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22.06.2015 17:50, SergeyB

20.06. we visited the Batkovskoe swamp for the first time. Lots of impressions! The main task was to develop "swamp" butterfly species. Despite the comfortable temperature, the swamp itself is terribly stuffy, a lot of mosquitoes and horseflies. umnik.gif
In the mass were Coenonympha hero, but most flew.
Boloria eunomia and Boloria aquilonaris were also quite common, but the former prevailed.
Coenonympha tullia was smaller, all fresh.
Colias palaeno was not patched up in the swamp itself. I caught a single male specimen on the road adjacent to the swamp. Can't figure out why? Years at the end or not caught there? confused.gif
Aporia crataegi flew everywhere, flew into the swamp.
We managed to catch a few Lasiommata maera on the road.
Also, there were many "nights" in the swamp, but I'm not an expert in this, so I didn't define it.
We walked for about two or three hours. We reached the lake. Small, beautiful there. From there, they went along a clearing to the road.
We met a bird. There is a photo, can someone tell me who it is?
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22.06.2015 18:00, Pavel Morozov

nightjar bird
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22.06.2015 19:24, Fyodor

Colias palaeno was not patched up in the swamp itself. I caught a single male specimen on the road adjacent to the swamp. Can't figure out why? Years at the end or not caught there? confused.gif

Yolks, especially by the end of summer, tend to fly away from the place of hatching, so it's not surprising. There is information that Colias palaeno was recorded in the village of Luzhki, Serpukhov district, although there are already steppes and swamps far away.
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22.06.2015 19:51, Fyodor

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, I caught fish at my home in Vidnoye on the balcony. Pleased with the mass, of course, for the conditions of the city, years. I was particularly pleasantly surprised by the species composition – I caught as many as 3 new species, and some species were also recorded at this point for the first time.

Comibaena bajularia
Eupithecia sp.
Perizoma alchemillata
Idaea aversata

Drepana falcataria

Rivula sericealis
Hypena proboscidalis

Acronicta leporina
Cryphia fraudatricula
Abrostola tripartita
Autographa pulchrina
Diarsia brunnea

Hoplodrina octogenaria
Agrotis exclamationis
Xestia c-nigrum
Apamea sordens
Apamea unanimis
Lacanobia suasa
Mythimna impura
Oligia latruncula
Oligia strigilis
Ochropleura plecta
Trachea atriplicis
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22.06.2015 21:01, SergeyB

Yolks, especially by the end of summer, tend to fly away from the place of hatching, so it's not surprising. There is information that Colias palaeno was recorded in the village of Luzhki, Serpukhov district, although there are already steppes and swamps far away.

So how long does Colias palaeno last in the summer?

23.06.2015 19:58, Fyodor

So how long does Colias palaeno last in the summer?

In the Moscow region - approximately from the beginning to the end of June.
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23.06.2015 21:39, Fyodor

Leninsky district, Volodarsky district, 22.06.2015

After a long break, the most banal chervonets Lycaena hippothoe was once again noted in the Leninsky district. Also in the area, the usual Heteropterus morpheus in the area finally met. A good crop of Phengaris alcon was recorded, but the males have already flown, and the females have not yet flown.


Ochlodes sylvanus
Thymelicus sylvestris
Heteropterus morpheus
Carcharodus floccifera
Pyrgus malvae

Satyrium w-album
Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena dispar
Lycaena hippothoe
Aricia artaxerxes
Aricia eumedon
Celastrina argiolus
Cyaniris semiargus
Phengaris alcon
Polyommatus amandus
Polyommatus icarus

Argynnis sp.
Melitaea diamina
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Aphantopus hyperantus
Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha glycerion
Coenonympha pamphilus
Lopinga achine

Gonepteryx rhamni
Aporia crataegi
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Pontia edusa

Mesoleuca albicillata
Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata
Camptogramma bilineata
Chlorissa viridata
Scopula immorata
Angerona prunaria
Macaria liturata
Cabera pusaria
Ematurga atomaria
Lomaspilis marginata
Siona lineata
Chiasmia clathrata

Euclidia glyphica
Diacrisia sannio

Acontia trabealis
Deltote bankiana
Subacronicta megacephala
Autographa gamma

Zygaena viciae

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23.06.2015 21:57, Fyodor

Leninsky district, Sukhanovo district, 23.06.2015

Another of the few places in the Leninsky district where you can look for butterflies is the floodplain of the Gvozdyanka River near the village of Sukhanovo. Unfortunately, at the time of my arrival, the weather abruptly changed from sunny to overcast, although it did not rain. Despite the beauty of the places, the set of butterflies turned out to be quite banal. On the way back to the city, I found a pair of Sesia apiformis on a poplar tree, after arriving near the house I went to inspect the poplars and found another female.


