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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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18.04.2018 6:42, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Moscow region, 16.04.2018
Triphosa dubitata

Gennadich, put aside for me one or two dubitaty pliz! until autumn.

18.04.2018 11:34, mikee

Landscape reserve "Teply Stan"
Everything is slowly coming to life
user posted image

Am I the only one who seems to come alive on a pin? confused.gif
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18.04.2018 14:23, molek

Am I the only one who seems to come alive on a pin? confused.gif

This particular one was not affected smile.gif

18.04.2018 15:30, CosMosk

The snow lingered, but melted quickly. Spring is quite normal, and the weather corresponds to the Feng Shui calendar of the 90-00s. So the rain break came today - by mid-April.
12.4.18 art.Spring-UAH. Hazel blossoms. the mother-stepmother is plentiful by the new road: with honeybees, but Andren and halictides did not see. urticaria-buckthorn-spring (a lot). layers of snow only in the forest-ravines. Klimovsk (Grivno station) - obykn newts spawned in a ditch near the road."a lot. Wintering hornet in the soil under an overhanging aspen log. The apartment was checked by the fly Fannia canicularis, but she didn't stay long.
picture: DSC04657_2.jpg
17.4.18 Sherbinka-Bitsa-the first Medunitsy bloomed locally, and greens in the salad-snyt and meadowsweet. Piles of last year's clay for construction - surepka, mother-stepmother, chamomile with buds and flowers (late until spring) - Lygus, Ceutorhynus barbareae fly; on puddles dolichopodidae, water skaters. in the evening, without the sun, a cow like the usual Calvia flew in the volosistoosokov lipnyak - I didn't chase to catch it. Semioscopes and other moths and leafworms in general have not yet been emptied. The buds of honeysuckle and some others are noticeably swollen, and there are quite a few flowering willows (goat) and in some places, some of the buds-inflorescences are still barely covered.
The first house fly broke into the apartment and immediately suffered.
picture: DSC04664_.jpg
picture: DSC04655_.jpg

This post was edited by CosMosk - 18.04.2018 15: 39
Likes: 10

18.04.2018 18:31, Andrey Ponomarev

Gennadich, put aside for me one or two dubitaty pliz! until autumn.

Good yes.gif
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11.05.2018 13:16, Andrey Ponomarev

It looks like we won't get a report from lepidopterologa, although we promised. Apparently very busy.
Then fill in this gap.
Tolya Krupitsky came to me in Poplar on May 2, the sun shone on the swamp, it was not so hot. Tremulics flew, but not many.
picture: IMG_5642.jpg
picture: IMG_5946________________.jpg
Dasystoma salicella flying in the swamp
picture: IMG_5951________________.jpg
Acleris logiana or something
picture: IMG_6038________________.jpg
Male Incurvaria pectinea
picture: IMG_6062________________.jpg
Dyseriocrania subpurpurella not compared
picture: IMG_6381________________.jpg
picture: IMG_6529________________.jpg
picture: IMG_7125________________.jpg
On May 3, we went to Alpatievo to take photos of Ausonia and Polixena. Ausonia was not found, but the only polyxena posed in all its glory (female).
picture: Zerynthia_polyxena.jpg
Pancalia schwarzella mowed down on Voynova Gora 8.05.2018
picture: IMG_7053.jpg
picture: IMG_7048.jpg
Not many beetles from Poplar
Nitidula bipunctata (on a dead dog)
picture: IMG_5984.jpg
Calopus serraticornis (into the light)
picture: IMG_5923.jpg
picture: IMG_5926.jpg
Ostoma ferruginea from Voynova Gora (mowed down from meadowsweet) 6.05.2018
picture: IMG_6458.jpg
picture: IMG_6459.jpg

This post was edited by Gennadich - 05/11/2018 13: 17
Likes: 21

11.05.2018 19:25, Vlad Proklov

Super! Of course, I liked Dasystoma salicella best of all-I've never met it! ))

11.05.2018 21:52, t00m

Sholom please tell us what kind of phyllodesma biotope, or better yet show us!

