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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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04.05.2015 8:59, IGAS

On April 28 and May 2, I finally got out into the forest. On the first day, the temperature is +25, sunny; on the second-partly cloudy with short rains, +17. Moscow region, Domodedovo district, Aviatsionnaya platform. I didn't go deep into the forest, and he's dead, apparently from the proximity of the railway and the airport.
Annoying io and lemongrass plants are everywhere.
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04.05.2015 10:34, Бабистр

Yesterday, around 22.00 on the light. smile.gif Istra district, village of Kostrovskoe

picture: IMG_6031.JPG
IMG_6031.JPG — (33.36к)

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04.05.2015 21:20, Ilia Ustiantcev

May Day this year turned out to be just "wonderful" in terms of weather, well, you saw everything for yourself, but the favorable location of my dacha near the village of Pestovo allows you to lure small numbers of butterflies from each of several different biotopes around, instead of collecting the full range of species from just one, so for many years now, even in the spring, some species they're new to me. There was no acceptable summer on any night 1-2, 2-3 or 3-4, despite the fact that 1-2 was under a warm front, and 2-3 before (the best conditions for catching butterflies in general, just at this time it flew best) and during the passage of a cold front. On the night of 1-2, only all sorts of banals flew, including the endromis on duty. On the afternoon of the second, I walked around the neighborhood, found a couple of beetles (see photo), noticed a lone peacock-eyed tau and caught Pammene argyrana. At night, I was pleased with Lithophane ornitopus, which I meet here for the first time, and there were also a lot of eriocrania. It finally became clear that Orthosia incerta ended in Pestovo (I didn't see any at all), they were replaced by O. gracilis, such a change of species was already planned last year. On the third night, the year was absolutely zero, but there was a fairly fresh Conistra rubiginea, which, despite the general banality in the region, I come across here only for the second time, as well as Depressaria olerella, which I probably already saw more than once, but I noticed only now.

Acleris hastiana
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Endromis versicolora
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In the afternoon, in a depression in the river valley, I came across some strange goose onions (flowers with a diameter like a dandelion). Ordinary goose onions (lower photos) are found on dry slopes and much smaller. If anyone knows what these two types are, please write them down.
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Acleris lipsiana (thanks to the Djon participant for identifying Acleris)
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Pammene argyrana
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Caryocolum junctella & Nycteola degenerana
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This post was edited by Ilya U-05/04/2015 21: 22
Likes: 15

04.05.2015 21:21, Ilia Ustiantcev

Eriocrania semipurpurella
picture: DSC04017.JPG

Platycerus ?caraboides
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Agonopterix alstromeriana
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Lithophane ornitopus
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Dyseriocrania subpurpurella
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Conistra rubiginea & Orthosia cruda
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Ampedus did not want to be photographed on a normal background, or defined by Jacobson. In the end, I decided it was A. pomorum. The hairs on the bottom, if anything, are golden.
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Depressaria olerella
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04.05.2015 22:10, Kovalevsky

"Strange "goose onion, looks like Gagea erubescens, "normal" - G. minima.
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05.05.2015 23:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today I have released a male Cocksus cossus.
The caterpillar was found on 13.04.2015 under the bark of a lying rotten birch trunk.
Here: Moscow region, Lyuberetsky district, okr. der. Torbeevo.
Actually, I didn't find anyone but her then, and therefore there was no timely report....
But still, taking this opportunity, I now decided to give a brief report smile.gif

13.04.2015 The place of discovery and the goose itself:
picture: 012.JPG
picture: 004.jpg

16.04.2015 Already lying in the ground here is a chrysalis in a cocoon
picture: 003.JPG

And finally today I was happy
picture: pupa.jpg
picture: Cossus_cossus.jpg

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 07.05.2015 11: 13
Likes: 14

05.05.2015 23:45, Pavel Morozov

isn't that terebra?

05.05.2015 23:49, vasiliy-feoktistov

isn't that terebra?

Yes, kossus seems to be ordinary. And where does the suspicion come from? He has some light geese in my area.
Here Cossus cossus
And here Acossus terebra it is much lighter and generally different smile.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 06.05.2015 00: 06

06.05.2015 21:44, Andrey Ponomarev

I was on the May holidays at my dacha, it doesn't fly very well, I collected several spring scoop females for divorce.
I went to the Malinovsky meadows for the Odezia atrata caterpillar, ran in a new mowing net, mowed on a young root, that's what was in the by-catch.
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female Anostirus castaneus is recommended
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06.05.2015 22:44, IGAS

