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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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29.06.2015 21:47, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar, on the hawthorn, 3.06.2015,
picture: IMG_9924_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_9943_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_9956_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_9961_____________.jpg

29.06.2015 22:34, Triplaxxx

Hello. Let's update smile.gif

Melandrya caraboides (Linnaeus, 1760) (Melandryidae)
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30.06.2015 1:08, barry

M. O., Poplar, on the hawthorn, 3.06.2015,
Tatianaerhynchites aequatus (Linnaeus, 1767)
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30.06.2015 22:44, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Topoliny,21.06.2015, na svet
picture: IMG_7059.jpg
picture: IMG_7065.jpg
picture: IMG_7072.jpg

30.06.2015 22:53, gstalker

Help with weevil
Germany 14.06.15 4mm

картинка: 4mm14.06.15Northeim_Am_Martinsgraben__51_41_7.83N_10__0_23.97E_.jpg
4mm14.06.15Northeim_Am_Martinsgraben__51_41_7.83N_10__0_23.97E_.jpg — (304.4к)

01.07.2015 11:42, Колобок

For Goliath connoisseurs. The question is:
Is it really a hybrid of G. Goliathus (Cameroon) X G. Regius (Ivory Coast)?
There is no label, as the beetle is a brood bug.

Non-expert question: why isn't it a female Goliathus goliathus apicalis or Goliathus goliathus conspersus? Offhand, I, for example, would define it as conspersus...)

01.07.2015 12:18, lunkov

Non-expert question: why isn't it a female Goliathus goliathus apicalis or Goliathus goliathus conspersus? Offhand, I, for example, would define it as conspersus...)

The wing pattern is very similar to both G. Regius and G. G. Conspersus. The seller claims that this is a hybrid.

01.07.2015 12:40, Колобок

I think this is quite a typical conspersus female, I had similar ones, and regius had nothing to do with it at all.
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01.07.2015 12:47, Mantispid

Help with weevil
Germany 14.06.15 4mm

Temnocerus sp.
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01.07.2015 13:30, аруд

Monster - 35 mm without legs - ???77 South-west of the Bryansk region. Pliz, thank you.

picture: 21___________.jpg
21___________.jpg — (267.88к)

01.07.2015 14:03, Victor Titov

M. O., Topoliny,21.06.2015, na svet

I believe Hemicoelus rufipes.
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01.07.2015 15:24, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Lishnyagi,9.05.2013
Opatrum sabulosum?
picture: 0_8e773_724011a4__1_orig.jpg

01.07.2015 16:26, AGG

Monster - 35 mm without legs - ???77 South-west of the Bryansk region. Pliz, thank you.

carabus glabratus
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01.07.2015 16:29, AGG

M. O., Lishnyagi,9.05.2013
Opatrum sabulosum?
picture: 0_8e773_724011a4__1_orig.jpg

trox sabulosus
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01.07.2015 17:05, barry

trox sabulosus
Gennadich almost guessed smile.gif
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01.07.2015 20:15, AGG

but the photos are cool mol.gif beer.gif
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01.07.2015 21:06, barry

but the pictures are cool mol.gif  beer.gif
But who can argue, to each his own, I also have so much time spent on these photos, even more on the beetles themselves. There is no time to dig through the determinants either. Although information can be found. But it is also necessary and the eye is full, and some samples are sometimes used, such as writing shetinki in one more in another less... and less than what is the question? And present a list of species by region... In general, not so simple...

02.07.2015 14:03, lazardin

Hello everyone, check out Figure
1 of Ceratomegilla notata??
picture: Ceratomegilla_notata1.JPG
picture: Ceratomegilla_notata2.JPG
picture: Ceratomegilla_notata3.JPG
2 Galerucella nymphaeae??
picture: Galerucella_nymphaeae4_.JPG
Picture: Galerucella_nymphaeae_3.JPG
3 Lebia chlorocephala??
picture: Lebia__chlorocephala.JPG
4 Lygistopterus sanguineus
picture: Lygistopterus_sanguineus_.JPG
5 if possible then amaru to the view
picture: amara.JPG

This post was edited by lazardin-02.07.2015 14: 04

02.07.2015 14:18, Victor Titov

Hello everyone, check out Figure
1 Ceratomegilla notata??
2 Galerucella nymphaeae??
3 Lebia chlorocephala??
4 Lygistopterus sanguineus

1. Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Да.
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02.07.2015 15:22, Fornax13

5 if possible then amaru to the view

if it is small and light, then check for bifrons

02.07.2015 16:03, usya04

Ukraine, Zhytomyr region, 06.06.2015
Stenocorus quercus?
picture: 101.jpeg

02.07.2015 18:19, Колобок

Ukraine, Zhytomyr region, 06.06.2015
Stenocorus quercus?

Of course he is.

