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09.06.2009 21:41, mikee

6 numbers one copy. sat on a pole late at night under a street lamp (Voronezh region, Liskinsky district, Divnogorye village).
By the way, the Ministry of Defense had a good year of this species in my memory in 1995.

At my dacha, the view is not exactly ordinary, but also not rare. Annually. Kasimov district, Ryazan region, Gus-Zhelezny. Moreover, I catch it without leaving the yard. I've been planning to fish in the Prioksky meadows and forest clearings for a long time, but I can't get out yet. In the deep autumn, the caterpillars of different bears walk through the forest in droves.

10.06.2009 13:16, aleko

My five kopecks...

Various checkers fly abundantly, although it has not yet reached mathurna.

Myrmidon is not plentiful this year (1st generation), let's see what happens next.

Surprisingly, there are very few hawkmoths (D. porcellus, L. populi, M. tiliae), except for the pine trees S. pinastri.
There were no others at all, although vicgrr caught S. ocellatus within 2 kilometers.

I have a dacha in Murmino, also the Ryazan region and Meshchera, only the southernmost part, 80 km south-west of Gus Zhelezny. I'll add my 3 kopecks this weekend smile.gif
Mathurn - in the pine forest like mud, more than all the other draughtsmen combined. There are plenty of myrmidons in the glades, although, of course, they don't fly in droves, but singly - they met almost without a break. I came across a few zoreks, but somehow I didn't see them at all before frown.gif
There were almost no hawks at night: the moon was too bright. But in the middle of the week I went to spend the night at the dacha, then there was no end of pine, linden and ocular trees (especially from ocular trees - and not a single blind person, and so I hoped every time smile.gif). Medium-sized wine-less, bedstraw and poplar arrived only one at a time.
After 2: 00-the crested birds started flying like mad, but I really wanted to sleep, and in the morning I had to go to work smile.gif
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10.06.2009 21:43, DISAF

This is just a temporary tattoo to secure the butterfly in a shipping box. The fact is that at night, in unsanitary and poorly lit conditions, it is difficult to stick a pin in the cephalothorax correctly, but then you have to re-stick it when straightening. in this case, there may often be two holes. Personally, my opinion is that if the pin is temporarily stuck below the cephalothorax, then it is easier to remove it later and there is less loss for the appearance. I do not impose this on anyone and I am not ready to seriously argue about the correctness of this approach.

I would not advise you to prick butterflies like this - fluids can flow out of the belly,and they will start to get fat faster from this place, especially crested ones.If there is no time and opportunity for tattoos,put them on mattresses.Even easier!
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11.06.2009 15:54, А.Й.Элез

Photos of the Voronezh Region (June 5-8, 2009). Liskinsky, Ostrogozhsky and Pavlovsky districts.

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12.06.2009 11:23, Андреас

- And on the first three photos - Argiades pyrenaicus?
- I have a friend with whom I sometimes travel-from Borisoglebsk-often tells me about these places....

14.06.2009 20:54, Sergey Didenko

We returned with Vladimir from the Shipov forest. It takes 10 hours to get there, and 12 hours to get there. the result for beetles in my opinion is excellent, although Vladimir complains that he caught only 20 types of barbels, and wanted 50. And how many deer he's snatched... smile.gifnot to mention the bronzes, which he's taken out of all kinds of devils, and the big black cricket. For butterflies, everything is much more modest. In addition to 15 species that were new to me, everything else could be caught in much larger quantities at my dacha. Okay, more details when I come to my senses.
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15.06.2009 13:17, Dmitry Vlasov