Today, Moscow Region, Domodedovo district, between Aviatsionnaya platform and Domodedovo platform. from 17.00 to 19.20, sunny, warm, +17 on average.
I decided after work due to favorable weather to promote in search of anything at all. I didn't set out to collect it, and I'm not very experienced yet, so I can say that I only recently started on this path more or less meaningfully.
The first thing I encountered was a buzzing sound (I'm not good at identifying most insect species, I hope my colleagues will help). DSC_0031.jpg
Behind them, Pompil crept stealthily through the grass, his whiskers twitching.DSC_0063.jpg
On last year's sun-dried foliage, I came across a whole cluster of buzzing birds, about 15 of them, tried to take a picture, everything was blurred, but I noticed those that got into the frame. This is the first time I've seen this myself.DSC_0071.jpg DSC_0075.jpg
After walking a little deeper into the forest, I was very disappointed, although it may be too early. A lot of trees are felled, dead, stumps. However, no matter how much I poked around, no matter how much I turned over , I found absolutely nothing. The trees are very unusually dead, they are either riddled with fungi unknown to me, or even resemble mummies, without difficulty, a huge thick and seemingly unaffordable fallen trunk turns over with a light push of the foot. I really hoped that such a biotope would be favorable for an abundant population of woodworms, but I didn't find a single caterpillar, and there wasn't even a smell of wood alcohol anywhere.
Desperate, I decided to return closer to the railway, there is still a young growth of birches and willows, more grown grass. I was surprised that almost all the stumps are inhabited by ants, and in general, these "parasites" filled the entire area that I examined. DSC_0118.jpg
On the tinder boxes there was a certain trifle, I'm not particularly interested, but under the auspices of the opening of the season, I photograph everything and everything (I immediately apologize for the quality of the photo, I get used to the new lens smile.gif).DSC_0070.jpg DSC_0097.jpg DSC_0105.jpg
The soil, by the way, in this area does not seem to be the best. Very often felled trees are quite large and green, apparently quite recently. They fell, revealing entire dugouts.
A little downcast, I went slowly home, because by 7 o'clock it was already cool in the shade, and the shirt did not want to warm at all, however, Mr. Hedgehog did not want to let me out. smile.gif DSC_0148.jpg
The animal was very brave, and for 15 minutes it did not want to let me out of the forest and did not let me pass, it grunted, snorted and hissed threateningly, so I had to record it on video smile.gif
Finally, a little spring beauty and a very eloquent bird. DSC_0163.jpg DSC_0174.jpg
The trip, you can say, was a success. Most of all, as already noted above, I wanted to find overwintered caterpillars of woodworms. I also really wanted to find T-shirts, but so far it is generally very deaf with insects, perhaps this is directly related to the fact that the spring is cold and long. When I lived in Belarus, the foliage of this level was already in March.
I will gladly accept any advice on where and how to look for something in the circumstances described, and whether it is worth it at all. I also wish you all success in the new season! smile.gif
Likes: 20

06.05.2015 23:02, Maksim M.

If you put several series of soil traps in different places of the area, and check them once a week, you can catch a lot of things that do not catch your eye when walking.The principle is this: You are sleeping,or at work, and they still catch you.When catching an interesting animal, in such places you can increase the number of glasses,and you will be lucky!!!
Likes: 2

07.05.2015 11:03, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today, Moscow Region, Domodedovo district, between Aviatsionnaya platform and Domodedovo platform. from 17.00 to 19.20, sunny, warm, +17 on average.
I decided after work due to favorable weather to promote in search of anything at all. I didn't set out to collect it, and I'm not very experienced yet, so I can say that I only recently started on this path more or less meaningfully.

1) Scaphidium quadrimaculatum Olivier, 1790
2) Bolitophagus reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1767)
3) Nutcracker Ampedus sp. In my opinion, either A. pomonae (Stephens, 1830) or A. sanguineus (Linnaeus, 1758) confused.gifshould have at least the size (in terms of habit, of course, I tend to the latter). But in general, these confused ampeduses are red...
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07.05.2015 12:06, Василий Л.

...Finally, a little spring beauty and a very eloquent bird.

By the way, the most eloquent bird is the robin or robin (Erithacus rubecula, Linnaeus, 1758).
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07.05.2015 20:47, IGAS

May 7, Domodedovo district, between Aviatsionnaya platform and Domodedovo platform. from 17.00 to 18.30, sunny, warm, slightly windy, +16 on average.
As soon as I entered the "wild" territory, I was attacked by an anglerfly. And next to the gate of the garden association fence, a small wasp with a bitten wing was warming itself.


Nearby, one of the local summer residents threw a whole bag of rotten apples, where staphylin was hunting.


