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Moscow and the Moscow region

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07.04.2008 16:20, Zhuk

This weekend I drove to the village again. The weather was warm and sunny. Already everything is blooming, although there are still snowdrifts in the forest.
05.04. I arrived late in the evening and immediately turned on the lamps. Years was decent, never caught so much in the spring before. And the first thing that arrived was Lycia pomonaria! From somewhere else, a floater plopped down on the screen smile.gif.
From the catch:
Lycia pomonaria
Phigalia pilosaria (very much)
Trichopteryx carpinata
Orthosia gothica (och many)
Orthosia incerta
Conistra vaccinii
Lithophane consocia
Eupsilia transversa
Achlya flavicornis
06.04. I went to the birch forest. Fly Gonepteryx rhamni, Polygonia c-album, Aglais urticae and a lot of Archiearis parthenias.
From the catch:
Archiearis parthenias and one very similar to A. notha.

Lycia pomonaria
user posted image

Water beetle smile.gif
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user posted image
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The ants were lucky with housing:
user posted image

This post was edited by Zhuk - 07.04.2008 19: 38
Likes: 11

07.04.2008 17:24, Pavel Morozov

Awesome Antskr & Zhuk fees!
Mine is more modest. On Saturday, I went to Gorbushka and stopped by Filevsky Park (B. Filevskaya and Barklaya streets).
I walked, walked, looked along the trunks - except for pika and nuthatches, there was no one on the tree trunks. Only closer to the river on an oak tree I noticed and collected a male moth Agriopis marginaria. I've never seen such people before. Ftot will be posted later in "Spring motes"
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09.04.2008 10:13, Sergey Didenko

So, I publish a report on a trip to my father's dacha from April 4 to 6 (83 km of the Yaroslavl highway).
1) about the state of nature-snow in some places, more in the forest, crocuses and primroses bloom on the site (see photos)

 the image is no longer on the site: 1_DSC01168.JPG 1_DSC01168.JPG — (147.62к) 09.04.2008 — 23.04.2008
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09.04.2008 10:15, Sergey Didenko

... continued
2)As soon as I arrived, I saw a picture of a flock flying somewhere, about a hundred pieces, some crested birds that clung to the entire neighboring plot, attach a photo, who knows what kind of birds, please write.

 the image is no longer on the site: 4_DSC01103.JPG 4_DSC01103.JPG — (90.36к) 09.04.2008 — 23.04.2008
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09.04.2008 10:16, Sergey Didenko

... continued
3)During the day, springwort, lemongrass, polychrome, anguloptera, urticaria flew, I saw mourning.

 the image is no longer on the site: 5_Archicaris_parthenias.JPG 5_Archicaris_parthenias.JPG — (109.49к) 09.04.2008 — 23.04.2008
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09.04.2008 10:18, Sergey Didenko

... continued
Agriopis marginaria
Apocheima pilosaria
Apocheima hispidaria
Lobophora polycommata
Trichopteryx carpinata
Lycia hirtaria
Biston stratarius

 the image is no longer on the site: 6_Agriopis_marginaria.JPG 6_Agriopis_marginaria.JPG — (231.42к) 09.04.2008 — 23.04.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: 7_Lobophora_polycommata1.JPG 7_Lobophora_polycommata1.JPG — (268.03к) 09.04.2008 — 23.04.2008
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 the image is no longer on the site: 10_Biston_stratarius.JPG 10_Biston_stratarius.JPG — (259.03к) 09.04.2008 — 23.04.2008
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09.04.2008 10:20, Sergey Didenko

... continued
5)At night-scoops: (about Orthosia if there are other options in the definition of species, let's discuss them)
Conistra vaccinii
Lithophane socia
Orthosia incerta
Orthosia gothica
Brachionycha nubeculosa
Orthosia cerasi
Orthosia populeti
Eupsilia transversa

 the image is no longer on the site: 11_Orthosia_incerta.JPG 11_Orthosia_incerta.JPG — (283.32к) 09.04.2008 — 23.04.2008
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09.04.2008 10:22, Sergey Didenko

... continued
6) One micro plus a couple of some beetles (I don't do beetles, but suddenly someone will be interested, at the same time write the name), a weevil during the day, the second night crawled into the light, the quality of the photo is bad, I don't know why it happened.
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09.04.2008 10:22, svm2

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09.04.2008 10:23, Sergey Didenko

... continuation
Here in general and everything that flew at the dacha, on the night from 6 to 7 already in Moscow-Cleora cinctaria, Cerastis rubricosa and fingerflies, sorry I haven't determined yet.
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09.04.2008 10:28, Bad Den

6) One micro plus a couple of some beetles (I don't do beetles, but suddenly someone will be interested, at the same time write the name), a weevil in the afternoon, the second night crawled into the light, the quality of the photo is bad, I don't know why it happened.