Ochlodes sylvanus
Thymelicus sylvestris

Lycaena dispar
Lycaena hippothoe
Aricia eumedon
Cyaniris semiargus
Polyommatus amandus
Polyommatus icarus

Boloria selene
Brenthis ino
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis aglaja
Vanessa cardui
Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina
Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha glycerion

Sesia apiformis

Epirrhoe tristata
Camptogramma bilineata
Chlorissa viridata
Scopula immorata
Scopula immutata
Cabera exanthemata
Ematurga atomaria
Siona lineata
Chiasmia clathrata

Hypena proboscidalis
Cybosia mesomella
Euclidia glyphica
Diacrisia sannio

Deltote bankiana
Autographa gamma

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23.06.2015 22:29, Barnaba

Leninsky district, Sukhanovo village, 23.06.2015
Another of the few places in Leninsky District where you can look for butterflies is the floodplain of the Gvozdyanka River near Sukhanovo.

It looks like a great place for such proximity to Moscow. And where is the floodplain of the Gvozdyanka River? I know there Sukhanovsky pond, on the south. on the bank of which is the House of Creativity in Sukhanovo, and it is connected by a small river with ponds to the south. Is that her?

24.06.2015 20:48, Fyodor

It looks like a great place for such proximity to Moscow. And where is the floodplain of the Gvozdyanka River? I know there Sukhanovsky pond, on the south. on the bank of which is the House of Creativity in Sukhanovo, and it is connected by a small river with ponds to the south. Is that her?

Yes, the Sukhanovsky pond on the Gvozdyanka River. Places where I was, about a kilometer from the pond along the river.
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25.06.2015 21:51, Fyodor

Lukhovitsky district, mostly planned natural micro-zapovednik "Sukhodolny meadow near the village of Kurovo", 24.06.2015

In the steppe between Alpatievo and Kurovo, Melanargia russiae is widespread, and more than a dozen are visible in the clover feeding areas. Melitaea britomartis is abundant in the micro-zapovednik and steppe gullies in the area.


Ochlodes sylvanus
Thymelicus lineola
Thymelicus sylvestris
Heteropterus morpheus

Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena dispar
Lycaena virgaureae
Aricia ?agestis
Aricia eumedon
Celastrina argiolus
Cyaniris semiargus
Glaucopsyche alexis
Polyommatus amandus
Polyommatus icarus

Melitaea athalia
Melitaea britomartis
Vanessa cardui
Nymphalis ?xanthomelas
Vanessa cardui
Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina
Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha glycerion
Melanargia russiae

Colias hyale
Gonepteryx rhamni
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae

Thetidia smaragdaria
Camptogramma bilineata
Scopula immorata
Cabera pusaria
Ematurga atomaria

Euclidia glyphica

Deltote bankiana
Autographa gamma

Zygaena lonicerae

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26.06.2015 14:23, Ilia Ustiantcev

