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Moscow and the Moscow region

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13.06.2021 22:04, CosMosk

South of Podolsk. Mountain cicada-Cicadetta montana (Scopoli 1772). Last year, at about 10 o'clock, I heard a chirp in the meadow from utrets in the floodplain, and I thought-a song cicada, because it's too early for orthoptera. This was repeated in another place of the same floodplain-on the 6th, a long ringing sound, growing at first, and generally quiet (recording from www.cicadasong.eu For me, the place is not localized, even to the extent that it is heard from opposite directions. And, of course, it goes silent as it approaches. Today, in a new place, but not far from the past, on the edge of a pine forest, on a panoramic slope, I sat down to pick up thyme, and without leaving my place I found 5 skins, obviously this very one-cicadas. Next, the lich.you could have collected dozens more skins, and the sound was somewhere nearby - but the same situation, already bastards! - it would seem a large sedentary animal sitting on the grass or bushes - near the undergrowth of oaks - and did not see anything! From large trees, pines-it doesn't seem to sound. There would be a chance for Cicadetta concinna Germar 1821 (=podolica Eichwald 1830, = adusta Hagen 1856) - but the sound of the song clearly gives the montana (which in Europe, especially Greece, is divided into a dozen or more species). In general, the chuyka was confirmed, but the imago has not yet been extracted. The goal will be to go to the strawberry slopes.
If you believe the memory of a local collector for the Mordovian Nature Reserve - there he caught a series in a meadow (on the very border with Nizhny Novgorod) about July 5. Last year, at 5-8yulya, there was nothing there, I didn't hear a sound.
picture: IMG00773.jpg

There also scored cassida murraea apparently on goldenrod (still vegetative, it is unclear exactly), a lot and mated.
picture: IMG00775.jpg
Cassida (?) margaritacea is also caught nearby. In the morning, I picked up a series of Cossonus elephants on a large high aspen stump, apparently 2-3 years of deadness (Aradus grazed on it last year). Large black-and-red sawflies tenthredo campestris flew out (however, I didn't go out since the 6th - it was a little wet and the forest is still holding puddles. Grass (cereals, kupyr) in the meadows grew from above the knee to the shoulders-during this wet week.). Well, so that not only about the cicada.

This post was edited by CosMosk - 06/16/2021 09: 33
Likes: 10

15.06.2021 15:00, PhilGri

An amazing year.
On the Nerskaya yesterday (June 14 for a moment) around the nursery saw 5 pieces of fresh male zorka )
From interesting things - oak cocoonworm

user posted image

This post was edited by PhilGri - 15.06.2021 15: 01
Likes: 7

16.06.2021 19:27, Carpocoris sp

I visited a clearing on Malaya Dubna, where they are going to build a highway to Kazan. In general, banal xylophages: Monochamus galloprovincialis, Monochamus sutor, Acanthoscinus aedilus, Acanthoscinus griseus, Xylotrechus rusticus, Rhagium inquisitor, Molorchus minor, Tetropium sp., some lepturines, Chalcophoramariana, Phaenops cyanea, Upis ceramboides. On the birch I found a large, 6 mm bark beetle, from the interesting for me - Chrysobothris chrysostigma and some Agrilus on aspen.
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17.06.2021 10:57, CosMosk

16.6.21 between Podolsk and Klimovsk. For the first time in the MO (for myself), I mowed down two large cicadellids, Handianus flavovarius, on a southerly soldered mixed-grass slope. Previously, I did not notice them in the region, although in principle I did not catch much beyond the Oka and further south (but I have a good idea of the appearance of the fauna from Tsaritsyno to Podolsk and Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district-since the 90s). In Tishechkin's work on the fauna of cicadas of the MO, 1988, the species is given rather nonuniformly-from Tomilino-Kosino, Bronnitsa to PTZ. Last summer, it turned out for me that this is a mass species from the middle of summer in Mordovia. Using the method of sorting everything in a row, it was possible to determine, although it was a mystery for a long time (it's hard not to notice this type, - there were individual ones from Saratov, etc.). The view is changeable, - a couple of images from the Internet. In the region there is another more rare species of H. ignoscus - on broom (tomilino, ptz-on Tishechkin).
picture: Cikad__279_l__279____Handianus_flavovarius_2019_10_24.jpguser posted image
1-6. June in traps caught Calosoma inquisitor, of the large carabids - among the solid and only, everywhere where here caught, Carabus nemoralis (well, 2 C. coriaceus for a number of years). no glabratus, no hortensis. although, a little more and infrequently happens, of course granulatus, and in gardens - cancellatus.
I took a walk with Oleg Kosterin in the evening in Kuskovo-along the curve from Novogireevo to Plushevo-almost all the glades are powerfully and monodominantly covered with hemlock))

