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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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23.01.2010 17:48, Алексей Сажнев

Goldfish IMHO-Buprestis novemmaculata Linnaeus, 1767
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23.01.2010 17:54, Алексей Сажнев

I changed it-it seems without errors
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23.01.2010 17:55, vasiliy-feoktistov

Goldfish IMHO-Buprestis novemmaculata Linnaeus, 1767

Both of them? Wow, the variability.

23.01.2010 17:55, Алексей Сажнев

well they have both variability and subspecies allocate
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23.01.2010 21:21, vasiliy-feoktistov

I forgot to mention that the gold coins were caught in the Uzunkol Gorge in the KCR in August 2009.

That's right, Sergey, you are not in a hurry (this is what led me astray), I live on this road (Gorkovskoe direction) and roam along it, and I have never found confused.gifthese gold coins in my house.

24.01.2010 10:26, Александр57

That's right, Sergey, you are not in a hurry (this is what led me astray), because I live on this road (Gorky direction) and roam along it, and I have never found confused.gifthese goldsmiths in my house .

So this is Buprestis novemmaculata. I was thinking Ancylocheira strigosa. Thanks to the specialists, they suggested it. Caught (and released) near Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.

picture: Buprestis_novemmaculata.jpg
Buprestis_novemmaculata.jpg — (80.33к)

24.01.2010 10:32, vasiliy-feoktistov

So this is Buprestis novemmaculata. I was thinking Ancylocheira strigosa. Thanks to the specialists, they suggested it. Caught (and released) near Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Yes, this is it, and Ancylocheira is now called Buprestis.

24.01.2010 11:12, vasiliy-feoktistov

I will add: Buprestis strigosa Gebler, 1830 here in my opinion, but this one is already from the Chita region. By the way: I would be grateful if you confirm or correct the definition.

picture: Buprestis_strigosa.jpg
Buprestis_strigosa.jpg — (64.49к)

24.01.2010 13:23, vasiliy-feoktistov

Dicerca sp. Amur region. Shimanovsk 25.07.1974 (L=20mm). Can you tell me?

picture: Dicerca.jpg
Dicerca.jpg — (78.58к)

24.01.2010 15:05, Алексей Сажнев

last goldfish possibly Dicerca furcata (Thunberg, 1787) (= acuminata Pallas, 1782 nec Degeer, 1774)

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 24.01.2010 15: 06
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24.01.2010 17:11, А. Лебедев

Tell me, please, what kind of beetle is crawling on the meat-red mountaineer?

picture: Жук.JPG
Жук.JPG — (119.2 k)

24.01.2010 17:17, vasiliy-feoktistov

Tell me, please, what kind of beetle is crawling on the meat-red mountaineer?

Trichius fasciatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
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25.01.2010 1:22, Victor Titov

There are Anostirus's from Uzbekistan

And why is this mentioned in the "Definition of Bugs"? confused.gif There is also a separate topic for buying and exchanging...
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25.01.2010 8:27, akulich-sibiria

1. A little confused with this leaf eater. Help with the definition. The beetle is about 6-7 mm. I go to Orsodacne cerasi, but in the Internet a completely different color.
The points on the elytra are tangled. Pronotum with a bump on the edge. The sides are not bordered. The anterior pelvic cavities are closed. Claws with a large prong. There are 2 spurs on the shins.
He was caught in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. On the river bank. Unfortunately, I don't remember the tree species I was caught with. There were willows, aspens, and birches.
picture: Р7150174а.јрд
picture: Р7150175а.јрд
picture: Р7150176а.јрд
2. staff under the bark of conifers
tell me at least the genus
picture: Р7120149а.јрд
3. also under the bark of conifers. Krasnoyarsk
picture: Р7120146а.јрд
picture: Р7120147а.јрд
picture: Р7120150а.јрд
4. I send a photo of a toddler, a furrow on the elytra
picture: Р7090115а.јрд
picture: Р7090118а.јрд
picture: Р7090119а.јрд