A report on three trips to an interesting set of biotopes I explored in the upper reaches of the Moskva River, but first of all, about the day before yesterday, since the first two brought almost nothing special, but during the last one I discovered as many as 5 new species (only 10 km away). in a straight line from the dacha, the neighborhood of which I have been exploring for 6 years!), and do not care that everything is micra. All this is located to the east of Zvenigorod, between the villages of Mozzhinka and Kozino (the stop in this village can be reached by bus 452 in less than an hour from m. Kuntsevskaya Street). I have indicated interesting biotopes with numbers in the photo below, some of them are part of the Mozzhinsky Ravine Nature reserve. 1 corresponds to a dry meadow and the slopes of a small ravine, there is a lot of lyadvenets, there is a bruise in some places, and milkweed is found on the slope, the western border is the slope of a larger ravine with a linden tree. Number 2-the confluence of these two ravines, the slopes are mostly bare or overgrown with pine, there are various compositae and carnations. The ravine, in fact, does not reach the river, ending at the road laid along the shore with a convenient beach for swimming. Number 3 is already the slope of the Moskva River, partly overgrown with American maple, a lot of redwort and white wormwood, on the border of 2 and 3 - mainly ruderal vegetation, sometimes bare sand. The lower part of the slope is flooded in high water. Motherwort stands near the church. Number 4 is a pine forest, pine trees grow also on the slope. There are no particularly interesting plants there - the navel continues to meet, bells are distinguished, and a gusset is added in the western part. I didn't see any surprises there, such as molodil, heather, dream grass, or Danish astragalus. It is noteworthy that the forest is a popular holiday destination, but its zasrannost tends to zero. Number 5 is not such a steep slope as 3, with less dry-loving vegetation, there are no pupavki and white wormwood, there is still a gusset, there is oregano and licorice astragalus. Above is a dry meadow, where there is a lot of sorrel. Number 6-oak grove on the slope, something like a light version of the Ulitinskaya oak grove (there is no liverwort), with typical species-primrose, spring rank, various bluebells, sometimes with oregano or kupena (in the shade). In summer, the undergrowth is full of lastovnya and clover, in the middle part there is another ravine overgrown with ferns. Number 7 - a steep sandy slope with pine trees and dry-loving vegetation, there is a colony of solitary bees, which can be read about in the description of the reserve. On the sides of the road, passing in the lower part of the slope, there are a lot of yellow bedstraw blooming flowers. Number 8-lowering, here to the Moscow River just goes Mozzhinsky ravine, so there are a lot of different deciduous shrubs, nettles, etc., for me this place is not of interest, as there are a lot of such things in the valley of the Ostrovki river. Finally, 9 - again open steep slopes, where in places there is a pupavka, a lot of clover and lyadvenets, there is a tuber rank. Only at points 8 and 9 there is a lot of Sosnovsky hogweed in some places. This is what the map looks like with all the biotopes, the length of the coast from edge 9 to 3 is about 2.5 km.
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5, 4 and 3 (in the distance) biotopes in mid-April; pine forest in the 4th biotope at the same time.
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Slope in the eastern part of biotope 9; southward view of the Moskva River Valley (end of May)
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Solitary bees in Biotope 7, taken in mid-April
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Gusset-the day before yesterday I mowed a lot on it in the hope of finding Scopula umbelaria, but there were only nigropunctata.
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With pupavka krasilnaya luckier - it came across Isophrictis anthemidella. It's a pity that it fell back after freezing
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At the end of May, a caterpillar Griposia aprillina was caught in an oak grove, which is on the site insectamo.ru in general, only from the Cerebellum and there is, although last year I caught it in Pestovo.
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Aleimma loeflingiana met there the day before yesterday
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Phyllonorycter insignitella with clover in oak grove
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26.06.2015 14:24, Ilia Ustiantcev

Anacampsis timidella from a small oak tree at point 7
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Finally, in biotope 9, we found one of the most spectacular cover - noses in the region-Klinzigedia wockeella (feeds on chistets)
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29.06.2015 0:52, Black Coleopter

I'm kicking up their tails... wink.gif

17.06.2015 Moscow Metrogorodok district.
I took Cetonia aurata.
"you tell me."
"Not exactly! "I'll contradict you. Still, the red Book of Moscow. wink.gif Yes, and on the territory of Moscow is not often found.


It was collected from this shrub. I'll ask for your help in identifying the plant.


29.06.2015 0:58, Black Coleopter

I'm kicking up their tails... wink.gif

My thousandth message!!! Hurray!!! jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

02.07.2015 16:55, Fyodor

Chekhov district, Vaulovo village district, 27-30. 06. 2015

During the day and into the light:

Ochlodes sylvanus
Thymelicus sylvestris

Lycaena dispar
Lycaena hippothoe
Aricia eumedon
Celastrina argiolus
Cyaniris semiargus
Plebejus argus
Polyommatus amandus
Polyommatus icarus
Satyrium ilicis

Apatura ilia
Brenthis ino
Argynnis sp.
Limenitis camilla
Limenitis populi
Melitaea athalia
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina
Lopinga achine
Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha glycerion
Melanargia russiae