Finally, since the beginning of the field season, we managed to break out into the woods for two days, so that we could catch fish with feeling, with sense, and with the arrangement. Prior to that, the fees were mostly passing, on the run, or during short trips. The reason was the transfer of a construction team to the university biological station to prepare it for the student SCP. Together with the construction team, several teachers from the biofac and Anthrenus went with them. We arrived at 13 at 11, while people were settling in, I rushed to set traps with apple cider vinegar – the goal was to catch (or not catch) Carabus cancellatus. I have already written that something strange is happening to this species in the Yaroslavl region – it has practically disappeared from all known habitats!!! And our biostation is the place where it was last caught in 2005. While I was digging in glasses, a buzz sounded above my head – a grim smile began to spin, the cap throw did not bring success – the creature flew away. But this fact gave me hope – Anthrenus, and students have not seen this species here for the last couple of years. After putting all the glasses on the perimeter of the biological station, I returned to the lodge, and after lunch we went with Anthrenus to cut birch trees in search of modest hornbills (Ceruchus chrysomelinus) to understand the peculiarities of its biology. This enterprise ended successfully-they found trunks with larvae of three different sizes (apparently development – 4 years), where there were the smallest (mm -7), there were dead females. Also, Anthrenus caught a male in the forest, and I found fragments of birch inhabited by hornbills. Since the biostation was "trampled" far and wide by us, I collected only interesting or rare species. From finds: grim bronzovka (found on the trail. morning); Nivellia sanguinosa; Oxymirus cursor-the female laid her eggs in a pine stump; Diacanthus undulatus and other small things that were not collected. In the morning I went to shoot traps – mostly small things and platitudes made of pterostichus. From the carabids: C. glabratus -1; C. hortensis -1; C. granulatus-a bunch, mostly on the shore, but also found in a relatively dry birch forest (where Carabus cancellatus used to be). There were some small soil elephants in the traps, but I haven't even looked at them yet. Carabus cancellatus - none, apparently extinct???
From butterflies: mnemosines and a lot of them flew, the light of the lamp (near the body) flew crested – hole, some large and rare brush (I don't remember Latin...), someone from the dictaeoides-tremulae pair, and background bears: S. lubricipeda and S. menthastri and some "owl". Since I do not deal with butterflies, they were safely "buried" in the morning... From other bays – a bunch of ticks (about two dozen were "collected" for two) and a sea of mosquitoes - just at my departure, their peak number fell…
In general, I was very satisfied with the trip.

This post was edited by Elizar - 06/15/2009 13: 21
Likes: 15

15.06.2009 14:09, Victor Titov

Hurray! My vacation finally started, and yesterday (14.06) I got out purposefully fishing for the first time. I wanted to explore the area around the city, where in 2007 I discovered Agrilus convexicollis for the first time in the Yaroslavl region. Alas, the undergrowth of ash trees, on the foliage of which these golden beetles were collected two years ago in June, dried up (I suspect that the activity of Agrilus convexicollis is the reason for this), and there were no beetles. There was nothing else to do, so I started mowing for various grasses. The result: several small Ceuthorrhynchus (including those from the subgenus Hadroplontus; more precisely, it will be necessary to understand in detail later), Phyllobius viridicollis (mowed down three specimens), Larinus obtusus, Coenorrhinus germanicus (on meadowsweet). Common lepturine barbels, such as Anastrangalia reyi, Leptura quadrifasciata, Alosterna tabacicolor, and Paracorymbia maculicornis (the most common species), were fed on umbrella plants. I didn't take them, of course, but I collected one copy of Brachyta interrogationis (I didn't have any copies in my collection from the Rostov region before). On a shrubby willow, I mowed down a male of some Labidostomis (with their definition for me a pipe!). From the butterflies flew hives (very much, a new generation), thistles-thistles (very faded and flown, but a lot), some small satyrchiki-sennits and checkers (I'm in them-like a pig in oranges). I met a very fresh, bright, very bright admiral (sorry, he didn't want to pose for me). That's all there is to it. Dashing trouble beginning!!!
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This post was edited by Dmitrich - 06/15/2009 14: 12
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15.06.2009 14:48, Serg Svetlov

Vladimir region, Kolchuginsky district-so I wandered a little over the weekend, picked up.In general, it's boring, everything is painfully familiar and well-known.(from barbels)

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15.06.2009 23:30, BUTTERFLY

June 9 Belgorod region, Stary Oskol, found crawling on the ground (only from the pupa, all crumpled)
Linden hawk moth

June 15, Belgorod region, Stary Oskol - to the light.
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16.06.2009 0:44, Tyomochkin

Sorry for the offtop
On the top photo what are the yellow drops on the wing? Once a hawk moth was bred, these drops (the same can be seen) dried up and fell off with a piece of wing....

16.06.2009 7:42, BUTTERFLY

Tyomochkin, a hawk moth found crumpled, just came out of the pupa, the drops dried up, but the wing was not damaged. And what kind of drops..

16.06.2009 8:11, RippeR

the liquid is the "birth waters" smile.gifin which the butterfly is located inside the pupa.. When hatching, they fall on the wings, and fall off with scales

16.06.2009 20:18, Stas Shinkarenko

I've been to the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain twice in a week, on the other side of the Volga River from Volgograd.

