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Wasp nests

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsWasp nests

Назар, 03.05.2012 18:58

Hello everyone A few days ago, I found two young nests near the veranda door on the electrical line. It seems that they were made by the same queen, because when observing the wasp, I always see only one of the nests, she builds them as if in turn. I think this is quite strange, I haven't seen this before, I don't think these are nests of two different oss, they don't make nests at such a close distance from each other, or am I mistaken? I want to move the nests to the attic of the barn, what is the best way to do this? Also, should I transfer it now, or wait for the workers to arrive? Or is it better to leave them as they are? I just don't know how the wasps will behave when the nests grow, whether they will interfere, unless of course the queen herself dies (I saw several unfinished nests in the attic).

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03.05.2012 19:15, Hierophis

You're lucky smile.gif
It still seems to me that two different queens build nests, you just don't see them together)
Well, if the goal is to save the nest, then it is better not to touch it, because if you move it now, then probably the queens will run away, if with the workers, then there will be a big loss of workers due to possible incomplete reorientation. But in theory, if you really move it with the workers, at night.

Nor can it still happen that the uterus will not live up to full-fledged nests..
Is it a Saxon wasp or a forest wasp?
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03.05.2012 20:32, Назар

You're lucky smile.gif
It still seems to me that two different queens build nests, you just don't see them together)
Well, if the goal is to save the nest, then it is better not to touch it, because if you move it now, then probably the queens will run away, if with the workers, then there will be a big loss of workers due to possible incomplete reorientation. But in theory, if you really move it with the workers, at night.

Nor can it still happen that the uterus will not live up to full-fledged nests..
Is it a Saxon wasp or a forest wasp?

Yes, the goal is to preserve the nests. Then I'd better leave it as it is, I warned my relatives not to touch it, I'm only afraid that one of the guests will not hit it, but this is unlikely. The uterus looks more like a Saxon one than a forest one (I compared it with the photo I found on the Internet). And how long does it take to develop working oss?

03.05.2012 21:18, Hierophis

oh, and we have this year after the snowless frosts something queens almost do not catch your eye, no, even polistov. Usually at this time, the German wasp queen seekers fly everywhere.

I kept German and common wasps, and their first workers appear about 17-25 days after the nest is laid, unlike honey bees, everything depends on the air temperature.

In our region, by the way, there are no such open vespula nests, very rarely a nest is made in a corner, but either in the ground or between walls.

And the size of these nests you have not very large become at the maximum development? Is the wire not pulled down?
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03.05.2012 22:42, Назар

Our queen wasps fly a little, I also saw one hornet, but there are more bumblebees, although they are probably just more noticeable, since they fly low above the ground.
Almost every year I find wasp nests in various places near my house, almost always in shelters (in the attic of a barn, under a slate, in a wooden wall), sometimes also in the ground, but those open nests that I saw were all small and abandoned.
At the expense of the maximum size, so I went to the attic where I wanted to move the os to look at the old nest, it's quite large, about the size of a three-liter jar near the base, so the wire will have to be strengthened, maybe I'll add a wooden bar on top for strength. In addition, in that attic I found, to my delight, a new nest, which looks like it has just been started, just next to the big old one, now I think, can the old one be removed, or will it not interfere? I wanted to completely clean out the old nests from there, or is it better to leave them (maybe they attract new oss)?
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03.05.2012 23:29, Hierophis

How interesting it is for you there!
Can you take pictures of what the old nest looks like? I wonder if there are any differences with German or ordinary languages? Or maybe that big nest was German wasps?

Like a very large nest for Saxon wasps?
Maybe it's germasnki?
According to my local observations, common wasps, such as Vespula vulgaris, always settle in the ground, and the color of their combs is light straw. And in German wasps, the color of honeycombs and the paper layer is gray, nests are also found in all sorts of buildings, boxes, in general, half-open.
I generally thought that the nests of Saxon wasps are not large, about the size of a tennis ball, and there are three or four tiers of honeycombs. Although I don't even know what it is, toli read somewhere, toli was told so.

Old nests are quite an interesting story - I noticed that in places where there are old nests, new ones usually appear with enviable regularity. There's something to it. Mtaks do not overwinter in old nests, and cavities from them are not used later next time if the nest was in the ground, and paper is not usually taken from them, but maybe when some females wake up after wintering in the spring, they first rush to find a place for the nest exactly where they were born.
Or maybe the place itself is just convenient for nesting.
In general, the fact is that I found places where there were just dozens of old nests of German wasps, and new ones in the same place. For example, under the skin of buildings, in thermal insulation, under the plates of flower beds.
The only thing that can be confusing is that the old nests are probably a reservoir of specific wasp parasites.