Gonepteryx rhamni
Aporia crataegi
Pieris napi

Smerinthus ocellata
Laothoe populi
Mimas tiliae

Habrosyne pyritoides

Comibaena bajularia
Thetidia smaragdaria
Aplocera praeformata
Camptogramma bilineata
Catarhoe cuculata
Electrophaes corylata
Eulithis mellinata
Eulithis pyropata
Eulithis prunata
Eupithecia sp.
Eupithecia succenturiata
Hydrelia flammeolaria
Perizoma alchemillata
Xanthorhoe designata
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata
Cyclophora albipunctata
Cyclophora pendularia
Idaea aversata
Idaea biselata
Idaea dimidiata
Idaea ochrata
Macaria liturata
Macaria wauaria
Scopula immutata
Scopula nigropunctata
Alcis repandata
Angerona prunaria
Cabera exanthemata
Cabera pusaria
Ematurga atomaria
Hypomecis roboraria
Lomaspilis marginata

Hepialus humuli

Malacosoma castrensis
Malacosoma neustria

Colobochyla salicalis
Laspeyria flexula
Miltochrista miniata
Spilosoma lubricipeda
Spilosoma lutea
Hypena proboscidalis
Herminia tarsicrinalis
Herminia tarsipennalis
Pechipogo strigilata
Rivula sericealis
Euclidia glyphica
Euproctis similis
Leucoma salicis

Deltote bankiana
Deltote pygarga
Acronicta psi
Abrostola triplasia
Abrostola tripartita
Autographa gamma
Autographa jota
Autographa pulchrina
Diachrysia chrysitis
Diachrysia stenochrysis
Actinotia polyodon
Apamea crenata
Apamea remissa
Apamea monoglypha
Apamea sordens
Brachylomia viminalis
Caradrina morpheus
Cosmia pyralina
Enargia paleacea
Hoplodrina octogenaria
Lacanobia oleracea
Lacanobia suasa
Lacanobia thalassina.
Mythimna ferrago
Mythimna impura
Mythimna turca
Ochropleura plecta
Oligia latruncula
Oligia strigilis
Polia nebulosa
Agrotis clavis
Agrotis exclamationis
Anaplectoides prasina
Axylia putris
Graphiphora augur
Diarsia brunnea
Xestia ditrapezum
Xestia c-nigrum

Cerura vinula
Phalera bucephala

Apoda limacodes
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04.07.2015 19:16, Andrey Ponomarev

Today I visited Nerskaya, put 2 cages with caterpillars and moth eggs there, and on the 6th I fly to the Crimea.
I mowed down the broom in the hope of finding the caterpillars of Acronicta cinerea / euphorbiae, to find out which of them lives on the Burrow. The previous two years were a failure, all the caterpillars died at the last age . As a result, I mowed out 4 pieces and put them in a cage, since I took a spare bag with me.I'll check in two weeks if the cages aren't bombed.
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By-catch of Colias myrmidone caterpillars (all released)
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04.07.2015 19:27, Andrey Ponomarev

Well, there is still not much of the output from Nerskaya.
Agonopterix nervosa
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04.07.2015 23:04, Shamil Murtazin

And then how to understand that in the cage is exactly the butterfly that was planted there by the caterpillar? =)

05.07.2015 11:40, Andrey Ponomarev

And then how to understand that in the cage is exactly the butterfly that was planted there by the caterpillar? =)

In each cage, and there are three of them(in the photo one of them), a separate type of caterpillar is planted.

05.07.2015 22:24, veyscoleop

Friends!!!Who went hunting for Osmoderma?Where can I catch it?