The second is a male Carabus sp., possibly C. nemoralis
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09.04.2008 11:17, Vlad Proklov

6) One micro plus a couple of some beetles (I don't do beetles, but suddenly someone will be interested, at the same time write the name), a weevil in the afternoon, the second night crawled into the light, the quality of the photo is bad, I don't know why it happened.

Micro-Semioscopis strigulana (Depressariidae).
The fingerfly is Emmelina monodactyla.

This post was edited by kotbegemot-04/09/2008 11: 18
Likes: 1

09.04.2008 11:27, Alexandr Rusinov

Elephant-Dorytomus sp.
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09.04.2008 19:03, Zhuk

Not a bad catch!

10.04.2008 7:02, Sergey Didenko

Not a bad catch!

In general, yes, because the place where I caught in recent years is generally empty. It can be seen, on a stab DRL (what I read about on this forum, respect to all those who advised to do this) really flies much better. By the way, I haven't caught Lobophora polycommata before, is it a rare moth for MO or not?
This Friday for the weekend I'm going to my best place, for the first time with a broken lamp, it's even scary to imagine, with the weather that has established what a frenzied summer there will be.

10.04.2008 10:30, Трофим

Happy hunting smile.gif

11.04.2008 14:50, americanecz

Has anyone already seen Birch Silkworms in the Moscow Region???

12.04.2008 21:05, Frantic

Today we went with Arkhipus and Solarway to Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district of the Moscow region. The weather in Moscow in the morning was muddy, even once it started to rain. But on the spot (77 km from the capital), the bright sun shone, and the wind almost stopped showing signs of life in the late afternoon. Most of the butterflies were peacock's eyes, lemongrass, urticaria and anguloptera. There aren't many beetles yet, either. Perhaps the most popular species is Cicindela campestris, which runs just by the dozens. From time to time, I get a glimpse of all sorts of small things, like pills and banal toddlers. They caught a good weevil right on top of mesmile.gif) There were no Carabuses under the bark already, but they found crushed Nemoralis and Glabratus on the road. Traps have been set, and in a week it will become clear who else is active in April near Moscowsmile.gif. There were no barbels at all. Couldn't find any T-shirts either.. I wonder if someone has caught them in the MO this year? Yes, we saw a couple of vipers - both times-melanists. A smaller copy was somehow removed..

This post was edited by Frantic - 12.04.2008 21: 34

 the image is no longer on the site: vipera.jpg vipera.jpg — (154.8к) 12.04.2008 — 26.04.2008
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12.04.2008 23:45, Zhuk

Sednya was with Sparrow in the PTZ. The weather was overcast, sometimes the sun peeked out. We thought that it would finally rain, but it didn't. The birch trees were already in full bloom, but there were no endromises. From scales all sorts of garbage like Gonepteryx rhamni, Polygonia c-album, Archiearis parthenias and so on. From the beetle simply in huge quantities Opatrum sabulosum and in some places Cicindela campestris. Just fly all sorts of beetles and water beetles. I almost died from the fact that some small black chick with a red breast and dark blue elytra flew into my mouth, which I also inhaled into myselflol.gif, but now it's already in the stain. There are also a lot of different primroses.
Sparrow Photos:

user posted image
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ants in the trenchsmile.gif :
user posted image

This post was edited by Zhuk - 12.04.2008 23: 50
Likes: 7

13.04.2008 17:38, Ilia Ustiantcev

Can you tell me what kind of GOLUBYANKA could be met today near Moscow, in Razdory?

13.04.2008 18:17, Zhuk

Can you tell me what kind of GOLUBYANKA could be met today near Moscow, in Razdory?

Celastrina argiolus without variants
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13.04.2008 22:33, AntSkr

This weekend I caught the light, I apologize for the quality of the photo, but I've already spread out half of it, so I won't re-photograph it already...
 the image is no longer on the site: DSC00626.jpg 
I also found a wing of E. versicolora (bottom right), which flew in from nowhere, there are no birch forests in the next 3-4 km, and I have no birch trees in the forest...

DSC00626.jpg — (139.99к) 13.04.2008 — 27.04.2008
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14.04.2008 14:46, AntSkr

By the way, my report contains Anticlea derivata (4 row 4), but I didn't find it in Sirotkin's list... can I find out more about it, whether it appeared in the MO and when? In the updated list, kotbegemot found it without a number on the left, what does this mean?

14.04.2008 15:37, Vlad Proklov

By the way, my report contains Anticlea derivata (4 row 4), but I didn't find it in Sirotkin's list... can I find out more about it, whether it appeared in the MO and when? In the updated list, kotbegemot found it without a number on the left, what does this mean?

E. M. Antonova excluded this species from the fauna of the region, as "never seen here".

And I included it as a possible one - it is known from the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Tula and Lipetsk regions. Which was confirmed smile.gif

Now I'll add the number.
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14.04.2008 15:39, Zhuk

Cool! New view for MO smile.gif

14.04.2008 15:44, AntSkr

And what to do with it? Give information to the pet museum?

14.04.2008 16:01, Vlad Proklov

And what to do with it? Give information to the pet museum?

