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05.06.2012 23:46, Maksim M.

You catch linden on the screen-morish - it is green, and you take it to straighten the green is gone-it has become sand, there are modifications, but not in the green.
Likes: 1

06.06.2012 1:30, Liparus

Republic of Tatarstan, Bolshye Bitamany village from May 29 to June 2.

Ground beetle - if Charmosa investigator, then the normal price is about 6 euros

This post was edited by Liparus - 06.06.2012 01: 31

06.06.2012 2:07, niyaz

Ground beetle - if Charmosa investigator, then the normal price is about 6 euros

Wow. I will sell hundreds of investors in bulk for half the price. Just go to the nearest forest park with a lantern))

06.06.2012 17:24, ystinov64

And the suite to select it is rarely luxury And then there are modifications
I do not remember like Koch has in a well known publication I did not get the chance to buy it

Greed,it does not save nature. Linden ,uto BONAL.
Likes: 2

06.06.2012 22:03, Maksim M.

Greed,it does not save nature. Linden ,uto BONAL.

Purely lokhovskaya butterfly-there is no luxury.They fly-I see a candle - all green, raised their wings-even orangeee ... Killed..then I looked-as well as everything that is available..But kilometers of roads M-A-b kill insects 10 times more than all entomologists well, probably in the world, so-you need to pack everything that gets into history, add tropmiki

07.06.2012 9:04, rhopalocera.com


Total met:

1. Carcharodus lavatherae
2. Pyrgus alveus
3. Pyrgus serratulae
4. Pyrgus carthami
5. Pyrgus malvae
6. Pyrgus sidae
7. Ochlodes sylvanus
8. Heteropterus morpheus

1. Iphiclides podalirius

1. Aporia crataegi
2. Colias hyale // C. alfacariensis?
3. Colias chrysotheme

1. Fixsenia pruni
2. Callophrys rubi
3. Neolycaena rhymnus
4. Thersamonolycaena alciphron / / 4 taxa below-the genus Lycaena
5. Thersamonolycaena dispar
6. Thersamonia thersamon
7. Heodes tityrus
8. Glaucopsyche alexis
9. Maculinea arion // Phengaris
10. Lycaeides argyrognomon // Plebeius
11. Plebeius argus
12. Eumedonia eumedon
13. Cupido osiris
14. Cupido alcetas
15. Cupido minimus
16. Pseudophilotes vicrama
17. Agrodiaetus damone // Polyommatus
18. Polyommatus icarus
19. Polyommatus boisduvalii // P. eros
20. Cyaniris semiargus
21. Plebicula amandus / / Polyommatus (and torments in the same place)
22. Plebicula thersites

1. Neptis sappho Pallas
2. Neptis rivularis
3. Vanessa cardui
4. Aglais urticae-new generation
5. Nymphalis xanthomelas-a new generation
6. Argynnis aglaja
7. Brenthisino8
. Clossiana euphrosyne / / Boloria
9. Mellicta britomartis // Melitaea
10. Melitaea cinxia
11. Melitaea phoebe
12. Melitaea didyma
13. Melitaea robertsi / / requires verification

1. Melanargia russiae
2. Oeneis tarpeia
3. Coenonympha pamphilus / / Chortobius (and arcania also)
4. Coenonympha arcania
5. Lopinga achine