This time I decided to go straight into the forest along one of the paths. Along the way, I turned over fallen trunks, unfortunately, almost to no avail frown.gif


About 15 minutes later, I suddenly taxied onto a power line with traces of cutting down any vegetation in its path. I was even very happy, I read in reports that deforestation is often teeming with a variety of species. And then there are felled trees stacked along the line of power lines, I think in sunny warm money you can find a bunch of barbels there, the only question is when to start thoroughly checking these very "woodpiles".


In the puddles that formed in the ruts of a tractor, tractor, or whatever it was that drove there, there were a lot of aquatic insects, water lovers, small floaters, something like caddis flies. I also examined the young growth on the outskirts of the clearing, and the results, although small, pleased me. As always, it is a pleasure to meet the pioneers of the season, even if it is Chrysomela populi, from which there will soon be no end.


This post was edited by IGAS-07.05.2015 20: 50
Likes: 17

09.05.2015 12:02, Black Coleopter

the only question is when to start thoroughly checking these very "woodpiles".

Happy warm and sunny days. wink.gif
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11.05.2015 22:22, PhilGri

Yesterday I turned on the generator at my usual place-on a clearing in the Chigasovsky forest near Skorotovo (Odintsovo district). Alas, the night was cold and almost nothing arrived frown.gif
A dozen platitudes, and even then a teaspoon an hour.
However, one new species arrived for me-Earophila badiata in a single copy. I was content with that.
And at home, near Zvenigorod, Xylena vetusta also got knocked up.
That's all.

This post was edited by PhilGri - 05/11/2015 22: 28
Likes: 8

11.05.2015 23:04, Pavel Morozov

Yesterday I turned on the generator at my usual place-on a clearing in the Chigasovsky forest near Skorotovo (Odintsovo district). Alas, the night was cold and almost nothing arrived frown.gif
A dozen platitudes, and even then a teaspoon an hour.
However, one new species arrived for me-Earophila badiata in a single copy. I was content with that.
And at home, near Zvenigorod, Xylena vetusta also got knocked up.
That's all.

Yes, it was cold here. So, a few orthoses, from moths-zinctaria, cervinalis. There were plenty of buckthorn pigeons during the day, but Tau didn't see any.
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11.05.2015 23:29, Andrey Ponomarev

Yes, it was cold here. So, a few orthoses, from moths-zinctaria, cervinalis. There were plenty of buckthorn pigeons during the day, but Tau didn't see any.

And what does the Hydria cervinalis caterpillar eat besides the famous barberry? Because I didn't even see a barberry in Poplar.
Shone all the holidays for a short time, it was cold, only yesterday it got warmer, flying crested counted 6 species,and a lot of May beetles.
Dyseriocrania subpurpurella
is a cute gold coin with a scattering of sapphires.
picture: IMG_2378.jpg
picture: IMG_2842.jpg

The post was edited by Gennadich - 05/11/2015 23: 30
Likes: 13

11.05.2015 23:59, Pavel Morozov

on the topic of cervinalis and barberry:
For a long time, I believed that she also eats something else in our country, until I "accidentally noticed" a huge barberry bush at my neighbor's dacha.
I've seen it before - a tiny barberry bush, straight, a stump, and the presence of cervinalis.
On lepiforum.de nothing is given except barberry.
It is very possible that somewhere nearby there is either someone's or a feral barberry bush. But who knows, maybe the honeysuckle is being chewed.
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12.05.2015 21:01, vasiliy-feoktistov

In short, the period from 9 to 11
m. o., Zheleznodorozhny, to the light.
9.05. 2015:
Cleora cinctaria (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
Caradrina clavipalpis (Scopoli, 1763)
Orthosia incerta (Hufnagel, 1766)

Cleora cinctaria (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
Caradrina clavipalpis (Scopoli, 1763)
Orthosia cruda (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)

Pterostoma palpina (Clerck, 1759) My first crested bird of the year smile.gif
Lycia hirtaria (Clerck, 1759)
Xanthorhoe fluctuata (Linnaeus, 1758)
+ Eastern May crunches have been flying in droves for a long time....
P.S. I forgot to write mol.gifMore Lithophane socia (Hufnagel, 1766) steadily, they come every night.
I didn't go anywhere during the holidays: this is the type composition of the city balcony smile.gif
But the season still started, I'm going to hike. With which I congratulate everyone beer.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 12.05.2015 21: 10
Likes: 10

12.05.2015 21:45, Чегар

Moldovan reports on a visit to the Moscow region beer.gif
Just today, the Phymatodes fasciatus season opened on my balcony grapes. Sixth floor. I've already missed two of them, and I've taken one by the mustache! They're fast. Last year, 9 pieces were caught. Three already seem to be in Zhukovsky.
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12.05.2015 21:53, vasiliy-feoktistov

Moldovan reports on a visit to the Moscow region beer.gif
Just today, the Phymatodes fasciatus season opened on my balcony grapes. Sixth floor. I've already missed two of them, and I've taken one by the mustache! They're fast. Last year, 9 pieces were caught. Three already seem to be in Zhukovsky.