11.05.2018 22:14, Andrey Ponomarev

Sholom please tell us what kind of phyllodesma biotope, or better yet show us!

Please. Poplar and its surroundings.
picture: 20180429_225017.jpg
picture: IMG_4409.jpg
picture: IMG_4410.jpg
picture: 20180429_203405.jpg
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11.05.2018 23:22, Vlad Proklov

Sholom please tell us what kind of phyllodesma biotope, or better yet show us!

Yes, this is a garden view))
Although on the Nerskaya there are pine trees in the plantings...

12.05.2018 15:19, lepidopterolog

It looks like we won't get a report from lepidopterologa, although we promised. Apparently very busy.

I was ahead of you - I wanted to post everything at once today over the past two weeks smile.gif
Then, although there is nothing much to show, I will add photos from Topolinoe and Alpatievo and my observations from Donino.

Tremulik on the screen in Poplar. Butterflies fly immediately after dusk, apparently confined to the east of the region-caught it a couple of times in Donino.
picture: tremulifolia.jpg

And Tremulik is a fashion model in Gennadich's country photo studio in Poplar.
picture: trem____________.jpg

Once again posing fresh polyxena, a little in a different angle.
picture: polyxena______2.jpg

And the expedition team on the bank of the Oka River.
picture: IMG_3435.jpg
picture: IMG_3433_2______.jpg

On the afternoon of May 4, Gennadich dropped me off at Donino. There were practically no butterflies in the clearing, and on the flowering willows I found two fairly fresh female Archiearis parthenias, which became the prey of sidewalking spiders. Also on the inflorescences of the willow feed imago scoops Panolis flammea. The first Callophrys rubi flew out. Aspen and rowan trees are full of Platycerus caraboides hornbills. At night, from 4 to 5 years, there is a very weak, standard depleted spring set of species. May 5 was partly cloudy, butterflies in the afternoon, too, almost did not meet, but took the soul on morels (Morchella conica), collected about a kilogram in an hour.
picture: IMG_3487______.jpg

From May 8-9, a cold night with a moderate summer, Stauropus fagi, Pheosia gnoma, Notodonta dromedarius and N. ziczac have already flown. During the day, a strong wind interferes with the flight of butterflies. Of interest, we can note the unexpectedly early departure of Aglia tau-I found a wing on the road; in the vicinity of Donino, they usually take off a week or two later. That's all in short, this spring turned out to be very poor for butterflies.
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12.05.2018 16:45, t00m

I just can't live without phyllodesmus, I really want to breed.

13.05.2018 21:38, insectamo

Please. Poplar and its surroundings.

Gennadich, did you shoot Poplar and its surroundings from a helicopter? smile.gif)

13.05.2018 21:42, Ilia Ustiantcev

I do not agree with Tolik in terms of the "low rating" for the start of the 2018 season in the Moscow region. There were quite a few warm nights in Pestovo, which provided a good evening. Because of the cold weather last year, something seems to have changed a lot in nature: species that I haven't seen much or nothing for a long time have flown. First of all, this is Drymonia ruficornis, which I haven't seen in six years, and this year I came across several specimens at once. Odontosia sieversi came once, also I haven't seen it in Pestovo for several years, and the second copy of Orthosia opima also arrived. Acasis viretata has been very rare lately, but now it has been well covered, almost 10 pieces flew to the light last night. The moth Schreckensteinia festaliella, which does not come to light, was caught in the forest twice, and before that I saw it only once in 2010. Phyllonorycters had a very successful year, as if they were waiting for me to update my camera on purpose. A lot of P. quercifoliella, roboris, ulmifoliella and strigulatella, which is new to me, are also isolated, as are heegeriella, emberizaepennella and rajella (the latter two are also found for the first time). But Caloptilia, in addition to stigmatella, is very small. There are also fewer Endromises than usual, and I haven't seen any peacocks at all. It should be noted that Peridea anceps departs very early (on the night of May 7-8). Dasystoma salicella also met me, only one thing, and Diurnea fagella has an outbreak of numbers: usually it is found on every third tree in the biotope, but now it is just on each one, sometimes two pieces at a time. I also met Agonopterix hypericella, Depressaria pimpinellae, Xystophora pulveratella and Philedonides lunana for the first time in Pestovo. Summary: 7 new species for me in two weeks, and even if everything is micra, for along and across the caught, especially in early May, Pestov is very good!