PS. Who wrote to me in a personal account about leaf beetles, please duplicate the message-I read the forum from my mobile phone for almost a month, could not answer, and the message went somewhere.

This post was edited by wise_snake - 16.06.2009 20: 19

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16.06.2009 21:19, RippeR

xylotrechus antelope, kellery, khoroshoo smile.gif
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16.06.2009 22:59, Liparus

I've been to the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain twice in a week, on the other side of the Volga River from Volgograd.

PS. Who wrote to me in a personal account about leaf beetles, please duplicate the message-I read the forum from my mobile phone for almost a month, could not answer, and the message went somewhere.

And how, where did you find an elephant in an oak clearing, if you want to catch it

17.06.2009 8:20, Stas Shinkarenko

And how, where did you find an elephant in an oak clearing,do you want to catch such an elephant?

In the floodplain oak forest on dead and drying oaks. Disguise only these bastards cool! You need to look at every meter of the bark of dead oaks, there and in addition to weevils a lot of interesting things can be caught, all sorts of barbels, butterflies, caterpillars, etc.
Likes: 1

17.06.2009 9:24, Sergey Didenko

/ Voronezh region, Buturlinovsky district, Piramidy village, 11.06.09-14.06.09/

Report on a trip to the Voronezh Region, Shipov les.

So, from the very beginning. As a result, only Vladimir and I were able to go, so the number of cars was reduced to one. Departure took place on June 11 at the most "suitable" time, 11 o'clock in the afternoon at a temperature of plus 30 Celsius. It was great, the Don highway is being repaired in 20 places with all the relevant consequences, plus when leaving Voronezh, we caught a stream of local summer residents. In general, we were in the Shipova forest area around 21.00. It was already getting dark, so we stopped at the first more or less suitable place, turning south from the Pyramid village into the forest and driving along a dirt road for a couple of km. As it turned out later, it was the most intensive year here, but we were poorly equipped, in a hurry, the screen was not hung up, in general, we suffered. At 21.40, "deer" flew, and all males. We were standing at the edge of the forest and they flew out from there and hung at a height of 5-20 meters. As it turned out, they fly poorly into the light, mostly females. We got caught and went to bed around three in the morning.
When I woke up in the morning, I decided to catch diaries. I just didn't understand what they have with the term of the summer in the Voronezh Region. Fly en masse only golubyanka, sennitsa arcania and pamfily plus burdock. Separately, I met mother-of-pearl latonia, a couple of banal whiteflies and thickheads. Not a single draughtsman or egg yolk. And this is the result of fishing in completely different places.
So, not finding the necessary daytime butterflies in the area (although Vladimir picked some beetles on the flowers), we moved to the left bank of the Oseredi River in the steppe areas. The river from Buturlinovka to Dmitrovka was a thin stream, sometimes without open water – in general, a pathetic sight. Here, too, with the day's money was bad.
Then we went to the main area of the Shipova forest from the village of Kozlovki. There they raised the barrier and allowed us to enter the forest without any problems. In the forest, the road was completely broken by logging trucks, plus huge dried-up chunks of earth turned into stones in the sun and peeled off the bottom of the car. Yes, and the forest itself left a heavy impression, it's too dark and gloomy. It is clear that there were no butterflies as a class, but Vladimir clearly collected enough beetles there.
After 2-3 hours, we left there to look for the edge of the forest in a normal picturesque place. Found a few kilometers southeast of the first night camp. The place is very good, on one side hills with meadows blooming in all the colors of the rainbow, on the other a forest, mainly linden, maple, poplar and oak; on the side a steep ravine with a stream, and if you were not too lazy to go down the hill a couple of km, then you could see chalk deposits.
In the evening, an interesting incident happened: a UAZ truck (the first and last car in two days) drives up, five brave fellows get out of it, one is healthier than the other (yes, I forgot to say the UAZ number had the numbers 666) are presented from the supervision of the animal world (what kind of supervision is this?) they find out what we are doing here, and then they tell us that ornithologists have recently come here from VSU, and in general, if we have any problems, or if we need to show you the way, then here is your cell phone, we will always help you. I imagine such a picture in the Ministry of Defense and estimate how much it would cost me (do not forget, a lot of deer have already been caught).
The night was worse than the day before. Yes, ticks, mosquitoes, midges, horseflies were much less than in the MO. The next day, we took turns looking for prey based on our interests (my walks consisted of studying vegetation and terrain, since there were practically no daytime butterflies. Not far from the camp, on a slope, I found a clearing of flowering kirkazon, but polyxena, of course, was no longer there. In the evening, we went along the road to collect dorcash-black could be collected in a bucket, and striped and with a cross found one piece, which is interesting, the one with a cross mated with black (although we saw a bunch of mating pairs of black ones), deciding that there might be black ones of different types, Vladimir decided to take them to the maximum. Here, in general, I attach some photos taken by the phone (the camera did not take) and a list of grandmothers that flew in at night and which I either remembered or took. I don't have any photos of the beetles.Vladimir promised to add them later.

