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Siona only 1 views:Siona lineata, but in my opinion on something and not unlike. Most likely another kind and of a different kind?
Yes, it could be nice. But almost unreal. Half do not know that there are any comments. Is that an email spam on the subject. Then, probably, yes. But again, wait for the reaction faster than a day or two, it is not necessary.
Corrected data. Wingspan: No formalized data → 50—68 mm. Flight time: No formalized data → May, June, July.
Basil, and you did not try to do sprinkled? Cut the butterflies from the entire frame to the increase was more?
Corrected data. Wingspan: No formalized data → 27—35 mm. Flight time: No formalized data → June, July, August.
Certainly such important points as the host plants and others. Especially regarding the specific specimen. the best place in the author's comments. But we are talking about non-compliance of the claimed real-time editing.When you write a comment you take into account it is stated the time during which you can edit your post, not approximate. 20-30 minutes should not be here, but must be exactly ...
Corrected data. Not identified → Schiffermuelleria schaefferella / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
I think it is. The question is not exactly up there, alas (( Imagine there is a trench dug in a piece of wood and set fire to it in the litter. And next to trees on fire did not spread. I think that makes the people who are responsible for the forest (forest rangers, etc..) To then cut down and sell the wood (pine timber there) referring to the fallen.And nobody thinks and never really thought ...
On account obzhorika - to the point! As living grinder. In the evening a full paddock leaves, and in the morning - poop and dry twigs.
To this we must aspire. :) I took the same view. but just omitted the right wing. but the quality of copies. and the quality of the photo. Do not compare higher ... :)))
Notodonta tritopha, ♀Moscow region, Domodedovo district, pos. Vostryakovo, June 15, on the light. Pictures:P1120725.JPG — (299.77к)
Corrected data. Wingspan: No formalized data → 42—50 mm. Flight time: No formalized data → June, July.
It is! Caterpillar before pupation stops there, and then move. If you have land, some buried in the ground (of course not all). I, too, it happens. You look at a caterpillar-then you died, or not. Just do not throw, hold for a while, looking at times and then pupate and the butterfly came out. But in my case it did not.
Memo needs in the subject, where the question was asked - in the case when the question is asked not where events take place (which, of course, too much is not gud). Panimash?
Thank you, Alexander) So Phoebus) is also nice. During one trip 3 Red Book once. Well yesterday, "kneaded")))
And most of us have no one. Oh, it's the no doubt. Just unusual specimens. ) By the way: it is closer to home, too, there is no catch kilometers from the house 100-plus ....