Inattentive and improperly dressed entomologists (and summer residents) are waiting for friends in the grass. Adult Ixodes-and in general I see for the first time, but there are very few Dermacentors.
picture: DSC00696.JPGpicture: DSC01243.JPG

Less harmful arachnids are also available. Both of the usual Rhagium, by the way, were caught only once, but I almost didn't pay attention to the beetles.
picture: DSC00819.JPGpicture: DSC00820.jpg

Lilioceris lilii and Byrrhus pilula
picture: DSC00800.JPGpicture: DSC01369.JPG

The most beautiful in its family, in my opinion, is still Eriocrania sparrmannella, but Dyseriocrania subpurpurella takes second place.
picture: DSC00905.JPGpicture: DSC00736.JPG

Diurnea fagella & Dasystoma salicella
picture: DSC00703.JPGpicture: DSC00926.JPG

Callisto denticulella
picture: DSC01345.JPGpicture: DSC01351.JPG

Phyllonorycter-ы: quercifoliella, roboris, ulmifoliella, strigulatella, rajella, emberizaepennella, heegeriella и Roeslerstammia erxlebella
picture: DSC00837.JPGpicture: DSC00844.JPG
picture: DSC00859.JPGpicture: DSC00946.JPG
picture: DSC01080.JPGpicture: DSC01271.JPG
picture: DSC01342.JPGpicture: DSC01015.JPG
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13.05.2018 21:42, Ilia Ustiantcev

Adela cuprella (by the way, I first met her not in a swamp, but on the river bank, on willow flowers in the Diurnea fagella biotope) & Schreckensteinia festaliella
picture: DSC00782.JPGpicture: DSC01252.JPG

50 shades of Acleris hastiana. This species holds the record for the number of photos of different imago specimens.
picture: DSC00773.JPGpicture: DSC01196.JPG

Depressaria pimpinellae & Agonopterix hypericella
picture: DSC00830.JPGpicture: DSC00917.JPG

Philedonides lunana (I distinguished this broken dead thing by the time of the photo shoot only by the feathery mustache, I didn't think that leafmakers had them at all before) & Pammene luedersiana
picture: DSC00865.JPGpicture: DSC00897.JPG

Cute caterpillar Ypsolopha nemorella & Xystophora pulveratella
picture: DSC01314.JPGpicture: DSC01332.JPG

Acasis viretata & Odontopera bidentata
picture: DSC00910.JPGpicture: DSC01373.JPG

Odontosia sieversi & Drymonia ruficornis
picture: DSC00882.JPGpicture: DSC00818.JPG

Cerura vinula & Stauropus fagi
picture: DSC01205.JPGpicture: DSC01295.JPG

Peridea anceps & Lithophane ornitopus
picture: DSC01197.JPGpicture: DSC01202.JPG

Orthosia populeti & opima
picture: DSC00876.JPGpicture: DSC01193.JPG
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13.05.2018 21:46, Vlad Proklov

I do not agree with Tolik in terms of the "low rating" for the start of the 2018 season in the Moscow region.

Is it all from Pestovo?
Great catch!

13.05.2018 21:57, Ilia Ustiantcev

Is it all from Pestovo?
Great catch!