07.07.2015 20:51, Fyodor

Serebryano-Prudsky district, Serebryanyye Prudy settlement area (1) – Lishnyagi village area (2) - Podkhodoe Village area (3), 04-06. 07. 2015


Muschampia tessellum (2, 3)
Pyrgus alveus (3)
Thymelicus lineola (2)
Thymelicus sylvestris (1)
Heteropterus morpheus (2,3)

Lycaena alciphron (2)
Lycaena dispar (1, 2, 3)
Lycaena virgaureae (1, 2, 3)
Aricia eumedon (1, 2, 3)
Celastrina argiolus (1, 2, 3)
Cupido argiades (1, 2, 3)
Cupido minimus (2)
Polyommatus amandus (1, 2)
Polyommatus icarus (1)
Plebejus argyrognomon (2)
Phengaris alcon (2, 3)
Phengaris teleius (3)
Satyrium spini (2)

Argynnis adippe (1, 2, 3)
Argynnis aglaja (2)
Brenthis ino (2)
Boloria dia (2)
Issoria lathonia (2, 3)
Melitaea britomartis (2)
Polygonia c-album (1, 3)
Aglais io (1, 3)
Aglais urticae (1, 2, 3)
Vanessa cardui (1, 2, 3)
Aphantopus hyperantus (1, 2, 3)
Maniola jurtina (1, 2, 3)
Hyponephele lycaon (2, 3)
Coenonympha glycerion (1, 2, 3)
Coenonympha pamphilus (3)
Melanargia galathea (1, 2)
Melanargia russiae (1, 2, 3)

Papilio machaon (1, 2)

Leptidea sp. (2, 3)
Gonepteryx rhamni (1, 2)
Aporia crataegi (2)
Pieris napi (1, 2, 3)

Pseudoterpna pruinata (2, 3)
Idaea ochrata (1, 2, 3)
Idaea serpentata (2, 3)
Ematurga atomaria (1, 2, 3)
Chiasmia clathrata (2, 3)
Hypoxystis pluviaria (2)

Euclidia glyphica (3)

Acontia trabealis (1, 2, 3)
Tyta luctuosa (1)
Deltote bankiana (3)
Autographa gamma (1, 2, 3)

Jordanita chloros (2)
Zygaena angelicae (2)
Zygaena carniolica (2)
Zygaena centaureae (1, 2, 3)

Zygaena lonicerae (2)
Zygaena loti (2)
Zygaena minos (1, 2, 3)
Zygaena viciae (2)

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08.07.2015 2:54, А.Й.Элез

Angelica last season was full of Lichens (O. Gorbunov, A. Zamesov, A. Elez); however, as well as all other Zygaena (except for the only osterodensis on the decline); a total of 9 species were found then. But it was not possible to confirm the chlorosis that year, and the only specimen photographed there a few years ago was not taken; it is good that you found the chlorosis after all; this is no longer an accident.

Galatea is also very pleasing; before that, I saw only one - no longer new-find of a luxury male from the Kolomna district (V. Y. Smirnov), whose photo hangs on the website of butterflies of the Moscow Region. God willing, it will trample on us as well as russiae.
At the beginning of the millennium, Teleius was noted as common (by the way, during the mass departure of betulae) in the vicinity of der. Mochila, on the near left (coming from the Village) edge of the forest at the turn to Podkhodoe.

In general, in the lishnyagovaya point for ten years (ending in 2014, I was not there this season), 11 species of mottled birds were noted (counting together with chloros), all practically without leaving their places (add to your yesterday's ones - filipendulae, osterodensis and pruni). The point in this aspect is unique not only for the Ministry of Defense.

The pine mane there, judging by your pictures, is thinning catastrophically from year to year; and on the lower part of the main slope, the pines have also suffered...
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09.07.2015 19:36, Fyodor

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10.07.2015 14:36, А.Й.Элез

You also need to add the ephialtes that appears in your 2012 report.
Yes, of course. Sclerosis... Actually, ephialt was marked there in the last century.
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15.07.2015 16:34, Ilia Ustiantcev

Mini-report on yesterday's trip to Razdory. For those who are not in the subject - this is a cool place just a stone's throw from the MKAD, a dry pine forest on a power line clearing with various interesting plants. Unfortunately, I didn't come across anything special. Of the butterflies, only Yponomeuta cagnagella and Epagoge grotiana were interested. The latter, obviously, came from Gennadich - after all, now he is away, and butterflies should feel a lack of attention; in Pestovo last weekend, Mythimna pudorina and Chilo phragmitellus were similarly noted smile.gif. Also, from the thickets of willow elecampane, of which there is a sea, I managed to mow down a finger-fly very similar to Hellinsia inulae, but I missed it. Two of the most interesting finds had a botanical focus. First, I found a small moor-the total heather cover there is 25, at most, 40 m2. But it's still very cool: heather is marked as extinct in Moscow, and here it grows only three kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. Apparently, not only butterflies, but also plants decided to migrate from Poplar smile.gif. It will be necessary to test it in May, August and June to understand whether such a small population is capable of supporting the existence of any monophage on the heather or not. Well, in half a month you need to visit this place-the heather indirectly indicates a biotope characteristic of semele, above there is a lawn with several types of cereals, and one of the last finds of this species in the region was made nearby. There are many mullein trees near the heath, where it is generally quite a frequent plant, but alas, there are no interesting checkers there, although there are both types. The second find is sulfur yellow scabiosa: I had no idea that this species was going north of the Oka River at all! Plus, I met a single copy of some krestovnik, which I initially took for elecampane, did not photograph.

