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Insects images

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Sympetrum vulgatum (1) vespabellicosus

An overly curious female common dragonfly, Sympetrum vulgatum. Cheboksary neighborhood, Chuvashia. August 13, 2006. Pictures:111_1187_IMG.JPG — (130.12к)

13.08.2006 19:15 vespabellicosus

An overly curious female common dragonfly, Sympetrum vulgatum. Cheboksary neighborhood, Chuvashia. August 13, 2006. Pictures:111_1187_IMG.JPG — ...

Common dragonfly (Sympetrum vulgatum) (2) Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich

13.08.2006 13:41 vespabellicosus

Of course, it would be desirable to see the dragonfly completely , but I would venture to assume that this is a common dragonfly Sympetrum vulgatum.

Perelivnitsa (Apatura ilia Schif.) (2) Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich

13.08.2006 12:34 Bad Den

Apatura ilia Schif.

Rhyssa persuasoria (1) Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich Rider of Rhyssa (Rhyssa persuasoria). One of the biggest riders. 30-40 mm long. The coat is black with white spots, the legs are red. Females have a long ovipositor that exceeds the body length. ...

13.08.2006 6:52 Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich Rider of Rhyssa (Rhyssa persuasoria). One of the biggest riders. 30-40 mm long. The coat is black with ...

13.08.2006 6:07 Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich

Goldeneye (Chrysopidae) (1) Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich An adult insect of the (green) goldeneye is about 15 mm long, with a body and wing veins of delicate shades of green. Wings in a calm state are folded "hut". The protruding eyes have a bright metallic sheen. ...

13.08.2006 5:31 Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich An adult insect of the (green) goldeneye is about 15 mm long, with a body and wing veins of delicate shades ...

Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta) (1) Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich Vanessa Atalanta is one of the most beautiful diurnal butterflies of central Europe, found also in North America and South Asia, and belongs together with the wren and polychrome, peacock's eye and sturgeon ...

13.08.2006 5:21 Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich Vanessa Atalanta is one of the most beautiful diurnal butterflies of central Europe, found also in North ...

Solitary bee, possibly Dasypoda or Antophora (2) Pakor

Portrait of a bee From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich

11.08.2006 17:41 vespabellicosus

Solitary bee, possibly Dasypoda or Antophora.

Family Dolichopodidae (3) Lesha

Taken in the forest, Berlin, June 2006.

06.08.2006 12:37 guest: Nikita

Neurigona quadrifasciata, Dolichopodidae

Forest wasp Dolichovespula sylvestris (1) vespabellicosus

Female wood wasp Dolichovespula sylvestris on a wooden pole, while collecting pulp (chewed wood) to build a nest. June 11, 2006. Drozhzhanovsky district, Republic of Tatarstan. ...

23.07.2006 11:20 vespabellicosus

Female wood wasp Dolichovespula sylvestris on a wooden pole, while collecting pulp (chewed wood) to build a nest. June 11, 2006. Drozhzhanovsky ...

Polistes dominulus (1) vespabellicosus

P. dominulus nest, Cheboksary neighborhood. July 15, 2006. Pictures:15_Июля_2006.JPG — (141k)

18.07.2006 18:08 vespabellicosus

P. dominulus nest, Cheboksary neighborhood. July 15, 2006. Pictures:15_Июля_2006.JPG — (141k)

Gampsocleis glabra (4) sealor

Pictures:gglabra.jpg — (142.02к)

10.07.2006 14:32 sealor

Thank you, fixed it.

Ladybeetles (7) plantago

USA, Moscow environs, April 2006

09.07.2006 0:06 Shofffer

Hippodamia sp.

Ants of the genus Formica (7) Lesha

The surface of the anthill. Taken in the forest, Berlin, June 2006

07.07.2006 5:56 vespabellicosus

As Bad Den correctly pointed out, it is difficult to distinguish formic from common photos. Apparently, this species belongs to the group of red ...