1. Eilema sororcula (Hufnagel, 1766)
2. Cybosia mesomella (Linnaeus, 1758)
3. Atolmis rubricollis (Linnaeus, 1758)
4. Miltochrista miniata (Forster, 1771)
5. Amata phegea (Linnaeus, 1758)
6. Arctia villica
7. Spilosoma lubricipedum (Linnaeus, 1758)
8. Spilosoma lutea (Hufnagel, 1766)
1. Phragmataecia castaneae (Hubner, 1790)
2. Zeuzera pyrina (Linnaeus, 1761)
1. Drepana binaria
2. Drepana harpagula, (Esper, 1786)
3. Tethea ocularis (Linnaeus, 1767)
4. Tethea or (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
5. Thyatira batis (Linnaeus, 1758)
1. Hepialus humuli (Linnaeus, 1758)
1. Macrothylacia rubi (Linnaeus, 1758)
2. Gastropacha populifolia (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
3. Odonestis pruni (Linnaeus, 1758)
1. Apoda limacodes (Hufnagel, 1766)
1. Arctornis l-nigrum (Muller, 1764)
2. Leucoma salicis (Linnaeus, 1758)
3. Calliteara pudibunda (Linnaeus, 1758)
1. Drymonia dodonaea (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
2. Notodonta dromedarius (Linnaeus, 1767)
3. Notodonta ziczac (Linnaeus, 1758)
4. Pheosia gnoma (Fabricius, 1766)
5. Phalera bucephala (Linnaeus, 1758)
6. Ptilodon capucina (Linnaeus, 1758)
7. Cerura erminea (Esper, 1783)
8. Spatalia argentina ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
1. Deilephila elpenor (Linnaeus, 1758)
2. Deilephila porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758)
3. Hyles euphorbiae (Linnaeus, 1758)
4. Hyles gallii (Rottemburg, 1775)
5. Laothoe populi (Linnaeus, 1758)
6. Mimas tiliae, (Linnaeus, 1758)
7. Smerinthus caecus, Menetries, 1857
8. Smerinthus ocellatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
9. Sphinx ligustri
1. Abraxas sylvata (Scopoli, 1763)
2. Angerona prunaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
3. Biston betularia (Linnaeus, 1758)
4. Cepphis advenaria (Hubner, 1790)
5. Chiasmia clathrata (Linnaeus, 1758)
6. Ematurga atomaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
7. Hylaea fasciaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
8. Hypomecis punctinalis (Scopoli, 1763)
9. Hypomecis roboraria (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
10. Lomaspilis marginata (Linnaeus, 1758)
11. Lomographa bimaculata (Fabricius, 1775)
12. Lomographa temerata (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
13. Macaria alternata (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
14. Macaria brunneata (Thunberg, 1784)
15. Macaria liturata (Clerck, 1759)
16. Macaria notata (Linnaeus, 1758)
17. Parectropis similaria (Hufnagel, 1767)
18. Opisthograptis luteolata (Linnaeus, 1758)
19. Plagodis pulveraria (Linnaeus, 1758)
20. Pseudopanthera macularia (Linnaeus, 1758)
21. Siona lineata (Scopoli, 1763)
22. Comibaena bajularia (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
23. Hemithea aestivaria (Hubner, 1789)
24. Thetidia smaragdaria (Fabricius, 1787)
25. Geometra papilionaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
26. Catarhoe cuculata (Hufnagel, 1767)
27. Electrophaes corylata (Thunberg, 1792)
28. Euphyia biangulata (Haworth, 1809)
29. Plemyria rubiginata (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
30. Cyclophora annularia (Fabricius, 1775)
31. Rhodostrophia vibicaria (Clerck, 1759)
32. Timandra comae A. Schmidt, 1931
33. Scopula ornata
34. Scopula immorata (Linnaeus, 1758)
35. Ascotis selenaria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
36. Tephrina arenacearia ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
37. Idaea degeneraria (Hübner, 1799)
38. Lithostege farinata (Hufnagel, 1767)
1. Aedia funesta (Esper, 1786)
2. Acronicta strigosa (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
3. Acronicta auricoma (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
4. Acronicta megacephala (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
5. Craniophora ligustri (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
6. Moma alpium (Osbeck, 1778)
7. Cryphia fraudatricula (Hubner, 1803)
8. Euclidia glyphica (Linnaeus, 1758)
9. Laspeyria flexula (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
10. Pseudoips prasinana (Linnaeus, 1758)
11. Cucullia absinthii (Linnaeus, 1761)
12. Deltote bankiana (Fabricius, 1775)
13. Deltote deceptoria (Scopoli, 1763)
14. Emmelia trabealis (Scopoli, 1763)
15. Protodeltote pygarga (Hufnagel, 1766)
16. Conisania luteago (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
17. Lacanobia contigua (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
18. Lacanobia oleracea (Linnaeus, 1758)
19. Lacanobia thalassina (Hufnagel, 1766)
20. Mythimna ferrago (Fabricius, 1787)
21. Pyrrhia umbra (Hufnagel, 1766)
22. Herminia grisealis (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
23. Hypena proboscidalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
24. Agrotis exclamationis (Linnaeus, 1758)
25. Axylia putris (Linnaeus, 1761)
26. Noctua interposita (Hubner, 1789)
27. Noctua pronuba (Linnaeus, 1758)
28. Ochropleura plecta (Linnaeus, 1761)
29. Xestia c-nigrum (Linnaeus, 1758)
30. Meganola strigula
31. Calophasia lunula (Hufnagel, 1766)
32. Colobochyla salicalis (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
33. Abrostola tripartita (Hufnagel, 1766)
34. Autographa gamma (Linnaeus, 1758)
35. Diachrysia chrysitis (Linnaeus, 1758)
36. Polychrysia moneta (Fabricius, 1787)
37. Tyta luctuosa (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
38. Dypterygia scabriuscula (Linnaeus, 1758)
39. Elaphria venustula (Hubner, 1790)
40. Pseudeustrotia candidula (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
41. Rusina ferruginea (Esper, 1785)
42. Trachea atriplicis (Linnaeus, 1758)
43. Pseudoips prasinana Linn, 1758
44. Callopistria juventina Stoll, 1782
45. Hecatera dysodea (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)

