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Moscow and the Moscow region

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03.05.2008 10:20, Frantic

Isn't it a little early for Tau and swallowtails? Is the apple tree already blooming in Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district?

Tau is already very much flown, and Swallowtails clearly came out of pupae yesterday or the day before yesterday.

03.05.2008 17:19, Ilia Ustiantcev

That's right, the swallowtails have already flown! A lot of raspberries, mottledwings, unusually dark because of the warm winter. Zorek is also enough, but the winterers (already?) not very much. Once I met a rare mourner for the site. There are sometimes swallowtails and fatheads, probably malvaceae. Latonia saw once, tau 2 or 3. At night it is caught quite shitty, because it is cold, but many moths fly during the day. Of the beetles, there are many steeds, and I also saw a nutcracker. There are also a lot of May beetles. Photos from the Antsiferovo district. The rest will be in the "Definition" and on my site.
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Does Zorka seem to have a reduced green pattern?

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03.05.2008 19:25, Pavel Morozov

Well, here, at last, I got out to the dacha.
in the light - not very thick, but something. The main flight took place in the period from 23 to 0 hours. After midnight, it turned sharply colder (from 11 to 3 degrees).
Collected: Orthosia cruda, O. populeti (like, or cerasi such), Acronicta auricoma, Cerastis rubricosa, Rheumaptera cervinalis, Anticlea badiata, Selenia dentaria, Drymonia ruficornis, Notodonta tritophus, another firefly, which has not yet been determined.
In addition, the scoops Orthosia gothica and O. incerta arrived.
On the afternoon of May 3, nothing special was found, but I observed the laying of Gonepteryx rhamni eggs. In the picture below, just a lemongrass egg.

This post was edited by Morozzz - 03.05.2008 19: 50

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03.05.2008 22:27, AntSkr

I caught the light as much as 4 days, from 29 to 2, it flew about the same as Morozzz wrote, although the temperature did not fall below 10 degrees.
I saw a female peacock on Tuesday evening, flying over the grass, but the net, as luck would have it, was not there, I tried to cover it with a jacket - it didn't work, it flew away... not a single one came into the world...
Here are the photos:
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And some kind of bug, I don't understand them, was sitting on the table during the day...
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03.05.2008 22:30, AntSkr

This is not all that I caught, I caught a lot of villages, a female swallowtail, a battered Agriopis marginaria, etc.

03.05.2008 23:00, Zhuk

Wow, how everyone is already flying! I will unsubscribe tomorrow about Maysmile.gifDay

04.05.2008 0:19, Victor Titov

And some kind of bug, I don't understand them, was sitting on the table during the day...

A very good bug - false-bedded Platystomus albinus (Fabricius, 1758), male.

04.05.2008 10:35, Zhuk

So, the report on Lenkovo (1-3. 05). The weather was just great, but on the 2nd in the evening, the downpour passed.

Day. During the day I went to the Ozerna River and the forest near the village. Everything was already in full bloom. The same set of scales is still flying as from the previous report, but Anthocharis cardamines and Lomographa bimaculata have appeared. In the forest, I came across a clearing where Hypoxystis pluviaria flew like a cloud. I thought that I would limit myself to just males, but then I found a female in the grass. I also found the caterpillar Cossus cossus and pupae of Phragmatobia fuliginosa. I picked up some small blue elephants from the beetles at dusk. Under the stones of Broscus cephalotes, Byrrhus sp, Meloe violaceus. Under the bark of a linden stump, I found a beetle similar to a black-bodied beetle, elytra at the base and at the top with a red spot, 5 mm long. Ragiums and anteaters also flew.

Night. The light was somehow sparse, especially since it was very cold. In short, from flown in:
Acasis viretata
Eupithecia sp(and possibly Pasiphila rectangulata)
Trichopteryx carpinata
Cleora cinctaria
Lobophora halterata (дофига)
Clostera curtula
Orthosia gothica, incerta, cruda, populeti
Cerastis rubricosa
Lithophane socia
Conistra vaccinii
Nycteola degenerana
Hydrophilus piceus, with a crash plopped from somewhere on top of the screen
Well, a car of May beetles
Like this smile.gif

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04.05.2008 14:09, Victor Titov

So, the report on Lenkovo (1-3. 05). The weather was just great, but on the 2nd in the evening, the downpour passed.
Hydrophilus piceus, plopped down with a crash from somewhere on top of the screen

Are you sure it's piceus and not aterrimus? It seems that piceus should not be located in the Moscow region...
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04.05.2008 14:11, Zhuk

I'm not suresmile.gif if I just found out about Plavilshchikov...
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04.05.2008 14:18, AntSkr

by the way, in my report on the second photo, it is this Eupithecia that can be accurately identified to the type? or is it just necessary to cook it? or at least a range of views...

