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21.09.2023 15:19, Maxim Maximov: comment on photo #18721

This is a different species, kumaonensis ssp. nobuko (Nepal)

21.09.2023 15:18, Maxim Maximov: comment on photo #18720

This is a different species, kumaonensis ssp. nobuko (Nepal)

21.09.2023 15:07, Maxim Maximov: comment on Tadumia orleans

It is in Driopa subgenus now!

21.09.2023 15:03, Maxim Maximov: comment on Tadumia imperator

The species is not in this subgenus, but in Kailasius!

21.09.2023 14:36, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #58276

Corrected data. Lycaenidae / Denis Tumanov → Polyommatus daphnis / Maxim Maximov.

21.09.2023 12:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #54199

Corrected data. Riodinidae / Shirley Sekarajasingham → Caria / Maxim Maximov.

21.09.2023 12:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #58023

Corrected data. Lycaenidae / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Aricia agestis / Maxim Maximov.

21.09.2023 11:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #72026

Corrected data. Coliadinae / Imago / Alex Dumchus → Catopsilia florella / Male / Maxim Maximov.

21.09.2023 11:28, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #72027

Corrected data. Coliadinae / Imago / Alex Dumchus → Catopsilia florella / Female / Maxim Maximov.

21.09.2023 11:28, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #72028

Corrected data. Coliadinae / Imago / Alex Dumchus → Catopsilia florella / Female / Maxim Maximov.

21.09.2023 11:27, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #67125

I put "Identified by Dmitriy Pozhogin" due to his earlier comment.

21.09.2023 11:24, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #71480

Corrected data. Danainae / Alex Dumchus → Euploea / Maxim Maximov.

21.09.2023 11:24, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #71481

Corrected data. Danainae / Alex Dumchus → Euploea / Maxim Maximov.

21.09.2023 10:40, Maxim Maximov: comment on photo #47778

Colias erate polyographus male

21.09.2023 10:39, Maxim Maximov: comment on photo #48353

Colias erate polyographus male

21.09.2023 10:37, Maxim Maximov: comment on photo #48354

Colias erate polyographus female

21.09.2023 10:33, Maxim Maximov: comment on photo #55643

Pieris rapae

20.09.2023 23:18, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #71477

Corrected data. Pieridae / Alex Dumchus → Leptosia nina / Maxim Maximov.

20.09.2023 23:18, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #71476

Corrected data. Pieridae / Alex Dumchus → Leptosia nina / Maxim Maximov.

20.09.2023 13:08, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #79149

Corrected data. Satyrinae / Peter Khramov → Coenonympha pamphilus / Maxim Maximov.

16.09.2023 12:56, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #82112

It's wonderful species and it's wonderful picture.

07.09.2023 18:49, Sergey Rybalkin: comment on Callophrys rubi in mid-September in the Urals!

Ruby's second generation again!!!!Today, September 7, I collected two fresh males!

07.09.2023 14:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81122

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81146

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:49, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81120

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:49, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81078

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:48, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81143

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81389

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81319

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:45, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81106

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:45, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81457

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:44, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81127

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:37, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #80768

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:36, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #80761

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:35, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #77348

Corrected data. Not identified → Coleoptera / Confidently identified / Aleksandr Petip.

07.09.2023 14:35, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #73374

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:35, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #76272

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:35, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #76458

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:33, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #70884

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:32, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #70880

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:32, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #68290

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:32, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #68129

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #68425

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #69405

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #69406

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #69407

I move photos without species identification to upperspecies taxa, so that it would be easier for specialists to search for them and identificate the species.

07.09.2023 14:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #67129

I move the photo to the fergana subspecies. If fergana is not a synonym for maracandica, let me know...

07.09.2023 14:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #67128

I move it to the fergana subspecies. If fergana is not a synonym for maracandica, let me know.

07.09.2023 14:17, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #67113

Corrected data. Satyrinae / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov → Karanasa maureri / Tentatively identified / Maxim Maximov.

07.09.2023 14:17, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #67112

Corrected data. Satyrinae / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov → Karanasa maureri / Tentatively identified / Maxim Maximov.

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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