The post was edited by CosMosk - 17.06.2021 11: 18
Likes: 7

19.06.2021 3:37, А.Й.Элез

June 15, 2021, a short-term raid on the northern outskirts of Dedinov Lukhovitsky district on coleoptera, as well as a check of the polyxena station in the Kolomna district (so far only one caterpillar, about 8 mm, has been recorded).

Some of the photos are already at home. In general, I apologize for the crappy shooting, the soap box has been doing something stupid lately, and not only in terms of the focus area. I also had to crop the frames (only the one where arcuatus is sitting behind two Mesos, which turned out to be very blurry in the photo, remained untouched).

I will add to the images that Rhagium sycophanta is locally abundant this season, but much earlier than in previous years, it has gone to zero (and a total of 140 specimens were recorded over the past month); Plagionotus detritus and Mesosa myops are locally recorded in the amount of approximately 40 and approximately 30 specimens, respectively. mating time. P. arcuatus is the only recorded specimen in the image.

Of the bronzes, lugubris is common, fiberi is not numerous, and aurata is rare. Of the ragi, mordax is also noted this season, but the number is 3 to 4 times less than sycophanta (a feature of the area, of course).

In the Lukhovitsky district, a stork flight was recorded.

The bulavous imagos are empty: a couple of iphis, three or four pamphyls, and about five arcanias, one each for urticaria and a circled female myrmidon, plus one such flight of dark pigeon that it is not necessary to talk about the definition.

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19.06.2021 20:31, Carpocoris sp

The clearing near Malaya Dubna in the Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district is full of birches and aspens, but we didn't manage to catch anyone connected with them. No saperds, no egomorphuses, some kind of agrillus made of gold, and that's it? What exactly is wrong? Wrong time, maybe, or not looking there?

20.06.2021 2:27, А.Й.Элез

and who is Rhagium sycophanta? you can't see it in the photo, it's like a Caucasian view.
The species is listed in the CC MO, given in a number of places in the south (including according to my findings under S. Dedinovo), and I think I've already shown it here. Continues to live steadily in the south of MO.
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22.06.2021 3:24, Vlad Proklov

Apparently, now another Eucarta amethystina has come to me.

Rum, this is Euplexia lucipara.
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24.06.2021 18:15, Ilia Ustiantcev

No, it's Ochropacha duplaris. There is a special topic for identifying butterflies. Here they are posted only in the report along with the rest.
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25.06.2021 2:36, Necrocephalus

Lygephila craccae was born. Dryops (more than a dozen), several rhinoceros beetles, one Ophonus stictus, and one Stenolophus skrimschiranus suddenly swooped down in abundance.
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26.06.2021 0:45, Carpocoris sp

Tell me where in Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district (a popular place, after all, Nerskaya, Poplar, etc.) you can find and should look for such interesting lepturines as Leptura thoracica, Oedecnema gebleri, Oxymirus cursor? Maybe someone can tell you the points and circumstances of the capture?

26.06.2021 10:30, Ilia Ustiantcev

Oxymirus cursor once got caught on a UFO, yes. Right on the most important road of the nursery.
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27.06.2021 1:40, Necrocephalus

Lithosia quadra was born. Of the beetles, two are Amphotis marginata.

27.06.2021 2:03, Vlad Proklov

Lithosia quadra was born. Of the beetles, two are Amphotis marginata.

Take a photo!

27.06.2021 9:47, Necrocephalus


27.06.2021 12:29, Vlad Proklov


All of them!