07.06.2012 15:18, Penzyak

"on June 02 once again visited the most abundant places of Tatarstan - Bugulminsky district. The purpose of the trip is to catch Neolycaena rhymnus that has not been caught before. The supposed places of its habitat did not have to be chosen for a long time – on the slope chosen last year, all the legs were stripped off by a frutex clump. And our hopes were fulfilled - Neolycaena rhymnus has been here for hundreds of years. jump.gif ! It got to the point that, having caught a series and switched to other local inhabitants, when the latter were caught in the net, they constantly turned out to be accidentally captured drones. In addition to the Rimnov, the slope once again pleased with other pleasant finds – Carcharodus lavatherae, previously known from Tatarstan from a single specimen, was caught here (we managed to catch one female, we missed a couple more); Thersamonia thersamon, which we first discovered last year in the Republic of Tatarstan, and Pyrgus carthami, which is rare in our country, flew. We also managed to catch Agrodiaetus damone, which last year were here in mid-July. It will be interesting to find out how many generations it gives us, since in the Southern Urals, according to lit. data, it seems to be one. So, either this is the standard time for the spring generation, or (which is more likely, given the current year) – an abnormally early year of the only summer one. However, then, probably, we should count on a super-smart second generation at the end of the summer – in general, let's try to find out. Well, for dessert, I managed to get hold of the only strongly beaten female Melitaea roberti, which I previously caught only in the Orenburg region at the beginning of this May.
In addition to the steppe slope, we stopped at the edge of an oak-lime forest, where, to my indescribable joy, a single Pyrgus sidae was caught, previously known from the Republic of Tatarstan also from one specimen. Iphiclides podalirius were also flying (or rather, they were practically just sitting on flowers), Melitaea cinxia (mostly unusually dark females) flew in the mass, Maculinea arion, chervonets and ordinary thick - headed birds, as well as one male Polyommatus boisduvalii (taking into account last year's ones - the third specimen in the Republic of Tatarstan from another point). Several Cupido alcetas, which had never been seen before, were gathered in a shady clearing with elm trees.
Much has already been said about the abnormally shifted timing of butterfly summers, but I can't help but repeat myself. When will Callophrys rubi and Argynnis aglaja be found in another clearing? And, having caught the last one (male), I didn't take it, because ... flown around and without a piece of wing! Then, however, I immediately caught a fresh female aglai. And the freshest Aglais urticae and Nymphalis xanthomelas (summer generation), and the mass of Melanargia russiae, many males of which, judging by their condition, flew for at least a week? Well, at least we haven't met the Briseids and Arethuses, so we'll wait for them by mid-June."

- Yes, an IMPRESSIVE list of bull-moustaches... I hope there will also be photos of straightened specimens (I know about-Agrodiaetus damone, Melitaea robertsi, Polyommatus boisduvalii and a number of other species).
Nail-Congratulations on such wonderful finds in the north of the Volga region!!! Question: for what period of time and how many people caught these butterflies!?? Judging by the list of your pennies in Tatarstan, you will have more interesting pigeons...

This post was edited by Penzyak - 07.06.2012 15: 22

07.06.2012 19:21, Krupskyi

"on June 02 once again visited the most abundant places of Tatarstan - Bugulminsky district. The purpose of the trip is to catch Neolycaena rhymnus that has not been caught before. The supposed places of its habitat did not have to be chosen for a long time – on the slope chosen last year, all the legs were stripped off by a frutex clump. And our hopes were fulfilled - Neolycaena rhymnus has been here for hundreds of years. jump.gif ! It got to the point that, having caught a series and switched to other local inhabitants, when the latter were caught in the net, they constantly turned out to be accidentally captured drones. In addition to the Rimnov, the slope once again pleased with other pleasant finds – Carcharodus lavatherae, previously known from Tatarstan from a single specimen, was caught here (we managed to catch one female, we missed a couple more); Thersamonia thersamon, which we first discovered last year in the Republic of Tatarstan, and Pyrgus carthami, which is rare in our country, flew. We also managed to catch Agrodiaetus damone, which last year were here in mid-July. It will be interesting to find out how many generations it gives us, since in the Southern Urals, according to lit. data, it seems to be one. So, either this is the standard time for the spring generation, or (which is more likely, given the current year) – an abnormally early year of the only summer one. However, then, probably, we should count on a super-smart second generation at the end of the summer – in general, let's try to find out. Well, for dessert, I managed to get hold of the only strongly beaten female Melitaea roberti, which I previously caught only in the Orenburg region at the beginning of this May.
In addition to the steppe slope, we stopped at the edge of an oak-lime forest, where, to my indescribable joy, a single Pyrgus sidae was caught, previously known from the Republic of Tatarstan also from one specimen. Iphiclides podalirius were also flying (or rather, they were practically just sitting on flowers), Melitaea cinxia (mostly unusually dark females) flew in the mass, Maculinea arion, chervonets and ordinary thick - headed birds, as well as one male Polyommatus boisduvalii (taking into account last year's ones - the third specimen in the Republic of Tatarstan from another point). Several Cupido alcetas, which had never been seen before, were gathered in a shady clearing with elm trees.
Much has already been said about the abnormally shifted timing of butterfly summers, but I can't help but repeat myself. When will Callophrys rubi and Argynnis aglaja be found in another clearing? And, having caught the last one (male), I didn't take it, because ... flown around and without a piece of wing! Then, however, I immediately caught a fresh female aglai. And the freshest Aglais urticae and Nymphalis xanthomelas (summer generation), and the mass of Melanargia russiae, many males of which, judging by their condition, flew for at least a week? Well, at least we haven't met the Briseids and Arethuses, so we'll wait for them by mid-June."

