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21.09.2023 10:33, Maxim Maximov: comment on photo #55643

Pieris rapae

16.09.2023 12:56, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #82112

It's wonderful species and it's wonderful picture.

07.09.2023 18:49, Sergey Rybalkin: comment on Callophrys rubi in mid-September in the Urals!

Ruby's second generation again!!!!Today, September 7, I collected two fresh males!

07.09.2023 14:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81122

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81146

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:49, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81120

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:49, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81078

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:48, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81143

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81389

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81319

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:45, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81106

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:45, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81457

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:44, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81127

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:37, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #80768

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:36, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #80761

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:35, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #73374

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:35, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #76272

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:35, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #76458

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:33, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #70884

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:32, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #70880

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:32, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #68290

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:32, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #68129

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #68425

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #69405

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #69406

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #69407

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #67129

I move the photo to the fergana subspecies. If fergana is not a synonym for maracandica, let me know...

07.09.2023 14:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #67128

I move it to the fergana subspecies. If fergana is not a synonym for maracandica, let me know.

03.09.2023 15:17, pierrevanstulov: comment on Buy a block ladder for label alignment

Need a ladder to align labels. Please write us if you can sell it in Moscow.

02.09.2023 23:23, Dima Ivanov: comment on Tell me who is up to perform the function

The microflora will eat itself, the main thing is to feed it with nitrogen, for example, to shed carbamide regularly. Then the bronzes will breed there, the beetles will find your sawdust themselves

02.09.2023 23:15, Dima Ivanov: comment on An insect that looks like a fly


24.08.2023 19:34, ИНО: comment on Insect images: receiving, processing, etc.

Zhuki Photo Contest     https://35awards.com/page/contests/num/694/photographers/I looked at the very first one (like the best one?) the image is a very mediocre stacking result with eye-catching artifacts. Eduardo Modolo gets a Strong fi from me!

24.08.2023 8:51, ИНО: comment on Z. polyxena

I am sure that within a radius of 10 km there will be many more polyxena breeding points. This is not at all a rare butterfly from the steppe zone. Tea is not Apollo. But it has a long-term population dynamics that is spasmodic, and in some years it is possible not to meet any of them at all. The pupa sometimes lies for several years. So what you didn't find in a particular year is not an ...

22.08.2023 19:12, ИНО: comment on Identification of Orthoptera

I don't know about cicadas, but the Internet writes the absolute truth about cicadas. They suck blood like pastel bedbugs, and the consequences are similarly unpleasant. The same goes for many bedbugs, both carnivorous and herbivorous. They are all hungry for human blood. The oral apparatus of all these people is fundamentally the same - piercing-sucking, hemipteroid, the most convenient for ...

22.08.2023 11:41, Peter Khramov: comment on The website pages speed

From 20th to 21st of August we carried out some works to increase the speed of the website pages loading (earlier some pages would load for about 10 seconds, not mentioning bots raids when things were getting even worse). Now overall page loading is notably faster, and some catalog pages load faster even in several times. Following steps for speed increasing are planned for the end of this week ...

21.08.2023 22:54, Sergey Rybalkin: comment on Aglia tau. How to feed the caterpillars?

They eat birch, as I expected, but they are capricious, it is important for them that the leaves stand vertically) A few pupated in July)

15.08.2023 17:27, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81826

Identification (Ephippigerini sp.): Evgeniy Scherbakov.

15.08.2023 17:26, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81825

Identification (Ephippigerini sp.): Evgeny Scherbakov.

14.08.2023 1:16, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81433

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

14.08.2023 0:52, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #62678

Initial identification by Juergen Peters: "male Phasia hemiptera of the more femalish obscura-Form."

12.08.2023 22:31, Guntram Hufler: comment on photo #59229

femal, fa Argynnis paphia valesina b.r.

11.08.2023 14:49, ИНО: comment on Czech straightening tape

No, plastic is not that, there is little adhesion (the wings slip off constantly) and it does not "breathe", it dries longer. Or maybe my hands are in the wrong place.Well, the edges of the wing are quite visible on a light background through tracing paper, and even through tissue paper. And what's the point of seeing more? Admire - after removing from the straightener.If you only knew what this ...

11.08.2023 14:43, ИНО: comment on Noctuidae associated with oak

It seems that somewhere they pointed out an aspen tree, but others doubted it.

10.08.2023 0:00, pierrevanstulov: comment on Photocameras

I don't know anything about a digital microscope, but a DSLR with a whale lens doesn't work at all. For small things at an inexpensive price, the Soviet biological microscope (MBR, MBI, Biolam), slightly modified in terms of lighting, is suitable, always with a 3.7 X LOMO lens in combination with a mirrorless camera. A DSLR will also work, just the mirror will hang around. You can keep within 10 ...

09.08.2023 21:15, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81999

The photo is just wonderful.

08.08.2023 8:46, ИНО: comment on Identification of arthropods from fragmentary remains

It seems that I have determined that the larva is either a leaf beetle or a ladybug (as for me, these two families should be combined, they are very close in everything up to the smell, and the morphology of larvae differs more within them than between them).

08.08.2023 7:50, ИНО: comment on Soaking insects

Goliaths are covered with wax, so you can't put them in alcohol, gasoline, etc., and you probably shouldn't put them in water. So a cotton pad and desiccator are our everything. Considering the expected duration of the process for such a hefty and smelly carcass, the addition of a fugngicide (for example, phenol) is mandatory. Return - unlikely.

08.08.2023 7:43, ИНО: comment on Please help. I just don't understand

And all because the aquarium is for fish, butterflies are not kept in the glass.

07.08.2023 14:50, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #47221

Evgeny moved the photo to Galeruca interrupta.

06.08.2023 17:27, ИНО: comment on Butterflies for movies. Peacock's Eye

Well, I looked at this crap-I noticed a butterfly in the amount of one piece, it seems to be made of pure graphonium, and a danaid! Where are the eyes!?

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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