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05.04.2012 13:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3331

Yep, I'll add it to synonyms and move.

05.04.2012 12:24, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #12274

Goes to H. humuli.

04.04.2012 16:26, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11884

Goes to.

04.04.2012 4:21, Yakovlev: comment on Alexander Woldemar-Alexandrovich Kreutzberg died. 11.07.1956-1.3.2012

Соболезную близким

03.04.2012 22:48, Peter Khramov: comment on Administrator is on vacation till the beginning of April

Gone back. Going to publish uploaded photos right tomorrow.

03.04.2012 10:31, webjema: comment on Create images and descriptions of insects

  Размер возможного вознаграждения озвучте, пожалуйста?Ребята, вы хотите услышать что-то типа $хх за насекомое?Я не могу так сказать. Есть желающие - давайте говорить лично.

02.04.2012 18:00, Guest: comment on Breeding Attacus atlas

Стадия куколки атласа может длиться более года, если куколка в диапаузе. Привозные куколки обычно диапаузирующие. Как правило они выводятся в течение 3 месяцев. Нормальные куклы (разводные и содержащиеся при высокой ...

01.04.2012 10:21, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Education: University of Nebraska—Lincoln distance entomology courses

Seems to be Eurytides marcellus? Much pity. Isn't it protected in USA (I read it somewhere)? No words, just paradox!

01.04.2012 2:09, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #10659

Ok, moved.

01.04.2012 2:09, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #9992


30.03.2012 14:18, Sergey85: comment on Butterflies and technology

Физики собрали сверхчувствительный датчик теплового излучения из чешуек крыльев бабочек и углеродных нанотрубок.О сборке супер-термометров с участием бабочек сообщает РИА Новости со ссылкой на статью в журнале Nature ...

30.03.2012 0:42, Guest: comment on Vampire butterflies


29.03.2012 23:55, Pall: comment on Help save the wasp!

можно конечно, я пробовал, они летают еще(если свободное падение можно назвать полётом), но не очень интересно... увы только вниз.нууу можно в хлопушку их засыпать вместо конфети)а может они живые, просто притворяются? ...

28.03.2012 13:34, Coelioxys: comment on Another new online magazine for entomologists

Без IF интереса нет. А на будущее будем иметь в виду.

27.03.2012 23:06, Hierophis: comment on Sealed box

Может быть, но это уже специальные вещи, дело в том, что в случае шарика- есть положительное давление в нем. В случае коробки- разве что пассивная диффузия.

27.03.2012 19:43, Sergey85: comment on Experiments on pupae

Товарищи, очень интересная тема, но к сожалению давно забытая. Такие опыты путем изменения температур никто на махаонах не эксперементировал? Хочу попробовать, может кто какие нибудь умные мысли подскажет, советы ...

26.03.2012 22:32, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11883

Thanks to y'all, moved.

25.03.2012 19:21, Lev Bely: comment on New generation spy: the cyborg moth

“Cyborg bugs come to help” lecture by Dr. Michel Maharbiz from the University of California, Berkeley, will be held on March 26th at the Digital October centre (Moscow, Russia) as a part of the Knowledge Stream project. The lecture is supported by “In the world of science” magazine. Dr. Maharbiz will talk about the latest projects of his laboratory, namely, neuro implants which allow to ...

25.03.2012 15:27, Michael Kurz: comment on Micropterigidae

I´m engaged in revisionary work of non-ditrysian lepidoptera, especially Micropterigidae (see: http://www.nkis.info/nkis/projKKZ_Adelidae.cgi?uid=TaxOn&lang=e). Since our knowledge of Micropterigidae from all parts of the former Soviet Union is extremely poor, I would be very interested in investigating any material of that family, especially from central Asia, Siberia and the Far East, but also ...