25.01.2010 8:50, akulich-sibiria

another couple of beetles
1. Cardiophorus ruficollis? I've never seen this species before
picture: Cardiophorus__ruficollis.jpg
2. some kind of leather eater. It seems to me that this Megatoma came out on graeseri was caught in a coniferous forest, near Krasnoyarsk.
picture: Р7130156а.јрд
picture: Р7130155а.јрд

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria - 25.01.2010 08: 52

25.01.2010 10:00, Bad Den

1. A little confused with this leaf eater. Help with the definition. The beetle is about 6-7 mm. I go to Orsodacne cerasi, but in the Internet a completely different color.
The points on the elytra are tangled. Pronotum with a bump on the edge. The sides are not bordered. The anterior pelvic cavities are closed. Claws with a large prong. There are 2 spurs on the shins.
He was caught in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. On the river bank. Unfortunately, I don't remember the tree species I was caught with. There were willows, aspens, and birches.

Like it is.

25.01.2010 10:58, Victor Titov

1. A little confused with this leaf eater. Help with the definition. The beetle is about 6-7 mm. I go to Orsodacne cerasi, but in the Internet a completely different color.

Like him.

On. yes.gifAt Orsodacne cerasi color is changeable, in my collections there are also such.

25.01.2010 13:06, Victor Titov

1. A little confused with this leaf eater. Help with the definition. The beetle is about 6-7 mm. I go to Orsodacne cerasi, but in the Internet a completely different color.

And here at this link-options for its color, including your beetle
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25.01.2010 18:17, akulich-sibiria

and here are a couple of beetles.
1. as it seems to me this is amara municipalis, her antennae are brown from the third segment, but they are not black.
picture: Р7150177а.јрд
picture: Р7150178а.јрд
2. can you tell me this is Aphodius brevis ? 4.5 mm. Khakassia.
picture: Р7160179а.јрд
picture: Р7160180а.јрд
picture: Р7160181а.јрд
picture: Р7160182а.јрд

25.01.2010 18:38, Алексей Сажнев

another couple of beetles
1. Cardiophorus ruficollis? I've never seen this species before


25.01.2010 21:40, stierlyz

The genus of staffs is probably Aleochara

26.01.2010 1:51, John-ST

Sochi district, Akhtsu gorge, village. Kepsha, near the bank of the Mzymta
river 30.03.1996 g
under a stone in an anthill
According to what I have (European part of the USSR, Bey-Bienko) went to Potosia (s. str.) fieberi Kr. confused.gif
But I don't like it frown.gif

This post was edited by John-ST-26.01.2010 02: 12

26.01.2010 2:01, John-ST

Here is another ground beetle from the same
Sochi district, Akhtsu gorge, village. Kepsha, near the bank of the Mzymta
river 30.03.1996
under a stone

This post was edited by John-ST-26.01.2010 02: 03

26.01.2010 2:09, John-ST

Adler, state farm "Southern cultures"
Under the bark of a rotten log

26.01.2010 2:10, RippeR

I don't like your profession either ( it's weird because it's too ribbed.
Sorry Nimrod doesn't show up (
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26.01.2010 2:15, RippeR

carabus (Sphodristocarabus) janthinus
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26.01.2010 10:30, Bad Den

Sochi district, Akhtsu gorge, village. Kepsha, near the bank of the Mzymta
river 30.03.1996 g
under a stone in an anthill
According to what I have (European part of the USSR, Bey-Bienko) went to Potosia (s. str.) fieberi Kr. confused.gif
But I don't like it frown.gif

I would bet on Protaetia (Netocia) cuprea (Fabricius, 1775)
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26.01.2010 15:42, John-ST

26.01.2010 22:18, Dorcadion

ground beetle most likely - Chlaenius nitidulus
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26.01.2010 22:27, Алексей Сажнев

Harpalus sp. from the Saratov region. Dimensions about 6 mm, biotope-meadow, under karyags and logs

