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Positive temperature anomaly

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsPositive temperature anomaly

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19.05.2017 12:44, ИНО

Today is generally tin: +13 at noon. At least it was sunny in the first half of the day, but now the clouds are leaden.

19.05.2017 16:50, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

The temperature is +24 degrees,especially since I decided to go to Yegorino mesto,it was hot there,there were a lot of decticuses(it's a pity that there were no pre-imago decticuses).
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19.05.2017 19:14, Hierophis

And we have summer jump.gif
Of course, this is so-so, in the morning it's OK +12, chilly, but in the afternoon it's ok. +22, today it was generally cool, quiet) And grasshoppers-decticus we already have about the same come across )

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19.05.2017 23:37, ИНО

And we have +4 in the morning eek.gif

The sun came out just before sunset today, but I managed to take some photos. The grasses are very low, knee - high at most, and most are smaller, even those that will fade soon. I call this phenomenon "tundra mode", it happens occasionally. And in other years, it's already waist-deep in April.

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20.05.2017 12:14, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

We have +17 degrees, overcast,and soon another hundred millimeters of precipitation.This year, the wettest month is May.

21.05.2017 22:16, Hierophis

Yes, some kind of "spring without summer" is obtained this season) Even the suckers haven't bloomed yet!
In the morning it was +10, in the afternoon it probably didn't even reach +20, the wind is cold, the clouds are dull autumn, tin)

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21.05.2017 23:07, Vorona

But the anomaly is still positive?

21.05.2017 23:55, Hierophis

But the anomaly is still positive?

Exactly jump.gif
According to the climate monitor in our area Tan approx. +0.5 C at the moment, so that the dull winter of Putenskaya did not pass to us ))
Here Kharkiv has already got it, Tan approx. -1.7 at the moment, almost like in Murmansk, but given the norm of Murmansk for May at +4C, then it doesn't matter much there)
Sl. the week will be cold, but the last couple of days in May should be hot, so in our area you can expect May to be normal wink.gif
In April, our Tan was OK -0.8, but do not forget that in March, the Tan was +4C! So no matter how hard your winter tries, our Spring will have a positive anomaly in the sum of three months

22.05.2017 2:44, ИНО

Perhaps spring itself will soon be a positive anomaly in Ukraine. And we already have summer, even if it's shitty, came yesterday in the evening: it warmed up to +22, the sun came out.

And Panovo's photography department, as I see it, is developing in a spiral-again a downward spiral. In any case, he was better at birds in the sky before.

This post was edited by ENO-05/22/2017 02: 47

22.05.2017 5:42, alex017

user posted image
Saturday was warm, around +20, and the opening was rainy. The sun appeared around 22 pm.
Raspberries managed to collect just for the appearance of the Anamets ' babies. Dandelion has grown and bloomed, but so far only at the houses.

22.05.2017 14:31, ИНО

Well, on the "hungry-cold Urals" +20 and white nights, and we have again +14 and dark clouds.

22.05.2017 23:03, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

Tomorrow I will check on Yegorinom place, whether there are pre-imago decticus, if there is, I will post a photo.

23.05.2017 5:57, alex017

One day +20, and then...then there is still heating. For my life, this is the first time that on May 23 there was still heating. I think it is already clear that this is a negative temperature anomaly. After all, there were years that in the last days of April, not only were frogs caught barefoot in the swamps (the water was already warm enough), but they also went from one lake to another through small channels, i.e. actually swam. I'm not saying it's very pleasant. It was real.
Now we have a flood started. At this time, we were walking with a fishing rod in the water meadows. That is, the water in the shallow water was already quite warm. You can swim and stay in it as much as you want. Now this is unrealistic. Your feet will freeze even in your boots.
So envy the Urals. Your +14 will go to +30, and our +10 will go to -10 and snow somewhere in September. We always have dark clouds. They can be clearly seen when approaching the airfield. You land through the clouds, you think you can see the ground, you pass through a layer of clouds, and under them - another layer. And so almost always 2 layers. Layers often move in different directions.
White nights don't do you any good. At night, at 22-23 it is light, it is difficult to fall asleep. I found something to envy...

This post was edited by alex017 - 23.05.2017 05: 59

23.05.2017 18:56, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

I decided to go to Yegorino's place.The first photo is Sunday,the other 6 were taken today.

