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27.10.2013 9:23, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #22900

Yponomeuta malinellus / padella

27.10.2013 2:07, Peter Khramov: comment on Unsuitable fabrics for nets

Gentlemen, please share in the subject experience of those who use nets of a fabric that she was completely unsuitable for catching butterflies. Ie something like a "rag used such and such, is not suitable because of that, replaced on this, and it was much better." But first and foremost interested in still is not what it came, and the one that is tested, but is not suitable.

27.10.2013 0:02, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #24212

For that I love Japanese photosites, is because they do not do not care users outside the Japanese language.

26.10.2013 20:42, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #24238

In this photo the same butterfly, as here http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/23773, but in the expanded form.

26.10.2013 20:42, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #24237

In this photo the same butterfly, as here http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/23773, but in the expanded form.

26.10.2013 20:38, okoem: comment on

  Cайт "умер"? Или хостер облажался? Какой-то глюк у хостера. Не открываются htm, всё остальное (jpg, DjVu...) грузится. Ftp работает. http://www.lepidoptera.crimea.ua/2504_Noct...0617-121124.jpgТакая картина была уже два-три раза, но длилась не сильно ...

26.10.2013 16:07, Lev Bely: comment on photo #21993

Leo is not enough for you, white and fluffy :)

26.10.2013 15:34, Насекомовед: comment on Looking for locust Zonocerus variegatus

Дорогие коллеги!Есть надобность в африканских саранчовых Zonocerus variegatus из Pyrgomorphidae (нужен именно этот вид). Может быть, в Москве кто обладает таким зверьком? Буду весьма признателен за двух самцов и одну самку Фото можно ...

26.10.2013 12:41, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #21993

Galliry is fixed. As for the tooltips, yes, there was bug with incorrect signs on author pages. Now fixed. As for rebukes and other disputes, I'd like to say it fifth time that web messages may be reacted more expressive than real, alive ones, so please let's have some more patience and comprehension. I'm sure we're all here for similar reasons and purposes, and we're all people of reason and ...

26.10.2013 10:04, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #22080

After another assumption:Acronicta auricoma?

26.10.2013 6:01, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #24205


26.10.2013 6:01, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #24204


26.10.2013 6:01, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #24207


26.10.2013 6:00, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #24206


26.10.2013 2:04, Peter Khramov: comment on Hyles euphorbiae

People. And the truth as synonyms? Or we can glitch which has crept in?

26.10.2013 1:59, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #15722

yes it happens accidentally pressed, I think so :)

26.10.2013 1:33, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #13995

Alexander, the signature "definition of species" is given for the sake of brevity. In fact, this infa not about who is to determine the form, and that those who had information that at this picture, this look to the site. And yes, it can only be zaregalsya user.If it is determined by someone else, it is a good habit to write about it in the comments or in the notes to the picture (so now and make ...

26.10.2013 1:23, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #24214

So sometimes I do not know whether to laugh, cry or whether :)

25.10.2013 23:37, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #24213

Peter, and it is exotic to the fact of "the background"))

25.10.2013 18:30, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #2505

Sergey, our aim is not just move from not identified to confidently identified but do it right. :) And I'll stand for this position. Let's hide emotions which impede the business. I'll give a reply now on Agonopterix on its page.

25.10.2013 13:00, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #23642

Biological research station on mountain taiga ", 2006, № 10 In this collection makes no mention of the fact that kirkazona pupae were taken. Here, as in others. References traditional approach-Braley caterpillars pupate, they give altsinoya.None of the search engine (in Russian) can not find any of information-either text or image, Where to mention, it shows images of dolls altsinoya on ...

25.10.2013 4:03, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Cnephasia stephensiana

no, not synonymous and this is important :)

24.10.2013 23:01, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #16018

By analogy with the photo Imago.

24.10.2013 22:55, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #21874

Pentadaktil very popular among them is simple. And in fact: back to undefined?

24.10.2013 18:04, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #21920

By analogy with the top picture of the wings.

24.10.2013 15:11, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23439

I messed up. This in uncertain

24.10.2013 12:38, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #22511

Rhode Lasaia, need underside

24.10.2013 11:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #21449

By analogy with other photos from the same individual.

24.10.2013 8:49, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23975

It should be cut. By drugomu- special needs.

24.10.2013 2:02, Peter Khramov: comment on "The old description" and "Forage crops" in the descriptions of species

That subsection "The old description" and "Forage plants" on pages with descriptions of species are disappearing - this is normal. Of the old descriptions infa transferred to the new system with an indication of the sources (ie the data is not going away, they are on the same page in a more civilian clothes), in the future, this section will not appear greater.INFA of "Forage crops" is also ...

23.10.2013 23:26, Honza: comment on Subgenus Cratocephalus Kirsch, 1859 (Carabus)

Carabus (Cratocephalus) corrugis Dohrn, 1882 Картинки:Carabus__Cratocephalus__corrugis_Dohrn___1882.jpg — (198.22к)   Carabus__Cratocephalus__corrugis_Dohrn__1882.JPG — (82.72к)   

23.10.2013 22:00, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #24146


23.10.2013 22:00, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #24152


23.10.2013 18:42, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #24144

The three managed to pupate at a height of almost 11000km! I never thought that this could be - take off on ET caterpillars, pupae landed).

23.10.2013 17:56, Peter Khramov: comment on Cyana fasciola

Yeah, I removed.

23.10.2013 16:36, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #23976

By analogy with other photos from the same individual.

23.10.2013 15:54, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #23310

Pupation at home

23.10.2013 13:23, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #24091

Yes, there was a glitch, now everything is going to fly, move for the second time did not have. Thanks for the tip.

23.10.2013 12:38, Peter Khramov: comment on Phengaris arion


23.10.2013 11:05, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #24127

Not exactly the image defect. Apparently, dripped) Thank you, Vasily

22.10.2013 22:46, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #24105

while distracted - still determined ... =)

22.10.2013 21:32, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #24100

Shamil, this moth is just quite worn-out, that's it. As for the spot, this is here in the right wing, just semi-erased :)

22.10.2013 21:19, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #24096

Thank you. Really varies greatly)

22.10.2013 15:26, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #24016

In any case not through Bali. After Jakarta.

22.10.2013 8:20, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio castor

Dmitry asked the question - where is she?

21.10.2013 22:59, Peter Khramov: comment on Colin Hutton and his photo

The author has agreed to the publication of his pictures on our website, today I downloaded the first few of them. Can anyone please suggest a specific accessory for (well, or at least supraspecific).

21.10.2013 19:34, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #24060

Alexander, a subspecies of append to the photos in your lux (field called species): I can not do that.

21.10.2013 15:09, Peter Khramov: comment on Lycaena virgaureae

I moved here from the Old buggy-type double.

21.10.2013 9:07, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #15064

How did this beast?

20.10.2013 22:51, Triplaxxx: comment on Melandryidae and related families of the Tenebrionoidea

Голову с глазами и щупиками.

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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