Thank you!) All from there.
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14.05.2018 0:01, Andrey Ponomarev

Gennadich, did you shoot Poplar and its surroundings from a helicopter?smile.gif)

From a quadcopter. yes.gif

14.05.2018 0:15, Vlad Proklov

From a quadcopter. yes.gif

Oh, it's a good thing! I have to do it too, because my wife gave it to me for the New Year, but I haven't mastered it yet! )))

14.05.2018 1:38, Pavel Morozov

Not far from Pestovo, Acasis viretata is also common in Chigasovo, and for the second consecutive season. Along with Peridea anceps, Pheosia gnoma was released a little early (May 1).
But with peacock eyes, we were more lucky - a fresh male Aglia tau was born,
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14.05.2018 2:11, Vlad Proklov

Not far from Pestovo, Acasis viretata is also common in Chigasovo, and for the second consecutive season. Along with Peridea anceps, Pheosia gnoma was released a little early (May 1).
But with peacock eyes, we were more lucky - a fresh male Aglia tau was born,

Pash, the male tau in the light is strong! jump.gif

14.05.2018 8:12, Sergey Rybalkin

Pash, the male tau in the light is strong! jump.gif

Tau males aren't even bad at flying into the light.
At the peak of summer, 1-3 males regularly fly to the screen during the night, but the female has never been caught in the light.

14.05.2018 13:27, СаняМухолов

And to me, near Oblyanishchevo, in the Mozhaisk district, on the light of May 3, as many as two female pavonias flew in. Now the huskies are out, eating well. Maybe at least I'll get a male this way.

14.05.2018 23:31, Pavel Morozov

Tau males aren't even bad at flying into the light.
At the peak of summer, 1-3 males regularly fly to the screen during the night, but I have never caught a female in the light.

and here - exactly the opposite ))
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15.05.2018 11:58, А.Й.Элез

I have noted several times with pavonias (and only once with tau), how the male arrives initially not at the light, but at the female, somewhere very close smelling, and after that (or maybe instead) because of the proximity of the lantern already pays attention to him. Just in the light (i.e., where the female obviously could not be), the arrival of a male tau was noted only once in the Tula region. The arrival of tau females into the world was rare, the arrival of pavonia females was rare or even common.

15.05.2018 20:06, СаняМухолов

Today, on May 15, I was catching ticks in the village of san. im. Herzen, which is near Kubinka, I noticed tau males running around, and after 40 minutes of waiting - success.

onKGjcMEMNA.jpg — (671.64к)

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19.05.2018 14:18, PhilGri

On the night of May 17-18, the sun shone in Lishnyagi.
The night is warm, but with gusts of wind. There weren't many butterflies, but there were tons of May beetles.
Interesting facts:
- fresh sphinx ligustri,
- epatolmis caesarea / luctifera,
- therapis flavicaria. Photos for insectamo.ru I'll send it to you. Who met her in MO?

user posted image

This post was edited by PhilGri - 05/20/2018 02: 53
Likes: 12

19.05.2018 21:05, insectamo

On the night of May 17-18, the sun shone in Lishnyagi.
The night is warm, but with gusts of wind. There weren't many butterflies, but there were tons of May beetles.
Interesting things:
- fresh sphinx ligustri,
- epatolmis caesarea / lucifera,
- therapis flavicaria. Photos for insectamo.ru I'll send it to you. Who met her in MO?

Cool! And lucifera, if male, also smile.gif
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20.05.2018 2:04, CosMosk

18maya - south of Podolsk.
user posted image
user posted image
Mesosa myops-18maya brood on a shrunken elm, together with Magdalis ?armigera.
user posted image
A MOSQUITO with false scopes.
several male red peacock eyes were also darting around. fingerflies. The cantharis haven't fallen down yet, but instead they're flying - they look like atous nutcrackers all over the place. visible are the fireworms Schizotus pectinicornis, and quite a few platyceruses. Xylotrechus rusticus. the false elephant Platyrhinus resinosus fell into the plate - the analysis of the catch is still ahead, what else is there.
and on May 19th - Boletus like reticulatus:
user posted image
картинка: 050418Kashira_Ozherelye4828_L_maxmus.jpg
Limax Maximus-not from this area-Kashira-necklace, May Day days.
THERE (outside the Oka) May beetles swarmed in swarms even then, but I still don't see them near Podolsk, and they don't buzz at dusk.

