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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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24.07.2015 2:46, vasiliy-feoktistov

The last time I caught it was in Torbeevo, in 2012. It's actually a very infrequent bug. His closest relative Similis has not yet caught. frown.gif

I will join, infrequent, and still the condition matters, very fresh and not rubbed are very rare, especially females.....

So I'm not the only one who collects it so rarely smile.gif
Actually, my balcony is "magical", but wink.gif
This season already Rhamnusium bicolor (my first find)....
Now the third in my life (in the past years, 2 more collected) Saperda (s. str.) carcharias
And everything right at home, on the balcony shuffle.gif
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24.07.2015 13:44, Andrey Ponomarev

I went to Nerskaya on the 19th and checked the cages left there for 2 weeks, all the caterpillars are still growing in natural conditions. I mowed down the broom again and added 2 more cages with Acronicta cinerea
picture: IMG_3566__Acronicta_cinerea.jpg
Do you know what it is?
picture: IMG_4325_Comibaena_bajularia.jpg
Young caterpillar Comibaena bajularia
picture: IMG_4328_Comibaena_bajularia.jpg
Luminaries in Poplar at the dacha July 20-24
Caradrina petraea
picture: IMG_6300Caradrina_petraea.jpg
Second generation of Gelechiia rhombella
picture: IMG_6376Gelechia_rhombella.jpgpicture: IMG_6377Gelechia_rhombella.jpg
Abraxas grossulariata arrived after quite a long break
picture: IMG_6424Abraxas_grossulariata.jpg
Lots of Argyresthia goedartella
picture: IMG_6883Argyresthia_goedartella.jpgpicture: IMG_6887Argyresthia_goedartella.jpg
2 nights 2 Noctua fimbriata
picture: IMG_6947Noctua_fimbriata.jpg
Nemapogon sp. and Elachista sp.
picture: IMG_6948_Nemapogon_sp..jpgpicture: IMG_6950_Elachista_sp..jpg
Parornix sp.
picture: IMG_7182_Parornix_sp..jpg
picture: IMG_7674_Elachista_bisulcella.jpgpicture: IMG_7676_Elachista_bisulcella.jpg
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24.07.2015 14:07, Vlad Proklov

Another remarkable place is located to the left of the railway in the direction of Polushkino station. There would be nothing special about it, an ordinary meadow, if not for the thickets of thyme in places (this is Thymus marschallianus or pulegioides). With it or not, but I managed to mow down a strange moth, similar to Pancalia (they feed on violets), but different from both of our species in the color of the inner part of the wing:
picture: DSC05308.JPG

This is Aristotelia baltica (Gelechiidae)! Cool it!
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24.07.2015 14:19, Andrey Ponomarev

This is Aristotelia baltica (Gelechiidae)! Cool it!

Really cool, it is not even on the list of scrupulous Germans.

24.07.2015 14:22, Vlad Proklov

Here, then, is her map of central Russia:

picture: 2725a_Aristotelia_baltica.gif

24.07.2015 14:23, Vlad Proklov

Really cool, it's not even on the list of scrupulous Germans.

It was recently separated into a separate species from A. coeruleopictella. This is a Far Eastern species, and all references from Europe refer to A. baltica.

24.07.2015 14:55, Ilia Ustiantcev

This is Aristotelia baltica (Gelechiidae)! Cool it!

And yet, Aristotelia!.. Thank you.

By the way, this night some Oecogonia came, I hope the next fascists did not overtake me this time and this is really the first find of an autostichid for the 8th region?)

24.07.2015 15:24, Vlad Proklov

And yet, Aristotelia!.. Thank you.

By the way, this night some Oecogonia came, I hope the next fascists did not overtake me this time and this is really the first find of an autostichid for the 8th region?)

For 8 - a new one. At 9 just found.
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24.07.2015 15:25, Vlad Proklov

Here, if you are interested, is an article on the Aristotelians:

download file aristotelia_baltica.djvu

size: 2.3 mb
number of downloads: 144

24.07.2015 15:48, Ilia Ustiantcev

Here, if you are interested, is an article on the Aristotelians:

download file aristotelia_baltica.djvu

size: 2.3 mb
number of downloads: 144

I wonder what is the first and second largest family of micras in the world? Leaflet wrappers and ...? Or do the authors consider ognevok a micra?

