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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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01.10.2008 12:25, Pavel Morozov

Here, for some reason, it is easier for me to define spans in a smaller format.
the opinion is as follows:
flown ?Iodis lactearia
Scopula immutata
Scopula immutata
Cabera exanthemata
Likes: 1

01.10.2008 12:48, gumenuk

2. Moths that I couldn't pinpoint (despite the coloring). Moscow oblast

picture: 5____004580.jpg
5____004580.jpg — (161.05к)

picture: 6____003299.jpg
6____003299.jpg — (181.93к)

picture: 7____006029.jpg
7____006029.jpg — (215.14к)

picture: 8____006044.jpg
8____006044.jpg — (287.81к)

01.10.2008 13:11, vitalbata

Gumenuk, and you will try to write yourself how to identify butterflies, and we will correct you if anything. 1 photo of Camptogramma bilineata, 2 photos of Jodis lactearia exactly.
Likes: 2

01.10.2008 13:21, gumenuk

Gumenuk, and you will try to write yourself how to identify butterflies, and we will correct you if anything. 1 photo of Camptogramma bilineata, 2 photos of Jodis lactearia exactly.

For example, I assumed from photo 1 that it was Pelurga comitata or Camptogramma bilineata. And since there was no complete similarity of the drawing with either one or the other, Toya, in order to avoid mistakes, put it up. I don't deny that teapot.gif
I have doubts about the accuracy of the second image: it seems to me that it is not Jodis lactearia, but Hemithea aestivaria

This post was edited by gumenuk - 01.10.2008 13: 31

01.10.2008 17:06, Ilia Ustiantcev

3-Ematurga atomaria female.
4-similar to Scopula rubiginata
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01.10.2008 17:46, Olearius

1 - Camptogramma bilineata
2 - Hemithea aesivaria
3 - Ematurga atomaria
4 - Scopula rubiginata

01.10.2008 17:58, gumenuk

These specks also remain undefined.

picture: 9___002279.jpg
9___002279.jpg — (152.95к)

picture: 10___001776.jpg
10___001776.jpg — (108.61к)

picture: 11___001160.jpg
11___001160.jpg — (122.79к)

picture: 12___002896.jpg
12___002896.jpg — (126.14к)

01.10.2008 18:22, Olearius

1 - Lythria purpuraria
2 - Scopula immorata
3 - Lomographa bimaculata
4 - Scopula floslactata (=lactata)
Likes: 1

01.10.2008 20:41, gumenuk

since for me all draughts players look the same (especially Cinxia, phoebe and athalia), I ask for help in identifying them. Taken in the Vladimir region

picture: 01___002767.jpg
01___002767.jpg — (105.83к)

picture: 02___002868.jpg
02___002868.jpg — (150.04к)

picture: 03___004003.jpg
03___004003.jpg — (174.14к)

picture: 04___004024.jpg
04___004024.jpg — (196.14к)

picture: 05___004030.jpg
05___004030.jpg — (177.97к)

01.10.2008 20:52, Vlad Proklov

since for me all draughts players look the same (especially Cinxia, phoebe and athalia), I ask for help in identifying them. Taken in the Vladimir region

1 - Euphydryas maturna
2 - Boloria ?selene
3, 4, 5 - Melitaea athalia
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01.10.2008 21:00, gumenuk

I put up another batch of checkers and that's about it

picture: 06___004039.jpg
06___004039.jpg — (188.51к)

picture: 07___004040.jpg
07___004040.jpg — (178.84к)

picture: 08___004173.jpg
08___004173.jpg — (118.65к)

picture: 09___004157.jpg
09___004157.jpg — (124.95к)

picture: 10___004178.jpg
10___004178.jpg — (120.71к)

01.10.2008 21:02, Vlad Proklov

I put up another batch of checkers and that's about it

The penultimate one is probably cinxia Phoebe - the rest of the athalians.

