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11.01.2011 1:10, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #4051

Moved then.

10.01.2011 17:38, Peter Khramov: comment on Help section on the site and a couple of other little things

Rhode corrected, thanks for the tip. Regarding subfamilies - in general, yes, ideally, should be included and the subfamily, and other tribes, the benefit of that information about many of them in the database actually is. But this opportunity, I plan to connect a little later, when the classification of online order forms, and some of whom will follow this order.

10.01.2011 15:50, MIV: comment on Noctuidae: Amphipyrinae, Psaphidinae

  Amphipyra sergei Staudinger, 1888Редчайший вид! В России известен только из Алтайского края и из Омской области!Данный экземпляр: г. Омск, 10.08.2009.Если интересно.Окр. Красноярска (ст. Кача), тайга. Июль 2010г. Единственная находка И.С. ...

10.01.2011 15:16, Peter Khramov: comment on A slight improvement in the system of loading pictures

Previously, in the field "Name of the species" must be entered (even with autocomplete) the Latin name of the species, and nothing more - only in this case, the photo is automatically picks up to the desired form. Otherwise - the name of the photo was from, but it could mean only hitch admin.Now, if you would like to avoid typing the name and use the auto-complete and easy skopipastit it from ...

10.01.2011 14:43, Peter Khramov: comment on Fixed problem with the generation of a preview when loading larger photos

When loading large pictures previously could not be generated previews (in a private office in this case appear the names of species instead of thumbnails), and instead reports a successful startup in the browser could be given a blank white page. Most of this should not be.If someone suddenly appears again - always signaled in the "community" or by mail. Dmitry Pozhogin Viktor Titov - note, ...

10.01.2011 13:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3991

Moved then.

10.01.2011 2:31, Peter Khramov: comment on New data in the "Authors"

Now, on the public page of this section available information about the number of photos and / or comments on the types and photos published by each of the authors. With the number of pictures is a link to author's gallery, a number of comments - all comments on photos and descriptions of the types made by the author. For the time being we have 78 people ...

10.01.2011 0:19, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #4036

Went to Agapeta hamana.

10.01.2011 0:18, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #4012

Goes then to Zerynthia polyxena.

10.01.2011 0:17, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #4047

Moved to Maniola jurtina.

09.01.2011 23:58, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #4027

Danke, goes to Polyommatus icarus.

09.01.2011 23:57, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #4053

Ok then, moved.

09.01.2011 23:56, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3818

Photo goes to A. straminella.

09.01.2011 23:39, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #4028

Aha, moved to.

09.01.2011 21:13, Peter Khramov: comment on 145 new photos

Accordingly, the catalog of the base added 37 new species.

09.01.2011 20:48, Vlad Proklov: comment on photo #3955

Yes, that is Euproctis similis.

09.01.2011 19:14, Tatyana Gordeeva: comment on photo #3966

This species is identified correctly.

09.01.2011 19:02, Peter Khramov: comment on For those who are going to load a large number of photons at a time

The maximum for a week there should be a function of batch file uploads (approximately - in zip-archive) followed prostanovkoy information for each photo.In case you wish to download many photos, this feature can save a lot of time, so I recommend to wait vysheozvuchennogo light moment, and then shipping. The news was voiced as to be ready.

09.01.2011 18:03, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #3347

I've got it later that there was no need to choose any status to comment photo :)

09.01.2011 11:51, Peter Khramov: comment on Upload photos butterfly species that are not in the website base

Lord, those photos of new species that have already been loaded will be properly handled. Moreover, if someone does not see the message and now load a photo, it will also be normally processed - it's not so tough ...

09.01.2011 1:50, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3523


09.01.2011 1:47, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3341

Image goes to Timandra comae.

09.01.2011 1:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3345

Moved to Angerona prunaria.

09.01.2011 1:45, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3891

Subspecies updated.

09.01.2011 0:45, Peter Khramov: comment on Classification

Dmitri, the basis of the system - the list of O. Karsholt, J. Razowski (eds.), 1996. The Lepidoptera of Europe: a distributional chacklist, provided at the time of Vlad Proklova. Regarding the disputes - yes, a lot of them and disputes, and the innovations and revisions. I, for example, in general for all new infoy unable to keep up, so even now, the commentary clearly shows that not all the ...

08.01.2011 23:02, Peter Khramov: comment on You can not delete photos

Vasiliy Feoktistov had just offered to make unpublished data fotah editable, delete, probably also true (takes, for example, part of the cargo). Ok, I'll do before going. The maximum for a week will be ready.

08.01.2011 22:48, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Damora sagana


08.01.2011 22:46, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Catonephele numilia

It is male. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced in this kind of a lot.

08.01.2011 17:51, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on The selection of species in the catalog by the presence of illustrations

Corydalis good, but it is still in the database do not. Vitali, just download it from the LC "Upload new photos " and eventually the form will appear on the site.

