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20.07.2009 21:22, Stas Shinkarenko

During the week, I lit up the DRV-250 in the evenings on the outskirts of Mikhaylovka, Volgograd region.

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20.07.2009 21:57, barry

During the week, I lit up the DRV-250 in the evenings on the outskirts of Mikhaylovka, Volgograd region.

Super! All the night photos?

21.07.2009 11:19, Alexandr Rusinov

Well, I returned to the city after a month of staying at the biological station of our university (I conducted an internship there for studentsumnik.gif). So far, a brief report on entomological progress. On arrival, on June 14, night fishing was arranged, hawk moth flew in a wave - ocular, blind, aspen, pine. There were also a lot of small things - scoops, moths, micra, but I don't understand teapot.gifthem at all . Among the beetles, the first task was to find out the biology of Ceruchus (Elizar has already written briefly about this). As a result of my research, I managed to catch a certain amount of this species. Of the barbels, the entire usual set was present, Macroleptura thoracica can be noted from interesting species - I caught five specimens, including 3 males, which is interesting in itself - males are rarely found in collections. It was a mistake that these males looked like after participating in fights without rules (although it may have been so). Spondilus buprestoides flew en masse. I caught a specimen of 2 species of creepers-S. carcharias and S. populnea. Occasionally came across bronzes marmorata. Agrilus mendax was found en masse in mountain ash grass. There were quite a lot of small things to sort out and sort out... The weather was very bad - in early July, the temperature did not rise above 12 degrees during the day, and sometimes frost fell at night... However, we also survived this, and in general, I consider the trip quite successful...
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21.07.2009 12:55, Stas Shinkarenko

Super! All the night photos?

I took the first three in the morning, but the beetles flew into the light and spent the rest of the night in a dark box.

22.07.2009 8:39, Dmitry Vlasov

At the weekend, my wife and I went to the camp for my son to go swimming while the weather and water are warm. I did not plan to collect beetles, because the places around ( a couple of km in all directions) are well-trodden and crossed. But I took the stain at the last moment...
After swimming, I decided to take a walk through the thickets of umbrella trees, in case there was something among the banalities. On the third plant, on the stem, I saw a barbel, which I did not expect to catch in the Yaroslavl region-Phytoecia (Musaria) affinis!!! Of course, this is not an Alpine rosalia like Ripper's, but still!!! Moreover, the Ministry of Defense does not have this type, and for the ETR center it is indicated (at least for most regions) based on old data that has not been confirmed by the material...
Naturally, I combed through these thickets up and down. The result - 4 pieces on the zhabriza poreznikova (umbrella was determined by botanists). On the stems of many plants there was rot, and in them (stems) larvae-possibly of this species.
Photo: stallion; dust on the stalk; result.

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22.07.2009 9:54, omar

Moreover, there is no such type in the Ministry of Defense, and it is indicated for the ETR center (at least for most regions) based on old data that has not been confirmed by the material...

Nonsense! This species is present in our fauna, and even I have already caught it (see my last fishing report). Not to mention Nikitsky.
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22.07.2009 15:38, Dmitry Vlasov

Moreover, there is no such type in the Ministry of Defense, and it is indicated for the ETR center (at least for most regions) based on old data that has not been confirmed by the material...

Nonsense! This species is present in our fauna, and even I have already caught it (see my last fishing report). Not to mention Nikitsky.

Omar, sorry - I missed your report... As for the lack of a permit in the Ministry of Defense, I relied on Danilevsky's checklist. In this article, Ph. affinis ukzan refers to the work of Chernyshev (Barbel of the former Kaluga region) and there is no information about the specimens. In the publications of Nikitsky (known to me), this species is also not mentioned...

22.07.2009 16:09, omar

That's right, these publications have not yet been published (we are waiting for the book). But nevertheless, he was caught more than one year ago. The finds are local and are linked to the settled mixed grasses in the south of the region. Well, it's really very unusual for your area. My plant, on which the species is collected, is apparently identical to yours, although I called it a wild carrot. It also likes to feed the caterpillars of swallowtails.
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22.07.2009 16:51, Frantic

And what kind of book should be published?

22.07.2009 17:05, omar

Big book about beetles of the MO. Well-published and generously illustrated.
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22.07.2009 20:14, Frantic

Big book about beetles of the MO. Well-published and generously illustrated.

Awesome And when will it be released approximately? And which families does it cover? In authors - only NB?