So I don't even know, in general, in theory, if you rely on natural processes, then you don't need to clean up, well, or not everything, if everything is completely cluttered with nests.

And as for the number of females in this spring-it so happened that the frosts were very strong, and there was no snow at all at this time! As a result, a lot of animals, especially those wintering in the form of larvae or adults, froze. And where there was snow-everything is normal, despite the frosts...

04.05.2012 0:12, Назар

Hierophis, I am glad that you are interested, I will try to take pictures tomorrow. The socket is the same color as the two on the wire shown in the pictures above. Still, I want to remove it when the uterus of the new one flies out, they are very close, in addition, there is another small abandoned one above, it is easier to remove it. Yes, and the old big nest in some places has subtle traces of some kind of dust, maybe there are parasites there, so it's better to remove it. Only now that the wasp then found a new nest, I'll still remove the landmark, but there it's close to the departure hole.

Also in that attic there is a hornet's nest the year before last, so far the only one, usually only wasps settle there, and even then not every year. This is on one side of the end of the attic, but from the second one there were always only abandoned small nests, it can be seen that the side does not suit the wasps well.

04.05.2012 0:38, Hierophis

Of course, it's interesting, I'm just as I remember myself, it was common wasps that I was fond of.
Do you even have German wasps? Usually, if there are any, then at the end of August they are full.
And as far as I know, German wasps do not live in a wetter climate, there are mostly hornets, common wasps, forest wasps, and Saxon wasps.

And the uterus will definitely find the nest, whether with the old nest or without, for this I would not be afraid. But if the new one is displaced, then she will have problems, and then! I did an experiment-I shifted the hive with German wasps during the day during the active summer by 2 meters at once. And after the confusion, somehow all the wasps moved to a new place.

And in a hornet's nest, how many cells are there, and is there a difference between the cells of the lower and upper ones? By the way, I still haven't found the answer to this question - do hornets have different uterine cells from workers? It seems that such information is simple, but nowhere do they write such details smile.gif
We have very very few hornets. I found nests, but it was not possible to move them home, but by the end of the season in that place I was always waiting for a not very pleasant, but strange "surprise" - someone always hollowed out the nest from the stumps, and literally tore it, chewed it, or something. As a result, it was not clear - where there are some honeycombs, there even the cells were all crumpled and torn. And so on for two consecutive seasons.

04.05.2012 23:05, Назар

Hierophis, unfortunately, I can't say anything about German wasps and honeycombs in hornet nests, my main hobby is completely unrelated to insects (electronics), I didn't do a deep study of wasps, although I've also been fond of them since childhood, somehow I didn't think to divide them into different species, I just watched behind the nests. Yes, the queen really quickly found a nest, after I removed the old one, it didn't hurt her at all. smile.gif I wonder who could have hollowed out nests from stumps, maybe some animal or bird? I once came across a hornet's nest in the garden, so there was a whole swarm of wasps there, I carefully covered the hole, but they still flew away from there. Added snapshots: 1. Two old wasp nests and a new one between them, 3L jar for scale. 2. Opened the left large nest, you can see 5 tiers of honeycombs. 3. An old hornet's nest and another abandoned one.

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04.05.2012 23:14, Коллекционер

some people are lucky.. they don't want me in the attic... wall.gif some polistes everywhere.. I want vesp!

05.05.2012 6:01, Hierophis

The same big nest is not very similar to our nests of German wasps, which can be found indoors-German wasps usually stick evenly to the joint of walls or corner, so it turns out something like a swallow's nest.

Are the cells in the lower cells in that big nest the same as in the upper cells? It looks like this from the picture.

I was offered such versions about the destruction of nests-this is either a wasp-eater or a badger. In principle, both of them are found here. But for some reason, the destruction of hornets ' nests occurs with enviable regularity at the end of the season.

And electronics is now a job for me, and a hobby too, but from an earlier period, after all, now I somehow don't really do anything, except that I built a geiger counter. But wasps - yes ! smile.gif

Collector, well, I don't even have polystov on my balconywink.gif, but of course the dream is hornets! Well, all the pools of course. And bumblebees. And apis melifera, and polisty too, in general, all to live ))))

05.05.2012 10:16, vespa crabro

For me, this is just a paradise smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif smile.gifof luck to you!