By the way, is it true that Lypusidae is now in Amphisbatidae?!

24.07.2015 15:58, Vlad Proklov

I wonder what is the first and second largest family of micras in the world? Leaflet wrappers and ...? Or do the authors consider ognevok a micra?

By the way, is it true that Lypusidae is now in Amphisbatidae?!

1) Probably, crambid counted. Or maybe "Elachistidae sensu lato".

2) I don't know about it. I enclose the latest version of the Gelechioidea taxonomy:

download file 10.1111_cla.12064.pdf

size: 1.41 mb
number of downloads: 968

24.07.2015 16:02, Ilia Ustiantcev

Well, the Lypusidae are in Gelechioidea now, although they used to be in Tineoidea. I got mixed up, this Amphisbatidae is now also Lypusidae.

24.07.2015 16:07, Vlad Proklov

Well, the Lypusidae are in Gelechioidea now, although they used to be in Tineoidea. I got mixed up, this Amphisbatidae is now also Lypusidae.

Damn, of course! I'm confused with Autostichidae=)))
Yes, Amphisbatidae is now a synonym for Lypusidae.

I didn't really understand why they combined Lypusidae and Chimabachidae.

And the population estimates there are from this summary:
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25.07.2015 17:55, Ilia Ustiantcev

And here are the photos of the autostichida that I recently flew to Pestovo, and this is a new family for the 8th region! Of the two possible similar species, I would rather choose Oegoconia deauratella.

picture: DSC05390.JPG
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25.07.2015 18:01, Vlad Proklov

And here are the photos of the autostichida that I recently flew to Pestovo, and this is a new family for the 8th region! Of the two possible similar species, I would rather choose Oegoconia deauratella.

And there is no one else especially: in the Hebrew part of Russia there are also O. novimundi (Caucasus) and O. uralskella (N. Povolzhye and Yu. Ural region).
And this one was recently found in Lipetsk. And earlier - in Chuvashia.

25.07.2015 18:23, Ilia Ustiantcev

I actually chose between it and Oegoconia quadripuncta from region 7 and 10, or is this a mistake?

25.07.2015 18:41, Vlad Proklov

I actually chose between it and Oegoconia quadripuncta from region 7 and 10, or is this a mistake?

We don't have O quadripuncta, we have O. uralskella, which was described as a subspecies of quadripuncta, but then raised to a species.
In the Catalog, they suck.

Here is the revision of the European representatives:
HUEMER, P. (1998): Neue Erkenntnisse zur Identität und Verbreitung europäischer Oegoconia-Arten. — Mitt. Münch.Ent.Ges. 88: 99-117.

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27.07.2015 9:24, Fyodor

Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, Podosinki Square-Nerskaya Square, 25.07.2015


Hesperia comma
Thymelicus lineola
Thymelicus sylvestris

Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena virgaureae
Lycaena tityrus
Lycaena phlaeas
Celastrina argiolus
Cupido argiades
Cyaniris semiargus
Plebejus argus

Boloria dia
Brenthis daphne
Brenthis ino
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis aglaja
Argynnis paphia
Issoria lathonia
Melitaea athalia
Melitaea didyma
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Nymphalis vaualbum
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Polygonia c-album
Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina
Hyponephele lycaon
Coenonympha pamphilus
Lasiommata maera
Pararge aegeria

Papilio machaon

Leptidea sp.
Gonepteryx rhamni
Colias hyale
Colias myrmidone
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Pontia edusa

Camptogramma bilineata
Idaea emarginata
Idaea serpentata
Cabera exanthemata
Ematurga atomaria

Eilema lutarella
?Coscinia striata

Zygaena filipendulae
Zygaena lonicerae
Zygaena minos
Zygaena viciae

This post was edited by Fyodor - 27.07.2015 09: 24

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01.08.2015 11:20, Ilia Ustiantcev