This post was edited by Kolobok-02.07.2015 18: 20
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02.07.2015 18:57, Konung

Tell me, what kind of dorkashi from Altai?
25.06.2015, Altai Republic, Ongudai district, Ongudai village, h=860, Knyazev village leg.
picture: P1040662.JPG

02.07.2015 20:31, Aleksandr Safronov

Tell me, what kind of dorkashi from Altai?
25.06.2015, Altai Republic, Ongudai district, Ongudai village, h=860, Knyazev village leg.

Eodorcadion carinatum ssp. blessigi (Ganglbauer, 1884)

This post was edited by Entalex - 02.07.2015 20: 32
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02.07.2015 22:30, Svetlana1973

23.06.15 Arkhangelsk region. On an alder tree. I thought I could handle it myself, but longer Agrypninae - > Lacon (?) the case didn't move forward frown.gif

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (167.95к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (136.25 k)

02.07.2015 23:03, Anton Kozyrev

Saratov Region, June 2015.
Ischnomera cyanea ?

This post was edited by psih-02.07.2015 23: 09

02.07.2015 23:15, Victor Titov

23.06.15 Arkhangelsk region. On an alder tree. I thought I could handle it myself, but longer Agrypninae - > Lacon (?) the case didn't move forward frown.gif

Danosoma fasciata, however. People! How lucky you are with them!!! And me... weep.gif
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02.07.2015 23:20, Victor Titov

Saratov Region, June 2015.
Ischnomera cyanea ?

Chrysanthia viridissima.
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02.07.2015 23:31, Svetlana1973

Danosoma fasciata, however. People! How lucky you are with them!!! And me... weep.gif

So still coniferous? I rejected this option, because it was found in a water meadow with only willow and alder. Thanks!

03.07.2015 0:33, vasiliy-feoktistov

So still coniferous? I rejected this option, because it was found in a water meadow with only willow and alder. Thanks!

Svetlana, the nutcracker is actually a credit card. You were very lucky to find it. This species itself was collected for the first time only in 2013. And then only 2 copies. And both times under the bark of a pine tree. There are probably conifers (developing on them) nearby so he flew smile.gif
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03.07.2015 1:10, Svetlana1973

Svetlana, the nutcracker is actually a credit card. You were very lucky to find it. This species itself was collected for the first time only in 2013. And then only 2 copies. And both times under the bark of a pine tree. There are probably conifers (developing on them) nearby, so he flew in smile.gif
Thank you. The nutcracker is really unusual, so the hand reached for the camera (although I understand that many people would have reached for a pin) shuffle.gif(I apologize for the flood)

03.07.2015 1:22, Victor Titov

The nutcracker is really unusual, so the hand reached for the camera (although I understand that many people's hand would have reached for a pin)

Yes, nooo, not for a pin would the hand reach out, but for a beetle. And then him, dear-in the stain, and only then it would sooner or later come to the pin. Here is the sequence. And there would also be a place for a camera in it, do not doubt: either before the stain, or immediately after it. wink.gif

03.07.2015 9:02, Орлполесье

Oryol region, Khotynetsky district, Zhudersky settlement, 30.06.2015picture: 11.jpg

03.07.2015 9:49, Орлполесье

Please help me identify the bug.

03.07.2015 10:01, usya04

Please help me identify the bug.

Lepturobosca virens

03.07.2015 21:23, vafdog

Please explain who this is. Trichoferus campestris or griseus?
Kiev region 27.07.2013, on the light. The body length is 16mm.
picture: DSC_8100.JPG
picture: DSC_8102.JPG

This post was edited by vafdog - 03.07.2015 21: 26

03.07.2015 21:56, Колобок

Please explain who this is. Trichoferus campestris or griseus?
Kiev region 27.07.2013, on the light. The body length is 16mm.

This is Trichoferus griseus, there are standing hairs)
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03.07.2015 22:22, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Lyubertsy, 19.06.2015
Cocoon on this plant
picture: IMG_0251.jpg
picture: IMG_0252.jpg
picture: IMG_1251.jpg
picture: IMG_1419.jpg
picture: IMG_1505.jpg
picture: IMG_1521.jpg
picture: IMG_1527.jpg

03.07.2015 22:59, gstalker

Germany 28.06.15 6mm
to the genus can be ?
Chrysolina fastuosa (Scopoli, 1763) shuffle.gif

This post was edited by gstalker - 03.07.2015 23: 05

picture: IMG_2273.JPG
IMG_2273.JPG — (344.19к)

картинка: 6mm_________28.06.15_Hardegsen_51__39_44.0N_9__48_53.0E.jpg
6mm_________28.06.15_Hardegsen_51__39_44.0N_9__48_53.0E.jpg — (297.06к)

04.07.2015 8:01, AGG

Germany 28.06.15 6mm
to the genus can be ?
Chrysolina fastuosa (Scopoli, 1763) shuffle.gif

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