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03.06.2019 6:43, Andrei Dolgikh

Mnemosyne and burdock fly and they are replaced by admirals. In the swamp of diaries only singe and euphrosyne, well, and the ubiquitous burdock.

This post was edited by major65-03.06.2019 07: 08
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03.06.2019 19:39, Sergey Didenko

And the point of Holoperovo or Msharovo??? And the hawk moth is ocular or blind?

Glassy, Holoperovo (butterflies), mushrooms a little from another place smile.gif
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03.06.2019 21:53, Victor Gazanchidis

We wandered a little on Sunday in the vicinity of the village of Leonovo, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region. Among the butterflies, I noticed flying mnemosyne, plantain and meadow bears from interesting beetles, a male and female Cortodera femorata and a male Oxymirus cursor

This post was edited by vicgrr - 03.06.2019 23: 21

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04.06.2019 2:45, Andrei Dolgikh

L. populi and R. purpurata in late May... Another strange year. Photos are not attached, I will not be perverted at night.

We don't have L. populi yet, but mathurna has already taken off.

04.06.2019 11:52, mikee

We don't have L. populi yet, but mathurna has already taken off.

Which is very strange, because according to reports, in the Novgorod region, summer is moving ahead
of the Central region of Russia. Our saturn has been flying for two weeks now...

04.06.2019 12:40, Victor Gazanchidis

Saw L populi in Petushinsky district, Vladimir region

04.06.2019 15:31, А.Й.Элез

A few years ago, V. Vasilenko and I noted (by the way, well noted) a fresh male L. populi in its territory (Yegoryevsky district) on May 31.

04.06.2019 20:49, Andrei Dolgikh

Which is very strange, because according to reports, in the Novgorod region, summer is moving ahead
of the Central region of Russia. Mathurna has been flying here for two weeks now...

The crowd doesn't know how summer is going. Fresh hives appeared. On the swamp there are no sawdust at all.... I have a wonderful dirt road-12 km through two districts through fields and forests, passing by... regularly-2 types of tapeworms, 2 types of iridescent birds, 3 types of caudates, a-a mnemosyne, swallowtails, a-a, crocodiles, hippos, a-a, and a green parrot are permanent... Well, apparently the heat is working.. On the 3rd, I checked this road-except for mnemosyne - NIFIGA!!! Even on fresh fox (in my opinion) kakakhs, there is no interspecific excitement and competition confused.gif

image: 03.06.2019. png
03.06.2019. png — (1.32 mb)

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04.06.2019 22:54, Andrei Dolgikh

How terrible to live!!! Hares hang out in droves on country roads. A question for fans of hunting - if they have a rut, is it dangerous to get out of the car? And then, they say that a sexually anxious hare is scarier than a hungry tiger!

05.06.2019 8:13, molek

Even on fresh fox (in my opinion) kakakhs, there is no interspecific excitement and competition confused.gif

There seems to be a draughts classic of the Novgorod region: atalia and Diaminasmile.gif

05.06.2019 22:48, Andrei Dolgikh

There seems to be a draughts classic of the Novgorod region: Atalia and Diaminasmile.gif

That's right, they are! Only Atalia is no longer a competitor - she flies away. There is practically only one diamine everywhere.

05.06.2019 23:06, Andrei Dolgikh

Today I escaped for a couple of hours to my favorite swamp. The result is shown in the photo. Palenok and frosya did not catch, but there are quite a lot of them. Raspberries are present, but only sporadically and all killed in the trash. For some reason, there are no typos confused.gif

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05.06.2019.png — (275.63к)

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06.06.2019 23:05, Василий пенза

Can anyone tell me what time of night Chelis maculosa flies to the light? at least approximately) at dusk or after midnight?

06.06.2019 23:15, Vlad Proklov

Can anyone tell me what time of night Chelis maculosa flies to the light? at least approximately) at dusk or after midnight?

Imho, it is better to catch bears on traps, they come late.

06.06.2019 23:18, Andrei Dolgikh

Imho, it is better to catch bears on traps, they come late.

How's that, if it's not a secret?

07.06.2019 0:28, Vlad Proklov

How's that, if it's not a secret?

Like this:
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07.06.2019 0:57, Andrei Dolgikh

Still flying Ute, but very inactive-with the trunks can not drive. Apparently the heat affects confused.gifthe sticks on the moss sit - you can take it with your hands. Syngrapha microgamma crashed.
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07.06.2019 13:03, mikee

Can anyone tell me what time of night Chelis maculosa flies to the light? at least approximately) at dusk or after midnight?

Near Volgograd, we flew in the first half of the night, under Orenburg-strictly in the morning. At the forum, there was a message from Ukrainian colleagues that this butterfly is a harbinger of dawn :- ) Choose : -)
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08.06.2019 23:31, Гена

I have (Dniester Canyon, south of Khmelnitsky region), maculosa flew somewhere after 2 o'clock in the morning, well, in principle, almost before dawn.
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08.06.2019 23:42, WesternDragon

Chelis maculosa flies somewhere from 2 to 4 in the morning.
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09.06.2019 12:56, Kharkovbut

Our maculosa flies normally until midnight. I don't usually sit up until morning. smile.gif
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09.06.2019 21:52, Andrei Dolgikh

07.06.2019 the first poplar tapestries appeared. And yesterday they were just clouds!!! There are now three main types of forest dirt roads that overwhelm everyone with their numbers:
- poplar tapeworms, clinging to the slightest puddle;
- piles of maturnas, huddled on the umbrellas of a merchant;
- St. Petersburg summer residents, maddened by the heat and greenery.
The first Satyrium pruni appeared.
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11.06.2019 23:24, Andrei Dolgikh