So, it's time to report on the trip with Gennadich and Tolik Krupitsky (lepidopterolog) to Lishnyagi. We were sitting at a certain point north of the Lobanovsky forest from July 26 to 29. By the way, the forest belt and part of the forest in the vicinity are broken off as if a tornado was passing through there, which the chairman of the local collective farm seemed to confirm when he came to ask what we were doing here) I'll start with the most interesting part - with the motley birds. Even before arriving at the point, we made a stop in the field, where we found Zygaena centaureae, filipendulae, and Bembecia ichneumoniformis. Then, without even setting up camp, we went for a walk along the slope of the Polosni River, where we found all the numerous Zygaeninae of this trip: in addition to Z. centaureae and filipendulae, there flew a lot of angelicae, minos, including equine, almost completely red specimens, carniolica, occasionally came across ephialtes and met only one pair of osterodensis. The banals-viciae and lonicerae-were mostly flying in the upper part of the slope, and the loti had already moved away. The next day on the slope of the river valley in the northern part of the Lobanovsky forest came across two Jordanita chloros, and also Gennadich let go of some broken green mottling, which was definitely not chloros.
As for the diaries, on the first day we found Melanargia Russiae, and the next day, during a walk to the quarry, Gennadich picked it out in nature properly, but I was too lazy to chase it. There, at the quarry, he caught Erynnis tages. On the slopes in the Lobanovsky forest, a lot of bloodworms grew, so a lot of Maculinea teleius flew there, and Muschampia tesselum also came across. To the north, Maculinea alcon eggs were almost always found on the krestovidnaya gentian, and Tolik said that its size and habitat corresponded to the rebeli form. Cupido minimus, Polyommatus daphnis, and coridon were fairly common. We also met Satyrium spini and both types of marshmallows, and the necessary oak Tolik treacherously soaked, I did not have time to come to my senses.
Both during the day and at night, five species of not very common fireflies were characteristic of Lichens at this time: Selagia argyrella and spadicella, Pyrausta cingulata, Mecyna flavalis and Endotricha flammealis. On the way back from the quarry, I managed to catch a more interesting species, and perhaps the most successful find of the entire trip - Sitochroa palealis. As for night fishing in general, it was unsuccessful. Only the first night was normal in terms of weather, on the second we were immediately scared off by a nearby thunderstorm, which passed by, but still we had a strong wind almost all night. On the third night, they caught only up to zero hours, and then again a strong wind began with a light downpour. In general, the wind chased us almost the entire trip, not allowing us to catch normally at night and take photos during the day. From the macro, almost nothing interesting came to light, you can note Phytometra viridaria in abundance, one copy of Cosmia affinis, which we missed during the photographing, Catocala sponsa Watsonalla binaria, Calyptra thalictri, as well as the shape of Arctia caja with very dark front wings. With micra, it was more interesting: not very ordinary coniferous species were born-Vitula biviella, Exotelia dodecella and Cydia coniferana, Acleris shepherdana, and moths Sophronia chilonella and Deuterogonia pudorina. I was also pleased with Cydia pyrivora - I have already caught this species in Moscow, where it is most likely imported, but here there is a feral pear, so here it may have become naturalized. Both day and night, there were fingerfliesCalyciphora nephelodactyla, I also managed to mow down a leafwort similar to Acleris aspersana from the endemic dogwood of Alaun, but we took it - you never know what)
From the beetle, you can note Dolichus halensis, which flew to the light in some numbers, as well as two of its larger counterparts, which came only in one copy - Carabus sibiricus haeres and Calosoma investigator. The latter we dismissed, hastily mistaking for Carabus gortensis frown.gif. During the day, there were unusual bronzes on the flowers-like Protaetia metallica, and also, in one place, there were several barbels Chlorophorus herbsti.

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This post was edited by Ilya U-01.08.2015 11: 21
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01.08.2015 23:18, PhilGri

My native smile.gifMolodilo places are there - on the birch-oak slope.