The site is buggy, I can't attach some of the photos!

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17.06.2009 20:54, bugslov

And here's my belated May report.
1st photo All beetles were caught in the vicinity of St. Petersburg in May
2nd photo Leningrad region. Luzhsky district of Tolmachevo ROC June 14, 2009

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17.06.2009 22:53, DISAF

to wise_snake:
Very high-quality shooting!How do you shoot and highlight photos?
For 80% of photos - a solid five plus!
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18.06.2009 12:42, Stas Shinkarenko

to wise_snake:
Very high-quality shooting!How do you shoot and highlight photos?
For 80% of photos - a solid five plus!

Sapop 400D camera, Sigma 50/2.8 macro lens and built-in flash with a diffuser from the Doshirak PBP tray
Yesterday in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain (in catch-up to the previous post):

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19.06.2009 12:48, Stas Shinkarenko

Volgograd region, Mikhailovsky district, Medveditsa river, last Saturday.

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19.06.2009 12:53, Bad Den

2 wise_snake
IMG_3209.jpg -interesting straight-winged birds, I found them on the sandy shores of the Belgorod VDHR-scha
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19.06.2009 13:58, Vlad Proklov

Volgograd region, Mikhailovsky district, Medveditsa river, last Saturday.

2 wise_snake
IMG_3209.jpg -interesting pryamoptera, I found such on the sandy shores of the Belgorod vdhr-shcha

Family Tridactylidae (triperts), Bruntridactylus tartarus, Tridactylus fasciatus and Xya variegata are listed for those places.
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20.06.2009 2:37, Alex D

Question to SDI: while reading your report on a trip to the Voronezh Region, I found the hawk moth Smerinthus caecus in it.Is he also caught in the Thorn Forest?In what quantity?Please specify, pzhl.

