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01.10.2015 13:02, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Abacetini

This tribe is included in the subfamily Pterostichinae Bonelli, 1810!

01.10.2015 13:01, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Zabrini

This tribe is included in the subfamily Pterostichinae Bonelli, 1810!

01.10.2015 11:58, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Amara concreta

Amara concreta (Casey, 1918) - junior synonym Amara carinata (LeConte, 1847). This American species of the subgenus Curtonotus. Remove!

01.10.2015 11:40, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Curtonotus convexiuscula

And right convexiusculus!

01.10.2015 11:38, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Curtonotus convexiuscula

This species belongs to the subgenus Curtonotus. We must move!

30.09.2015 20:06, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #44523

This species is identified correctly.

30.09.2015 20:03, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #44523

Igor, it is better not to put these kinds of a dandelion, they prefer juices flowing, so if flowers, most thistles.

28.09.2015 5:41, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43290

We spoke with Irina and these neponyatki found. Wael! Bring your it all to gigantinum. I'm your photo also determined on the basis of blue. Then Paul on Molbiole redefined. And I simply forgot to correct here!

25.09.2015 20:40, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #44010

So these images and there is no unattached.

25.09.2015 20:38, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #44010

So the basis of the conventional type are not present !!!! There are many more mistakes!

25.09.2015 20:35, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #44010

Do not understand? And that it is not tied? Standard Cychrus aeneus aeneus Fisch., 1823 - in the title, there are factories in the field !!!

24.09.2015 15:11, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Griposia aprilina

From my perspective, this determinant is only for the person already knows about at least a group. It is unrealistic to use it, the more it is color signs do not work at all, except for uniformly colored species, and such units + subjectivism.

24.09.2015 8:57, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #44003

Udaspes folus Cramer, 1775, Hesperidae.

24.09.2015 8:56, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #44001

Udaspes folus Cramer, 1775, Hesperidae.

24.09.2015 8:55, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #44000

Udaspes folus Cramer, 1775, Hesperidae.

23.09.2015 22:17, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43415

Alas, just like - there is this kind in the Far East.

23.09.2015 21:45, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43953

Mylabris atrata Pallas, 1773

23.09.2015 20:46, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43195

Mylabris variabilis (Pallas, 1781). It's quite simple.

23.09.2015 20:43, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43973

Yes, we need different perspectives, Vasily rights - ideal top (if he did not know what to shoot). This 90% Lydus bimaculatus (alas, there is a similar in our area has one), but this is more common.

23.09.2015 20:31, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43196

Cryptocephalus sericeus (Linnaeus, 1758).

23.09.2015 20:31, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43974

Cryptocephalus sericeus (Linnaeus, 1758). Options available.

22.09.2015 16:23, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43828

Naturally crepitans. If the abdomen (sternites) dark brown, it accurately.

22.09.2015 14:26, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43780

It is necessary to clearly lay out!

22.09.2015 11:27, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43785

Well Zina he really arcensis, endure! While here http://carabidae.org/taxa/arvensis-arvensis-herbst-1784 vice versa, but will rely on ZIN.

22.09.2015 10:48, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Carabus clathratus

A typo in the name of the species! True clathratus Linne, 1761

21.09.2015 18:57, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43724

The female you :)

21.09.2015 12:55, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43447

In the middle zone is common. In the Lower Volga is local, but if there are a lot.

30.06.2015 21:09, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #39202

Basil! LAST long search I found: Zolotukhin VV Ryabov SA 2012. Raznousye lepidoptera Vietnam. Sem. Hawk moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Ulyanovsk: "The Corporation of Promotion." 240.

30.06.2015 5:32, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #39202

Notonagemia analis analis (R. Felder, [1874])

29.06.2015 12:24, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #23448

Rhode Goodia Holland, 1893. Most likely G.thia (Jordan, 1922), but there are three similar - G. obscuripennis (Strand, 1913), G. lunata (Holland, 1893), G. egeri (Bouyer, 2009) - it is known to me externally.

15.05.2015 10:25, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Heliothis feildi

Types of delivery and Rhodocleptria Chazaria currently include the genus Heliothis (private message Alexei matte).

22.04.2015 7:28, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #32748

Irina underside of copies doubt belonging to davidi leaves. It's the same thing here # 32749. It is necessary to move.

19.04.2015 14:40, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #32748

He agreed with Irina, but this week, smoothing the material here, once again rechecked. Here is an instance of no ichnea, and clear davidi (within the site), but rather inclined to the view that should be called davidi Euphydryas (aurinia) sibirica eothena Röber 1926. But it is up to a serious revision.

02.04.2015 8:51, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #39650


31.03.2015 17:22, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Furcula furcula

That's me to the fact that they are not wound up :)

31.03.2015 7:46, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Furcula furcula

What about Furcula furcula altaica Schintlmeister, 1998? Someone drove this subspecies is officially a synonym?

31.03.2015 7:20, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Euhampsonia

Similarly, Sasha! I defined them there :) "! Well, then all claims to Paul :)

30.03.2015 20:16, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Euhampsonia

Wai! He pulled clearly not there :(

30.03.2015 16:11, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Euhampsonia

A typo in the title kind of - well Euchampsonia!

29.03.2015 10:08, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #32753

Here I Oshibochka out! This copy is not scotosia, and Mellicta ambigua! Basil! Bring your!

09.02.2015 13:08, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #32748

This Photo # 32749 - Euphydryas ichnea (Boisduval, [1833]). My mistake. Determination Irina Nikulina.

25.10.2014 20:33, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #34536

As for the lack of the genus in Uruguay - apparently defect :) Around (Brazil, Bolivia), and in Uruguay there. Rhode exactly Pyrrhopyge, and with a view of the author, probably right (osbenno here this picture http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/34548 - maybe the same copy.). Here you can review the American http://www.butterfliesofamerica.com/L/Hesperiidae.htm.With red color front of the pronotum of ...

25.10.2014 18:50, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #34548

Very similar to Pyrrhopyge charybdis Westwood, 1852

25.10.2014 12:48, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #32743

That's what happens when you do not watch what you send :( There's caught and shot a bunch nomionov, and Bremer did not pay attention ...). Bremer course no options!

16.09.2014 7:38, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #32511

Thank you, Alex! I agree! Carry!

16.09.2014 7:36, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #32751

Basil! Endure, my school, Irina right!

28.08.2014 23:10, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #32953

I would say that this Marumba saishiuana (ssp ??). Nothing more has not found similar, although not shown in the form of Vietnam.

26.08.2014 19:08, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #4402

Well, so long, and let them be - try podsobrat of these points of view, and genitals can then to some reasonable conclusion we arrive. Species there are not rare.

25.08.2014 20:45, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #4402

Basil! I do not even dare to argue with the fact that confidently distinguish these types is only possible on the genitals. Therefore, as my and your definition of a series of "likely". Compared not only with photos of the work, but also with descriptions of the figure.I repeat - I do not insist on fidelity to its definition, but from our discussions can be a rational conclusion - no genitalia - ...

25.08.2014 12:41, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #4402

All my pictures this kind of determined to work Pugaev SN, Zolotukhin VV moth genus Dyscia Hübner, [1825] (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of the Lower and Middle Volga. Eversmannia 2006, vol. 6. Evgeny Tsvetkov and tested. Therefore, I was surprised by a steady transfer of Basil picture innocentaria, especially given the variability of the species of this group. Well would be inaccurate.Looking ...

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