This post was edited by CosMosk - 05/20/2018 15: 24
Likes: 9

20.05.2018 2:15, Vlad Proklov

Cool! And lucifera, if male, too smile.gif

Only she luctifera wink.gif
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20.05.2018 2:18, Vlad Proklov

On the night of May 17-18, the sun shone in Lishnyagi.
The night is warm, but with gusts of wind. There weren't many butterflies, but there were tons of May beetles.
Interesting things:
- fresh sphinx ligustri,
- epatolmis caesarea / lucifera,
- therapis flavicaria. Photos for insectamo.ru I'll send it to you. Who met her in MO?

Both Epatolmis luctifera and Therapis flavicaria are expected, but still very cool!
The second - like no one caught in MO!
And where did you catch-north (at Krutovets) or south (at Mumps)?
And then these are different points (who is talking about what, and lousy about the bath) jump.gif
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20.05.2018 2:50, PhilGri

I fished around here: 54.409179, 38.523363
North, closer to Krutovets.
How do I get to the Piggy Bank? There now the entrance to the hill along the pine strip (54.410817, 38.523051) is plowed with agricultural machinery, in April it was not possible to climb.

Both Epatolmis luctifera and Therapis flavicaria are expected, but still very cool!
The second - like no one caught in MO!
And where did you catch-north (at Krutovets) or south (at Mumps)?
And then these are different points (who is talking about what, and lousy about the bath) jump.gif

This post was edited by PhilGri - 05/20/2018 03: 00
Likes: 1

20.05.2018 3:04, CosMosk

useful phone numbers)
картинка: 051618vesennaya4880_LESXOZtelefon.JPG

This post was edited by CosMosk - 05/20/2018 03: 05

20.05.2018 3:18, Vlad Proklov

I fished around here: 54.409179, 38.523363
North, closer to Krutovets.
How do I get to the Piggy Bank? There now the entrance to the hill along the pine strip (54.410817, 38.523051) is plowed with agricultural machinery, in April it was not possible to climb.

I haven't been there for five years, how do I know how it is now)))

20.05.2018 20:57, А.Й.Элез

If you need to drive up to Svinka at its confluence with Polosnya, then alternatively you can not go into the Extra Ones, but drive along the highway no more than one and a half km extra and turn right, get to Krasnovsky Vyselok, turn right through them and come to the southern end of the second forest belt, directly to the main places; from there, down the steep slope to the bank of Polosni, then go left along the bank of Polosni to Svinka. All of these are primers, of course.
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24.05.2018 9:31, Sergey Didenko

Last night, at about 23 o'clock, a lilac hawk moth flew to me in Moscow (Ukhtomskaya)! For the first time! In general, this year in MO is very good with the night, so many have not been for a long time! Warm spring!

IMG_1528_24_05_18_09_27.jpeg — (561.8к)

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24.05.2018 20:11, Бабистр

In pursuit of mnemosyne.
Last year, because of the cold spring, I was not able to catch a few years of mnemosyne on Dry land. This year I decided to rush to the Black. But... First, try your luck near Serpukhov. And I was lucky today! 8-10 males and two females flew on the cherished glade. So the Black One can wait for now... smile.gifwitnessed the egg laying of one of the females. Males are already in varying degrees of bruising, one female is fresh, but already with sphragis. The second one somehow managed to lay an egg on her wing (second frame). lol.gif In general, a positive charge is received! smile.gif

picture: DSC02387.JPG
DSC02387.JPG — (87.37к)

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IMG_3379.JPG — (129.89к)

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IMG_3327.JPG — (118.63к)

picture: IMG_3288.JPG
IMG_3288.JPG — (102.01к)

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25.05.2018 19:41, PhilGri

Opima unsuccessfully tried to catch in Poplar. I found it only in Tugolesye, on May 2. They were already stale, but a lot of them.

Orthosia populeti & opima

This post was edited by PhilGri - 25.05.2018 19: 45

25.05.2018 19:45, PhilGri

Wow, it's early. In a clearing near Chernaya, I caught them the year before last on June 12.