20.06.2009 3:37, Sergey Didenko

Question to SDI: while reading your report on a trip to the Voronezh Region, I found the hawk moth Smerinthus caecus in it.Is he also caught in the Thorn Forest?In what quantity?Please specify, pzhl.

One was caught, but there is no absolute guarantee (approximately 95, determined in the nightsmile.gif). Vladimir took it, and I'll check with him next time. There, in general, all hawk moth flew in single copies. A blind person is not uncommon in the Moscow Region, where I have several pieces coming to my dacha every year.

22.06.2009 20:33, Victor Titov

Man believes, but life disposes. How I dreamed of breaking away on vacation, what plans I made for an orderly collection of trophies! So no, there are domestic problems, and, as always, we have to break up. June 21 broke out after all! The action takes place in a mixed forest near the village of Melenki, Rostov district, Yaroslavl region. My goal was to explore the clearing where, three years ago, while fleeing from an impending thunderstorm, I picked up a lone Agapanthia intermedia in the grass that I saw out of the corner of my eye. Subsequent mowing in the same area did not produce any results. This time, the result, although poor, was: two specimens of A. intermedia were mowed down from various grasses with a flowering scabbard. In addition, mowing on mixed grasses and small-leaved undergrowth brought elephants (Magdalis carbonaria, Ceuthorrhynchus sp., Rhynchaenus sp.). Barbels (Lamia textor, Leptura aethiops, Aegomorphus wojtylai - clavipes) were caught by hand. Since according to Filimonov's book "Barbel Beetles of the Leningrad region" Lepturalia nigripes is considered rare (at least for the Leningrad region), I decided to take a small series of this beetle, bearing in mind the preparations for the August congress of the forum (maybe some of my colleagues will need it). From the other - uzkozlatki (apparently, from the group of Agrilus viridis, but you need to look-twirl), Thanatophilus dispar, an infrequent form of Phyllopertha horticola with blue-black elytra, several Cassidas, which need to be subject to the tables to drive. The forest is still full of May beetles, not only females, but also almost undefeated males. Wax machines are used on the flowers. Poplar tapeworms and urticaria fly with might and main from butterflies. Checkers met flown around. A small photo report is attached.

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Lamia textor

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Lepturalia nigripes

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26.06.2009 9:42, Dmitry Vlasov

For almost a week (since Tuesday), I couldn't upload a report, and my Internet was buggy at work. So: As soon as Dmitrich went on vacation, we started planning a joint trip to collect beetles. Scheduled for June 22 (Monday), because he was already engaged by the family on Sunday. But all his plans for departure "broke down" and we postponed the trip. Dmitrich (radish!!!) On Sunday, he left for Melenki without calling me. Therefore, on Sunday I went to the immediate vicinity of Yaroslavl to once again harvest the floodplain oak forest. For forum residents living in the south, oak forests at the latitude of Yaroslavl are extremely uncharacteristic forests. And they meet only in a narrow intermittent strip along the left bank of the Volga. Oaks reach huge (for our region) sizes and beetles are caught there interesting!!!
One of the main points of the program was the search for acorn tendons. I caught one specimen in the oak grove a long time ago, and last year I collected "wormy" acorns and brought out a small series. Among the fairly common acorn fruit tendons (C. glandium), one specimen turned out to have a narrow shield (someone from the C. venosus-pellitus group) and I wanted to rub them to the point of trembling in my knees. Plodozhilov in the end did not find, m. b. have not yet come out (acorns are very small), although I shook all the oaks. But I found an oak tree broken by a storm, on which I caught a series of Scolytus intracatus, Agrilus sulcicollis, and on the leaves I scored Polydrusus mollis. I collected all of them not only for myself, but also for Dmitrich and Anthrenus, who are still not going to be able to seriously catch oak forests… On another oak, sokotochivom, managed to collect Cryptarcha strigata (these "animals" also tend to oak forests). The remaining beetle species found in the oak grove were "background". Interestingly, these oak forests are completely free of specific oak barbels (at least for many years of surveys, no one was found), and oaks are inhabited-Rhagium mordax, Saperda scalaris, Necydalis major...
After the oak forest, I went to a pine forest, where I caught several Phaenops cyanea on a fresh wind channel. Another interesting find is Lymantor coryli on hazelwood. Despite the name "hazel", this bark beetle prefers buckthorn (at least in the north...), on hazel, the discovery of this species in the Yar. region is the first for me.
Parasol beds at the edges were filled with Cetonia aurata, Tricius fasciatus, Oxythyrea funesta, Stenurella melanura, and representatives of the genus Anastrangalia (after collecting a large series and viewing under binoculars, almost all were found to be A. reyi and only one male – A. sanguinolenta). Phyllopertha chorticola, Anomala dubia, Prosternon tesselatum hung out on various grasses and young pine trees...
Of the butterflies were hives, I saw one thistle=burdock, from the inflorescence of snyti I removed some kind of tail (like a plum marshmallow) and an interesting large lion (fly).
In general, the departure did not disappoint!
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28.06.2009 21:23, Sergey Didenko

