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Peter Khramov, 11.03.2011 21:03

Thank Svyatoslav Knyazev, Constantine Krayevsky, Andrey Ponomarev, Evgeny and Alexei Fomin Azhipe.


14.03.2011 11:35, Svyatoslav Knyazev

add more soon))

15.03.2011 12:35,

And I'm waiting for an update for the second week :-)))

15.03.2011 15:17, Evgeny Komarov

Vitaly! You are not the only one :)

15.03.2011 16:57,

Just in April, it will end free time and will not be able to put anything until October

15.03.2011 17:07, Evgeny Komarov

Vitaly, and you ship until all that is - all gradually lined.

15.03.2011 17:22,

I uploaded about 200 pictures and as many more are ready to download. The fact that with such an amount of pictures becomes almost impossible their correction - a lot of time spent

15.03.2011 17:23,

I uploaded about 200 pictures and as many more are ready to download. The fact that with such an amount of pictures becomes almost impossible their correction - a lot of time spent

15.03.2011 17:27,

Here, said: 123 rob moles of different photos and Nymphalidae 175

15.03.2011 20:26, Peter Khramov

Vitali, and that you do not zaloginivaytes of comments on the site? Et wrong, because without anyone can login to the system under whose name you want to write.I understand that the probability is not very high, but still requested to order zaloginivatsya, okay? With regard to the processing of the brakes on truck, then in dialogue with the idea of ​​Svyatoslav as pile megasystems to advanced Find Topics Find Topics could do all the shipping.So the prospects for change the situation quite a imyuetsya! Well, by itself, I will try to handle identity.

15.03.2011 21:24, Svyatoslav Knyazev

I think that such action is simply vital because every day you will be more and more difficult to cope with the influx of processing photos! I would say that it is possible to focus at this stage on makroid.ru where it's implemented and very convenient to operate. and the influx is such that no one has time to rake))

16.03.2011 3:04, Konstantin Kraevsky

Something is wrong with downloading files. Uploaded - I want to see, and there instead of a set of images files themselves :)

16.03.2011 10:54, Peter Khramov

But this is sverhinteresno. Previously, all the boot up normally, but now is not?

16.03.2011 16:29, Konstantin Kraevsky

Download it properly - to the site is gone, the site received them, but, as I understand it, did not work the script that should unzip zip files. And instead of photo files from the archive files I see :)

16.03.2011 23:49, Peter Khramov

Understand, the situation is similar to that of Svyatoslav, only in emphasis can not understand why at first it was OK, but now - no. If someone else files will be shipping - please, normally ship began to fail, or too ...

17.03.2011 0:17, Alexandr Zhakov

Request to Gumenyuk Vitaly, check the names of butterflies on the base, and that is because of communication errors in large quantities in the admin fall.

17.03.2011 17:22, Vitaly Gumenuk

From today, all that exhibition - check. Thank you.

17.03.2011 17:24, Vitaly Gumenuk

By the way, it would be nice if an erroneous determinations were messages on e-mail.

17.03.2011 22:37, Peter Khramov

Alexander, what is Admin, and how bad to fall from the unknown: -)
Vitali, here we are talking about yet unpublished photographs - there are only arms can check whether it is an error while loading or, say, the type in the database is simply no ...

17.03.2011 23:10, Alexandr Zhakov

I got it.

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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