Anacampsis timidella from a small oak tree at point 7
user posted imageuser posted image

Finally, in biotope 9, we found one of the most spectacular cover - noses in the region-Klinzigedia wockeella (feeds on chistets)
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01.08.2015 23:33, Ilia Ustiantcev

Can you show me exactly where on the map?

02.08.2015 22:02, Andrey Ponomarev

Well, there was time to supplement Ilya's report on Extra money.
picture: IMG_0102_____________.JPG
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Freight forwarders
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Protaetia metallica
picture: IMG_0287_Protaetia__metallica_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_0326.jpg
Cetonia aurata
picture: IMG_0376_Cetonia_aurata_____________.jpg
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picture: IMG_1576_____________.jpg
As for Chlorophorus herbsti, the beetle is very local, it was found in one place, out of 10 umbrella bushes it chose only two. The friend is very quick and flies away at the slightest danger.
picture: IMG_1701_Chlorophorus_herbsti_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_1745_____________.jpg
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02.08.2015 23:26, Andrey Ponomarev

Caloptilia jurateae on Warrior Mountain.
picture: IMG_0202_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_0371_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_0503_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_6560_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_7731_____________.jpg
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06.08.2015 23:54, Andrey Ponomarev

Today I wandered on Voinovaya Gora, mowed down and did not find anything interesting. I found only two caterpillars of Acronicta aceris on an oak tree.
picture: IMG_6261_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_6263_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_6305_____________.jpg
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07.08.2015 0:06, Andrey Ponomarev

Phyllonorycter pastorella
Poplar, mines found on willow possibly on Salix fragilis 21.07.2015
picture: IMG_1064_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_1626_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_1644_____________.jpg
To the right there is a toilet in the mine where the caterpillar collects its ficals
picture: IMG_1735_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_1739_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_1790_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_1800_____________.jpg
Everything else was shot on 30.07.2015, it's good that not all the butterflies came out managed to shoot the pupa.
picture: IMG_1805_____________.jpg
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07.08.2015 23:11, алекс 2611

Today I wandered on Voinovaya Gora, mowed down and did not find anything interesting. I found only two caterpillars of Acronicta aceris on an oak tree.
picture: IMG_6364_____________.jpg

Shaggy Fly - (Cheilosia illustrata
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08.08.2015 0:41, AlexIva

Here I am posting a short report on a trip to the vicinity of the village of Luzhki in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow Region. The weather was nice and the butterflies were flying pretty well too, although there was nothing special. On the banks of the Oka River flew mostly pigeons, common marigolds and occasionally thickheads; in the forest there were quite a lot of Egeria of the second generation. The views that were captured are shown below. Of the interesting things, only Erynnis tages of the second generation probably didn't get into the frame.
Well, here are all the others:
Polyommatus daphnis
picture: 1______.JPG
Polyommatus icarus
picture: 2______.JPG
picture: 3______.JPG
Cupido minimus
picture: 4______.JPG
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picture: 7______.JPG
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Plebejus argyrognomon
picture: 10______.JPG
Issoria lathonia
picture: 11______.JPG
Lycaena phlaeas
picture: 12______.JPG
Polyommatus coridon
picture: 13______.JPG
picture: 14______.JPG
picture: 15______.JPG
picture: 16______.JPG
picture: 17______.JPG
Pararge aegeria
picture: 18______.JPG
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10.08.2015 16:22, Ilia Ustiantcev

I was born in Pestovo last night... Noctua janthe! I'm already freaking out. I wonder where it came from? Has it been somewhere in the Smolensk region before, and no one found it, or was it spooked by the heat and fires in the vicinity of Chernobyl (if it exists there)? In 2010, after all, many people flew to us like this. The copy, by the way, is quite clean, but in 2010, many of the invaders were also not beaten.

picture: DSC05792.JPG
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Defining features:
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Well, to the pile, another nice find is Gracillaria syringella.
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10.08.2015 17:06, Vlad Proklov

Miracles in a sieve!