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 10/01/2008 21: 03
Likes: 1

01.10.2008 21:09, Victor Gazanchidis

Help the village to identify belyanok 1 - I-Gorny Altai, 2-I-Turkey

picture: DSC05268.JPG
DSC05268.JPG — (130.96к)

picture: DSC05267.JPG
DSC05267.JPG — (141.67к)

01.10.2008 21:53, Zhuk

Pontia edusa vrode
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01.10.2008 22:07, Andylog

1 - Euphydryas maturna
2 - Boloria ?selene
3, 4, 5 - Melitaea athalia

1 - not mathurna, exactly(dots!). It seemed to me Euphydryas aurinia
2 - I did not see it, it may well be selene
3,4,5 - They are not determined by appearance. Possible atalia
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02.10.2008 0:01, Stavropolec

Can you help me with a small change....??? confused.gif

picture: 222.JPG
222.JPG — (35.14 k)

02.10.2008 0:21, Vlad Proklov

Can you help me with a small change....??? confused.gif

1 - Chrysocrambus sp.
2 - Cryphia ?algae
3 - Nomophila noctuella
4 - Eublemma purpurina
5 - Agonopterix sp.
6 - Agapeta hamana

02.10.2008 0:27, barko

2 - Cryphia algae
4 - Eublemma purpurina

02.10.2008 6:44, gumenuk

I can't tell for sure. Photo 2 - Phoebe?

picture: 1____004004.jpg
1____004004.jpg — (95.84к)

picture: 2___004195.jpg
2___004195.jpg — (140.08к)

picture: 3____004194.jpg
3____004194.jpg — (165.9к)

02.10.2008 6:47, Vlad Proklov

I can't tell for sure. Photo 2 - Phoebe?

Not, ALL atalia smile.gif
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02.10.2008 7:06, Сергей-Д

quote=Sergey_D, 01.10.2008 11: 14]

02.10.2008 7:23, gumenuk

quote=Sergey_D, 01.10.2008 11: 14]
Looked at the pictures on the Internet - nothing in common

so what do you have to do with it - I answered akulich-sibiria, the title says smile.gif

Sorry redface.gifI beg your pardon

02.10.2008 7:57, gumenuk

What are the nymphalids? (Moscow region)

picture: 01___2008_001358.jpg
01___2008_001358.jpg — (169.44к)

picture: 02___2008_004189.jpg
02___2008_004189.jpg — (163.92к)

picture: 03___2008_004430.jpg
03___2008_004430.jpg — (136.86к)

picture: 04___2008_004431.jpg
04___2008_004431.jpg — (136.28к)

picture: 05___2008_005174.jpg
05___2008_005174.jpg — (149.02к)

02.10.2008 14:50, Olearius

1 - Euphydryas maturna
2 - Boloria ?selene
3, 4, 5 - Melitaea athalia

The first, of course, is not maturna, but E. aurinia.
Likes: 2

02.10.2008 14:54, Olearius

What are the nymphalids? (Moscow region)

1. Clossiana dia
2. Fabriciana adippe
3. Clossiana dia
4. Clossiana dia
5. Fabriciana adippe
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02.10.2008 15:17, gumenuk

The last four nymphalids that remained undetermined

picture: 06___2008_005293.jpg
06___2008_005293.jpg — (150.83к)

picture: 07___2008_005841.jpg
07___2008_005841.jpg — (131.06к)

picture: 08___2008_005485.jpg
08___2008_005485.jpg — (140.48к)

picture: 09___2008_005852.jpg
09___2008_005852.jpg — (167.82к)

02.10.2008 15:23, Vlad Proklov

The last four nymphalids that remained undetermined

1, 2 - Boloria selene
3 - Argynnis adippe
4 - A. laodice
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02.10.2008 15:30, gumenuk

1, 2 - Boloria selene
3 - Argynnis adippe
4 - A. laodice

Thank you, Vlad!
Now I'll lay out the mottled flowers, and then the leafworms and moths. There will be time and desire-take a look mol.gif

This post was edited by gumenuk - 02.10.2008 15: 30

02.10.2008 15:32, gumenuk

Maybe someone will be able to identify these mottled birds?

