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Hypomecis roboraria - local subspecies
This is Idaea biselata
Somehow I doubt this one very much, it seems like tristata, in the other photo it seems like hastulata
It is not corrivalaria for certain. I think it is such an interesting Scopula virgulata
Actually, it is a female Idaea pallidata, in my opinion
It's definitely not nigropunctata, it's most likely S. floslactata
this is a female Scopula floslactata
And if you take a closer look, the moth is quite ordinary. Is there M. congrua at all in Belarus?
Scopula ternata
It is not Eupithecia, and Pasiphila, it is necessary to see what is there
Well, the first two disappear, but if it was July, it would be a couple satyrata / veratraria
This would hold in their hands. Choosing a small, in my opinion, I am inclined to the first-intricata / satyrata
Hydrelia sp., That there is, on the blueness
Venusia laria
Costaconvexa caespitaria
Pelurga taczanowskiaria
Hypena rostralis
This, too,
I would suggest Paradysstroma curossaria
It abietaria, have analoga palpi appear much more
Opigena polygona
Anarta stigmosa
Eurois occulta
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
It quercinaria
Scotopteryx chenopodiata
Ecliptoptera think silaceata
Nola aerugula likely
Lomaspilis marginata
Lobophora halterata
Idia quadra, I think
Idaea inquinata
I think Scopula floslactata
Mesoleuca albicillata
Scopula nigropunctata
and that
Neponyatpo, why is this the atomic undefined
I think it is-Cabera griseolimbata
In fact, it A.tripartita
Pasiphila rectangula
Peribatodes rhomboidaria
Scopula flaccidaria
Gortyna borelii
Phragmatobia fuliginosa
Calophasia lunula
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