28.06.2021 2:03, Necrocephalus

Oh. Okay, I'll take a picture later. Today is the first day there is no moon, and therefore it flies powerfully, the biomass is impressive. Plusidia cheiranthi and another Lithosia quadra. Of the beetles, I was saddened by the missed Cymindis macularis, last year I took two of them at the same time.
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28.06.2021 2:18, Vlad Proklov

Oh. Okay, I'll take a picture later. Today is the first day there is no moon, and therefore it flies powerfully, the biomass is impressive. Plusidia cheiranthi and another Lithosia quadra. Of the beetles, I was saddened by the missed Cymindis macularis, last year I took two of them at the same time.

Plusidia cheiranthi is cool! Did you take it?" Take a picture!

28.06.2021 2:45, Necrocephalus

What I write about, I take. When in doubt, I take pictures. Butterflies I give to PhilGri and sdi.
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29.06.2021 0:49, Necrocephalus

A lilac hawk moth of some incredible size arrived-probably 15 centimeters in span.
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29.06.2021 6:37, Necrocephalus

Promised photos. Please identify at the same time a small white crap that also came the other day. I can't even tell if it's a scoop or not. For comparison, next to a box of matches.P6290240.JPG
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29.06.2021 8:49, Ilia Ustiantcev

Photedes extrema. Red Book view, rarely flies to Pestovo, but every year.
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07.07.2021 12:16, Sergey Didenko

That's what it means to stop faunistics in the Ministry of Defense to do. A moth was born in Ukhtomka, and I can't even identify it. Quite large, exactly 4 cm in span is.

D4A9DF8C_A9EA_4DC1_BF21_B10C0CA33964.jpeg — (1.26мб)

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07.07.2021 12:47, svm2

Fm. Deileptenia ribeata
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12.07.2021 22:57, Ilia Ustiantcev


picture: DSC08869_4x_scale_2_00x.jpg
picture: DSC08870_4x_scale_2_00x.jpg
picture: DSC08874_4x_scale_2_00x.jpg
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13.07.2021 1:32, Vlad Proklov


Explain it. What is it?

13.07.2021 9:11, Ilia Ustiantcev

Explain it. What is it?

Coleotechnites piceaella, an invasive but harmless species from North America, feeds on spruce trees. It has not been marked for Russia before)
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25.07.2021 12:27, PhilGri

I will be glad )

A lilac hawk moth of some incredible size arrived-probably 15 centimeters in span.

01.08.2021 15:07, PhilGri

July 31, Lishnyagi
From interesting-Therapis flavicaria and seven pieces of Calamia tridens

user posted image
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02.08.2021 2:17, CosMosk

Recorded in Podolsk on July 27 or, audible (apparently), Cicada orni.
very far drift from its range (South Caucasus, South Europe)
I was well aware that I was hearing something very unusual, and apart from C. montana (knowing that this is a completely different song), nothing could even be assumed - there are simply no others in nature (I mean, super species come to supermarkets "in bananas").
And I still didn't see her about three meters above my head on a willow tree. She persistently resumed singing, even when I tried to climb a tree - flew (did not see) she went to the next one and soon resumed singing. Voshchem, I threw sticks, shook the tree-fell silent, but after a couple of minutes again whistled, and in the end, I cursed and surprised went home) Thinking about the benefits of long-range nebulizers with knock-out pesticides.. No agromarkets nearby - cement plants, garages, old cottages.
The specialist who identified the cicada by the sound reported that they sing at T above 23C, which is quite fit.

This post was edited by CosMosk - 14.11.2021 14: 19
Likes: 1

02.08.2021 7:21, ИНО

The legend is fresh, but hard to believe. Unless someone brought it from the south and released it. She would have gone there herself in no way. You would post the entry while the file storage is running...

02.08.2021 21:40, CosMosk

ENO, audio clipping on the inat is, well, okay, for the proof posted (barely found the buttons on YouTube)
in the last view of garages to identify the place bude interested criminologists.
https://youtu.be/oNnbU12v2gU https://youtu.be/ydcO6p0wY5o https://youtu.be/wiQy32GdUTw
Imported rather with seedlings in pots than "released") Would you let her out and in what condition after all she's been through?))

From the latter, I found a true pathogen-carrying invader on inat, the Phlogotettix cyclops cicada from Gelenjik, - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/89183198.