picture: 1____004010.jpg
1____004010.jpg — (137.79к)

picture: 2____004433.jpg
2____004433.jpg — (174.11к)

picture: 3____004593.jpg
3____004593.jpg — (141.46к)

picture: 4____005282.jpg
4____005282.jpg — (137.13к)

02.10.2008 15:37, Vlad Proklov

Thank you, Vlad!
Now I'll lay out the mottled flowers, and then the leafworms and moths. There will be time and desire-take a look mol.gif

Oh! Leaf wrappers and moths are our size! smile.gif

Maybe someone will be able to identify these mottled birds?

The first one is some kind of aberrant, the others are Z. lonicerae. If they're hoarse, of course.
Likes: 1

02.10.2008 15:53, gumenuk

Oh! Leaf wrappers and moths - that's our size! smile.gif
The first one is some kind of aberrant, the others are Z. lonicerae. If they're hoarse, of course.

The first one is from the Vladimir region and is similar to pestrianka vostochnaya. And the rest - Khripansky smile.gif

02.10.2008 16:02, gumenuk

I spread a little thing. If there are difficulties, this is enough.

picture: 1____002824.jpg
1____002824.jpg — (144.33к)

picture: 2____002837.jpg
2____002837.jpg — (103.18к)

picture: 3____003191.jpg
3____003191.jpg — (164.08к)

picture: 4____003271.jpg
4____003271.jpg — (148к)

02.10.2008 16:17, Vlad Proklov

I spread a little thing. If there are difficulties, this is enough.

1 - Pyralidae: Phycitinae
2 - Platytes cerussella
3 - Elaphria venustula
4 - ?Metzneria sp.
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02.10.2008 16:31, gumenuk

2. Another batch

picture: 1____003413.jpg
1____003413.jpg — (160.07к)

picture: 2____003537.jpg
2____003537.jpg — (168.22к)

picture: 3____003541.jpg
3____003541.jpg — (164.05к)

picture: 4____003556.jpg
4____003556.jpg — (199.38к)

02.10.2008 16:43, okoem

The first one is from the Vladimir region and is similar to pestrianka vostochnaya. And the rest - khripanskie smile.gif

East is Zygaena minos? In my opinion, it is.

02.10.2008 16:50, gumenuk

East is Zygaena minos? In my opinion, it is.

Yes, it is, I was not very sure, so I put it up to remove question

02.10.2008 17:04, Vlad Proklov

2. Another batch.

1-Lathronympha strigana is the first butterfly that I saw in Khripani, being your guest smile.gifYou will not confuse with anything. Eats St. John's wort.
2 - I don't know.
3 - Morophaga choragella
4 - the same as the first one from the previous batch, I don't know who.
Likes: 1

02.10.2008 17:21, gumenuk

1-Lathronympha strigana is the first butterfly that I saw in Khripani, being your guest smile.gifYou will not confuse with anything. Eats St. John's wort.
2 - I don't know.
3 - Morophaga choragella
4 - the same as the first one from the previous batch, I don't know who.

I also identified the first one myself, but I began to look closely at her other photos (on the Internet and in the book) and doubted, because the more I looked, the more differences I found rolleyes.gif
4-I write it down in the fire department ? or can you still assign a gender?

02.10.2008 17:24, gumenuk

The third batch of small change items

picture: 1____003580.jpg
1____003580.jpg — (146.74к)

picture: 2____003944.jpg
2____003944.jpg — (178.87к)

picture: 3____004090.jpg
3____004090.jpg — (141.33к)

picture: 4____004114.jpg
4____004114.jpg — (255.57к)

02.10.2008 17:34, Vlad Proklov

4-I write it down in the fire department ? or can you still assign a gender?

Ognevka-fitzitina, then I pass.

The third batch of small change items

1 - ?Crambus perlella
2 - Hedya salicella
3 - ?Nemaxera betulinella Small was?
4 - Cryptocala chardinyi
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