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21.03.2016 8:40, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55585

I spend the winter! Season 2016 is open in the Primorsky Territory! Flies have a min per week, but the lens only got today.

18.03.2016 23:56, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55516

I would say that this Limenitis sydyi Lederer, 1853

18.03.2016 23:39, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55517

Erebia medusa

18.03.2016 10:58, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55511

In fact, put the first author who gave opisanie..V this case Milliere, 1879 A Nacoleia maculalis, as well as Dichocrocis sibiriflis, then that's all. In general, the whole thing of course taxonomists and curator of the site.

18.03.2016 4:50, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55386

Epipaschiinae And then, without genitalia unlikely.

18.03.2016 4:24, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55511

Nacoleia sibirialis Milliere, 1879 Determine Kirpichnikova VA Gornotaёzhnaya station FEB RAS. Tucson is not exactly defined. To accurately determine the need genitals.

17.03.2016 2:15, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #47398

The plant is defined as the BPI Vicia amurensis Oettel. Kohl Ira sure that eats the plant, then a new forage plant Acronicta catocaloida. P.s. Caterpillar probably need to attach to http://insecta.pro/gallery/55256 group. Because this one individual.

16.03.2016 17:37, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41423

But the picture on what the caterpillar was taken http://insecta.pro/ru/gallery/47398

16.03.2016 16:51, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55484

Carterocephalus palaemon ( Pallas, 1771)

16.03.2016 3:40, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #53727

Calamotropha paludella (Hubner, 1824) picked Kirpichnikova VA Gornotaёzhnaya station FEB RAS.

15.03.2016 15:15, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55472

In my opinion it is the female Argynnis anadyomene C.Felder & R.Felder, 1862

15.03.2016 14:54, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55470

Carterocephalus silvicola (Meigen, 1829)

15.03.2016 14:44, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55469

Leucomelas juvenilis (Bremer, 1864)

14.03.2016 16:16, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55458

Phaneroptera falcata ( Pods, 1761)

14.03.2016 14:20, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55456

Neptis sappho

14.03.2016 14:15, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55455

Neptis philyra Menetries, 1859

12.03.2016 13:41, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55393

Let him. Maybe this year will be able to know better angle to shoot.

12.03.2016 9:52, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55393

I uploaded in addition to http://insecta.pro/ru/gallery/55391. Because It is best seen unlike the similar M. monachella. But you still need to check. Alexander ! You look?

12.03.2016 8:40, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55391

Monopis pavlovskii (Zagulajev, 1955) ? http://www.jpmoth.org/Tineidae/Tineinae/Monopis_pavlovskii.html

11.03.2016 16:07, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41669

Notarcha derogata book Ognёvki fauna of the Russian Far East, on p. 398 is listed in synonyms. A major name is Notarcha basipunctalis Brem Probably it is necessary to carry .....

11.03.2016 15:46, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55385

I tend to version Notarcha basipunctalis (Bremer, 1864) = N.derogata F. In Primorye, 2 species, but the 2nd type N. maculalis Leech front wings dark brown. So on these and other signs disappears.

11.03.2016 10:58, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #52738

Move and add to the database. The specified Tucson. Pictured Picromerus lewisi Scott, 1874. This final determination! He clarifies: Kanyukova EV Zoological Museum FENU (Vladivostok).

09.03.2016 13:30, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55256

Yes, I completely forgot about these pictures. Some time later, I started at the order imposing and found a folder with an unknown butterfly. Before and kind of got stalled. I got in touch with Alex and sent, adding a picture where the rear wing can be seen. It was only later, already began to remember that like something tossed to the site. So there were duplicates. .Butterfly seem rare, not ...

09.03.2016 9:30, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41745

Thanks Basil. . But I still do not poymu.Zachem need 2 groups of the same species?

09.03.2016 2:19, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41745

Sir! Let me disagree with you. At first I did not 1 or even 5 shots to remember the existence of duplicates vsё.Poetomu was found after the download.Second: I do not know all the nuances of the site, in particular, what is considered the double? It would be good to get acquainted with these little things, throw pliz a reference where these little things (rules) set out on this site.