13.08.2015 23:29, AlexIva

This week I fished a little at my dacha, the weather helped me catch a lot of fish, and in general I got quite a lot of good things. During the day, while I went for mushrooms, I made sure that the daytime ones were mostly already flying away, except for a larger number of Pararge aegeria (5-7 butterflies in each clearing inside the forest), there was nothing. At night it was caught much better, it shone 4 evenings in a row and each time it flew very well. Here are some fishing data:
09.08 . - from 21: 15 to 00: 45; t-ra: 20C-16C,
10.08 . - from 21: 00 to 02: 30; t-ra: 21C-14C,
11.08 . - from 21: 15 to 00: 45; t-ra: 16C-13C,
12.08. - from 21: 00 to 00: 45; t-ra: 14C-11C.
Each of the nights was cloudless and at the same time windless and moonless.
All those who arrived are listed below, most pleased with the sickle-wing Watsonalla binaria-two good specimens, one each on the first and second nights. Some infrequent females also arrived - one Malacosoma neustria, one Notodonta tritophus, and two Pheosia tremula.

List of types:

Thymelicus lineola

Papilio machaon

Pieris rapae
Gonepteryx rhamni

Favonius quercus
Satyrium w-album
Cupido argiades
Aricia eumedon
Polyommatus icarus

Pararge aegeria
Coenonympha pamphilus
Maniola jurtina
Argynnis paphia
Argynnis adippe
Limenitis camilla
Aglais io
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Polygonia c-album

Triodia sylvina

Acossus terebra

Watsonalla binaria
Drepana falcataria
Falcaria lacertinaria

Malacosoma neustria
Trichiura crataegi

Hyles gallii

Notodonta dromedarius
Notodonta tritophus
Notodonta ziczac
Pheosia gnoma
Pheosia tremula
Furcula bifida

Pseudoips prasinana

Rivula sericealis
Parascotia fuliginaria
Catocala fraxini
Catocala fulminea
Catocala nupta
Catocala promissa
Euproctis similis
Miltochrista miniata
Phragmatobia fuliginosa

Geometra papilionaria
Cyclophora pendularia
Cyclophora albipunctata
Cyclophora punctaria
Timandra comae
Scopula rubiginata
Idaea biselata
Idaea dimidiata
Idaea aversata
Xanthorhoe designata
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Xanthorhoe fluctuata
Catarhoe cuculata
Camptogramma bilineata
Cosmorhoe ocellata
Ecliptopera silaceata
Eulithis prunata
Plemyria rubiginata
Hydriomena furcata
Mesotype parallelolineata
Eupithecia centaureata
Eupithecia absinthiata
Eupithecia icterata
Eupithecia virgaureata
Eupithecia pusillata
Euchoeca nebulata
Chiasmia clathrata
Hypomecis punctinalis
Ennomos autumnaria
Ennomos erosaria

Abrostola triplasia
Macdunnoughia confusa
Diachrysia stenochrysis
Autographa gamma
Plusia putnami
Aedia funesta
Acronicta rumicis
Amphipyra pyramidea
Amphipyra perflua
Amphipyra tragopoginis
Pseudeustrotia candidula
Hydraecia micacea
Apamea monoglypha
Xanthia icteritia
Enargia paleacea
Cosmia trapezina
Ipimorpha subtusa
Tholera decimalis
Mythimna conigera
Ochropleura plecta
Diarsia rubi
Noctua fimbriata
Eurois occulta
Xestia c-nigrum
Agrotis exclamationis

Parapoynx stratiotatum
Evergestis pallidata
Pleuroptya ruralis

Ethmia pusiella

Orthopygia glaucinalis
Hypsopygia costalis

Pandemis corylana

As a result, 18 species of diurnal butterflies, 79 nocturnal and 7 microns. Although I may have overlooked some species of moth, scoops, and especially micro-lepidoptera, or simply forgotten to enter them.

Well, a few photos:
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14.08.2015 9:00, Alexander73

AlexIva, can I ask you where your dacha is?