Coenonympha glycerion.
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14.06.2019 23:40, Andrei Dolgikh

Yesterday, as a result of a hard and prolonged struggle, a female Sphinx ligustri was saved from an impudent black cat's face. If it weren't for the cat's teeth on one front fender, I would have been a zero! Have they really begun to spend the winter here?! confused.gif In the summer and autumn, on the viburnum, I find caterpillars regularly.
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16.06.2019 8:38, Sergey Didenko

We took a trip with Mikhail to the Volgograd region for a few days, the night air is very weak, probably the moon has affected. During the day it was very hot, butterflies flew standard, alfakariensis, pigeons, marigolds and so on. Not to say that there is an early season, sunflowers are very tiny. The Catocals are just getting started, the deer beetles are flying in full swing, and the oak hawks are not out yet. In general, it is very poor compared to previous years.

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16.06.2019 14:22, СаняМухолов

Did the catocals fly to the light?

16.06.2019 14:30, Sergey Didenko

As same, they flew on lightfrown.gif Until they quite fresh fly only on bait, then already, when a little zhivut happens on light come smile.gifAlthough fulminates on light, too, several pieces have flown.

19.06.2019 22:41, Andrei Dolgikh

Still nothing, but today, on phacelia, I saw a fresh podaliriy eek.gifFifty kilometers from Novgorod. Why would that be?
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20.06.2019 12:14, AGG

Still nothing, but today, on phacelia, I saw a fresh podaliriy eek.gifFifty kilometers from Novgorod. Why would that be?

everything is normal, he has been shying away from you for a long time. he went far to the north wink.gifdescribe the station. haven't you seen what it eats? or did you note something in the behavior?

20.06.2019 15:07, Vlad Proklov

Still nothing, but today, on phacelia, I saw a fresh podaliriy eek.gifFifty kilometers from Novgorod. Why would that be?

Can I add a point to the map?

21.06.2019 0:00, Andrei Dolgikh

everything is normal, he has been shying away from you for a long time. he went far to the north wink.gifdescribe the station. haven't you seen what it eats? or did you note something in the behavior?

So on the inflorescences of phacelia, he moved in small dashes. The station is awesome - the outskirts of a field sown with carrots. The edges of the field were not treated with herbicides - there is a lot of milkweed, clover and phacelia kurtinki, and even a fairly large population of single bees. What a pity! There are a lot of abandoned apple, pear and plum orchards around.
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21.06.2019 0:17, Andrei Dolgikh

Can I add a point to the map?

The dot is not a problem, but the evidence flew away!!! frown.gif
N 58o07'09.27'' E 30o38'11.68''
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24.06.2019 0:05, Andrei Dolgikh

A week ago, Satyrium pruni replaced maturna from the inflorescences of umbelliferous plants. Yesterday Satyrium w-album scored the number of a relative. Road puddles are occupied by crowds of pigeons and red thick-headed birds, both types of iridescent birds, mother-of-pearl Argynnis adippe and Argynnis paphia.

This post was edited by major65 - 25.06.2019 00: 18

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w_album.png — (402.53к)

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24.06.2019 7:46, Mantispid

This year, unfortunately for the beetles, turned out to be a butterfly year.

24.06.2019 19:54, Dmitry Vlasov

This year, unfortunately for the beetles, turned out to be a butterfly year.


25.06.2019 0:15, Andrei Dolgikh

I have an interesting place-over the high bank of the river a forest of old oaks. ancient birches, maples, aspens, linden trees, elms and hazel trees in the undergrowth. I went to lunch to see what was going on with the upcoming nut harvest. Mosquitoes, horsefly remains don't count. But here are the hornets!!! I walk, I don't twitch much... they scurry back and forth... he brushed one off with a net. And he stuck to the net! I was about to hit them on the tree, but something stopped me. Lo and behold, it's not a hornet at all. eek.gif Sesia apiformis in person! The hunt has begun. However, not for long - the wind came and it rained. But still, the result is 2 females and a male.

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26.06.2019 11:15, AGG

Who has seen b. m. adult polixena caterpillars and in what area of the HDI ?

27.06.2019 22:30, Andrei Dolgikh

Yesterday I visited my favorite swamp. It's cloudy, not hot, and there are a few stupid horseflies.... On the more or less open part, it is very sad and uninteresting - opletki, but females lazily lay eggs lazily. On the part overgrown with pine trees, it is already more fun - the mass growth of Arichanna melanaria-5-6 pieces are scared off from each pine tree and it turns out that while you are making your way between the pines, a cloud of one and a half dozen butterflies is rushing around you. A swing of the net and 2-3 pieces flutter there.
Well, a photo of the actual biotope and the disguised heroine of the plot.

Image: Arichanna_melanaria. png
Arichanna_melanaria.png — (1.58мб)

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03.07.2019 0:37, Andrei Dolgikh

On the eve of a night thunderstorm, another orgy unfolded in the meadows. There were only a few flying males, but there were 2-3 hanging sausages per square meter. The previous orgy was exactly one month ago. Not quite a good photo at dusk turned out.

This post was edited by major65 - 03.07.2019 00: 40

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15.07.2019 23:36, Andrei Dolgikh

June is slowly receding, with heavy rains, thunderstorms and hail! Today for lunch warmed up to +19!!! And immediately such a surprise - as many as 6 swallowtails around one puddle!!! They run around like crazy, they don't want to get into the frame with the whole crowd. I haven't seen anything like this in a while.

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_______2.png — (340.43к)

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