04.05.2008 15:07, Pavel Morozov

by the way, in my report on the second photo, it is this Eupithecia that can be accurately identified to the type? or is it just necessary to cook it? or at least a range of views...

similar to E. vulgata
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04.05.2008 15:17, AntSkr

no one wants to cook Eupithecia lol.gif?

04.05.2008 15:29, Bad Den

Under the bark of a linden stump, I found a beetle similar to a black-bodied beetle, elytra at the base and at the top with a red spot, 5 mm long.

Similar to Bitoma crenata...

04.05.2008 15:53, Victor Titov

It seems that 5 mm is too big for Bitoma crenata. According to this description, there can be anything you want, for example, glitters from Glischrochilus (Librodor). Unfortunately, I don't even know if this bug is on the photos displayed by Zhuk,om: my Internet is broken, photos for the post Zhuk,and did not open weep.gif, only "user posted image" writes...

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 05/04/2008 16: 05

04.05.2008 19:12, Zhuk

It seems that 5 mm is too big for Bitoma crenata. According to this description, there can be anything you want, for example, glitters from Glischrochilus (Librodor). Unfortunately, I don't even know if this bug is on the photos displayed by Zhuk,om: my Internet is broken, photos for the post Zhuk,and did not open weep.gif, only "user posted image" writes...

No, not bitoma
That's somehow photographed, maybe someone will find out

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04.05.2008 19:14, Zhuk

Are you sure it's piceus and not aterrimus? It seems that piceus should not be located in the Moscow region...

Lessa posmarel, just like aterrimus, missed one little thing.
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04.05.2008 19:22, Victor Titov

No, not bitoma
That's somehow photographed, maybe someone will find out

Uh, it's all clear. This is Mycetophagus, and most likely quadripustulatus.
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04.05.2008 19:26, Zhuk

Hooray for sure! I'd had them somewhere since Elton, but I couldn't place them.

05.05.2008 11:21, mikee

Does anyone know if mnemosyne has already flown to the PTZ or not yet?

05.05.2008 12:20, Sergey Didenko

Does anyone know if mnemosyne has already flown to the PTZ or not yet?

And if anyone knows where it is possible to catch them there, I am ready to make a company on the weekend with the provision of transport smile.gif

05.05.2008 12:40, mikee

And if anyone knows where they can be caught there, I am ready to make a company on the weekend with the provision of transport. smile.gif

The topic was discussed in detail on the forum last year, look for it. The verbal instructions there were, in my opinion, sufficient, although I myself did not have time to get out last year and was not there at all. This weekend I will almost certainly go there, although I can't specify the exact day and time. There are no problems with transport wink.gif

05.05.2008 12:56, Sergey Didenko

It's one thing to get verbal instructions, which I've studied in detail, but it's another to know for sure. Practice shows that there is nothing to do without a guide, if only LUCK smiles. By the way, Zheldor is 10 km away from me, and it's more fun to go in the company of like-minded people...

05.05.2008 13:23, Pavel Morozov

About mnemosyne.
It's still very, very, very early to catch them. They fly to the PTZ exactly on the day of the border guard. To catch both males and females, you need to go in the first days of June, you can't go wrong.
Phenologically, this coincides with the full flowering of the lily of the valley, even a little later, and with the terms of wilting and dying off of the tufts (more precisely, their "tops")
Personally, my mnemosyne fishing dates are 28.05.05. and 03.06.06. There is one female per 10 males in training camps. Moreover, half of the females caught at that time were still without sphragis-quite fresh.

This post was edited by Morozzz - 05.05.2008 13: 24

05.05.2008 13:30, Sergey Didenko

And on my plot, the lily of the valley is already beginning to bloom... Then I don't need so much, a couple to catch is already great. Although you are right mnemosyne is now very early to catch, maybe someone is going to go for polyxenes?