In Zheleznodorozhny, Andrey smile.gifis in my collection, if that's what you mean. Thank you for them beer.gifI have somewhere in June should go to the balcony Exocentrus punctipennis. I can help you if everything goes well with them.

12.05.2015 22:11, Чегар

That's what I mean.
Collect the Punctipenis. I have about several types of undefined good from Exocentrini. There is also a conditional punctipennis. It will be useful to compare it with the tested one. And in general, I will make for you a list of banals near Moscow, about which you wrote in the reports "like dirt". The same Trox scaber. There are a lot of them, you don't even take them anymore, but I need new types.

12.05.2015 22:22, vasiliy-feoktistov

That's what I mean.
Collect the Punctipenis. I have about several types of undefined good from Exocentrini. There is also a conditional punctipennis. It will be useful to compare it with the tested one. And in general, I will make for you a list of banals near Moscow, about which you wrote in the reports "like dirt". The same Trox scaber. There are a lot of them, you don't even take them anymore, but I need new types.

ok. Scabber hasn't been here yet this year, but I expect it. According to one version, he is from the birds ' nests that are in the attic rushing.... If not, then in my opinion there is something on the mattresses somewhere (I don't remember anymore, I need to look). Send us the list smile.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 12.05.2015 22: 22
Likes: 1

13.05.2015 0:06, Bad Den

which you wrote about "like dirt" in your reports.

It is worth saying so - and all the banals disappear somewhere smile.gif

13.05.2015 6:04, vasiliy-feoktistov

It is worth saying so - and all the banals disappear somewhere smile.gif

Jinx is called.... It is necessary to knock on a piece of wood smile.gif

13.05.2015 9:31, Fyodor

Despite the relatively early spring, I opened the season at the dacha, in the Chekhov district, quite late-on April 25. In the first race, the weather was cold and windy, during the day the number of butterflies was minimal, only a few banal overwintered species, even the spring girls did not meet. At night, the situation was even worse, as the temperature dropped to -2 ° C by 23:00. Only 4 butterflies arrived at the light, and all at subzero temperatures.
The next race was from May 1 to May 6. Vesennits met only on the second of May, and all the specimens caught were females of Boudinotiana notha. Despite the favorable weather on the first nights, the season was very bad, obviously the worst May holidays for this place in all time. Even the most banal species arrived sporadically. The only interesting find these days is a hybrid of Lycia hirtaria x pomonaria.


Celastrina argiolus

Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Nymphalis vaualbum
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Polygonia c-album

Pieris napi
Gonepteryx rhamni
Anthocharis cardamines

Endromis versicolora

Boudinotiana notha
Aethalura punctulata
Cleora cinctaria
Ectropis crepuscularia
Ematurga atomaria
Hypoxystis pluviaria
Lycia hirtaria x pomonaria
Paradarisa consonaria
Anticlea derivata
Earophila badiata
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Trichopteryx carpinata

Hypena rostralis

Anorthoa munda
Orthosia cruda
Orthosia gothica
Orthosia gracilis
Orthosia incerta
Lithophane ornitopus
Lithophane socia
Cerastis leucographa
Cerastis rubricosa
Eupsilia transversa

Clostera curtula
Odontosia carmelita

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13.05.2015 9:45, Fyodor

Shatursky district, Tugolesye platform, 07.05.2015
Very dry for this place, water is obviously less than in July last year. The most common species is Callophrys rubi.


Pyrgus malvae

Callophrys rubi
Celastrina argiolus

Issoria lathonia
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Nymphalis vaualbum
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Polygonia c-album

Leptidea sp.
Pieris napi
Gonepteryx rhamni
Anthocharis cardamines
Pontia edusa

Achlya flavicornis

Ematurga atomaria
Hypoxystis pluviaria

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13.05.2015 9:51, Fyodor

Lukhovitsky district, village of Alpatievo, 08.05.2015


Pyrgus malvae

Celastrina argiolus

Issoria lathonia
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Nymphalis xanthomelas

Zerynthia polyxena

Leptidea sp.
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Gonepteryx rhamni
Anthocharis cardamines
Pontia edusa

Chiasmia clathrata
Ematurga atomaria
Hypoxystis pluviaria

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14.05.2015 10:40, Fyodor

Lukhovitsky district, quarries to the north of Lukhovitsy, 09.05.2015
Along the railway-in the mass of Issoria lathonia and Pontia edusa, the first generation of these species has never been observed so numerous in the Moscow region before.