Dung beetle Geotrupes (Anoplotrupes) stercorosus Scriba (8) Lesha

Taken in a forest, Berlin, June 2006In the first picture, a beetle crawls on some tree fungus. On the thief - on the fabric.Some small creatures were found on its abdomen (shown by arrows). They usually sit still, but they can also crawl from place ...

07.07.2006 0:48 RippeR

Thanks! That's about what I thought

Some kind of butterfly....or not? (4) milli

it has a long, thin proboscis (like a needle), it does not sit on a flower when eating nectar (it flaps its wings all the time), it hums softly and flies quickly Pictures:782558.jpg — (120.74 k)

07.07.2006 0:08 Tigran Oganesov

Yazykan, exactly.

Callimorpha dominula L. (6) gpot

.This post was edited by gpot-02.07.2006 21: 48 Pictures:Ecaille_marbree.jpg — (124.36к)

05.07.2006 21:29 Pavel Morozov

Very nice butterfly. Maybe even our most beautiful butterfly!I note that they are very easy to deduce. Caterpillars willingly eat nettles, very ...

Cantharidae (4) BO.

05.07.2006 20:23 Bad Den

Softwort Cantharis obscura L.

29.06.2006 8:54 Nilson

Yes, indeed, not quite on the topic, but maybe this ant lion is common in another region I wanted to post this photo, and then the post turned ...

(6) BO.

They got their name because of the lifestyle of the larvae. The larva of the ant lion is wingless and the body shape somewhat resembles a tick, it feeds on ants. For the winter, the larva burrows in the ground. In the common ant lion, larvae ...

29.06.2006 8:54 Nilson

Yes, indeed, not quite on the topic, but maybe this ant lion is common in another region I wanted to post this photo, and then the post turned ...

23.06.2006 14:17 TOT

Unpaired silkworm-Ocneria dispar L. Distributed everywhere. Damages all hardwoods.In unpaired silkworm butterflies, males are much smaller (about 45 ...

Hemiptera sp (2) daniil naumoff

Samara Region, June 10, 2006

19.06.2006 17:26 Dmitrii Musolin

this is Dolycoris baccarum (Pentatomidae)

The Colorado Potato Beetle (5) daniil naumoff

Samara region, June 10, 2006

18.06.2006 21:26 Aleksey Adamov

What's the question?

Tingidae gen. (3) Proctos

Lace Bug (Tingidae)

16.06.2006 6:35 Гость

And how do these laces work? Where do they grow from? What are they used for?

15.06.2006 1:08 Proctos

The Eupelmids (Eupelmidae) are a relatively small family of chalcidoids (850 species and 45 genera of the world's fauna). The fauna of Russia is ...

15.06.2006 1:08 Proctos

The Eupelmids (Eupelmidae) are a relatively small family of chalcidoids (850 species and 45 genera of the world's fauna). The fauna of Russia is ...

15.06.2006 1:04 Proctos

The Eupelmids (Eupelmidae) are a relatively small family of chalcidoids (850 species and 45 genera of the world's fauna). The fauna of Russia is ...

Pusher (Empididae) (2) Proctos

13.06.2006 6:06 Proctos

Straight-seam pusher fly (Empididae)

Thanasimus formicarius (3) K. A. A.

13.06.2006 6:00 K. A. A.

A beetle in the family Cleridae. It is often found on flowers or tree bark. They look very much like ants from afar. Mottled beetles are medium-sized ...

13.06.2006 5:35 Proctos

Primitive betilid wasp (Bethylidae) from South Africa

The lace-making bug (2) Proctos

13.06.2006 5:00 Proctos

Another lace-making bug from South China

13.06.2006 4:53 Proctos

The butternut cicada (Membracidae) from Botswana. And again, a rather modest appearance.

Messor structor major (3) Santa Claus

13.06.2006 4:44 Santa Claus

Ant reaper in a test tube (soldier). In the anthill, soldiers act as guards, but their powerful jaws are also used to grind grains.