This post was edited by CosMosk - 14.11.2021 14: 20

02.08.2021 23:09, ИНО

And why the corrupt Pindustan tytruba? Like a month ago, I moved the sound slider to zero there, so I can't move it anymore - again, something was messed up on the site, which is not supported by old browsers. By the way, on yinaturazizde, too: for some time now, Firefox on Gekko shows only a few dozen extreme observations and that's all. No, you can certainly run Mypal, it still pulls these cases with a creak, but I don't want to right now. Why can't you cut out the audio track (the shaking image of crowns is only of interest) and attach it to the post, making it the property of the forum for centuries? Don't give up your disk space for the sole use of whore advertisers!

09.08.2021 3:54, Necrocephalus

Here's what someone wrote, I didn't understand anything.

26.08.2021 6:47, CosMosk

And why the corrupt Pindustan tytruba? Like a month ago, I moved the sound slider to zero there, so I can't move it anymore - again, something was messed up on the site, which is not supported by old browsers.

I understood, but then I didn't come up with a suitable place to post the video (visual confirmation of the place - if I take it myself, or the curator of the inat sees the hidden point)) and that you can attach a file of a different format here (it turned out that this format is not allowed). in principle, you can search files of other formats through the vkontakte docks (it turned out-wav does not take, and rename the extension back and forth-somehow fooling people).
And you have strong software glitches, but not so much -if it opens at all and somehow tries) Yes,on the inat, scrolling through the "explore" page first hangs and repeats for a dozen, but then it catches and pulls up the next ones without any problems - so for me. And on YouTube, strange interface edits are gradually taking place, but there are still no glitches. (can reset browser cookies ((with all passwords)) returns the general settings?) It is hoped that such video slag is not removed from there. in EXT.from random special hosting sites (as many people tried in vain on weebly, etc.).

At the moment, I have Opera on seven, although with ("voluntarily" -) forced updates, it has lost its built-in VPN, and behind it.over the years, many sites on the Net have become "questionable" due to certain certificates, which still allow you to open a lot,in ex.from some parallel google chrome-there's just a stub.

This post was edited by CosMosk - 26.08.2021 06: 49

26.08.2021 12:59, ИНО

What kind of axle do you have and what kind of hardware? The answer will cover the solution to your misunderstanding of the problems I have described. There is one note that does not depend on this - spam on Tytrube, which will soon be more than the target content, is about the same as now on Molbiol To weep.gifpraise a resource with such a vile policy is nonsense.

As for Yynaturalizd, after changing the interface, all browsers on Gekko and even some on Goan (I tried several) display only the first few dozen observations, then "this script does not respond". MyPal with grief in half displays everything, but only instead of the time and place of observations-red inscriptions "unknown". And the Quantum engine is not friendly with XP. And yes, I go there a couple of times from a more modern office computer under Windows 8 using modern Chrome: everything shows, but it slows down terribly.

In fact, this indicates that the developers of Yinaturalizda grow their hands out of one place, because sites with similar functionality, but much lighter and faster, learned to do at least ten years ago, and they still work perfectly if the admins were smart enough not to change anything for the sake of fashion.

Perhaps you have a reasonable question: "Why are you, a fool, sitting on software and hardware for two thousand shaggy years, when all normal boys have a 1005000-core percentage, 1000500 gig of RAM and Windows-100500?", to which I will answer: "Ask Putin!"

26.08.2021 13:18, ИНО

30.08.2021 23:18, Necrocephalus

A male praying mantis and a female cricket were born. What is surprising is that the female cricket arrived-on such long wings. When folded, the wings are longer than the ovipositor. In general, despite the warm night and hot day, it flies very poorly.

30.08.2021 23:22, Vlad Proklov

A male praying mantis and a female cricket were born. What is surprising is that the female cricket arrived-on such long wings. When folded, the wings are longer than the ovipositor. In general, despite the warm night and hot day, it flies very poorly.

The cricket must be taken!

30.08.2021 23:25, Necrocephalus

took. current he is without a mustache for some reason. Rare? The color is gray, the size is slightly larger than a brownie. I can't take a picture, it might fly away. Jon is sitting in the bank, fast. Barely caught it. Sho for the view maybe?

The post was edited by Necrocephalus-30.08.2021 23: 28

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