- Yes, an IMPRESSIVE list of bull-moustaches... I hope there will also be photos of straightened specimens (I know about-Agrodiaetus damone, Melitaea robertsi, Polyommatus boisduvalii and a number of other species).
Nail-Congratulations on such wonderful finds in the north of the Volga region!!! Question: for what period of time and how many people caught these butterflies!?? Judging by the list of your pennies in Tatarstan, you will have more interesting pigeons...

Thanks! We catch butterflies together with a friend. All these species were caught within a few hours, practically only at two points. Over the past two years, we went to Bugulma no more than 7 times on one day, caught in the same places. Last year, we managed to find a wonderful settled slope, where a lot of rarities fly: riparti, damone, damon, vikrama, tersamon, baviy, rimnus, lavatare, kartami, ferula, robertsey, chrysotheme and probably something else I forgot. I was so used to catching new species that I was already dreaming of Phryne and Afra in RT - what if? Last year's Damone and Boisduvali will post in the topic with pigeons.

07.06.2012 19:23, rhopalocera.com

Thanks! We catch butterflies together with a friend. All these species were caught within a few hours, practically only at two points. Over the past two years, we went to Bugulma no more than 7 times on one day, caught in the same places. Last year, we managed to find a wonderful settled slope, where a lot of rarities fly: riparti, damone, damon, vikrama, tersamon, baviy, rimnus, lavatare, kartami, ferula, robertsey, chrysotheme and probably something else I forgot. I was so used to catching new species that I was already dreaming of Phryne and Afra in RT - what if? Last year's Damone and Boisduvali will post in the topic with pigeons.

Phryne and Afra are more than likely. you need to search in late April or early May.

07.06.2012 20:47, Krupskyi

Phryne and Afra are more than likely. you need to search in late April or early May.

I know. We've already missed it this year. By the way, a friend was in Marika on the marshes at the end of May and saw, apparently, jutta. It will be necessary to deal specifically with this issue next year.

08.06.2012 9:44, Macroglossum


Tell me, do Polyxena's "geese" still crawl or pupate? You need to go for them, but there is no information(

08.06.2012 11:45, aleko

Tell me, do Polyxena's "geese" still crawl or pupate? You need to go for them, but there is no information(

I will be able to say for sure now only on June 13, until then I will be at the dacha, and the "their internets" have not yet been conducted there smile.gif
But actually, I didn't even see them the previous weekend. True, it was cold, and I didn't purposefully look for them. According to previous years, I can say that I met quite young caterpillars on June 10-15, when the kirkazon was almost fading and quite decent "cones" were tied. And last weekend, it just seemed to be in full bloom.
Here is a photo from 11/06/2007 for an example:
picture: 11_06_2007.jpg

08.06.2012 12:24, Macroglossum

I will be able to say for sure now only on June 13, until then I will be at the dacha, and the "their internets" have not yet been conducted there smile.gif
But actually, I didn't even see them the previous weekend. True, it was cold, and I didn't purposefully look for them. According to previous years, I can say that I met quite young caterpillars on June 10-15, when the kirkazon was almost fading and quite decent "cones" were tied. And last weekend, it just seemed to be in full bloom.
Here is a photo from 11/06/2007 for an example:
picture: 11_06_2007.jpg

Thank you very much, so on Tuesday we can already go to your place to collect. This year is early and kirkazon is at Moscow Time.... Well, you know only nearby In the PTZ and on the Black, but such damn routes that it is better for kormovukhoy nedostayushchey go back to vam

08.06.2012 12:29, aleko

This year is early and kirkazon is at Moscow Time.... Well, you know only nearby In the PTZ and on Chernaya, but such damn routes that it's better for kormovukhoy nedostayushchey to return to you