05.05.2008 14:24, mikee

About mnemosyne.
It's still very, very, very early to catch them. They fly to the PTZ exactly on the day of the border guard. To catch both males and females, you need to go in the first days of June, you can't go wrong.
Phenologically, this coincides with the full flowering of the lily of the valley, even a little later, and with the terms of wilting and dying off of the tufts (more precisely, their "tops")
Personally, my mnemosyne fishing dates are 28.05.05. and 03.06.06. There is one female per 10 males in training camps. Moreover, half of the females caught at that time were still without sphragis-quite fresh.

Well, it's early, but shuffle.gifon the other hand, the polixens at my dacha last year flew no earlier than May 15 (I caught the 19th), and this year they flew on April 27. I've never seen any swallowtails in my life in April, either. People here write about the already worn tau and pavonias... The tuft has already faded and is finishing its development cycle. What the hell is not joking, M. B. and mnemosyne will fly 2-3 weeks earlier : -) As for phenological signs, this year everything is not like that at all: butterflies fly, but there are no flowering herbs or very few, kirkazon is still out at all. A lot, of course, also depends on the weather of the next few days, but, it seems, they promise warmth again for the weekend after the cold snap.
PS. And the females of Apollo butterflies, in my opinion, in general, in principle, are significantly
less than the males. Although, of course, this is just my speculation based
on my own experience.
PPS. Pavel, is it possible to specify the coordinates in the area of the PTZ? Optimal, of course,
by GPS smile.gif

05.05.2008 14:27, mikee

It's one thing to get verbal instructions, which I've studied in detail, but it's another to know for sure. Practice shows that there is nothing to do without a guide, if only LUCK smiles. By the way, Zheldor is 10 km away from me, and it's more fun to go in the company of like-minded people...

Knowing for sure, of course, is good, but where is the element of search and good luck? tongue.gif As for the trip, I suggest that you return to the question closer to the end of the week.

05.05.2008 16:02, AntSkr

This year, too, early flew, crested, for example. April 26 caught C. curtula... And I saw Pavonia alone last night (I wrote about her in the previous report).

06.05.2008 11:15, AntSkr

Even considering the frosts and cold weather, the variety is already great.
And Lythria rotaria does not fly to MO in my opinion?

06.05.2008 11:32, Sergey Didenko

Even considering the frosts and cold weather, the variety is already great.
And Lythria rotaria does not fly to MO in my opinion?

Even as it flies, the first generation at the dacha in O-Zuyevo in large number

06.05.2008 20:30, Vlad Proklov

Even considering the frosts and cold weather, the variety is already great.
And Lythria rotaria does not fly to MO in my opinion?

This is the old name of L. cruentaria -- of the two species of this genus in MO, this one is the most common smile.gif

11.05.2008 12:00, AntSkr

I fished at the weekend for the light, on Thursday - the first photo, on Friday I found one Phragmatobia fuliginosa on the road, in the evening almost nothing flew at all, on Saturday-2 Eupithecia (which, by the way, can these be identified? Here I read one topic about dropping undefined photos in a separate topic, drop a hundred photos of these moths there, and they will lie there foreverlol.gif), as well as Pterostoma palpina, Clostera curtula and Anticlea badiata.
Otherwise, there were very few banals, too, and the temperature dropped to 7 degrees all night.
And in the morning I found the moth Lomographa bimaculata from the last photo on the pole? Also in the morning, many males of Ematurga atomaria flew.
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11.05.2008 13:41, Сергей-Д

to AntSkr:
it is easier to give caught Eupithecia to specialists for identification, you live in the Moscow region, the capital is nearby. And you can't tell 3/4 of the species from the photo.

11.05.2008 14:42, Vlad Proklov

However, the capital of Russian entomology is St. Petersburg, not Moscow.

The moth on the left is very broken, and on the right it looks like E. vulgata.
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11.05.2008 17:51, guest: proctos

However, the capital of Russian entomology is St. Petersburg, not Moscow.

