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Corrected data. Not identified → Coenonympha oedippus / Confidently identified / Alexander Belousov.
A still live. Typically, such a twisting go to prog without OCR. Where electronic issue - not a banner, I do not have)
Thank you for your reply! We'll know what we're up against. For the first time I see this insect in my Crimea))) Good day to all!!!
So why should I remember, you yourself pointed out the author in the next topic. Or had he forgotten that, too? I specifically checked the chronology of your posts here and there before writing this answer.
Leon, the first thing check Lasiocampidae or Arctiidae. I think that they have to start from the dance :)
Corrected data. / Imago → Ecliptopera silaceata / Female.
Corrected data. → Ceratonema christophi.
With regard to review - now doing an updated tree nasekomyshey, including attendants (editing taxa base molding is locked). How to set up, if necessary, we will have to edit within the updated system.
Thank you! I've got another beautiful beast (reprimand with the Portuguese accent). But can anyone help me or tell me, among some of the family .. Now look zapostchu!
Copyrights are called (photo belongs to the author) :)
Delete, really: is far from gone.
We take photo 37722.
Corrected data. Not identified → Emmelina monodactyla / Tentatively identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
Thank you! :)
Perhaps it was necessary to put in inaccurate, sort of one kind in Russia alone, but in the region and several species are very similar. I would hope Sineva :)
Corrected data. Tentatively identified → Confidently identified.
Corrected data. Imago → Pupa.
Corrected data. Imago → Pupa.
I think because of the angle picture, here mistake. very similar to geleheidu.
Corrected data. Wingspan: No formalized data → 23—30 mm. Flight time: No formalized data → May, June, July, August.
Corrected data. Andrey Ponomarev → Vlad Proklov.
Corrected data. Wingspan: No formalized data → 28—34 mm. Flight time: June, July, August → June, July, August, September.
Corrected data. Andrey Ponomarev → Vlad Proklov.
Corrected data. Andrey Ponomarev → Vlad Proklov.
Corrected data. Andrey Ponomarev → Vlad Proklov.
Alexander, like everything here sort through, but a little add - why in some publications or websites featured Sciota hostilis, and others. Nephopterix hostilis. Here's an explanation ...
Yuri! We are talking about one and the same form. With the generic name is often confusion: different authors in the genus include species on the understanding, of course, for some of the specified ...
Corrected data. Andrey Ponomarev → Vlad Proklov.
Corrected data. Andrey Ponomarev → Vlad Proklov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Aemona amathusia / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Andrey Polstyanoy → Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Yes, the spelling should be respected).
Defined Oleg Pekarsky on mobiole:
Corrected data. Aricia artaxerxes / Nikolay Grebennikov → Eumedonia eumedon / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data. Aricia artaxerxes / Nikolay Grebennikov → Eumedonia eumedon / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Russia, South Republic of Buryatia - the species is quite good
Thank you :)
Corrected data. Not identified → Celenna callopistes / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Celenna callopistes / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Pingasa ruginaria / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Pingasa ruginaria / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Pingasa ruginaria / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Pingasa ruginaria / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Hours are as necessary to me to link a group if it is not linked to the author for some reason.
No accidental shot, afraid to turn it!
Paramaxates spinivesica does not endemic to Borneo ???
Paramaxates spinivesica does not endemic to Borneo ???
And it would have to pass a small shtukovinku (cloth for catching insects). And I have something tasty in otvetochku ...
Now you can put down on their own time in their LC Alexander set out by the algorithm. It should succeed in this case.
Corrected data. 0000-00-00 00:00:00 → 2015-07-24 16:38:53.
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