Well, we also have all the places not too close to the highway. I suspect that the closest point to the M5 (taking into account the quality of the road) - just the same in "your" Alpatievo will be smile.gif

08.06.2012 12:52, Macroglossum

Well, we also have all the places not too close to the highway. I suspect that the closest point to the M5 (taking into account the quality of the road) - just the same in" your " Alpatievo will be smile.gif

On Chernaya, the nearest point of kirkazon is Well, not on the most, but on the Pens, which are closed to this day after the establishment of a shitocracy in the country

08.06.2012 12:55, Macroglossum

Yes, and in Beloomut there is only kirkazon to cut to it (to Oksky small lakes) long enough

08.06.2012 13:03, aleko

Yes, and in Beloomut there is only kirkazon to cut to it (to Oksky small lakes) for quite a long time

As a matter of fact, I meant that there are places closer to them, but you can only go a few miles on foot, or on completely ruined roads. To Alpatievo, at least, from the highway was quite a decent road 4 years ago (later I did not go there).

08.06.2012 13:14, Macroglossum

Well, yes Alpatievo, oh if the post of a hippopotamus and a lepidopterologist, we will all rush here for polyxenes near Moscow, then it will be YOY

08.06.2012 13:17, Sergey Didenko

As a matter of fact, I meant that there are places closer to them, but you can only go a few miles on foot, or on completely ruined roads. To Alpatievo, at least, from the highway was quite a decent road 4 years ago (later I did not go there).

Near the PTZ right under the highway (Simferopol), under the bridge over Sushka, where all mnemosyne is caught, kirkazon grows 2 m from the asphalt...

08.06.2012 13:19, Macroglossum

Near the PTZ right under the highway (Simferopol), under the bridge over Sushka, where all mnemosyne is caught, kirkazon grows 2 m from the asphalt...

And I wrote that in the PTZ Only I haven't been there for a long time 17 years like that and I don't get any bad weather

08.06.2012 13:23, Macroglossum

Near the PTZ right under the highway (Simferopol), under the bridge over Sushka, where all mnemosyne is caught, kirkazon grows 2 m from the asphalt...

You mean on the classic nemozyatnik? So it has not been there for a long time in those quantities that earlier I had in mind for Drying further

08.06.2012 13:27, Sergey Didenko

You mean on the classic nemozyatnik? So it has not been there for a long time in those quantities that earlier I had in mind for Drying further

I do not know how many there were before, but right under the kirkazon bridge there is enough to feed several hundred polyxenes smile.gif

08.06.2012 13:34, aleko

Well, yes Alpatievo, oh if the post of a hippopotamus and a lepidopterologist, we all rush here for polyxenes near Moscow, then it will be YO

Here you are absolutely right! We have almost killed one of the best paleontological points with the release of the Middle Callovian in Nikitino in 2010. When it was hot and the water in the Oka River dropped to a hundred-year low, Muscovites came along, you know, and excavated almost the entire coast along the entire length of the Callovian outlet. Otherwise, it can no longer be called barbarism.

08.06.2012 13:35, Macroglossum

I do not know how many there were before, but right under the kirkazon bridge there is enough to feed several hundred polyxenes smile.gif

Thank you, Sergey. I really don't know which is more convenient - to Serpukhov and then take the bus over the bridge or along the Kazanka River to Fruit

08.06.2012 13:41, Macroglossum

Here you are absolutely right! We have almost killed one of the best paleontological points with the release of the Middle Callovian in Nikitino in 2010. When it was hot and the water in the Oka River dropped to a hundred-year low, Muscovites came along, you know, and excavated almost the entire coast along the entire length of the Callovian outlet. Otherwise, it can no longer be called barbarism.

So what? You can't dig there any more? I'm in paleontology only for Spielberg's Jurassic Park))) Nooo you get critical, we will not be able to rob everything anyway, even if hundreds per hectare)))

08.06.2012 13:54, aleko

So what? You can't dig there any more? I'm in paleontology only for Spielberg's Jurassic Park))) Nooo you get critical, we will not be able to rob everything anyway, even if hundreds per hectare)))

There was practically nothing left within reach of the man with the shovel. After all, there is a small, condensed layer there - in reality, the thickness of the concretion layer with ammonites is about half a meter, and where it is even less, the rest is clay-sandy detritus (apparently, the coastal zone), in which nothing could be preserved, everything was crushed by the surf. But the saddest thing is that the paleontological deposits are not renewable, as you know.
In thousands of years, the Eye will have washed away the eastern root bank and something will come out again-if they give it to us, of course...

