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Prenesta scyllalis, Walker, 1859.
Dmitry, If I got it right, this is also Prenesta scyllalis, Walker, 1859.
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This species is identified correctly.
The species is added to the database/approved.
The species is added to the database/approved.
Shots are nearly twins, is it needed to show both?
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
Alexandr! Seems even family is wrong. Actually, recently they tried to add Limoniidae to Brahmaeidae due to a new molecular analysis,, but this one is surely something unclear. Also, no Brahmaeidae found yet in the New World:,
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Ordishia rutila, Stoll, 1782.
The species is added to the database/approved.
Ormetica sypilus (Cramer, 1777).
The species is added to the database/approved.
Syngamia florella (Stoll, 1781).
? Loxophlebia bisigna (Kaye, 1911), nothing more similar.
Amaxia lepida (Schaus, 1912).
Dmitry! I've got it in a tightly closed box, lazy to open. Shot that about five years ago (even rather scanned).
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The species is added to the database/approved.
The species is added to the database/approved.
Cyclopis caecutiens (Hübner, [1821]), Noctuidae.
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Amaxia lepida (Schaus, 1912)
Eacles penelope (Cramer, 1775).
Citheronia hamifera, W.Rothschild, 1907.
Eacles penelope ♂ (Cramer, 1775).
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Amphimoea walkeri (Boisduval, [1875]).
The species is added to the database/approved.
Manduca albiplaga (Walker, 1856).
Ascalapha odorata (Linnaeus,1758), worn-out female.
Ascalapha odorata (Linnaeus, 1758).
The species is added to the database/approved.
Ascalapha odorata (Linnaeus, 1758).
The species is added to the database/approved.
Automeris liberia (Cramer, 1780) 100% sure. Saw this one with expanded hind wings, shot by Konstantin. But not published there yet, maybe, stuck somewhere.
Dmitry is right! I digged that and... Petr, move to Papilio heringi, Niepelt, 1924.
Well, let it be like this then. As for differences between claudina subspecies and also other species, I fully agree.
? Jodis lactearia, Linnaeus, 1758.
Odezia atrata, Linnaeus, 1758.
If Dmitry is sure... I got that right as it was named and with the set caught location. Can't say something more efficient!
Dmitry, aedon costs much more $ ;)
Will try to show underside, ok.
The species is added to the database/approved.
Yep :) Then the second shot, #6384 is not J. lutea but J. adusta! Colleagues, please, compare a white stripes pattern at the lower part of the hind wings, there: and And also our photos. Anyway, it's surely silly to do that having one butterfly of every ...
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