I will add a little bit to Vadim's message about a trip to the vicinity of the Kr. Mayak. There are not many Apollos, but more than last year. Some are already with burnt-out eyes, others are just getting out and drying.
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I didn't get anything else interesting from the butterflies, although at first, when I caught chernushka, I thought it was something interesting, but after examining it at home, I was convinced that it was a banal fairy. We were struck by large zlatki and their number. I returned from a trip to my dacha, where I fished at night for the light. Almost all of them are solid banals: hawk moth - eye-shaped, pine, linden (interestingly quite fresh), poplar, medium wine; from cocoonworms-ringed, plum and oak-leaved; dippers in general are only the most banal white and yellow, plus sannio and purple. I was pleased with the capture of the crested Furcula bicuspis, this stuff flew to me for the first time. And in general, the concentration of butterflies under the lamp was significantly lower than average, possibly because it was cool (plus 10 at 12 at night). Yes, the most important thing is that at 23.45 a huge rhinoceros arrived for the Ministry of Defense (body about 5 cm, horn 1 cm), at least I haven't come across such "monsters" yet. There are no special photos, but I post what I clicked with my phone.

This post was edited by sdi - 28.06.2009 21: 27

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28.06.2009 21:31, Stas Shinkarenko

Today, the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, near Krasnoslobodsk. I set baits with wine and diluted fermented strawberry jam.

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28.06.2009 22:21, RippeR

Ahe kakbe ret! How many akimeruses! 0_o Everything, I'm going to the forest!111111111adinadinadin

28.06.2009 22:23, RippeR

Oh, there are also kellers!!! 0_sch AAAAAAA I'm jealous!!!!!!!!111 with envy (((((((aaaa aaaa aa

28.06.2009 22:41, Stas Shinkarenko

The baits have been hanging since Wednesday, but I was able to check only today - the barbels flew after three o'clock in the afternoon, I collected deer in the dry foliage around the baits. Surprised by the small number of bronzes.
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28.06.2009 23:39, RippeR

It's a little late for bronzes..
Akimeruses usually start to get active after lunch. Purpurikens probably too )

That's it, I'm going to trap you in the next few days!

28.06.2009 23:41, RippeR

by the way, small zlatka is very beautiful! Some kind of antaxia, like not kratomerus.
what's a big gold coin? This is Dicerca sp. or something else?

28.06.2009 23:46, Fornax13

Little zlatka-kratomerus is just right. Only the tiara.
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29.06.2009 11:11, Stas Shinkarenko

Following up on yesterday's report, in the same place, but a few days earlier.

PS Someone sent me an email today, but because the addressee zbio.net, I thought that this was another message in the personal account (I somehow forgot about the possibility of sending messages via e-mail from the forum), and deleted it without reading it, to my surprise, I didn't find any new messages on the forum.ch. please duplicate... shuffle.gif

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29.06.2009 11:44, Bad Den

Today at 2 am I returned from a short march through the Saratov region. I was there from Friday to Sunday at the invitation of Igor Kryukov, at the deer beetle festival (Alexey Tsylin was already in Saratov at that time). In general, the trip was a success smile.gif
We visited 2 locations - the already known and half-loved surroundings of the village of Melovoe and the hitherto unknown surroundings of the village of Popovka (Saratovsky district).
I caught (except deer) a series of Cicindela sahlbergi (among them there may be C. soluta), 3 species of Anisoplia (you need to look at which ones), aphodia in the light (2-3 species), several species of lepturines from barbels, Purpuricennus kaehleri, Rhopalopus sp.
Well, what can not but please - I talked in good company smile.gif

I'll come home and post pictures.
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29.06.2009 13:57, RippeR

it's especially interesting to see the photo of ropalopus )

29.06.2009 14:34, Serg Svetlov

Which turns out to be macropus (om) smile.gif

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