08.06.2012 14:04, Macroglossum

There was practically nothing left within reach of the man with the shovel. After all, there is a small, condensed layer there - in reality, the thickness of the concretion layer with ammonites is about half a meter, and where it is even less, the rest is clay-sandy detritus (apparently, the coastal zone), in which nothing could be preserved, everything was crushed by the surf. But the saddest thing is that the paleontological deposits are not renewable, as you know.
In thousands of years, the Eye will have washed away the eastern root bank and something will come out again-if they give it to us, of course...

But you also have finds like shark jaws worth oh-my not that pohanaya polyxena on bursasmile.gif

08.06.2012 14:11, Macroglossum

I made a joke about what money has to do with it... I have a friend to whom the Germans offered a lot of money for a collection of ammonites and generally offered to work for themselves, he refused By the way, you know that many people came to paleontology from entomology well, from Moscow State University there is no data about the province

08.06.2012 14:30, aleko

I made a joke about what money has to do with it... I have a friend who was offered a lot of money by the Germans for a collection of ammonites and generally offered to work for themselves.

Yes, there are still heroes on the Russian land! smile.gif
It is clear that both paleontology and entomology, in principle, overlap in many ways. Even in the fields, they often go hand in hand. Sometimes, you dig for ammonites - and then some swallowtail curls next to you, runs up, panimesh. I have accumulated a whole series of pictures of butterflies on my hand, stained with Jurassic or chalk clay smile.gif

08.06.2012 14:33, aleko

By the way, about the intersection. We have several places in the country where lake sediments with paleontomofauna are found. that's where I've been dreaming of going for a long time, but all the time is not located frown.gif

08.06.2012 14:42, Macroglossum

By the way, about the intersection. We have several places in the country where lake sediments with paleontomofauna are found. That's where I've been dreaming of going for a long time, but I still don't have time frown.gif

To be honest, I only read about the entomofauna of the Jurassic period

08.06.2012 14:56, aleko

To be honest, I only read about the Jurassic entomofauna from Ross

Well, you can take a lower one, for example, the Permian period: http://www.perm-kray.ru/pam035-1.htm

08.06.2012 15:12, Macroglossum

Well, you can take a lower one, for example, the Permian period: http://www.perm-kray.ru/pam035-1.htm

And our scales? There are only cockroaches in Perm))))

08.06.2012 15:20, aleko

  А наша чешуя? В перми одни тараканы))))

абыжаете, там жуки есть и даже ручейники smile.gif
А чешуя действительно, в юре. Вроде бы в оренбуржье находили, но это надо уже целенаправленно инфу копать.

08.06.2012 15:50, Macroglossum

  абыжаете, там жуки есть и даже ручейники smile.gif
А чешуя действительно, в юре. Вроде бы в оренбуржье находили, но это надо уже целенаправленно инфу копать.

Ну да надо это очень интересует.. Спасибо))) Фантазия разыгралась)))

08.06.2012 16:00, lepidopterolog

A very useful monograph on the topic

download file Fossil_Lepidoptera.pdf

size: 2.61 mb
number of downloads: 2949

Likes: 3

08.06.2012 16:30, Macroglossum

A very useful monograph on the topic

download file Fossil_Lepidoptera.pdf

size: 2.61 mb
number of downloads: 2949

I don't know shuffle.gifPopindo

08.06.2012 16:31, Macroglossum

But thanks anyway (blew the dust off the dictionary)smile.gif

08.06.2012 16:52, lepidopterolog

Google Translate to help smile.gif

08.06.2012 16:55, vasiliy-feoktistov

abyzhayut, there are beetles and even caddis flies smile.gif
And the scales are really in the Jurassic. It seems to be found in the Orenburg region, but it is necessary to purposefully dig up information.

I'm sorry to interruptmol.gif, but in that case, just welcome to rusavkinsky quarries (true, one is now left, and the second is under Solid waste landfill "Torbeevo". In the first quarry, you can still find a lot of things beer.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 08.06.2012 17: 13
Likes: 2

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