22.07.2009 22:20, Liparus

and we should have a new red book of Ukraine, they tried to exclude some species from it ,first of all the swallowtail, but alas, not everything is as simple as they told me

23.07.2009 9:33, omar

Currently under development. A large team of authors takes part. After delivery to the press, it will be possible to talk about deadlines. The project covers all beetle families. Curator-Nikitsky. I won't say much yet, so as not to frighten you. smile.gif
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23.07.2009 10:34, Сергей-Д

yes, they will not exclude any swallowtail, or carrion, or raspberry catocal, etc. As if they hadn't shoved something like that there yet )(

23.07.2009 12:24, svm2

yes, they will not exclude either swallowtail, or carrion, or raspberry catocals, etc. (

I know who writes on butterflies, so according to my data, the first two were excluded in kind
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27.07.2009 8:37, aleko

Briefly. As always, Ryazan region, Kasimovsky district.
By the way, the milkweed cocoonworm (flew en masse) and the blueberry moth - the Red Book of Russia.Moreover, the last capture of the moth dates back to the 20s of the 20th century.

Do you happen to have a list of moths and scoops in the Ryazan region? And then I, as a local resident, am extremely interested, but I can't find it on the Internet in any way.
By the way, I was also very lucky last week: Galatea was caught near Ryazan, which has never been caught in the past 100 years.areas were not confirmed.

27.07.2009 23:42, mikee

Do you happen to have a list of moths and scoops in the Ryazan region? And then I, as a local resident, am extremely interested, but I can't find it on the Internet in any way.
By the way, I was also very lucky last week: Galatea was caught near Ryazan, which has never been caught in the past 100 years.areas were not confirmed.

Find Blinushov in Ryazan, he can probably help with the list. Look at the works of the Author. gosunivera-Kotbegemot sent me a link to the daily list last year-just in case you find what you need there. As for Galatea, I caught a Suvorovka last year, which should also not be smile.gifthere, although sdi claims that in the Morshansky district of the Tambov region (not far from Riazanshina) both species fly together and en masse.

28.07.2009 7:25, aleko

Find Blinushov in Ryazan, he can probably help with the list. Look at the works of the Author. gosunivera-Kotbegemot sent me a link to the daily list last year-just in case you find what you need there. As for Galatea, I caught a Suvorovka last year, which should also not be smile.gifthere, although sdi claims that in the Morshansky district of the Tambov region (not far from Riazanshina) both species fly together and en masse.

I found Blinushov, so far only by phone. Still can't find the time to meet. I can't get away from work, and in the evening and on weekends-a dacha. I'm afraid I won't get this list from him until the fall smile.gif
By the way, Suvorovka is on his list of daytime residents - as a rare migrant. But galatea - only as an unconfirmed species. And in general, the list for 12 years is slightly outdated. There is no egeria in it, and I have it already flying in the country, although it is supposed to live in the forest smile.gif

28.07.2009 8:26, taler

And in general, the list for 12 years is slightly outdated. There is no egeria in it, and I already have her flying in the country, although she is supposed to live in the forest smile.gif
Therefore, no, that in the country.They didn't find it in the forest, but they didn't go into the private sector smile.gif

28.07.2009 8:56, aleko

I just have a dacha on the edge of the forest, so they fly in, who is not supposed to smile.gif

However, we must pay tribute to her: unlike hives, admirals and other nymphalids, they never sat on flowers, only on lilac leaves.

This post was edited by aleko - 07/28/2009 08: 59

29.07.2009 14:48, mikee

I found Blinushov, so far only by phone. Still can't find the time to meet. I can't get away from work, and in the evening and on weekends-a dacha. I'm afraid I won't get this list from him until the fall smile.gif
By the way, Suvorovka is on his list of daytime residents - as a rare migrant. But galatea - only as an unconfirmed species. And in general, the list for 12 years is slightly outdated. There is no egeria in it, and I already have her flying in the country, although she is supposed to live in the forest smile.gif

Please share the results of your meeting with Blinushov later. And then Vlad-Kotbegemot can't find it for two years smile.gifAnd I can't use fresh checklists mol.gif

29.07.2009 14:55, aleko

Please share the results of your meeting with Blinushov later. Vlad-Kotbegemot hasn't been able to find him for two yearssmile.gif, and I need some fresh checklists." mol.gif

Be sure to share, if there is something smile.gif

01.08.2009 16:16, bugslov

Another trip under the Meadow, 2-hour walk on the floodplain of the Meadow in Tolmachev 31.07.2009. There are very few osmoderms, almost all females. From the sawyers, I was pleased with Aromia moscata, well, a bunch of banal Lepturines and the ubiquitous Cetonia aurata.