09.03.2016 2:04, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55252

Ivan! Let me explain his amateur point of view on it. Do not be bothered. If you have the opportunity to reinforce its surveillance analysis of the genitals of the drug, this one. And if not, then leave this matter experts. .... There are others. Approach sometimes works ...Previously, the "old" entomologists say, you can not visually see the difference species then see biology.

08.03.2016 17:59, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55206

In my opinion it is the larvae, not the adult. The wings have not yet formed.

08.03.2016 16:56, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41745

Delete. Because Matt is double of http://insecta.pro/ru/gallery/55254 redefined

08.03.2016 16:54, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #41423

Delete. Tk is the double http://insecta.pro/ru/gallery/55255 and Matt redefined in Acronicta catocaloida

08.03.2016 11:51, Yuri Semejkin: comment on Lygaeus equestris

Ivan! Lygaeus simulans Deckert, 1985 -. To date not been found in the Far East of Russia. His spread-steppe zone of Eurasia. So for his I say.

06.03.2016 12:41, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #54530

Everything is so Basil. . But auto substitution did not work or when manually enter a name or by copying and inserting. As a result, it was necessary to ship without a name, and then write it separately. So Peter, another puzzle. The date put down shooting. The specimen was alone, the pictures sealed.

06.03.2016 3:29, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #54530

The database now has such http://insecta.pro/ru/gallery/54528, and the picture in determining why something did not go. I do not remember, this is the same individual or different. Why did not strengthen.

05.03.2016 16:50, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #54529

Anosimus fasciatus (Faust,1887)

05.03.2016 16:36, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #54528

Cyphicerinus tesselatus ( Motschulsky, 1860).

05.03.2016 3:04, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #47136

Yes, too, doubt, yesterday found in the internet picture (also 1). And that Eugene is silent? Plastinchatousye like his band. You can throw Lobanov, who can sign. And here the description of the skins.

04.03.2016 17:15, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #47136

In the former USSR by the nature Hoplosternus listed only one species, namely Hoplosternus incanus Motschulsky, 1853 to insects of the Far East of the USSR. Volume 3, Part 1, page 421.

04.03.2016 4:05, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #53728

Assara korbi (Caradja, 1910) In the not accurate. And to make necessary preparations genitals. I looked at on a picture Kirpichnikova VA Gornotaёzhnaya station FEB RAS.

03.03.2016 17:21, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #54425

Small it sits on the nail of your finger.

01.03.2016 13:39, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #53622

Good. We are waiting for the decision of Alexander.

01.03.2016 12:40, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #53622

REDD ago. Consult the mat, -Here's his answer There was a brief period when the race was renamed Meganola Rhynchopalpus, but now he returned to the old name, for example, in the book Kononenko Noctuidae Sibiricae 2. System Directory Russia butterflies managed to severely outdated for 8 years

01.03.2016 11:48, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #53728

I forgot to put a question mark. The definition in question

01.03.2016 8:02, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #53728

Assara korbi

01.03.2016 6:12, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #53727

Pseudocatharylla simplex ( Zeller, 1877) ?

29.02.2016 15:05, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #53622

Meganola fumosa (Butler, 1879)

24.02.2016 10:05, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #52944

Pyrrhocoris sibiricus Kuschakewitsch, 1866 Determine Kanyukova EV Zoological Museum FENU (Vladivostok). Add the base type.

23.02.2016 14:21, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #43336

Peter! Most definitely will not be used. It seems like a few are engaged in cultivation, where there is a variation in time of various stages, and such a situation can be created respectively. In fact, the admin and modernizing have to decide how often and like to solve it is necessary or not.If not difficult, you can try and do so not to distract on trifles.

23.02.2016 13:40, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #52908

Ochyromera suturalis Kojima & Morimoto, 1996

23.02.2016 13:31, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #43336

Uchtu Basil! In general, all on a holiday !!!

23.02.2016 12:08, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #43336

This group must be connected to this http://insecta.pro/ru/gallery/52905-52907. This is one individual.

22.02.2016 1:57, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #52756

I thought on it is likely the way it is, but confuses the following: 1). It views only 1 sling (possibly due to the fact that the fly); 2). In postdiskalnoy part of the wing, on the top, on the underside that there are 3 broad vertical strokes. Not a single picture of the site that is not (in the internet like this occurs, but there Inet Inet.); 3) Do not fit in position location. In all the ...

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