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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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25.09.2018 22:07, Andrei Dolgikh

Vlad probably found the point interesting for mapping...
The view seems to be quite southern.

Someone I just doubted, and maybe it wasn't her shuffle.gifIf I'm wrong, please correct. Photo attached

Image: P1020749. png
P1020749.png — (68.77к)

25.09.2018 22:20, Alexandr Zhakov

Someone I just doubted, and maybe it wasn't her shuffle.gifIf I'm wrong, please correct. Photo attached

Moma alpium
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25.09.2018 22:29, Andrei Dolgikh

Moma alpium

That's right, she is!!!! But what was she doing there at the end of August? confused.gif

25.09.2018 22:39, Vlad Proklov

That's right, she is!!!! But what was she doing there at the end of August? confused.gif

In general, lights out, of course - but what is happening this season in Russia with the timing of summer-I myself * * * * * was amazed!
However, for you and Moma - Southerner, so the point is interesting to learn wink.gif

By the way, in Novgorod region Mironov from ZIN seems to have started publishing - you might have cooperated, or something - more points in publications, new views for sure...

25.09.2018 23:38, Andrei Dolgikh

In general, lights out, of course - but what is happening this season in Russia with the timing of summer-I myself * * * * * was amazed!
However, for you and Moma - Southerner, so the point is interesting to learn wink.gif

By the way, in Novgorod region Mironov from ZIN seems to have started publishing - you might have cooperated, or something - more points in publications, new views for sure...

Latitude 58° 7 '19.88" S
Longitude 30°41 '9.54" B
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26.09.2018 23:08, Andrei Dolgikh

28.09.2018 10:51, Andrey Bezborodkin

I was here during the winter and once offered to help collect materials on our region. Who responded-those caught. Apparently, Mironov is not present here confused.gif

Vladimir Georgievich is engaged in pyadenitsy and is absent from the forum, like many Prof. entomologists. Yes, in the Novgorod region. published on bulavousym and sovkoobrazny. Before that, I went there and collected data. These articles are published in the journals" Eversmannia " for 2016

28.09.2018 18:13, Andrei Dolgikh

Vladimir Georgievich is engaged in pyadenitsy and is absent from the forum, like many Prof. entomologists. Yes, in the Novgorod region. published on bulavousym and sovkoobrazny. Before that, I went there and collected data. These articles were published in the journals" Eversmannia " for 2016.

Pechalka, of coursefrown.gif, can be a pro and self-sufficient, but I think that just amateurs could provide them with invaluable help.
I am familiar with Matov's publications. You can't cover all the species diversity by spotting them.

30.09.2018 12:43, Sergey Didenko

So the first frosts passed through the Moscow region. The season is over, poplar cocoonworms and plumigers are flying. True, finally there were mushrooms! On the other hand, lacids and eriogasters, whose caterpillars we collected during our May trip in southern Kazakhstan, began to be bred. Now I'm waiting for the peacock eyes to come out. So the first peacock's eye came out smile.gifand Japanese moth orthogrammaria flew... The season is over, now 7 months in advance...

This post was edited by sdi - 07.10.2018 22: 42

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12.10.2018 18:21, insectamo

Korolev, on the trunk of a linden tree, today

picture: IMG_8703.jpg
IMG_8703.jpg — (151.27к)

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18.10.2018 17:26, Andrey Ponomarev

of the 2018 seasonZhukovo Ramenskoye district, 17.10.2018, sunny, almost calm, temperature +18.
Mowed on the grass, a lot of wintering caterpillars scoop and moth, caught two lozhnogusenitsy sawflies, two males Gonepteryx rhamni, micra is but a little mostly Diurnea lipsiella. Not many beetles.
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I collected almost 100 minutes of Ectoedemia argyropeza for breeding, since it is not difficult to search for them because of the green leaf fragment.
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I also found mines on the oak litter, but I don't know if it's Nepticulidae or something else. There are not many of these mines.
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Small rabid Colias hyale
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Padded Diurnea lipsiella
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XS Chrysolina variants?
picture: IMG_0698________________.jpg
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There are still two cows that were not filmed.
So see you next year.

This post was edited by Gennadich - 18.10.2018 18: 21
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18.10.2018 18:30, AGG

End of the 2018 season

XS Chrysolina variants?

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19.10.2018 13:26, Svyatoslav Knyazev

TSHA Park Just now. I collected 7 pieces of orthogrammaries, saw several operopters. I didn't see anything else...
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19.10.2018 13:32, insectamo

TSHA Park Just now. I collected 7 pieces of orthogrammaries, saw several operopters. I didn't see anything else...

"7 pieces of orthogrammaria" - is it males?

19.10.2018 14:33, Svyatoslav Knyazev

"7 pieces of orthogrammaria" - is it males?