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17.07.2015 23:52, Ilia Ustiantcev

I went yesterday to the vicinity of the village of Volodarsky for Zygaena centaureae. What can I say, she got caught literally after the first few attempts at mowing. It's just a pity that there weren't very many of them, so I couldn't photograph any of them in nature - I only met them in flight or mowed them down, there were no flowers on them.

picture: DSC05147.JPG
picture: DSC05179.JPG
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The predominant species was Zygaena filipendulae:
picture: DSC05151.JPG

Zygaena viciae was allowed to take pictures of herself in the most intimate activity...
picture: DSC05152.JPG

... like Carcharodus alceae.
picture: DSC05161.JPG

As in Razdory, there seems to be only one flowering krestovnik specimen for the entire biotope, but this time I took it off)
picture: DSC05157.JPG

But, unlike Razdorov, the mass of willow elecampane grows here for a reason, and supports the population of the awesome leaf moth Tebenna bjerkandrella.
picture: DSC05198.JPG
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According to Fyodor reports, there is a golubyanka alkon here. I didn't come across it (and I didn't really want to), but I did find its intended food plant - gentian cross-shaped. But in Meshchera, this species is found not in dry biotopes, but in wet meadows, because there its caterpillars feed on another gentian - pulmonate.
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Apparently, this is Apodia bifractella with an extremely sadly developed color:
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Well, for a snack - just a couple of good photos of swallowtail, already today, from Pestovo:
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18.07.2015 0:06, barry

As in Razdory, there seems to be only one flowering krestovnik specimen for the entire biotope, but this time I took it off)
And on the left are small turnips that will soon dry up and cling - what is it called?

18.07.2015 0:14, Vlad Proklov

I went yesterday to the vicinity of the village of Volodarsky for Zygaena centaureae. What can I say, she got caught literally after the first few attempts at mowing. It's just a pity that there weren't very many of them, so I couldn't photograph any of them in nature - I only met them in flight or mowed them down, there were no flowers on them.

Och prikolno-the second point on Tebenna! And there's a lot of alcon in lishnyag. And tebenna is also there =)

Enchanted this Volodarsky some-Lishnyagi near Moscow =)

18.07.2015 0:33, Ilia Ustiantcev

And on the left are small turnips that will soon dry up and cling - what is it called?

Almost so and will be-repeshok. smile.gif The abomination is disgusting, there is almost every settled biotope, it clogs the net and almost none of the butterflies eats it!

18.07.2015 0:41, Vlad Proklov

Almost so and will be-repeshok. smile.gif The abomination is disgusting, there is almost every settled biotope, it clogs the net and almost none of the butterflies eats it!

Stigmellas some rosaceae quote it well. But monophages really don't come to mind.

18.07.2015 1:24, Ilia Ustiantcev

Stigmellas some rosaceae quote it well. But monophages really don't come to mind.

We do not have monophages, and Incurvaria praelatella can also eat it together with other rosaceae.

21.07.2015 9:59, Fyodor

Chekhov district, mostly around Vaulovo village, 11-19. 07. 2015

Last week I was at a dacha in the Chekhov district. During the day, something new could not be found, and night fishing, despite the rather cold nights, was very pleasant. I collected a few new species, while others, which in previous years arrived only sporadically, were common.