Well yeah But Elena Mikhaylovna Antonova died last year - I don't know-there are some people who are working there now on moths... Sviridov can be informed.

14.04.2008 17:16, Sergey Didenko

By the way, my report contains Anticlea derivata (4 row 4), but I didn't find it in Sirotkin's list... can I find out more about it, whether it appeared in the MO and when? In the updated list, kotbegemot found it without a number on the left, what does this mean?

As I started fishing in 98, so regularly and often on May holidays they fly to the light in the O-Zuevsky district. In my opinion, a rather banal span for the Ministry of Defense. When she was not included in the list, they forgot to tell her about it!:)

14.04.2008 17:23, Sergey Didenko

Has anyone already seen Birch Silkworms in the Moscow Region???

This weekend at the dacha - a bunch of males flying during the day, although it is very difficult to catch, they fly quickly and twitchy. I was able to take a picture of one on a tree, at night one female (for the first time in the world), I did not count males, dozens. All my fornication that fluffy cocoonworms flew away turned out to be not wealthy, they flew in a herd (some males), I will write a full report with photos as soon as I can.

14.04.2008 18:01, Pavel Morozov

to sdi: please tell us where your dacha is located.
If it's not a secret, of course.

14.04.2008 18:31, Sergey Didenko

to sdi: please tell us where your dacha is located.
If it's not a secret, of course.

Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, Neftyanik settlement (7 km after Snopka)
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14.04.2008 19:35, Pavel Morozov

Wow, I've been there several times (Orbita bus stop)

15.04.2008 14:09, Sergey Didenko

So, a report on a trip to a dacha in the O.-Zuevsky district of the Moscow Region from April 11 to 13 (11.04 in the afternoon to 22 degrees, at night at least 12 and the wind, and 12.04 in the afternoon 19, and at night at least 6 degrees, calm). During the day, in addition to the wintering well-known species, springbirds flew with a frequency of 1 in 10 seconds! and silkwing birch males 1 in 10 minutes (when hiking in the forest).

This post was edited by sdi - 02/26/2009 12:50 pm

 the image is no longer on the site: Inachis_io.JPG Inachis_io.JPG — (226.73к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
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15.04.2008 14:13, Sergey Didenko

continuation…The night started with the attack of the lamp by fluffy cocoonworms, we flew from dusk for 30 minutes, then at night I tried to collect them in a pile to take a picture, but they immediately began to run away and refused to pose. Then a female silkwing flew in, which also turned out to be violent, so it's not photogenic in the picture. After her, males flew, about 15 in total.

 the image is no longer on the site: Eriogaster_lanestris_2.JPG Eriogaster_lanestris_2.JPG — (202.76к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
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15.04.2008 14:18, Sergey Didenko

continuation…Of the moths that I did not mention in the report last week, Anticlea badiata, Epirranthis diversata and Ectropis crepuscularia flew. I immediately give a photo of Anticlea deriviata, caught on 19.04.2000 (the photo is a little yellow, but it's what it is, there was no time to retake the others).

 the image is no longer on the site: Epirranthis_diversata.JPG Epirranthis_diversata.JPG — (219.34к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Anticlea_badiata.JPG Anticlea_badiata.JPG — (218.37к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Ectropis_crepuscularia.JPG Ectropis_crepuscularia.JPG — (200.36к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Anticlea_deriviata.JPG Anticlea_deriviata.JPG — (151.19к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
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15.04.2008 14:24, Sergey Didenko

continuation…From scoops new this year came Cerastis leucographa, Panolis flammea, Conistra rubiginea and Anorthoa munda. At the beginning of the next night, the female Odontosia sieversi arrived, also by the way posed poorly.

 the image is no longer on the site: Cerastis_leucographa.JPG Cerastis_leucographa.JPG — (283.95к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Panolis_flammea_2.JPG Panolis_flammea_2.JPG — (164.47к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Conistra_rubiginea.JPG Conistra_rubiginea.JPG — (221.71к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Anorthoa_munda.JPG Anorthoa_munda.JPG — (229.67к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Odontosia_sieversi_1_female.JPG Odontosia_sieversi_1_female.JPG — (236.7к) 15.04.2008 — 29.04.2008
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15.04.2008 15:32, Pavel Morozov

to sdi: just great!
Does E. diversata fly a lot?

15.04.2008 15:35, Sergey Didenko

to sdi: just great!
Does E. diversata fly a lot?

No, 5 pieces. In general, I always caught them during the day in late April and early May, they did not fly to the lamp before. There was a lot of flying during the day, but it was hard to catch.
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15.04.2008 21:58, Zhuk

to sdi: afiget! I envy you!

16.04.2008 9:56, Sergey Didenko

to sdi: afiget! I envy you!

There is nothing to be particularly envious of, because I didn't take almost anything from the flown in collection - there were no new species, and I have a terrible tension with the boxes, this weekend I'm going to the Gardener, maybe I can get something in the entomagazine.

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