08.01.2011 13:22, Peter Khramov: comment on Correcting problems with downloading a description of the types of comments

The last few days to the kinds of comments can not be loaded, while comments on photos were normal. Now everything is fixed, to the kinds of comments is quite a load. I remind you once again that on the page with the photo commented on specific shots, and all the comments regarding the species as a whole, rather than a single photo, you need it to starnitsu zagruzayutsya species.

07.01.2011 23:45, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #3632

Think, this case should be cleaned, so as even me often mash up these two species, chrysitis and stenochrysis. And tutti should be deleted.

07.01.2011 23:31, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #3631

There is some mistake about identifying of this species, I know the right name of it. Diachrysia tutti, Kostrowicki 1961, synonym to Diachrysia stenochrysis (Warren 1913) at NOCTUIDAE EUROPAEAE. Vol. 10: Goater, B., L. Ronkay & M. Fibiger: Catocalinae & Plusiinae. 2003.

07.01.2011 20:12, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #3641

This species is named right, but it belongs to a different genus, so the full name is Sideridis (Aneda) rivularis (Fabricius 1775).

07.01.2011 16:19, : comment on The first general distribution

Good luck to your project!

07.01.2011 11:15, taler: comment on Fourth International Congress of the Forum

Можно и в Пензе.Но кол-во энтомологов,хоть и учитываемый аргумент,но далеко не первый.Ведь когда только собирались идеи на 3-тий международный,то прежде всего искалось помещение,далее-размещение гостей съезда.Сможет ...

07.01.2011 2:08, Proctos: comment on Encyclopedia of Life

Если кто то уже сталкивался с этой организацией просим расскажите каким образом можно поучаствовать в этом общепланетарном деле? Да и просто ваше мнение по этому хотелось бы услышать.Я участвую в EOL, это получилось ...

06.01.2011 23:42, Peter Khramov: comment on Pro-mailing Lepidoptera.ru for those who can assist in determining the types of photos

In addition to the standard distribution news site, is now available subscription pro-choice.If you are able and willing to assist in determining the types of butterflies from the photos, subscribe to the pro-newsletter, and then once a week or two you will be sent a letter with a list of photos, species of butterflies which is not defined or is not defined precisely. subscription / formal reply ...

06.01.2011 14:00, Peter Khramov: comment on A new feature in the catalog

Now in the catalog next to each attribute value indicates the number of species on the site, this value satisfying.For example, Green (90) means that the site has a catalog of 90 species of butterflies, which are characterized by green and Palaearctic (1082) says that in the catalog 1082 species that fly in the Palaearctic zoogeographical region.

05.01.2011 21:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3585

Goes then to P. ruralis.

05.01.2011 21:18, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3842

Moved to Y. evonymella, "uncertain".

05.01.2011 14:04, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3613

Photo goes from "undetermined" to Crambus lathoniellus.

05.01.2011 14:03, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3463

Moved to "identified successfully".

05.01.2011 14:01, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3567

Moved to "identified successfully".

05.01.2011 12:54, RippeR: comment on Make an Insect auction

Народу мало, скупаться товар не будет.Можно просто тему создать. Писать до какого числа выдвигается. Этого вполне хватит

05.01.2011 5:31, CosMosk: comment on 5 open-access biology journals! Or Pensoft strikes back

true info! thanks!!!

05.01.2011 3:15, Proctos: comment on Bionomina - a new online magazine on bionomenclature

Bionomina (International Journal of Biological Nomenclature & Terminology) is a peer-reviewed journal for rapid publication of high quality papers on any aspect of biological nomenclature and terminology. Bionomina considers all types of papers on these questions, including: (1) historical, descriptive and critical papers regarding practices and traditions; (2) epistemological analyses about ...

04.01.2011 22:29, Трофим: comment on Spreading insects in St. Petersburg

Расправлю насекомых в Питере (м Финляндский вокзал), как коллекционный вариант, так и сувенирный. Тематические коллекции. Реставрация поломанных насекомых, расправка насекомых привезенных с отдыха и оформление в ...

04.01.2011 11:50, Peter Khramov: comment on The first vote on the site

I think it should be the determinant of longer flushed ease and accuracy than any other. On the other hand, the active site - more directory that can help in the determination. But for the catalog - yes, and volume, and can see - everything is important. As for the voting - is interesting to me is feedback comparison of old and new versions, ieDo people feel changes for the better or not. The ...

01.01.2011 13:32, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Upgraded upload photos to the site

Another tried to throw. Everything is OK (quite comfortable).

31.12.2010 22:44, Peter Khramov: comment on The new system of comments on the site

In the "Community" have the opportunity to select the type of comments. Separately, you can view comments for photos, messages from guest / blog and news, as well as comments to the descriptions of species of butterflies. It goes without saying, it is still possible all comments and posts in a row.

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Insecta.pro: international entomological community. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

© Insects catalog Insecta.pro, 2007—2024.

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