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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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28.09.2008 10:12, gumenuk

One erebid from Yekaterinburg was identified as Paracolax tristalis. But now I looked - very similar to Trisateles emortualis.

I have a similar one (not defined) from the Moscow region.

picture: 004410.jpg
004410.jpg — (225.26к)

28.09.2008 10:32, akulich-sibiria

good evening, here I began to sort out my collections...help with butterflies IMG_5228__.jpg
picture: IMG_5229__.jpg
picture: IMG_5230__.jpg
. this is Tyta luctuosa..??
picture: IMG_5225__.jpg

28.09.2008 10:38, Pavel Morozov

to gumenuk: about Makarii-and the third picture - 002197.jpg and even signaria

This post was edited by Morozzz - 09/28/2008 10: 40
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28.09.2008 10:43, Pavel Morozov

to gumenuk:
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28.09.2008 10:44, Pavel Morozov

to Ilya Y: Trisateles emortualis definite
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28.09.2008 10:47, Pavel Morozov

to akulich sibiria:
1- Hadena irregularis
2- Antitype chi
3- Hadena compta
4- Oxytripia orbiculosa

This post was edited by Morozzz - 09/28/2008 10: 48
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28.09.2008 10:53, Pavel Morozov

What is the difference between Autographa gamma and Autographa mandaina &
And what was taken from me? (Moscow region)

The gamut has a yellow tint on the rear fenders.
Tangerine yellow otenka has no hind wings, the butterfly itself looks darker. The "antennae" of the spot in the form of the letter Gamma are located in relation to each other at an acute angle
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28.09.2008 11:20, gumenuk

1. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

picture: 25_003171.jpg
25_003171.jpg — (345.2к)

picture: 26_003216.jpg
26_003216.jpg — (138.65к)

picture: 27_002972.jpg
27_002972.jpg — (235.1к)

picture: 28_002828.jpg
28_002828.jpg — (134.13к)

28.09.2008 12:07, Ilia Ustiantcev

3. Hadena confusa
4. Apamea crenata
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28.09.2008 12:28, akulich-sibiria

here are a few more...all in the world, Khakassia, steppe
1.picture: IMG_5340_.jpg
2.picture: IMG_5341_.jpg
3.picture: IMG_5342_.jpg
4.picture: IMG_5343_.jpg

28.09.2008 12:30, okoem

What is the difference between Autographa gamma and Autographa mandaina &
And what was taken from me? (Moscow region)

A picture with the differences between these two types has already been given in this topic. I just don't know how to find it among the 99 pages now.... frown.gif
The photo shows everything except the nom.3-gamma.
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28.09.2008 12:51, gumenuk

A picture with the differences between these two types has already been given in this topic. I just don't know how to find it among the 99 pages now.... frown.gif
The photo shows everything except the nom.3-gamma.

I've already set up some things for identification, but I also have difficulties with previously displayed photos. Therefore (although I am ashamed) I put it again redface.gif

28.09.2008 13:36, Cerura

1. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

1. Mamestra brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758)
2. Oligia strigilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
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28.09.2008 13:42, akulich-sibiria

What is the difference between Autographa gamma and Autographa mandaina &
And what was taken from me? (Moscow region)

picture: _______________________.jpg..this photo was somewhere exactly on 99 pages of this topic smile.gif
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28.09.2008 13:50, Cerura

here are a few more...all in the world, Khakassia, steppe
1.picture: IMG_5340_.jpg
2.picture: IMG_5341_.jpg
3.picture: IMG_5342_.jpg
4.picture: IMG_5343_.jpg

1. Tetheella fluctuosa (Hübner, [1803])
2. Oligia strigilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
3. Either Xanthia gilvago (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) or Xanthia icteritia (Hufnagel, 1766) - a dark form
that requires genitals to accurately identify.
4. Hadula trifolii (Hufnagel, 1766) or Hadula odontites (Boisduval, 1829) genitalia are required for precise identification.
5. Like Amphipyra tragopoginis (Clerck, 1759), but I'm very unsure!!! Here if bi genitals...

28.09.2008 13:55, akulich-sibiria

to akulich sibiria:
1- Hadena irregularis
2- Antitype chi
3- Hadena compta
4- Oxytripia orbiculosa

could you provide a reference to the Oxytripia orbiculosa isorage?.I can't find it anywhere..I thought it was tyta luctuosa

28.09.2008 14:15, Guest

2. Oligia strigilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
3. Either Xanthia gilvago (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) or Xanthia icteritia (Hufnagel, 1766) - a dark form
that requires genitals to accurately identify.
4. Hadula trifolii (Hufnagel, 1766) or Hadula odontites (Boisduval, 1829) genitalia are required for precise identification.
5. Like Amphipyra tragopoginis (Clerck, 1759), but I'm very unsure!!! But if bi genitals...