14.08.2015 11:22, AlexIva

My dacha is located in the SNT "Solnechnaya Polyana". Previously, it was the outskirts of the Podolsk district, but now it is officially called Moscow (the new one) Voronovskoye settlement. 4 km south of the village of Epiphany.
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15.08.2015 11:30, Бабистр

For the first time in several years, a cabbage patch has been spotted in the Istra district! The photo was taken half an hour ago. And so I saw her on August 12, but then I didn't believe that it was her

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15.08.2015 12:11, gonkem1986

I lit it on my balcony and went to the computer. Suddenly I hear.... Broads smile.gifCame out to see who landed with such a noise on the balcony?
And I see: male Saperda (s. str.) carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758)
I jumped for joy jump.gif 
Despite the fact that they say: "this is an ordinary beetle," I catch it only once and every 5-10 years. Even strange why so? It seems that there are plenty of old poplars in the courtyards.... And a candle constantly from year to year confused.gif
22.07.2015г. Russia, Moscow region, Zheleznodorozhny, on svet.
picture: saperda_carcharias.jpg

I recently met the same person in Mytishchi.

5953_2_2222345_12________.jpg — (915.73к)

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15.08.2015 15:36, CosMosk

awesome, almost just looked out the window, and on the windowsill (about the 10th floor) Metoecus paradoxus! And after all, only yesterday-tonight (about synchronicities and rare coincidences) I climbed the Internet to clarify its name, because I recently caught the first such beetle in the forest near the house. And for all the years ahead, I have not seen it once, either in nature or in the catches of my colleagues (although I may not have seen so much). I saw only one copy in the department's collection about 28 years ago. Parasite in wasp nests - this year there are almost no public wasps,and last year there was an outbreak of their numbers.
Surrounding area of the hotel.Vnukovo.
picture: DSC07771.JPG

This post was edited by CosMosk - 08/15/2015 15: 39
Likes: 10

16.08.2015 16:02, Andrey Ponomarev

The sun shone yesterday from 15 to 16. Quite warm(+15) compared to the previous night(+8).
At 1: 30 I was going to go to bed when I passed by the screen, I noticed Katokolina jumping nervously.
Catocala electa is no longer an accident. a pattern.
I saw her last year, but I couldn't catch her.
picture: IMG_0631_Catocala_electa.jpg
New to me Pammene populana
picture: IMG_0880_Pammene_populana.jpgpicture: IMG_0884.jpg
Syngrapha interrogationis, 3 of these came
picture: IMG_0665_Syngrapha_interrogationis.jpg
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20.08.2015 21:06, Andrey Ponomarev

I returned home from Poplar on leave.
Yesterday, a female Scotopteryx moeniata was born.
On vernoe, the wind blew from Voynovaya Gora, the nearest place where broom grows.
picture: IMG_2342.jpg
And this is the result of mowing the willows.
Anthocomus rufus female
picture: IMG_1529.jpgpicture: IMG_1536.jpg
and the male
picture: IMG_1714.jpgpicture: IMG_1916.jpg
Cryptorhynchus lapathi (if that's what it is)
picture: IMG_1896________________.jpg
picture: IMG_1893________________.jpg
picture: IMG_1881________________.jpg
Someone's larva, maybe goldeneye
picture: IMG_1961.jpg
I don't know this bug
picture: IMG_2244.jpgpicture: IMG_2251.jpg
This leaflet was mowed down from an alder
picture: IMG_2781.jpgpicture: IMG_2773.jpgtree
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21.08.2015 1:25, Ilia Ustiantcev

Leafhopper-Epinotia tenerana.
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21.08.2015 9:52, Victor Titov

Cryptorhynchus lapathi (if that's what it is)

And there's no one else. smile.gif
I don't know this bug

Galerucella lineola

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 08/21/2015 09: 54
Likes: 1

23.08.2015 9:45, Andrey Ponomarev

Cetonia aurata
M. O., Poplar, 3.05.2015, larva found in the ground.
picture: IMG_0445________________.jpg
picture: IMG_0948________________.jpg
picture: IMG_0955________________.jpg
picture: IMG_1699________________.jpg
picture: IMG_1701________________.jpg
picture: IMG_1705________________.jpg
picture: IMG_1706________________.jpg
picture: IMG_1708________________.jpg
picture: IMG_2282________________.jpg
picture: IMG_2326________________.jpg
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