05.05.2012 20:23, vasiliy-feoktistov

2 vespa crabro: Not everything is so depressing!
Today your nickname was observed by me actively flying in Savvino. I recommend that you go and check out the point marked specifically for you on the map (there are old trees there) smile.gif

picture: pic.jpg
pic.jpg — (215.22к)

06.05.2012 13:34, Hierophis

vasiliy-feoktistov, the sense that you saw there, and even caught smile.gifTo persuade the uterus to build a nest on the balcony or somewhere else, you need to try very hard - this is not for you to stick dead animals on pins ))))

06.05.2012 13:38, vasiliy-feoktistov

vasiliy-feoktistov, the sense that you saw there, and even caught smile.gifTo persuade the uterus to build a nest on the balcony or somewhere else, you need to try very hard - this is not for you to stick dead animals on pins ))))

Hornet and does not like to build on the balcony. I suggested we look for a nest in that place. With vespa crabro we live in the neighboring streets, however.
2 vespa crabro: take buses No. 65, 23, 33 on Yubileynaya Street and go to Savvino for a few stops (get off at the stop in front of Bolshoy Savvinsky Pond), then go on foot and there will be hornets.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 06.05.2012 16: 42

06.05.2012 14:10, Назар


Are the cells in the lower cells in that big nest the same as in the upper cells? It looks like this from the picture.

On the first tier, everything is the same size, and on the rest there are the same size as on the first tier, and slightly larger, covered from the inside with something yellow.

06.05.2012 14:35, Hierophis

Just the presence of uterine honeycombs with a cell size larger than in ordinary honeycombs is the main sign of the "success" of the nest. In German and common wasps, the uterine honeycombs are built last and always have only large uterine cells. Males are bred in normal cells.

But in hornets, I don't yet understand whether their uterine veins are larger or not.

09.05.2012 21:22, vespa crabro

I recently went to visit the Tambov region.There I found about fifty polist nests,3 hornet nests, and the queens were very large approx. 4, 5 cm, Germanics,vulgaris,and Saxonics also flew.There polisty settle where they want, found 3 nests under the plate!!1 in the teapot!!The rest are in the barn and hayloft smile.gif smile.gifI couldn't resist taking a few polist nests and bringing them to the terrarium smile.gif
P. Svasiliy-feoktistov thank you wink.gif

This post was edited by vespa crabro - 09.05.2012 21: 25

10.05.2012 0:05, vasiliy-feoktistov

P. Svasiliy-feoktistov thank you wink.gif

No problem. By the way, yesterday I saw several more hornets in the same place. They must have a nest somewhere. I recommend looking for it.

11.05.2012 13:02, vespa crabro

Watch this person's video

He has very informative videos)

11.05.2012 14:32, Anser

I'm sick of these nests!I destroyed two of them in the garage.A week later, honey agaric two arrived and destroyed it with wasps.In the country two in the greenhouse...Grapes, however, are eaten!
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11.05.2012 14:52, vasiliy-feoktistov

I'm sick of these nests!I destroyed two of them in the garage.A week later, honey agaric two arrived and destroyed it with wasps.In the country two in the greenhouse...Grapes, however, are eaten!

Yes, not only they eat: the wasp can also fuck up suddenly and feel "full pants" smile.gif
Odinzhi even went to the man's dacha specifically to destroy the nests in the attic (he was afraid). So-and-so......

19.05.2012 23:41, Hierophis

Nazar, vespa crabro, who has something interesting there? smile.gif And then we have everything here is still quite poor, I did not get anything sensible with bumblebee queens, I did not even try to take root vespulas, there is simply nowhere to find a vespul nest in nature for observations yet, we still have queens foraging mostly.
And the first generation of working oss will be released for dominulus polists in a few days.

20.05.2012 12:49, vespa crabro

Yes, I still have older larvae being fed,I also saw a lot of hornets at home,but frown.gif frown.gif frown.gifI didn't catch any,I also caught a golden and copper bronzer, and so nothing more.
Polist's uterus has taken root well
in the terrarium wink.gif

P.S Last year the nest grew without a womb

20.05.2012 17:12, vespa crabro

Hurray!Yapoymal hornet smile.gif smile.gifvasiliy-feoktistov you were wrong he is here near flying with my house, I do not need to go anywhere smile.gifHe is quite large 5 cm

21.05.2012 0:11, vasiliy-feoktistov

Hurray!Yapoymal hornet smile.gif  smile.gifvasiliy-feoktistov you were wrong he is here near flying with my house, I do not need to go anywhere smile.gifHe is quite large 5 cm

I saw it yesterday, by the way, on an abandoned railway. This is the one that goes from the station to Savvino near the new quarter "Morton". Yes, they fly everywhere with us now. No wonder: I see it all the time.