I'm afraid that after such a beating of cadres in ZINA, this is no longer the case... frown.gif

11.05.2008 22:28, mikee

I spent two days going to the PTZ for the alleged mnemosyne samples. Especially impressive were the conditions on the 10th: +8 with rain, the very weather, but a mad dog, as you know, seven versts is not a detour, but a hunt - lol.gifthe oaks were very cold In the forest of captivity In the lowlands. Today the weather is much better, but with mnemosyne complete bummer: they have not flown out yet ( as I was warned, but I probably will not have another time, I will look in the Ryazan region.). The places there are wonderful, especially impressed by the giant meadow along the Sushki River with blooming bird cherry trees and wild apple trees and the crested grass growing everywhere in the undergrowth. I didn't understand, by the way, which one, either Cordalys intermedia, or C. solida, because it has already faded and is slowly wilting. The only joy was the males of Aglia tau. Met, however, infrequently (4 pieces) and quite flown. I only caught one. I saw something like a male pavonia, but I can't say for sure, I flew through the bushes and very quickly got away. All the rest of the met-banals like all sorts of whitefish, A. levana, etc. Still satisfied smile.gif
On the photo:
- spruce also blooms
-male Aglia tau
-actually, a crested
meadow on the right bank of the Sushka river. The length is up to 1.5 km by eye. Crested grass grows on both borders of the meadow on the outskirts of the forest. Those who wish can enter directly into the meadow after crossing the ford (by SUV).
"waiting in vain...
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12.05.2008 10:02, Zhuk

9-11, again Lenkovo. The weather really sucks.
9.05, So it all started on the way to the village. We're going through Zvenigorod. The Ulama of Our Ancestors will stop near the Savva Storozhevsky Monastery. The place is very picturesque: hillsides overgrown with various hardwoods. Then I was walking down the slope. Chiasmia clathrata, Pseudopanthera macularia fly around. And figak, I see flying something big and rizhee, catch. It turned out to be Aglia tau, the first one in my life! smile.gif I was very happy and moved on. I look, there is a half-burned trunk of a tree, I turn it over, and in it Protaetia marmorata! I almost freaked out! I dug up everything in the area, but I didn't find any more of them. There were also Schizotus pectinicornis and Ostoma ferrugineum. There was nothing else there and I drove on.
In the evening I turn on the lamps, it's very cold and the moon is shining full. It was flying very badly. From arrived: Sideridis rivularis, Lithophane socia, Clostera pigra, Eupithecia sp, Hypoxystis pluviaria.
10. 05, In the morning I dump on fishing to the river. Nothing good, Everes argiades and Issoria lathonia were eliminated. The rest of the banals are already gradually moving away. I decided to go to the birch forest. I went there for about an hour, but there was nothing there frown.gif. I found a pair of Gonioctena linnaeana on a rowan tree and started back. I decided to climb near the house and on the trunk of a plum tree I noticed some false grass, but when I raised my hand to it, it fell into the grass frown.gif. But something told me that he wakes me up the next day to sit in the same place. In the evening I catch the light. Apart from the female Pheosia gnoma and just a huge number of May beetles, nothing came.
11.05, In the morning I remembered about the false lover. See, he's sitting smile.gif. It turned out to be Tropideres albirostris. I also caught the nutcracker Selatosomus cruciatus and went to Moscow happy.

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This post was edited by Zhuk - 12.05.2008 11: 31
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13.05.2008 8:03, Sergey Didenko

Report on last night on the outskirts of Moscow. In my opinion, the butterflies ' shift change is over and they are starting to fly. However, they promise another cold snap... In general, everything is banal, but not quite early spring. I don't write names, so everything is clear to everyone.

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16.05.2008 18:08, Trichius

12.05 after the exam, I decided to go to Vorobyovogorsky Forest Park from the State Health University. In the botanical garden, in addition to numerous Orsodacne cerasii, Bytirus fumatus and all sorts of small things like Anaspis, I caught a pair of Molorchus minor on flowering bird cherry and apple trees. There were a lot of Oedemera on the dandelion flowers. In the forest park, after thoroughly digging under the bark of trees damaged by skolitas, I found 4 Hololepta plana, one Uleiota planata and a large number of Corticeus bicolor with larvae. I also found Notiophilus biguttatus under the bark of a fallen tree. On small aspens, I found a number of Zeugophora subspinosa. At the end of the walk, I caught Aphodius prodromus on the fly.
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16.05.2008 20:58, Zhuk

Sednya in Izmailovsky park caught Xylodrepa quadripunctata. Nirazu didn't see them.
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