This post was edited by NIKITA TIMOSHEV - 11.10.2018 17: 59

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23.05.2017 19:13, Hierophis

It's getting warmer jump.gif
And the spiders on the blades of grass keep you warm )))

Alex, don't be discouraged, you'll see, this season you should have such a heat wave that well, in general) After all, now the Arctic masses are transformed, and then, in the summer, there will be no cold there, as soon as the AC is established, it will heat up and fry you)

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24.05.2017 1:08, ИНО

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24.05.2017 5:54, alex017

Personally, I'm warm - blooded, but I also like +30 or more.
Yes, plants get "compensated" by a long light day, they get the opportunity to grow and bear fruit in a short summer, which may well be very short.
But personally, for some reason, it is difficult for me to fall asleep on a bright night. During the day - no problems. And in the evening I don't know why, but I can't sleep. And he wakes up after dawn. Today, at 5 o'clock, I woke up. Then I fell asleep, of course, but there was already a moron ringing.
At night we have about zero. Goes over the minus sign for a short time. Cool, though. Two warm days are expected, followed by another week of cold weather. Hoping for summer is pointless...it probably won't be there.
It is bad that the hot water decided to turn off of course in Odessa. This is probably temporary for the hard times?
We have it. But no one uses it. They save money. Take yellow water from the heating batteries. With this water consumption, we can also easily turn it off, since no one needs it.

24.05.2017 9:18, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

And why I have decticuses on Yegorinom place already pre-imago, probably hatched early(when it was warm), so I'll go there on May 31 and take a picture of the decticus imago, and you still have them 3 stages.

28.05.2017 10:21, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

Today I'm going to Yegorino mesto and catch 4 verrotsivorusa, and put them in a jar,one of my pre-imago molted today, but because of the plants, the ovipositor is crooked.

29.05.2017 0:35, Hierophis

Yes, on the one hand, it's cool here - May is on the mend, Tsr is already the norm, and there are still a couple of hot days, so it will be a plus.
But here is what is happening over the empire, and will continue to happen-uuuu, this is tin, cons walk day after day for almost half of June in night runs, and not just frosts but frosts under-5C.
Today's photos are only masterpieces jump.gif

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29.05.2017 21:20, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

In Moscow, a hurricane passed by, like footage from the movie "After Tomorrow".It was hot as in Thailand,in the neighboring fields(near my house) decticus shedding in pre-imago, and on Yegorinom place already shedding in imago.

31.05.2017 4:25, ИНО

Yes, it has become warm in our country too, especially after sunset, the difference is felt in the comfortable amount of clothing. if earlier, almost in winter, I had to get dressed and still run as soon as possible. As long as the dew didn't fall on my back, I'm fine in a T-shirt now. Dew falls in the evening only in the lowest areas, and there the remnants of cold weather hide. The stratification is very sharp. But there is also a negative point - mosquitoes. Now they are driven out of the beam, instead of the cold.

Exclusive to Pan Stepovoi - a fresh selection of his favorite entomopornukhi. There is, of course, a lot of other interesting things, but since Pan decided to clamp down on his megafotki, I also cover up a one-way attraction of unprecedented generosity. Unless I add a couple of landscapes that demonstrate the power and strength of My Megastep (TM).

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31.05.2017 5:47, alex017

And we have stable cold weather. On the street only a few degrees + in the morning, in the afternoon yesterday +7, today they promise +11.

31.05.2017 10:15, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

We are already like in Iran,yesterday the sun was roasting wild decticus, but on June 3, I will drive to Yegorino mesto.

04.06.2017 12:08, ИНО

And again, a positively crappy anomaly: the second day is not higher than +14, at night it is generally +9, and this is at the height of the 5th floor, it is generally better not to even estimate how much it falls in the beam. I was there yesterday just after sunset 10 intended. Polistov on this soil in the nests of many dead eggs. And only the earliest ones managed to grow 1-2 larvae. The difference between temperatures on sunny and shady slopes is interesting. In the first case, at 4 pm it was 21 degrees, in the second - 17. At the same time, the concentration of nests in the shade is several times higher, but this is due, rather, not to the temperature, but to the great distance from the hornets ' habitat. In general, this year there are more gallikuses than ever in my memory, where there are usually no more than 20-30 nests, I counted 65. The second bumblebee species that has produced flight workers is the clay bumblebee. Surprisingly, there was no sign of the earlier stone one, except for the unfortunate and sick queens, whose unenviable fate is to nest until death. There are almost no cuckoo bumblebees this year, I've only seen a couple of vestalisses. Brilliant beauties flew out en masse. Notable diurnal butterflies include Lasiommata maera and Issoria lathonia.

Loch and black elderberry have finally bloomed, but there are practically no pollinators on them. I met 2 pieces of unflown peonies, and a piglet of periwinkle, which is very unusual for June. Shyly begins to bloom zopnik kubnonosny. Cornflowers, bows, kachim - all this is at best still in buds, at worst - is not on the ground at all.

This post was edited by ENO - 04.06.2017 12: 38

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04.06.2017 20:15, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

Today I went with Yegor and another friend to Yegor's place,I was lucky enough to catch a female decticus imago.

06.06.2017 7:04, alex017

Spring is late, but it's here
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The cold is terrible, especially at home.
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06.06.2017 13:41, ИНО

Was it really so difficult to turn the first photo 90 degrees? And what kind of trees are these? The average bird cherry, of course, but I don't recognize the rest, we don't have such people, it seems. The last thing - is there some kind of wild apple tree? The lake (or is it a river?) is probably full of fish, and the banks are free of garbage. And you all complain that the edge is bad.

