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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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04.07.2015 9:38, Mantispid

M. O., Lyubertsy, 19.06.2015
Cocoon on this plant

Plant-Medicago sp.
Beetle-Hypera transsylvanica (Petri, 1901)
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04.07.2015 21:17, lazardin

Good day, please help
all north Vologda, end of June
1 Dascillus cervinus??
picture: DSC03944.JPG
2 picture: DSC04001.JPG
picture: DSC04016.JPG
3 picture: DSC04034.JPG
4 picture: DSC03983.JPG
picture: DSC04004.JPG
5 picture: DSC03986.JPG
picture: DSC04010.JPG
6 Leptura rubra ??
picture: DSC03974.JPG

This post was edited by lazardin - 04.07.2015 22: 09

04.07.2015 21:56, AGG

Good day, please help
all the north of Vologda, the end of June

6-nigripes red female
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04.07.2015 21:57, Колобок

Good day, please help
all the north of Vologda, the end of June

Think 6, barbel Anastrangalia sanguinolenta, female.

04.07.2015 22:15, Triplaxxx

Good day, please help
all the north of Vologda, the end of June

1 -- Dascillus cervinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
2, 3 -- Serropalpus barbatus (Schaller, 1783)
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04.07.2015 22:23, AGG

give size no.: 6, if large, then nigripes, if small, then sanguinolenta/reii, but for the latter balds

04.07.2015 22:31, lazardin

give size#: 6, if large, then nigripes, if small, then sanguinolenta/reyi, but for the latter it is bald

size approx 15mm

04.07.2015 22:45, AGG

size approx 15mm


04.07.2015 23:08, Колобок


In nigripes, the posterior corners of the pronotum are sharp and elongated, while in the beetle in the photo they are short and rounded. This is sanguinolenta.

04.07.2015 23:11, Чегар

Good year to all and a question to the Crimeans. Is any Xestobium (Anobiidae) possible in the Crimea other than X. rufovillosum? I found a beetle, long ago and incorrectly identified-Alupka, a huge rotten stump of a beech tree, 11.07.2002. 8 mm, all brown, the top in short thick golden hairs, no spots or ribs. Well, maybe along the edges of the elytra hairs are grouped in some kind of spots. On Zina there is Xestobium subincanum from Abkhazia (http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/eng/xessubkm.htm) - very similar to mine, but too hairy.
Xestobium rufovillosum I have one, I wrote about its discovery in the fall in reports (from Lozova), like this Crimean incomprehensible-another. So what can happen in Crimea?

05.07.2015 0:41, Fornax13

Good year to all and a question to the Crimeans. Is any Xestobium (Anobiidae) possible in the Crimea other than X. rufovillosum? I found a beetle, long ago and incorrectly identified-Alupka, a huge rotten stump of a beech tree, 11.07.2002. 8 mm, all brown, the top in short thick golden hairs, no spots or ribs. Well, maybe along the edges of the elytra hairs are grouped in some kind of spots. On Zina there is Xestobium subincanum from Abkhazia (http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/eng/xessubkm.htm) - very similar to mine, but too hairy.
Xestobium rufovillosum I have one, I wrote about its discovery in the fall in reports (from Lozova), like this Crimean incomprehensible-another. So what can happen in Crimea?

In theory, it should be subincanum - http://kmk.entomology.ru/pdf/rej11-2002/en...0%20Toskina.pdf
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05.07.2015 1:38, Чегар

Thanks for the link, I wouldn't have found it myself.
Yes, it should be, but its max. the size is 6.6 mm, mine is 8. It is unlikely that such a deviation is possible, so it seems to me. The other Xestobium species listed there are even smaller. It's a pity, most likely I have such a rufovillosum.
I still hope to start taking pictures someday. rolleyes.gif

05.07.2015 2:11, Fornax13

Thanks for the link, I wouldn't have found it myself.
Yes, it should be, but its max. the size is 6.6 mm, mine is 8. It is unlikely that such a deviation is possible, so it seems to me. The other Xestobium species listed there are even smaller. It's a pity, most likely I have such a rufovillosum.
I still hope to start taking pictures someday. rolleyes.gif

Here, I'm afraid, the photo will not help muchrolleyes.gif, try to open it or something...

05.07.2015 2:32, Чегар

Here, I'm afraid, the photo will not help muchrolleyes.gif, try to open it or something...

Nah... We are terribly far from microsurgery smile.gifAnd the beetle is cute, it's a pity, I'll just destroy it without understanding anything. Let this ex. it will remain a small secret collection. And in 100 years, someone's inquisitive mind will reveal this secret, describe it in some scientific journal. And I will be pleased smile.gifwith

05.07.2015 8:58, lazardin

Good morning everyone, check out the app. definition
everything is as always north of Vologda
1 Agrypnus murinus??
picture: Agrypnus_murinus_.JPG
2 Asemum striatum??
picture: Asemum_striatum.JPG
3 Ctenicera pectinicornis??
picture: Ctenicera_pectinicornis.JPG
4 Denticollis linearis??
picture: Denticollis_linearis__Linnaeus__1758_.JPG
5 Galeruca tanaceti ?? beetle found dead on the path, nearby searches yielded nothing
picture: Galeruca_tanaceti.JPG

05.07.2015 9:08, AGG

Good morning everyone, check out the app. definition

all are true
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05.07.2015 10:22, botanque

Good day, please help
all the north of Vologda, the end of June

4. Platambus maculatus.
5. Ilybius sp., then it is difficult to say.
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05.07.2015 12:41, Penelo

Odessa,21 mm, during the rain in the evening crawled across the road.Around poplar and acacia trees.July