During the day and into the light:

Carcharodus floccifera
Heteropterus morpheus
Ochlodes sylvanus
Thymelicus lineola
Thymelicus sylvestris

Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena dispar
Aricia eumedon
Celastrina argiolus
Cupido argiades
Cyaniris semiargus
Polyommatus amandus
Polyommatus icarus
Satyrium ilicis

Apatura iris
Boloria dia
Boloria selene
Brenthis ino
Argynnis aglaja
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis paphia
Issoria lathonia
Limenitis camilla
Melitaea athalia
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Nymphalis vaualbum
Polygonia c-album
Vanessa cardui
Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina
Lopinga achine
Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha glycerion
Coenonympha pamphilus
Melanargia russiae

Papilio machaon

Leptidea sp.
Gonepteryx rhamni
Colias hyale
Pieris napi

Sesia apiformis

Drepana falcataria
Falcaria lacertinaria
Habrosyne pyritoides
Tethea ocularis

Geometra papilionaria
Thalera fimbrialis
Thetidia smaragdaria
Aplocera praeformata
Camptogramma bilineata
Colostygia pectinataria
Epirrhoe tristata
Eulithis pyropata
Eulithis prunata
Eupithecia sp.
Eupithecia icterata
Eupithecia succenturiata
Hydriomena furcata
Pasiphila rectangulata
Perizoma alchemillata
Scotopteryx chenopodiata
Xanthorhoe designata
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Xanthorhoe fluctuata
Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata
Xanthorhoe spadicearia
Idaea aversata
Idaea biselata
Idaea dimidiata
Idaea emarginata
Idaea ochrata
Idaea serpentata
Idaea straminata
Scopula immutata
Scopula nigropunctata
Timandra comae
Alcis repandata
Cabera exanthemata
Cabera pusaria
Chiasmia clathrata
Deileptenia ribeata
Ectropis crepuscularia
Ematurga atomaria
Ennomos erosaria
Lomaspilis marginata
Macaria wauaria
Selenia dentaria
Selenia tetralunaria

Euthrix potatoria
Malacosoma castrensis
Malacosoma neustria

Arctia caja
Miltochrista miniata
Phragmatobia fuliginosa
Eilema griseola
Thumatha senex
Spilosoma lutea
Hypena proboscidalis
Herminia tarsipennalis
Rivula sericealis
Parascotia fuliginaria
Euclidia glyphica
Euproctis chrysorrhoea
Euproctis similis

Deltote pygarga
Aedia funesta
Abrostola tripartita
Abrostola triplasia
Autographa gamma
Autographa jota
Diachrysia stenochrysis
Subacronicta megacephala
Lygephila pastinum
Cucullia lucifuga
Pyrrhia umbra
Actinotia polyodon
Amphipyra sp.
Amphipoea sp.
Apamea monoglypha
Apamea remissa
Mesapamea sp.
Atypha pulmonaris
Brachylomia viminalis
Caradrina morpheus
Caradrina petraea
Ceramica pisi
Charanyca ferruginea
Cosmia pyralina
Cosmia trapezina
Enargia paleacea
Eurois occulta
Graphiphora augur
Hoplodrina blanda
Hoplodrina octogenaria
Ipimorpha contusa
Ipimorpha retusa
Lacanobia oleracea
Lacanobia thalassina
Lateroligia ophiogramma
Leucania comma
Mythimna albipuncta
Mythimna conigera
Mythimna ferrago
Mythimna impura
Mythimna turca
Ochropleura plecta
Oligia latruncula
Mesoligia furuncula
Parastichtis suspecta
Photedes fluxa
Polia bombycina
Polia hepatica
Polia nebulosa
Sideridis reticulata
Trachea atriplicis
Agrotis exclamationis
Anaplectoides prasina
Axylia putris
Diarsia brunnea
Xestia baja
Xestia ditrapezium
Xestia triangulum

Notodonta dromedarius
Notodonta ziczac
Pheosia gnoma
Pheosia tremula
Clostera curtula
Clostera pigra

Zygaena filipendulae
Zygaena lonicerae
Zygaena viciae

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21.07.2015 20:27, Fyodor

Removed from the straightener galatey from Serebryano-Prudsky district:picture: SDC13817.JPG
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22.07.2015 9:39, Fyodor

Serpukhov district, Luzhki district – Respublika district, 17.07.2015

Last week, I made one sortie from a dacha in Serpukhov district along the above route, hardly chose a day with good weather. I was hoping to meet Galatea there, but I couldn't. But he repeated his record for the number of diurnal species encountered at one time in the Moscow region – 48. If I had taken a closer look at the haymakers and mother-of-pearl (obviously there were very common species there – non-flying Coenonympha glycerion and Argynnis aglaja), it would have been 50.