Olga strigilis ..this is for what photo??.there are just 5 names in 4 photos confused.gif

28.09.2008 14:22, gumenuk

2. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

picture: 30_003171.jpg
30_003171.jpg — (270.64к)

picture: 30_003634.jpg
30_003634.jpg — (226.71к)

picture: 31_003585.jpg
31_003585.jpg — (261.66к)

picture: 32_003958.jpg
32_003958.jpg — (233.28к)

28.09.2008 15:26, okoem

could you provide a reference to the Oxytripia orbiculosa isorage?.I can't find it anywhere..I thought it was tyta luctuosa

Opening it Google.com, enter the name of the search item, and after a couple of seconds you get links -
And so
Learn how to use search engines! umnik.gif
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28.09.2008 16:00, Ilia Ustiantcev

In continuation of the topic raised at the end of the previous page: Are you sure it's notata?
picture: semiothisa_notata2.jpg

28.09.2008 16:24, Cerura

[quote=Guest,28.09.2008 14:15]
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28.09.2008 16:28, Cerura

2. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

1. Mamestra brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758)
2. Polia hepatica (Clerck, 1759)
3-4. Apamea remissa (Hübner, [1809])
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28.09.2008 17:45, gumenuk

3. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

picture: 33_004545.jpg
33_004545.jpg — (282.82к)

picture: 34_004130.jpg
34_004130.jpg — (180.8к)

picture: 35__003587.jpg
35__003587.jpg — (184.59к)

28.09.2008 18:38, Cerura

3. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

1.Eurois occultus (Linnaeus, 1758)
2.Hada plebeja (Linnaeus, 1761)
3.Anaplectoides prasina ([Schiffermüller], 1775)
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28.09.2008 18:47, gumenuk

1.Eurois occultus (Linnaeus, 1758)
2.Hada plebeja (Linnaeus, 1761)
3.Anaplectoides prasina ([Schiffermüller], 1775)

Something about Eurois occultus is not available on the Internet. Maybe she used to have a different name ?

28.09.2008 19:00, gumenuk

4. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

picture: 36__003442.jpg
36__003442.jpg — (286.72к)

picture: 37__003437.jpg
37__003437.jpg — (245.78к)

picture: 38__003611.jpg
38__003611.jpg — (201.25к)

28.09.2008 19:23, Ilia Ustiantcev

It just occulta everywhere.
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28.09.2008 19:27, gumenuk

It just occulta everywhere.

What do you mean: A big grey earthen scoop - Eurois occulta ? shuffle.gif

28.09.2008 19:36, Cerura

1. Ceramica pisi (Linnaeus, 1758)
2. Apamea crenata (Hufnagel, 1766)
3. Acronicta megacephala ([Schiffermüller], 1775)
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28.09.2008 19:40, Ilia Ustiantcev

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28.09.2008 19:54, gumenuk

5. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

picture: 39___005994.jpg
39___005994.jpg — (146.46к)

picture: 40___005807.jpg
40___005807.jpg — (192.97 k)

picture: 41___005138.jpg
41___005138.jpg — (245.62к)

picture: 42___006054.jpg
42___006054.jpg — (260.55к)

28.09.2008 22:18, Andylog

DSC05181 Chazara sp.
DSC05182 Chazara briseis
DSC05183 Chazara briseis (this one would do well to see underhand)
DSC05185 also briseis
DSC05186 and DSC05187 Satyrus dryas
DSC05188 Erebia theano
DSC05189 Erebia neriene

DSC05181 - Hipparchia autonoe
DSC05183 - Chazara briseis
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28.09.2008 23:10, Cerura

5. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

1. Mesapamea secalis / secalella is determined only by the genitals
2.Кажетса Agrotis segetum ([Schiffermüller], 1775)
3.Mesapamea secalis/secalella
4.Amphipyra pyramidea (Linnaeus, 1758)
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29.09.2008 8:31, gumenuk

6. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

picture: 01B_004153.jpg
01B_004153.jpg — (194.32к)

picture: 02B_004144.jpg
02B_004144.jpg — (223.38к)

picture: 03B_004133.jpg
03B_004133.jpg — (226.51к)

picture: 04B_004093.jpg
04B_004093.jpg — (180.74к)

29.09.2008 10:58, svm2

2.Кажетса Agrotis segetum ([Schiffermüller], 1775)

2-it seems to me that Euxoa nigricans
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29.09.2008 11:28, svm2

1-Mythimna conigera
2-Melanchra persicariae тёртая
3-Apamea crenata
4-Hadena confusa
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29.09.2008 12:54, gumenuk

7. Scoops not defined by me. I need help

picture: 05B_003842.jpg
05B_003842.jpg — (212.15к)

picture: 06B_003920.jpg
06B_003920.jpg — (302.77к)

picture: 07B_003866.jpg
07B_003866.jpg — (202.77к)

picture: 08B_004086.jpg
08B_004086.jpg — (121.75к)

29.09.2008 13:06, vitalbata

gumenuk, I want to ask you, do you define your own scoops, or do you use the definition of forum participants?

29.09.2008 13:13, gumenuk

gumenuk, I want to ask you, do you define your own scoops, or do you use the definition of forum participants?

I determine it myself, but in cases where I have even the slightest doubt, I resort to the help of specialists. I take pictures of all living things and, having no biological education, I can't guarantee to determine all this.

29.09.2008 13:26, svm2

1 Acronicta megacephala
2-Rusina ferruginea
3-Polia bombycina
4-Apamea lateritia
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Pages: 1 ...121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129... 985

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