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02.08.2009 7:52, captolabrus

I'm going to uproot old oak trees for osmoderms.I wonder if there are any near Kostroma?Good morning to all yes.gif
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03.08.2009 17:10, mikee

Ryazan region, Kasimov district, Gus-Zhelezny. Friday to Saturday night: moon, stars, +15, years after 0-30 (arrived late) - disgusting.
Saturday-searches in Dubrava have shown that C. sponsa and C. promissa have not yet flown in this area this year. There are a lot of daytime butterflies, but, for example, there is still no mourning bird. The rest of the background is available. The search for O. eremita in the oak forest was once again unsuccessful. Along the way, only a marble bronze for kazax-a was caught. Tapeworms are postponed until next weekend, you need to try to catch them in the light, and not just on the trunks during the day.
Night from Saturday to Sunday-full moon, light haze, +16. Years plentiful, but not very diverse. Hawkmoth is only pine (flying since the beginning of May and still) and medium wine. Of the dippers, only mendica and fulginosa, both in small quantities. Background scoops and large green moths. Oddly enough, kossuses (woodworm corrosive and, in my opinion, odorous woodworm) flew, which is strange, because before that both species flew in May. There are quite a lot of males and females of cocoonworms: grass and pine, I took them only out of harmfulness - so as not to flit smile.gifaround From 1:30 to 2:00, and ribbon flies arrived. First fulminea (a little late for it, like), then C. electa (if I'm not mistaken with the definition, see the photo) and, finally, a couple of C. nupta.
Sunday - a trip to the abandoned manor house, where powerful old oaks grow in order to search for the same eremita. Alas, Ilya's day with a thunderstorm, so the search had to stop weep.gif"Caught" only a tick, which did not have time to bite.
The result is shown in the photo. Please confirm or deny C. electa (3rd from the left in the second row) and identify the butterfly from the third photo.

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03.08.2009 17:22, DavBaz

Yes..this is electa.It's quite a normal time for fulminea..

This post was edited by DavBaz - 03.08.2009 17: 25
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03.08.2009 17:24, Vlad Proklov

Ryazan region, Kasimov district, Gus-Zhelezny.
Please identify the butterfly from the third photo.

Like, Ptilodon capucina.
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04.08.2009 9:31, Victor Titov

Night from Saturday to Sunday-full moon, light haze, +16. Oddly enough, kossuses (woodworm corrosive and, in my opinion, odorous woodworm) flew, which is strange, because before that both species flew in May.

It seems to me that in your photo not Cossus cossus, but Lamellocossus terebra. However, I'm still in butterflies that special lol.gif

04.08.2009 9:41, omar

Lamellocossus terebra itself

04.08.2009 10:43, Sergey Didenko

I already took it (virtually, he threw out three more pieces) smile.gif

This post was edited on sdi-04.08.2009 10: 44

04.08.2009 11:35, mikee

I already took it (virtually, he threw out three more pieces) smile.gif

smile.gif"Don't make a monster out of me!

04.08.2009 12:25, guest: Yakovlev

To be more precise Acossus terebra

04.08.2009 12:31, Stas Shinkarenko

Somewhat late report. A week ago I was at a campsite in the floodplain of the Medveditsa River in the Mikhailovsky district of the Volgograd region. Upon arrival, I went to the floodplain meadow, where dryads, galatea, mother-of-pearl pandora and pafia flew with might and main, and birch marshmallows pleased me, this year we have a lot of them. I found some frachnik and a leaf-eater. Then I went to the river, on the coastal vegetation there were rainbows and arrows of beauty-girls and shiny, some small dragonflies laid eggs in the water. When I went to the camp site, I met several lucins of the second, less numerous, generation and several liparuses, whom I gave to the "inquisition" for identification to Volgograd specialists. Around 22-00, the sun finally disappeared below the horizon and I ignited the DRV-250. For half an hour, almost no one flew, only a few hawk moth flew past in the dark, not even flying up to the screen. But by 23: 00, the situation had changed. Within 40 minutes, 15 pine hawks, 1 small wine hawk and 2 poplar or oak hawk flew in. Several cocoonworms and tapeworms also arrived. By 00-30, almost no one wanted to please me and I turned off the lamp-I was hoping to drive chubs in the river early in the morning (as a result, I somehow got up at 07-30, instead of the planned five in the morning, but one chub was still tempted by the bait).

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04.08.2009 13:29, Sergey Didenko

smile.gif"Don't make a monster out of me!

The monster is! I'd take all three of them, but I don't think I'm the only one! tongue.gif
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04.08.2009 16:04, mikee

The monster is! I'd take all three of them, but I don't think I'm the only one! tongue.gif

Come on. By your own definition - a garbage butterfly wink.gif
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10.08.2009 15:40, aleko

Ryazan region, pos. Murmino, 2 nights from 7 to 8 and from 8 to 9 August.
The weather is roughly like in the sdi report, only the second night is slightly warmer due to cloud cover,and the weather is much better. On the first night, almost nothing arrived except for the thinworm at the very beginning.
Fishing on the DRV-160 lamp.
In principle, the number of years is very small, almost every butterfly (except for the background ones) is 1, rarely 2-3 pieces.