24.03.2012 16:50, Lev Bely: comment on “Butterflies Go Free” exhibition at the Montreal Botanical Garden

How to tell the difference between moths and butterflies except knowing the fact that some are active during the day and others at night? The Montreal Botanical Garden makes it clear with over than 2000 alive butterflies and moths which flitting about in the two Botanical Garden greenhouses, the Main Exhibition Greenhouse and the Fern Greenhouse. This is a 15th “Butterflies Go Free” ...

23.03.2012 16:00, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #12034

The author is right, it's likely Epirrhoe tristata (Linnaeus, 1758).

22.03.2012 19:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11785

Moved to "identified successfully".

22.03.2012 19:45, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #9855

Moved to "identified successfully".

22.03.2012 19:45, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #9854

Moved to "identified successfully".

22.03.2012 19:44, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #9570

Thanks, goes to identified females.

22.03.2012 11:43, Tridrikh: comment on Queen of ants

Определили вид как camponotus saxatilе

22.03.2012 4:11, Yuriy Karpov: comment on photo #5480

This species is identified correctly.

21.03.2012 22:04, captolabrus: comment on Cuba

Гут, обязательно передам.

20.03.2012 14:47, Lev Bely: comment on No Miami blue butterfly on Florida's coasts anymore

Last year august the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced an emergency listing* of the Miami Blue Butterfly (Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri) as endangered, “We, the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), exercise our authority pursuant to section 4(b)(7) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), to emergency list the Miami blue butterfly (Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri) as ...

19.03.2012 22:31, Tom Tams: comment on photo #12094

This species is identified correctly.

19.03.2012 22:30, Tom Tams: comment on photo #12093

This species is identified correctly.

19.03.2012 22:14, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11731

Yep, that's the bug. Thanks for the hint, I'll fix that later.

16.03.2012 18:57, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #12078

Thanks, moved.

16.03.2012 9:56, Вишняков Алексей: comment on

По поводу вещих снов. Приснилось сегодня, что мы с Потаниным (Bad Den) собрались куда то в тропики. Дело хорошее. Сидим в Домодедово, ждем рейс. Решили за успех экспедиции по 100 грамм. И понеслась. В итоге Ден уговорил меня ...

15.03.2012 16:38, Michael Kurz: comment on photo #1254

This species is identified correctly.

15.03.2012 16:32, Michael Kurz: comment on photo #5825

This species is identified correctly.

15.03.2012 16:31, Michael Kurz: comment on photo #1415

This species is identified correctly.

15.03.2012 0:27, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11850

To "uncertain"?

14.03.2012 23:03, Lev Bely: comment on Park for butterflies in Palmerston North, New Zealand

Tucked away so that you hardly notice it even passing nearby, a small park in Apollo park somewhere at Milson outskirts, a Palmerston North suburb, being inch by inch turned with hands of its creator and inspired volunteers, into an unordinary, special place for butterflies. Paul Vandenberg was busy with that very doing all last year — he's been working tirelessly till butterflies of all ...

14.03.2012 17:28, Peter Khramov: comment on The big website renewal

About 800 synonyms added.

13.03.2012 16:57, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11949

Goes to Papilio demoleus.

13.03.2012 16:57, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11950


13.03.2012 16:55, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11952

Thanks, moved then.

13.03.2012 16:55, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11951


13.03.2012 16:48, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11940

Moved to "identified successfully".

13.03.2012 16:48, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11948

Goes to "identified successfully".

13.03.2012 16:48, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #11925

Moved to "identified successfully".

13.03.2012 16:47, Peter Khramov: comment on Spring butterfly hunt in Holgates Silverdale Park, Cumbria

How to spend the Easter holidays?))

12.03.2012 18:33, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11947

This species is identified correctly.

11.03.2012 10:08, Лавр Большаков: comment on Allochogna (or Lycosa...) singoriensis

Fruitcake 05.03.2012 15:59 URL #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Южнорусский тарантул есть в Красной книге МО. Вроде как когда-то ловили....Или все-таки это скорее из разряда "нет, сынок, это ...

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Insecta.pro: international entomological community. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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