21.05.2012 0:14, Hierophis

Hurray!Yapoymal hornet smile.gif  smile.gifvasiliy-feoktistov you were wrong he is here near flying with my house, I do not need to go anywhere smile.gifHe is quite large 5 cm

Podeli on two size smile.gifOr let out a scolia ))))))))))

21.05.2012 0:21, vasiliy-feoktistov

Podeli on two size smile.gifOr let out a scolia ))))))))))

We do not have any scolias of any kindsmile.gif, only the size can be divided.

21.05.2012 5:15, vespa crabro

I don't know.But he really is 5 cm he measured smile.gif frown.gif

21.05.2012 10:31, vasiliy-feoktistov

I don't know.But he really did measure 5 cm himself smile.gif  frown.gif

Well, I saw 3 centimeters or a little more, but this is by eye, in flight so-as I do not catch them (not my area). But in reality, we have a lot of hornets (I see them very often). Just take a closer look. Well, I will tell you in a personal account where I will see them. Good luck.

31.05.2012 20:33, vespa crabro

Now the older larvae have woven cocoons smile.gif wink.gifand the rest are catching up with them.Recently I was in a clearing in Moscow there were a lot of hornets and bumblebees,now I will go there every year smile.gif

31.05.2012 22:09, Коллекционер

I noticed 2 nests in the forest (like germanic) and one hornet's nest, I want to pick them up in the fall, what do you think, try to feed them so that the colony develops better?

01.06.2012 9:53, vespa crabro

As you wish, but it is better to put a cup of honey and give insects. wink.gif

01.06.2012 9:54, vespa crabro

In our forest, it is more difficult to see a hornet's nest,large thickets.

01.06.2012 14:08, Коллекционер

the same garbage, I just noticed that it was flying around a dry tree, I decided to wait, as a result, it flew into a hollow tree in a dry birch tree at a height of about 2.5 m, and I noticed in the spring when there was very little green at all

01.06.2012 17:48, vespa crabro

Here in our clearing someone left a tank, maybe there will be wasps or hornets to nest.The tank is large approx. 5 meters.

08.06.2012 10:59, vespa crabro

How are you doing?"?I have everything going like clockwork, my nest is being built actively, there are a lot of eggs and larvae, working individuals will come out soon smile.gif jump.gif
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09.06.2012 10:31, vespa crabro

I have a Saxon wasp nest for my collection at home, where there were 6 tiers,this is the first time I've seen such a nest smile.gif

Here are photos from the terrarium, sorry for the quality

131_1627.JPG — (653к)

131_1628.JPG — (595.14к)

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10.06.2012 14:59, Назар

I unfortunately lost the uterus in all the nests described above. First in the attic, and then near the veranda. There are no other nests. weep.gif Although it may be possible to find nests in the ground, you will need to look in the garden.

This post was edited by Nazar - 10.06.2012 15: 03

10.06.2012 19:11, Hierophis

My hornet's dream hasn't come true frown.gifyet either, or rather, Myung Yan didn't, and I ended up destroying the nest, and it didn't do any good.
I found a nest of German wasps in a boton ceiling with holes (reminiscent of the Katyusha guns), and in one of the holes laid with a stone, lo and behold, Germanica flew in. I, in anticipation of the relocation of the nest, knock out a brick... and behind it-nothing!
Just shining a flashlight, I saw that the ball is located at a depth of about 3m from the entrance.. And vseravneo decided to get it. The diameter of the ball was quite small, like a tennis ball, and the population is probably no more than 7 aboutc. So I decided without precautions, found a stick about 5 m long, attached a hook made of wire, tried to pry the nest for a long time, faked it, and on the way the honeycomb itself fell to the bottom of the pipefrown.gif, it was impossible to get it. On the shell sat the uterus and a couple of wasps..
Maybe this nest will recover.

And I also brought a polistov nest, but without a uterus. So far, everything is fine there, but this is for now, and then there will be only males there.

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