Pyrgus alveus
Carcharodus floccifera
Muschampia tessellum
Thymelicus lineola
Thymelicus sylvestris

Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena virgaureae
Lycaena tityrus
Lycaena phlaeas
Aricia artaxerxes
Aricia eumedon
Celastrina argiolus
Cupido argiades
Cupido minimus
Cyaniris semiargus
Plebejus argyrognomon
Polyommatus daphnis
Polyommatus icarus
Phengaris teleius
Satyrium spini

Boloria dia
Brenthis ino
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis paphia
Issoria lathonia
Limenitis camilla
Melitaea athalia
Melitaea didyma
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Polygonia c-album
Vanessa cardui
Erebia aethiops
Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina
Hyponephele lycaon
Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha pamphilus
Pararge aegeria
Melanargia russiae

Papilio machaon

Leptidea sp.
Gonepteryx rhamni
Colias hyale
Pieris napi
Pontia edusa

Camptogramma bilineata
Scotopteryx chenopodiata
Idaea ochrata
Idaea serpentata
Ematurga atomaria

Autographa gamma

Adscita statices
?Jordanita globulariae
Zygaena filipendulae
Zygaena lonicerae
Zygaena viciae

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22.07.2015 22:18, vasiliy-feoktistov

I lit it on my balcony and went to the computer. Suddenly I hear.... Broads smile.gifCame out to see who landed with such a noise on the balcony?
And I see: male Saperda (s. str.) carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758)
I jumped for joy jump.gif
Despite the fact that they say: "this is an ordinary beetle," I catch it only once and every 5-10 years. Even strange why so? It seems that there are plenty of old poplars in the courtyards.... And a candle constantly from year to year confused.gif
22.07.2015г. Russia, Moscow region, Zheleznodorozhny, on svet.
picture: saperda_carcharias.jpg
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22.07.2015 22:47, Maksim M.

Vasya, take them all, shine brighter!!!!

23.07.2015 20:10, Ilia Ustiantcev

I went yesterday to a remarkable biotope in the vicinity of the Sanatornaya platform, located opposite the Polushkin quarries on the right bank of the Moskva River. As a matter of fact, I was there for the first time in early June of this year, but then I didn't come across anything special except for a bat in the trash Aethes tesserana:

picture: DSC04548.JPG
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Limestone outcrop that reminds more of the Crimea than the Moscow Region:
picture: DSC05301.JPG
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On this trip, in fact, there was almost nothing special either. For a long time I hesitated to write a report, until I tried to identify the glass jar collected there. When I caught it, I generally wanted to throw it out, because I thought it was sorrel filth, but now it dawned on me - this is Bembecia ichneumoniformis! At least something justifies the huge thickets of peas, chinas, lyadvenets and astragalus licorice, since there are few mottled trees there. The butterfly itself was mowed down almost on the slope, which is on the left in the first photo in the report:
picture: DSC05305.JPG

So you can't help but wonder if there is a vixen here, which was last celebrated just in the vicinity of the Sanatorium? I didn't see anything like it. You should probably check out this biotope at the beginning of July, at least the discovery of the vixen in 1989 was made on July 14. Perhaps, in suboptimal years, this species switches to a 2-year cycle, if it really exists here?..
Anania funebris is also found there:
picture: DSC05304.JPG

Another remarkable place is located to the left of the railway in the direction of Polushkino station. There would be nothing special about it, an ordinary meadow, if not for the thickets of thyme in places (this is Thymus marschallianus or pulegioides). With it or not, but I managed to mow down a strange moth, similar to Pancalia (they feed on violets), but different from both of our species in the color of the inner part of the wing:
picture: DSC05308.JPG
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23.07.2015 20:56, Black Coleopter

Despite the fact that they say: "this is an ordinary beetle"

The last time I caught it was in Torbeevo, in 2012. It's actually a very infrequent bug. His closest relative Similis still caught. frown.gif
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23.07.2015 22:12, Maksim M.

Join, infrequent, and still matters condition, very fresh and not rubbed very rare, especially females.....
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