And we finally have a summer roast. It's bad that the normal rains at the end of May did not pass, respectively, the forest is full of dry land, and you can forget about mushrooms for a long time, although there were no edible morels yet.

This post was edited by ENO-06.06.2017 13: 44

06.06.2017 14:20, Hierophis

Oh, Alex, if it weren't for the flowers, I'd think it was autumn!!!
Well, nothing, be strong, just a little more and you will enjoy the thirties, and this time with a plus sign, finally )
And we already have daavno heat jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

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06.06.2017 14:32, ИНО

Oh, Pan Stepovoi finally managed to catch zvontsov in flight! But something turned out to be shitty, we should at least do this (without any interference with the optical circuit, by the way):

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06.06.2017 14:37, alex017

Well, nothing, be strong, just a little more and you will enjoy the thirties, and this time with a plus sign, finally )

Not this year.
Heat usually comes during the week, but by the weekend it disappears, cold weather and rain come.
So this year, it seems, will have to sit at home.

06.06.2017 14:52, ИНО

If you are afraid of a small chill, you can stay at home all your life.

07.06.2017 5:47, alex017

So it rained all day in otkr.
We often have cold weather, but with rain-too much already.

07.06.2017 6:50, ИНО

Yesterday, due to a sharp warming in the evening in our forest, such as Pan Stepov likes to express himself, uuuhh happened, which I have never seen in my life. even in the floodplain oak forests of the Seversky Donets. And saw only on this Forum on derzhitsya from Croatia yes once in a dream. I even postponed my planned fishing trip and spent the whole night making a different kind of gear, today I will go after the prey. so far, the trophies are only of a photographic nature, and then of poor quality, because the distance to the most dangerous places was 20 - 30 meters, so it really turned out to be a super-duper telemacro, I'll show you later.

The year of Lyazius fuliginosus has begun. I saw Admiral fresh, but he didn't let me get close, and this time he didn't engage in perversion with the 800 mm EFR. I already have enough photos of this butterfly.

On my return (already in pitch darkness), I passed an oak tree with succulents, heard the hum of something clearly hymenopteran, neither a hornet, nor a vespula, or maybe even a bumblebee, but I couldn't see it in the light of a dying flashlight. But there are no catocals and deer beetles yet - again a delay, just like last year. Although, I'm afraid, this year there will be more. And there aren't many pretties. But the caterpillars of different in the dark rummages, I apologize for the tautology, darkness.

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07.06.2017 13:51, alex017

I've seen enough photos of Southerners with their beautiful Ukrainian weather.... eh...
We have warmed up, +15, but it's pouring. For Sunday and Monday, there is still one drop of rain and 18-19 degrees in the forecast. Mb snow escape somewhere, if of course I wake up.

07.06.2017 15:18, коты

Cool photos in this topic. I enjoy watching it, but it doesn't work out that way, especially macro photography. And the places are beautiful. Although they are everywhere beautiful in their own way, unless they are polluted by the abomination of civilization. And what, you have there, in Ukraine, the forest as such is absent, only if there are forest belts? Or am I wrong?

07.06.2017 15:20, коты

P.S. I mean a dense forest, not forest belts))

07.06.2017 19:25, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

Now it's hot,and the decticuses are already shedding on the imago,I found Empusa pennicornis in Yegorina's place today, but when she was flying,a sparrow grabbed her.

07.06.2017 19:36, Hierophis

cats, you somehow do not take into account the political conjuncture write)) If you belong to a well-known participant from a young but proud republic, then he does not consider himself a resident of Ukraine weep.gif
Although for some reason, write down these most cherished three letters in your profile-shy lol.gif
If to me, then I live in Ukraine ))) And of course, we have real, ancient prales in Ukraine, where everything is covered in mosses and ferns ) And it's not even very far from me, although I live almost on the bank of the Dnieper estuarywink.gif, for example - there are such plavnevy forests in the Aleshkovsky sands.
But I'm not even talking about the forest and forest-steppe part of Ukraine, where the forests are vast and very old)

Alex, well, you should be sad! you should be proud of yourself, you're an imperial citizen, but how do you behave?? lol.gif There is no summer - so spend a ryfyrendum, and 86% of the votes are in favor-set the summer in fact )))

07.06.2017 20:27, коты

Clear. Thank you for your reply. Yes, I do not take into account the political conjuncture, as you write, because I am deeply interested in politics..th, and even more so in this context)) And so here I meant only the geographical aspect. I generally try not to interfere with my favorite hobby with all sorts of nasty things-politics, money, power, etc., which I sincerely wish you)
It's just that for some reason Ukraine has always been associated with the absence of dense forests, but this is probably closer to the Rostov region or Kuban. I once visited Ukraine in my distant childhood, in Kherson with distant relatives, and even after so many years now I remember what kind of Nature there is, very similar to the one in the photos that you post.

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