Syrphidae fly (5) Proctos

Babbler fly (Syrphidae) from the genus Eumerus Pictures:syrphidae_later_001_s.JPG — (21.72к)

07.06.2006 18:54 Pirx

I know that the flies don't need a knife I meant that such thick thighs make a fly look like a bee with a leg. And what is the long truth really? By ...

Stratiomyidae fly (3) Proctos

Lion fly (Stratiomidae), small about 5 mm. South Africa

07.06.2006 0:48 Pirx

Wow, what a visor she has! Is there a separate photo of the wing?Awesome lioness. I understand excited dipterologists; -)

Shaeroceridae gen. from South Africa (2) Proctos

Balloon fly (Sphaeroceridae) from South Africa

07.06.2006 0:45 Pirx

Beauty. For those who understand: -)

Cicada (Cercopis sp.) (2) Kovalevsky

Cicada (Cercopis sp.)

06.06.2006 17:33 Kovalevsky

Cicada (Cercopis sp.). Groningen, the Netherlands, May 2006This post was edited by Kovalevsky - 06.06.2006 17: 33

21.05.2006 0:35 Vlad Proklov

Only you misidentified it, it's Psyllobora (Thea) vigintiduopunctata.Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata I took off about a week ago in my ...

Aeshna affinis (5) BO.


18.05.2006 13:54 BO.

This is not Aeshna cyanea - you have Aeshna affinis in your pictures. They differ in size (the affinis is smaller), breast color, and anal ...

Stag Beetle (2) zinj

Flight of the stag beetle. Photo by Igor Korneev.

17.05.2006 12:43 SVV

photo really udachnye

Polyxene (2) sealor

01.05.2006 12:37 sealor

Polyxena-Zerynthia polyxena (Denis et Schiffermuller, 1775)== Zerynthia hypsipyle SchulzeFamily Of Sailboats-Papilionidae.The butterfly is ...

27.04.2006 20:59 ADS

It flies in May and June along the edges and clearings of the forest, in gardens and parks. It flies well in the light. Eggs are laid in 1-2 pieces, ...

(3) BO.

Epicallia villica. Rural bear. The wingspan is usually 3-8 cm. Dippers get their name because of their brown furry caterpillars. Mottled butterfly wings warn of their inedibility. Their blood is poisonous. They are active at dusk and at night.The ...

27.04.2006 20:59 ADS

It flies in May and June along the edges and clearings of the forest, in gardens and parks. It flies well in the light. Eggs are laid in 1-2 pieces, ...

24.04.2006 12:58 PVOzerski

Just keep in mind: the photo is not an adult, but a larva of the last age. One can see the arrangement of wing rudiments characteristic of the last ...

(1) BO.

Pyrgomorph (Pyrgomorpha bispinosa), a nymph. It lives in the semi-deserts of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Transcaucasia. The family Pyrgomorphidae is widely represented in the tropics; only 3 species are found within Russia.The photo shows a larva ...

24.04.2006 12:58 PVOzerski

Just keep in mind: the photo is not an adult, but a larva of the last age. One can see the arrangement of wing rudiments characteristic of the last ...

A Wasp (2) BO.

Author: VO

19.04.2006 19:48 Катя Л.

Beautiful girl! I haven't even seen them anywhere. Where were you photographed?

P. apollo (16) Юлия Еремеева

17.04.2006 12:09 Helene

Come on, the pubescence is very different (the male is fluffy, otherwise you can not say). And at the end of the abdomen, their primary sexual ...

13.04.2006 18:44 Guest

Idea leuconoeIts habitat extends from southern China and Malaysia to the Philippines and several Indonesian islands. The butterfly flies in the ...

Lucky flycatcher (3) Александр Козлов

A spider that caught a fly.

13.04.2006 18:37 Guest

From the windowsill...

11.04.2006 8:27 Nilson

Indeed, Hyperant is a flower peephole. A cute butterfly, but the neighborhood of my native Mogilev was so full of it (alternately with Maniola ...

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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