle species included in it. I have repeatedly expressed my position: the Moscow CC itself is an absurd and obvious PR move. And as for the bug list... It would be funny, but I don't have the strength to laugh anymore. It's sad. Such publications, in my opinion, completely emasculate and discredit the very idea of the Red Book.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 28.06.2010 12: 30
Likes: 2

28.06.2010 12:36, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, as I understand it, ZIN's website has nothing to do with the publication of the Red Book of Moscow; it only posted P. Korzunovich's information about the release of its new edition and the list of beetle species included in it. I have repeatedly expressed my position: the Moscow CC itself is an absurd and obvious PR move. And as for the bug list... It would be funny, but I don't have the strength to laugh anymore. It's sad. Such publications, in my opinion, completely emasculate and discredit the very idea of the Red Book.

I absolutely agree (I was joking about the funny part).
Even N. major did not begin to write (really rare).
Although only the day before yesterday I saw him in my city, flying. True, I didn't catch it (very fast in the heat): It's a shame!

28.06.2010 13:52, Aleksey Adamov

The Red Books are already beginning to " pry into our personal livessmile.gif." I put together a list of CC species that live in my rural house... against our will:

Elaphe quatuorlineata sauromates (Pallas, 1814) Ringed Scolopendra with four stripes
The carpenter bee
is some kind of scolia. In my opinion, steppe (shaggy)
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28.06.2010 14:01, А.Й.Элез

Just in case, let me remind you: there is Moscow, and there is the Moscow region (Moscow region), I say this as a Moscow resident. For them – different CC's. If the city CC is not mistaken for a regional one, then the list of types in the city one will not seem so funny. I haven't seen the same Broscus cephalotes in the city for twenty-five years (and I used to catch it on Ukrainsky Boulevard between Kievsky Railway Station and Kutuzovsky Prospekt). And glabratus and so on can be considered ordinary only for the region. But Cetonia aurata (and not only it) in the city has increased in recent decades (due to the destruction of industry, obviously). Prionus coriarius, judging by the most recent years, is also not on business in the city CC, but there is no need to rush to conclusions about this species, since the number of old trees in the city is catastrophically decreasing, even in forest-park areas that are practically devoid of undergrowth. Although in the coming years, this species in the city, of course, is not in danger. I found a female about three years ago at night under a street lamp in the basement of a corner house between Ukrainsky Boulevard and Kutuzovsky Prospekt. I also met prionus in Filevsky Park.
Based on my basic assessment, I agree. CC of Moscow with the heartfelt words of Luzhkov-despite what is happening in Moscow-profanity, a mockery of common sense.
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28.06.2010 14:06, vasiliy-feoktistov

One gets the impression that all these CCS are written "out of the blue" by people who are completely not engaged in practical entomology or are not even close to biology (in the hope of"cutting down the dough"). What are we heading for?

28.06.2010 14:37, Vlad Proklov

Honestly, I don't want to offend anyone. But, on the other hand, how, except as nonsense, to call it?!

You can call it a list of rare species of an extremely fucked-up metropolis.

Guys! This is a list for KK Moscow! Not MO, but specifically Moscow. It is based on the results of monitoring within the city, not the surrounding area. And quite adequate.

By the way, the CC of Moscow is a very correct thing, since the city and the region have completely different environmental conditions. Both bureaucrats and departments are also different. Delirium is the CC of the Russian Federation (I mean insects).

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 06/28/2010 14: 40
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