This post was edited by Penelo-05.07.2015 12: 42

picture: 6.jpg
6.jpg — (365.25 k)

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1.jpg — (280.56к)

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3.jpg — (278.44 k)

05.07.2015 12:54, Колобок

Odessa,21 mm, during the rain in the evening crawled across the road.Around poplar and acacia trees.July

I think it's Trichoferus griseus.
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05.07.2015 15:54, katyxr

Help me determine who it is. Krasnoyarsk, appeared in the timber house now, in early July. I collect two or three pieces a day from the floor. The feeling that they fall from the ceiling, just hatched, as sluggish and some sticky in the beginning. Really a wood pest?

picture: WP_20150705_19_06_03_Raw.jpg
WP_20150705_19_06_03_Raw.jpg — (98.44к)

picture: WP_20150705_19_04_19_Raw.jpg
WP_20150705_19_04_19_Raw.jpg — (321.25к)

05.07.2015 20:27, Victor Titov

Help me determine who it is. Krasnoyarsk, appeared in the timber house now, in early July. I collect two or three pieces a day from the floor. The feeling that they fall from the ceiling, just hatched, as sluggish and some sticky in the beginning. Really a wood pest?

However, these beetles are not afraid of wood: flour crustacean-Tenebrio molitor. They're probably coming at you from the street. Perhaps from the attic (and not necessarily from yours), where birds (pigeons, for example) have their nests: that's where they need to develop. https://www.google.ru/search?q=фото+Tenebri...BQ&ved=0CBsQsAQ

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 05.07.2015 20: 29
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05.07.2015 20:35, Victor Titov

Good day, please help
all the north of Vologda, the end of June

3 (nutcracker) - Dalopius marginatus.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 05.07.2015 20: 39
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05.07.2015 22:45, Скорпион

The beetle was found in a boat, before swimming in a thicket of water lilies, sedge and horsetail. Karelia, July 4.

picture: IMG_1817.jpg
IMG_1817.jpg — (269.62к)

06.07.2015 10:36, Скорпион

Well, no one knows. But this staphylinid? Karelia, July 3.

picture: IMG_1612.jpg
IMG_1612.jpg — (299.99к)

06.07.2015 12:55, Penelo

Well, no one knows. But this staphylinid? Karelia, July 3. -
Ontholestes sp. (murinus?)
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06.07.2015 18:14, Tivanik

Saint Petersburg, 26.06.15
Dorytomus taeniatus ???

picture: IMGP8108.jpg

06.07.2015 19:31, Tivanik

Help identify another weevil
Saint Petersburg, 6.07.15

picture: IMGP1070.jpg

06.07.2015 19:41, Mantispid

Help identify another weevil
Saint Petersburg, 6.07.15

Baris artemisiae
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06.07.2015 21:15, Скорпион

What kind of barbel and crunch (?) from Karelia?
UPD: crunch - Phyllopertha horticola.

This post was edited by Scorpio-06.07.2015 21: 23

picture: IMG_1642.jpg
IMG_1642.jpg — (295.62к)

picture: IMG_1365.jpg
IMG_1365.jpg — (301.16к)

06.07.2015 21:20, vasiliy-feoktistov

What kind of barbel and crunch (?) from Karelia?

Lepturobosca virens (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phyllopertha horticola (Linnaeus, 1758)
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07.07.2015 7:06, VLAD69

Hello, tell me about beetles Tver region, July, meadow,

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (240.14 k)

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (288.47к)

picture: 3.JPG
3.JPG — (340.71к)

07.07.2015 10:22, usya04

Is it possible to identify zlatka from this photo?

Georgia, Akhaltsikhe, roc. Atskuri, 01.07.2013 h=1250m
picture: DSC_1790.JPG

07.07.2015 12:04, алекс 2611

Danosoma fasciata, however. People! How lucky you are with them!!! And me... weep.gif

Uselessly. I climbed the floor of the Karelian Isthmus in May-June and not fate, but someone went outside with a camera and ...

07.07.2015 17:35, Dmitry Vlasov

Uselessly. I climbed the floor of the Karelian Isthmus in May-June and not fate, but someone went out with a camera and ... ..

Well there's still time until mid October yes.gif
I have at least three beetles outside the cradles collected in the autumn: 23. VIII. 1995; 15. IX. 2014; 28. X. 2013
Go beer.giffor it
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07.07.2015 17:39, akulich-sibiria

Uselessly. I climbed the floor of the Karelian Isthmus in May-June and not fate, but someone went out with a camera and ... ..

Alexey, what is so rare about Danosoma?

I just stopped taking fasciata from bark beetle traps later, so only one beetle for a new point. D/conspersa, of course, but I have points 4-5. wink.gif

07.07.2015 17:41, akulich-sibiria

Here I have a problem with the genus Cerylon, it seems that the species are visually different, but even with determinants I can not accurately determine the type, doubts are doubts ((

07.07.2015 17:46, akulich-sibiria

here are such "devils" still to catch wink.gif
картинка: Paraphotiscus___Mosotalesus__baeri_Kuschakewitsch.jpg

07.07.2015 18:12, barry

Here I have a problem with the genus Cerylon, it seems that the species are visually different, but even with determinants I can not accurately determine the type, doubts are doubts ((
We usually have ferrugineum and histeroides. Red and dark. smile.gif
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07.07.2015 18:42, akulich-sibiria

it turns out ferrugineum?
picture: DSCN1225.JPG
this one is a little darker, but it seemed to me that the depressions at the base of the pronotum are less pronounced
picture: DSCN1226.JPG
picture: DSCN1227.JPG

07.07.2015 19:13, lazardin

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