Yes, I found only males, I didn't see any females
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08.01.2019 19:37, Andrey Ponomarev

On January 1, I took out wintering pupae from the balcony.
Here is one of the first ones that was born.
Lycia pomonaria (Hubner, 1792)
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Zhukovo village. the caterpillar was collected on 7.06.2018 in a hazel grove
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And these are the differences in caterpillars
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09.01.2019 18:09, Andrey Ponomarev

Dasystoma salicella (Hübner, 1796) female
, m. o., village. Voynovo mountain, caterpillar mowed down from the briar 11.08.2018
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05.02.2019 23:02, Andrey Ponomarev

Hemaris fuciformis (Linnaeus, 1758)
M. O., Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, Nerskaya station, caterpillar mowed down from the forest honeysuckle 14.07.2018
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05.02.2019 23:06, Andrey Ponomarev

Dyseriocrania subpurpurella (Haworth, 1828)
M. O., Voynovo mountain station, mines collected on an oak tree 22.05.2018
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06.02.2019 17:06, Andrey Ponomarev

Ectoedemia argyropeza (Zeller, 1839)
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Zhukovo village, mines on aspen 17.10.2018 (post above)
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06.02.2019 20:13, Vlad Proklov

Eriocranium output is something!
Medal "for courage and recklessness" to Gennadich! =)

06.02.2019 21:02, Kharkovbut

Eriocranium output is something!
Medal "for courage and recklessness" to Gennadich! =)
What eriocranias? smile.gif

06.02.2019 21:09, Vlad Proklov

What eriocranias? smile.gif

Duc above - D. subpurpurella!
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06.02.2019 21:22, Kharkovbut

Duc above - D. subpurpurella!
Ah, I blundered and didn't look at the previous page... smile.gif

06.02.2019 22:25, Andrey Ponomarev

Eriocranium output is something!
Medal "for courage and recklessness" to Gennadich! =)

And why for recklessness?
So it is not difficult to display them at all, you just need to give the caterpillars during the ground.

06.02.2019 22:27, Vlad Proklov

And why for recklessness?
So it is not difficult to bring them out at all, you just need to give the caterpillars during the ground.

Yes, they will die in 99% of cases ))
But see - you did it, cool!

06.02.2019 22:31, Andrey Ponomarev

Tischeria dodonaea (Stainton, 1858)
Moscow region, pos. Voynovo gora, mines on the oak 15.09.2018
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24.02.2019 11:39, Andrey Ponomarev

Today there was such a miracle.
Who can identify him. I know who it is because I brought it out of the egg, and it's fun for you.
Let's see who finds out first.
M. O.. Poplar
picture: IMG_3827.JPG
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24.02.2019 12:50, TEMPUS

Today there was such a miracle.
Who can identify him. I know who it is because I brought it out of the egg, and it's fun for you.
Let's see who finds out first.
M. O .. Poplar
picture: IMG_3827.JPG

Hydria undulata

24.02.2019 13:12, Andrey Ponomarev

  Hydria undulata

That's right, here's her sister
picture: IMG_6065.JPG
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06.03.2019 10:12, Mantispid

Dear Muscovites,

please recommend places where here in MO you can pick up beetles in the spring (ideally, if you could get there by train), you are interested in weevils of the genera Anthonomus and Dorytomus. Something like dry forest edges with mountain ash, hawthorn, apple, poplar. Maybe someone knows specific points? I will be grateful)
Or maybe someone for the company wants?)
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06.03.2019 17:04, Andrey Ponomarev

Dear Muscovites,

please recommend places where here in MO you can pick up beetles in the spring (ideally, if you could get there by train), you are interested in weevils of the genera Anthonomus and Dorytomus. Something like dry forest edges with mountain ash, hawthorn, apple, poplar. Maybe someone knows specific points? I will be grateful)
Or maybe someone for the company wants?)

And when is this spring?

06.03.2019 17:50, Mantispid

And when is this spring?

I'm ready now. But I think-April.

07.03.2019 22:42, Andrey Ponomarev

I'm ready now. But I think it's April.

April is still a long way off. It is necessary that the foliage at least slightly appeared.

07.03.2019 22:43, Andrey Ponomarev

And who will identify this instance first.
picture: IMG_9210.JPG
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07.03.2019 23:04, I.roK.ez

And who will identify this instance first?

Mesoleuca albicillata confused.gif

This post was edited by I. roK. ez-07.03.2019 23: 05

07.03.2019 23:25, Andrey Ponomarev

Mesoleuca albicillata confused.gif

All correct yes.gif

14.03.2019 13:46, Sergey Didenko

On the night of Sunday to Monday, the first scoops flew in Moscow, while wintering, there was a transverse and conister vaccinia smile.gif
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01.04.2019 9:19, СаняМухолов

On Sunday, I took a walk in my village. Sverdlovsk, near Shchelkovo. I met a MOURNER! Well, the ticks got in.

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03.04.2019 17:22, Mantispid

April 3, 2019

Great weather in Moscow today! Warm, nice, sunny! I drove to Khripan to check out the belt traps I set up last week. I got a couple of doritomuses and a cool leaf eater (something like Hydrothassa). But mostly boredom - spiders, ground beetles... Two traps in the poplars were torn down by someone, judging by the tracks - a horse. I had a great walk. Butterflies fly - lemons, mournbirds, small nymphalids. Flies, the first bumblebees, infernal hordes of evil formics. Spring has come!

p. s. sorry for the quality, I don't have a photo camera here, so I had to shoot it from my phone)

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