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There is definite mistake. This is Ancylis apicella, Vlad couldn't identify it like this.
Autographa gamma.
Autographa gamma.
Cornutiplusia circumflexa.
Orthosia munda.
Leptidea :)
On the evidence of the updated taxonomy we can surely suggest that's Leptidea. There was also added juvernica to sinapis and reali. In Estonia there can be only first or last one.
Euclidia glyphica.
Polyommatus amandus.
Mythimna vitellina.
Mythimna vitellina.
No, this is Nordmannia, wanted to say spini, but changed my mind after shot location. :)
This is Hyles euphorbiae, Linnaeus, 1758.
Ochropleura plecta (Linnaeus, 1761).
Hada plebeja Linnaeus, 1761. Better to give the shot location.
Enargia paleacea (Esper, 1788).
Should be moved.
Petr, move the species, I've added already to the database.
Author of the form: (Ström, 1768)
My suggestion is Apatura ilia. Please, pay attention and suggest yours.
No, undetermined.
No, undetermined.
Latin name is right, but it's not about this butterfly at all. There are 4 other species of this genus in Krasnodar region. Generally, this is mostly genitalia family, and with this angle...
Looks like Euchrysops genus or Chilades.
Yes, something of Euchrysops genus or Chilades, but how can it be found in Ukraine? :)
Not so hard: bicolor.
Better to move :)
Why not move?
There is semele there. Crimea is the northest land for pellucida, it's expanded more to the south and east.
fagi is pure summer species, the label is definitely mistaken.
There is some mistake in Latin name, and the system can't see names that are not databased :)
All sources exclude Crimea :)
There is no any more similar in Europe. If label was mistaken, then yes. :(
That's true miracle! It looks mostly like Leptotes pirithous and if it's so, that's really miracle!
That's a miracle! It looks mostly like Leptotes pirithous and if it's so, that's really miracle!
There is no Hipparchia semele in Crimea but Hipparchia pellucida.
There is no Hipparchia semele in Crimea but Hipparchia pellucida.
Petr, it's already there named as Phragmatobia luctifera.
Correct name is Korscheltellus lupulina.
Why not, there it is in the database, even with 5 shots, if you're talking about Korscheltellus lupulinus.
Somehow I don't like this pic. Let's not precedent such. If photo, then photo. If it's picture, who is the author? What's source? Not funny. :(
No, only this one. Vitaly added many photos of this species, one was named mistakenly.
This is Acronicta megacephala.
That's it. Zanclognatha fumosa (Butler, 1879).
Soonest Crambidae Spilomelinae. :))
Don't think it's sobrina, this genus has many similar species, we should check it somewhere else.
Svyatoslav rights.
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