In pursuit of mnemosyne.
Last year, because of the cold spring, I was not able to catch a few years of mnemosyne on Dry land. This year I decided to rush to the Black. But... First, try your luck near Serpukhov. And I was lucky today! 8-10 males and two females flew on the cherished glade. So the Black One can wait for now... smile.gifwitnessed the egg laying of one of the females. Males are already in varying degrees of bruising, one female is fresh, but already with sphragis. The second one somehow managed to lay an egg on her wing (second frame). lol.gif In general, a positive charge is received! smile.gif

25.05.2018 21:17, Fyodor

Lukhovitsy City District, 21-25. 05. 2018:
Lukhovitsy city district (1),
Beloomut settlement district (2),
Chernaya Square district (3).

Checking the polyxene station discovered last year, it turned out that mnemosyne is also present there. Thus, taking into account the podaliriya and the ubiquitous swallowtail encountered there last year, a place has been found where all four types of sailboat currently registered in the Moscow region meet. smile.gif

Carterocephalus palaemon (1), (2), (3)
Carterocephalus silvicola (1), (2), (3)
Ochlodes sylvanus (3)
Erynnis tages (2)
Pyrgus malvae (1), (2), (3)

Lycaena phlaeas (1), (2), (3)
Lycaena tityrus (1), (2), (3)
Celastrina argiolus (1)
Cupido argiades (1), (2)
Scolitantides orion (2)
Polyommatus icarus (2)
Callophrys rubi (1), (2)

Boloria dia (2)
Boloria euphrosyne (1), (2), (3)
Boloria selene (2)
Issoria lathonia (1), (2)
Araschnia levana (1), (2), (3)
Vanessa atalanta (2), (3)
Aglais io (1), (2), (3)
Aglais urticae (1)
Polygonia c-album (1), (3)
Euphydryas maturna (2)
Melitaea athalia (2), (3)
Melitaea phoebe (3)
Pararge aegeria (1), (2), (3)
Coenonympha pamphilus (1), (2), (3)

Driopa mnemosyne (2), (3)
Papilio machaon (1), (2)
Zerynthia polyxena (2)

Leptidea sp. (1), (2)
Euchloe ausonia (1)
Anthocharis cardamines (1), (2)
Gonepteryx rhamni (1), (2)
Colias hyale (1), (2)
Colias myrmidone (1), (2)
Aporia crataegi (2), (3)
Pieris brassicae (1), (2)
Pieris napi (1), (2), (3)
Pieris rapae (1), (2)

Hemaris fuciformis (2), (3)

Drepana falcataria (3)

Lythria cruentaria (2)
Electrophaes corylata (1), (2)
Epirrhoe alternata (1), (2)
Epirrhoe rivata (2), (3)
Epirrhoe tristata (2)
Scotopteryx ?mucronata (2)
Xanthorhoe ferrugata (2)
Timandra comae (2)
Scopula immorata (1), (2), (3)
Scopula rubiginata (3)
Bupalus piniaria (2), (3)
Ematurga atomaria (1), (2), (3)
Cabera exanthemata (1)
Chiasmia clathrata (1), (2), (3)
Lomographa bimaculata (2)
Lomographa temerata (3)
Macaria alternata (1)
Pseudopanthera macularia (1), (2), (3)

Tyta luctuosa (3)
Protodeltote pygarga (3)
Deltote bankiana (1), (2), (3)
Heliothis viriplaca (2)
Macdunnoughia confusa (1)
Autographa gamma (1), (2)

Colobochyla salicalis (1)
Euclidia glyphica (1), (2), (3)
Euclidia mi (1), (2), (3)
Hyphoraia aulica (2)
Diaphora mendica (3)
Phragmatobia fuliginosa (1), (3)
Spilosoma lubricipeda (1)
Calliteara pudibunda (1)
Dicallomera fascelina (larva) (2)

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This post was edited by Fyodor - 25.05.2018 21: 18
Likes: 33

Pages: 1 ...111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119... 132

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

© Insects catalog Insecta.pro, 2007—2024.

Species catalog enables to sort by characteristics such as expansion, flight time, etc..

Photos of representatives Insecta.

Detailed insects classification with references list.

Few themed publications and a living blog.