The spaces of the elytra are unpunctured, the scapular groove with a bristle-bearing pore at the base, the base of the elytra is weakly punctured only in the main depressions, the sternites of the abdomen are without hairs-this is a preliminary reference to Harpalus subcylindricus, but I think it is not he ... female beetle

picture: P1260002.jpg
P1260002.jpg — (101.46к)

27.01.2010 4:44, akulich-sibiria

I found out about aphodia, a rather rare "cattle" named Vladimirellus socors (BALTHASAR, 1967), which I had previously exhibited.
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27.01.2010 10:50, akulich-sibiria

Tozheu me question with khzarpalusami
Help with zhuzhelkami. They were caught in larch traps in Khakassia.
1. Maybe Harpalus latus ?. 10 mm
picture: Р7170185а.јрд
picture: Р7170186а.јрд

2. Harpalus, up to the species is difficult. 7-8 mm. There are no dots on the pronotum. Each thigh has 6 bristles. The thighs are yellow, the legs and legs are darker. The antennae are reddish with dark tips. The top is brown, shagreen.
picture: Р7170199а.јрд
picture: Р7170200а.јрд
picture: Р7170201а.јрд
picture: Р7170202а.јрд

27.01.2010 12:20, Дзанат

and exactly Harpalus? confused.gif

27.01.2010 12:21, Victor Titov

2. Harpalus, up to the species is difficult. 7-8 mm. There are no dots on the pronotum. Each thigh has 6 bristles. The thighs are yellow, the legs and legs are darker. The antennae are reddish with dark tips. The top is brown, shagreen.
picture: Р7170199а.јрд

Isn't this Amara? confused.gif

28.01.2010 18:00, akulich-sibiria

Well, I was able to find only one extraorbital bristle....They don't even have dimples...therefore, the Harpalus variant appeared...but tomorrow I will try to run and on Amara

28.01.2010 21:31, Aleksey Adamov

Fellow carabidologists!

Maybe I missed something, but why Pterostichus (Omaseus) aterrimus Herbst. missing from the "list of beetles". Russia" (zin)?
I'm here yesterday, on my old fees (Rostov region) I identified it... in the checklist (1995), it is given for Siberia...
Did you define it incorrectly, or was it given incorrectly in the determinants (Kryzhanovsky 1965; Isaev 2002)?

This post was edited by Adamov - 28.01.2010 21: 33

28.01.2010 22:59, Stavropolec

Dear friends, please check out another batch of Stavropol beetles confused.gif

picture: 11.jpg
11.jpg — (36.61к)

picture: 22.jpg
22.jpg — (110.85к)

picture: 33.jpg
33.jpg — (118.92к)

picture: 44.jpg
44.jpg — (98k)

picture: 55.jpg
55.jpg — (151.96к)

picture: 66.jpg
66.jpg — (57.09к)

picture: Светляки.јрд
Fireflies.jpg — (22.42 k)

29.01.2010 4:32, Guest

Fellow carabidologists!

Maybe I missed something, but why Pterostichus (Omaseus) aterrimus Herbst. missing from the "list of beetles". Russia" (zin)?
I'm here yesterday, on my old fees (Rostov region) I identified it... in the checklist (1995), it is given for Siberia...
Did you define it incorrectly, or was it given incorrectly in the determinants (Kryzhanovsky 1965; Isaev 2002)?

Quite a rare species in the European part. But there is, in my opinion, everywhere except the far north. Who made the list? Makarov? He seems to have repeatedly said that he sent amendments to it, but Lobanov does not want to make them.
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29.01.2010 4:33, guest: omar

in general, using this list is pretty dumb. it is better not to use it at all, which I wish you.
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29.01.2010 6:40, Aleksey Adamov

He seems to have repeatedly said that he sent amendments to it, but Lobanov does not want to make them.

Yes, it seems that now the list contains all the updates (all dates and statistics are indicated) and Lobanov's comments on the topic of repeated updates to the list.

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