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I hope you're joking. Where is Murmansk, and where is the World Cup?.. But no matter how true it turns out to be, we have all sorts of things...
someone has a very wild imagination and a lot of free time )) and I took care of the pollution, and the security of the country, and counted other people's money 3 times ))people responded to this request and sent the material to me. sending it to the United States was quite inexpensive - either 150 rubles, or 200-I don't even remember. it's all very simple.
The first male in the collection. Females occasionally come across, but finding a male is generally a huge success. Finally here it is. And I found it right in the city, on my street, on the sidewalk :)
Corrected data. Hedyphanes corulescens (Fischer de Waldheim, 1822) → Hedyphanes coerulescens (Fischer de Waldheim, 1822).
Has anyone looked for L. dumi caterpillars? I'm going to look for them in late May or early June in the afternoon, can anyone give any instructions on how to find them?Once I found it in the evening on a blade of grass. Their goslings grow perfectly on a dandelion from an egg. there is a problem of pupae not to kill, very picky to humidity
Dear colleagues, good afternoon!The shield bug Halyomorpha halys is actively spreading around Sochi, in Abkhazia, Georgia. No one has the opportunity to collect several individuals, put them in alcohol/vodka and send them to St. Petersburg? Not necessarily from Russia. Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries are also interesting. You can also use dry material, although it is worse.I am ready to ...
By the way, this morning I did a second inspection of apple trees and saw exactly the same beetle, but with a black head. When jumping, it makes a characteristic clicking sound.
Hello. I don't want to start a new topic.A friend of mine from Sochi asks-who eats wooden floors at her old dacha, located 5 km from the sea? So far, all she finds are piles of wood dust spilling from the ceiling to the floor.He thinks about the "bark beetle"; - but the bark beetle, like, - will not eat a shriveled tree for so long? Does he indulge in secondary infection? Around the ...
Report No. 7. " Surroundings of Kugulta village "(Stavropol Territory, Grachevsky district; 10.05.18)Quite an interesting trip.The link contains a folder that contains the full report and selected photos.Pay attention to the "comments" to each photo (briefly indicate where it was photographed, and other comments) (file-properties-details). you have any questions ...
It lay open on the ground. - Do you need a photo of the pointed lower end in good resolution?"What kind of saturnia can there be in Bodaibo?"...This post was edited by Andreas - 10.05.2018 20: 45
Dear colleagues! Maybe one of you is flying from Khabarovsk to Novosibirsk from May 10 to 15? I really need to send a parcel with live samples.
Photo from the congress (remainder). Pictures:IMG_0858.JPG — (3.8мб) IMG_0868.JPG — (3.46мб) IMG_0871.JPG — (3.46 mb) IMG_0867.JPG — (3мб) IMG_0866.JPG — (3.55мб) IMG_0865.JPG — (3.32мб) IMG_0863.JPG — (3.55мб) IMG_0862.JPG — (3.24мб) IMG_0859.JPG — (3.71мб)
Sakhalin23.10.2017 and 09.04.2018.Agonopterix intersecta (Filipjev, 1929) [Depressaria] (Depressaria roseocaudellaStringer, 1930; Cerostoma aino Matsumura, 1931). Gus. on Ligularia, Adenocaulon, Petasites, Senecio, Syneilesis and other Asteraceae. Russia: Yu-Sah., N-Amur., Wed-Amur., Yu-Kur., Approx. - Japan, With Mongolia.From the Annotated catalog of insects of the Far Eastern Federal District ...