07-08.08, 20:00-00:30 - full moon, about 8 degrees
08-09.08, 20:00-01:00 - cloudy weather until 00: 30, about 10 degrees

Euthrix potatoria

Agriphila selasella
Agriphila ?inquinatella
?Algedonia terrealis
Dioryctria sylvestrella
Evergestis pallidata
? Opsibotys fuscalis
Scoparia sp

Chiasmia clathrata
Ecliptopera silaceata
Eupithecia icterata
Scopula immorata
Timandra comae
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Xanthorhoe fluctuata

Acronicta rumicis
Agrotis vestigialis
Amphipoea ?fucosa
Autographa mandarina
Calamia tridens
Catocala fraxini
Diachrysia chrysitis
Euxoa temera
Hadena rivularis
Hoplodrina octogenaria
Lacanobia oleracea
Macdunnoughia confusa
Mesapamea secalis
Mesoligia furuncula
Noctua fimbriata
Photedes fluxa
Rivula sericealis
Tholera decimalis
Xestia baja
Xestia xanthographa

Clostera anastomosis
Notodonta dromedarius

Triodia sylvina

Coscinia cribraria-09.08
Phragmatobia fuliginosa-only 08.08
Setina irrorella
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13.08.2009 14:16, aleko

Last night I sat at the dacha under the DRV-160 light bulb.
However, I didn't pick up my catch in a hurry this morning smile.gif, so something I didn't have time to photograph will be waiting for me until Friday and will not be included in the report.
I threw a couple of butterflies in the "definition" branch, the rest are here:

Ryazan region, Murmino, 12avg., 22: 00-24: 00
(then I left the lamp; however, in the morning there was almost nothing new on the screen except Ennomos)

Eilema ?complana
Pelosia muscerda
Phragmatobia fuliginosa

Drepana falcataria
Falcaria lacertinaria

Catarhoe cuculata - too late, isn't it?
Chiasmia clathrata
Ennomos ?erosaria-morning
Epione repandaria
Epirrhoe alternata
Eupithecia icterata
Eupithecia linariata
Geometra papilionaria
Lomaspilis marginata-morning
Macaria ?notata
Pelurga comitata
Scopula immorata
Timandra comae
Xanthorhoe spadicearia

Dendrolimus pini-absolutely fresh. Do they have a second generation?

Agrotis vestigialis
Enargia paleacea
Euxoa ?obelisca
Mesoligia furuncula
Mythimna conigera
Photedes fluxa
Rivula sericealis
Tholera decimalis
Xestia sexstrigata

Clostera curtula
Pheosia gnoma
Pheosia tremula

There were also a couple of large scoops, like P. nebulosa, but I won't lie, because I didn't take them off and didn't take them.
UPD: most likely not nebulosa, but Eurois occulta.

This post was edited by aleko - 13.08.2009 15: 13
Likes: 9

17.08.2009 14:22, Alexandr Rusinov

16.08 our Yaroslavl entomological community (me, Dmitrich and Elizar) gathered for a joint entomological field trip. Dmitrich's long - standing entomological fiefdom, Melenki station in the Rostov region, was chosen as the venue for this event. When Yelizar and I arrived there on a fast train, Dmitritch was already waiting for us as the owner. Immediately, they began mowing down the forest edges in three nets, where, according to Dmitrich, it was possible to catch Lebia cruxminor. There were no lobes - apparently they were washed away by the rains the day before, but several species of cassids were found en masse, which were immediately captured by us. Then we moved on to picking out the bark. Under the bark on the trunk of a cherry tree, apparently cut down by some summer residents, we found silvanus and some mycetophages (not yet determined). They also picked out a pupa, presumably ragius mordox. On a nearby poplar trunk, Elizar caught nekrodes, which he(nekrodes) There everything remained unclear confused.gifand then we went deeper into the forest. There they found a fallen pine tree and of course did not fail to pick it up, they got hold of a handful of bark beetles, and Elizar managed to catch a male acanthocinus (in the upper layer of wood). By the middle of the day, it was warmer and the insects were noticeably more active. There were isolated individuals of stiktoleptura rubra, Stenurella melanura and trichius fasciatus. A lot of different caterpillars came across, some of them we photographed, if anyone knows who it is-tell shuffle.gifme In a rotten piece of wood they picked up several larvae of some horned animals, Elizar took them to bring out. There were aurichalcea chrysolins in the sagebrush, but not many. And finally, a few photos from the exit:
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17.08.2009 14:37, Zhuk

1,3-Acronicta rumicis
2-Acronicta leporina
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17.08.2009 15:38, Victor Titov

1,3-Acronicta rumicis
2-Acronicta leporina

Vo, damn it! I never get tired of wondering how these butterflies run everything! smile.gif Here in beetles: larvae of closely related species have common "features in appearance". But these" relatives " of Acronis are completely different! confused.gif Externally, except for the typical "worm-like" shape - well, nothing in common!

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 17.08.2009 15: 45
Likes: 1

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