Celastrina argiolus

Issoria lathonia
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Pararge aegeria

Papilio machaon

Leptidea sp.
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Gonepteryx rhamni
Anthocharis cardamines
Euchloe ausonia
Pontia edusa

Lythria cruentaria
Ematurga atomaria
Hypoxystis pluviaria

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14.05.2015 15:27, Fyodor

Lukhovitsky district, Kurovo village, 10.05.2015


Celastrina argiolus

Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Polygonia c-album

Papilio machaon

Leptidea sp.
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Gonepteryx rhamni
Anthocharis cardamines
Euchloe ausonia
Pontia edusa

Ematurga atomaria
Hypoxystis pluviaria

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14.05.2015 15:57, Ilia Ustiantcev

Whose thickets are these in the pictures? Isn't it a blackthorn tree?

14.05.2015 16:03, Василий Л.

Whose thickets are these in the pictures? Isn't it a blackthorn tree?

This is a flowering blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) and there is. What a beauty!
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14.05.2015 18:50, Fyodor

Moreover, there are a lot of thorns there, growing in every ravine. A steppe cherry tree was also found there, but it has not yet bloomed. Now I was surprised to find that neither the blackthorn nor the cherry is listed in the CC of the Ministry of Defense for this point. Apparently botany in the CC MO is just as bad as entomology.
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14.05.2015 20:51, Shamil Murtazin

Moreover, there are a lot of thorns there, growing in every ravine. A steppe cherry tree was also found there, but it has not yet bloomed. Now I was surprised to find that neither the blackthorn nor the cherry is listed in the CC of the Ministry of Defense for this point. Apparently botany in the CC MO is just as bad as entomology.

Imho everywhere so. Just like once walked through the region - and it became uninteresting.
And in fact there to dig and dig =)
Likes: 3

15.05.2015 12:53, Fyodor

Lukhovitsky and Kolomenskiy districts, Chernaya Square district, 11.05.2015


Pyrgus malvae

Callophrys rubi
Celastrina argiolus

Boloria dia
Issoria lathonia
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Aglais urticae

Papilio machaon

Leptidea sp.
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Gonepteryx rhamni
Anthocharis cardamines
Euchloe ausonia
Pontia edusa

Ematurga atomaria
Hypoxystis pluviaria
Lomographa bimaculata
Lythria sp.

picture: DSC_2306.JPG
DSC_2306.JPG — (502.66к)

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DSC_2319.JPG — (455.25к)

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DSC_2396.JPG — (381.85к)

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DSC_2478.JPG — (365.36к)

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18.05.2015 22:11, Andrey Ponomarev

Today I delivered medicine to my mother-in-law on the Beam (a friend in London knows where it is) and on a hawthorn bush I saw a leaf-cutter Pammene rhediella.
picture: IMG_3819.jpg
picture: Pammene_rhediella.jpgpicture: Pammene_rhediella1.jpg
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18.05.2015 23:20, Vlad Proklov

Och cool! The second find in the region, it was known from one point in the Tula region only!
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19.05.2015 0:40, Ilia Ustiantcev

Vlad, you are not a good person, you forgot about my find (although it was on the train from Yaroslavsky railway station.)
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24.05.2015 15:21, lepidopterolog

On May 21-23, we took a ride with our colleagues to the Batkovskoe swamp. The first night was shone before reaching Lake Bolshoe, the light is quite weak, from the interesting - one not very fresh male Phyllodesma japonica. The next day we went to the swamp. Andromeda and cloudberry are blooming, and rosemary is just about to bloom. Oeneis jutta has already flown out, at least a hundred specimens have been encountered in a day; Callophrys rubi is finishing its years, and females fly en masse over forage plants and lay eggs. There are isolated Coranarta cordigera, Pyrgus malvae and stray lemongrass. The next night the sun shone in a clearing near the fishing base, across the road from the swamp. There are more butterflies than near the lake, but still nothing out of the ordinary - a completely standard set of crested butterflies and moths; a female pavonia flew in and laid eggs. I was surprised that there are still beastons, hirtarii and gotikas flying by. So spring is kind of dead this year, after all.

user posted imageOeneis jutta by Anatoly Krupitsky, on Flickr

user posted imageClossiana euphrosyne by Anatoly Krupitsky, on Flickr

user posted imageRubus chamaemorosus by Anatoly Krupitsky, on Flickr

user posted imageRaised moor by Anatoly Krupitsky, on Flickr
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