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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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10.11.2016 22:25, Gans75

If only photos, then correct.
if the butterflies are collected, then cook smile.gif

Only photo smile.gif

11.11.2016 11:34, Dmitry Vlasov

Colleagues, please help mol.gif
south yao swamp 19.6.16
image: _____. jpg

11.11.2016 11:49, OEV

Colleagues, please help mol.gif
south YAO, swamp 19.6.16
image: _____. jpg

Likes: 1

11.11.2016 17:40, Ilia Ustiantcev

Colleagues, please help mol.gif
south YAO, swamp 19.6.16
image: _____. jpg

Nice find, but very fresh for such a late date! It's definitely not May 19?

12.11.2016 9:03, Dmitry Vlasov

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12.11.2016 11:21, Dmitry Vlasov

Another couple, the same swamp but 12.06.16
image: _____. jpg
picture: _____1.jpg

12.11.2016 11:24, Ilia Ustiantcev

Gamma (the usual, alas, and then in such swamps it makes sense to search with the prefix " micro -"smile.gif) and a leaf-wrapping scoop Deltote uncula
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12.11.2016 12:58, Dmitry Vlasov

Gamma (the usual, alas, and then in such swamps it makes sense to search with the prefix " micro -"smile.gif) and a scoop-leaf wrapper Deltote uncula

For a serious search for swamp nocturnal-you need to shine... And do not break in the bogs through the hummock when vyparhivanii scoop of rosemary/willow/sedge...

12.11.2016 14:01, Ilia Ustiantcev

For a serious search for swamp nocturnal-you need to shine... And do not break in the bogs through the hummock when vyparhivanii scoop of rosemary/willow/sedge...

It is not so easy to shine in the swamps, in our region all the recent finds of microgamma in the region seem to have been made during the day.

12.11.2016 14:23, Sergey Rybalkin

I ask for help in determining.

461 - ? Autographa pulchrina
462 - ? Drepana curvatula, but not very similar
463 - ? Hadena magnolii
464 - ? Sideridis reticulata
465 - ? Hadena filograna
466 - ? Orthosia incerta Chelyabinsk region, Vishnevogorsk settlement

Since no one answered, I assume that I identified it correctly. Please confirm it.
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12.11.2016 14:41, Alexandr Zhakov

No significant comments smile.gif
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12.11.2016 15:11, IchMan

Is it possible to determine the type of hawk moth by these wings? And what brings him here?
Mexico, State of Mexico, Nevado de Toluca caldera
N 19.110°, W 99.753°, elevation 4220-4280 m, 29. IX. 2016
picture: sphingid.jpg

12.11.2016 15:32, vasiliy-feoktistov

Is it possible to determine the type of hawk moth by these wings? And what brings him here?
Mexico, State of Mexico, Nevado de Toluca caldera
N 19.110°, W 99.753°, elevation 4220-4280 m, 29. IX. 2016

Migrant Agrius cingulata (Fabricius, 1775)

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 11/12/2016 15: 32
Likes: 1

12.11.2016 19:20, gstalker

Tell me this is Mythimna ?
September, Germany

picture: 2016_10_31_00_06_25_M_C_R_50_S_10.jpg
2016_10_31_00_06_25_M_C_R_50_S_10.jpg — (52.55к)

12.11.2016 20:28, Alexandr Zhakov

Tell me this is Mythimna ?
September, Germany

Mythimna pallens.
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12.11.2016 21:19, gstalker

Mythimna pallens.

Thanks ! Is that her, too?" wings 32mm 18.07.15 Germany

picture: r.jpg
r.jpg — (98.53к)

12.11.2016 22:12, svm2

Mythimna impura
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13.11.2016 19:42, Gans75

Donetsk region, June 30.
Can you say more than Archipini ?
user posted image

13.11.2016 20:41, MIV

Please help me identify the hoods.
Presumably all Cucullia asterias.

1. Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, taiga. May 13.
picture: IMG_8054______.________________.________________._13.05.05._leg.__.______.jpg

2. Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. August 16
picture: IMG_8062___________.____._______________._____________________._16.08.07.__leg.__.______.jpg

3. Khakassia, foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau. August 4th
picture: IMG_8060______________________________________________________._4.08.09._leg.__.______.jpg

4. Altai, Ust-Koksa. July 13
picture: IMG_8055_________________________________.________._13.07.11__leg.__.______.jpg

13.11.2016 23:19, Alexandr Zhakov

Donetsk region, June 30.
Can you say more than Archipini ?

We can say that not Archipini , but the Ramapesiini tribe close to it. This is specifically Philedonides rhombicana, a very interesting butterfly, I also caught it in the area of Stone Graves.
Likes: 4

14.11.2016 0:52, Gans75

North-western Ukraine, July 30.
I thought it was Zygaena lonicerae, but a man came in and noticed the white ends of the antennae. Zygaena angelicae ?
The rear fenders are oddly colored
user posted image

14.11.2016 1:41, Vlad Proklov

Z. ephialtes же!
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14.11.2016 1:45, Ilia Ustiantcev

Z. ephialtes same!

Heh, I thought it was a mutant with the wrong rear wings. And all because the belt is not visible in the photo... By the way, the Germans on the site have red forms with normal rear wings, and six spots for ephialite are more characteristic.

14.11.2016 16:48, Balazs Benedek

Please help me identify the hoods.
Presumably all Cucullia asterias.

1. Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, taiga. May 13.
  picture: IMG_8054______.________________.________________._13.05.05._leg.__.______.jpg
Cucullia elongata acutipennis Ronkay & Ronkay, 2009

2. Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. August 16
  picture: IMG_8062___________.____._______________._____________________._16.08.07.__leg.__.______.jpg
Cucullia amota
3. Khakassia, foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau. August 4th
  picture: IMG_8060______________________________________________________._4.08.09._leg.__.______.jpg
Cucullia asteris
4. Altai, Ust-Koksa. July 13
  picture: IMG_8055_________________________________.________._13.07.11__leg.__.______.jpg
Cucullia asteris
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14.11.2016 21:56, MIV

Thank you, Balash! Here are some more hoods.

1. Ocd. Cheats, steppe. August 5
picture: IMG_8065______._____._5.08.07._leg.__.______.jpg

2. Khakassia, foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau. August 4th
picture: IMG_8071______________________________________________________._4.08.09._leg.__.______.jpg

3. Altai, okr. Shebalino. July 10
picture: IMG_8074_____________._________._10.07.10._leg.__.______.jpg

4. Kemerovo region, roc. Novokuznetsk. July 15
picture: IMG_8076__________________.____._____________._15.07.10.__leg.__.______.jpg

5. Krasnoyarsk (city limits). August 22nd
picture: IMG_8078___________________________._22.08.86._leg.__.______.jpg

I wrote a letter to my personal account.

This post was edited by MIV-14.11.2016 22: 47

15.11.2016 0:21, Пензуит

Hello! I already posted this motley piece in 2015, about a year ago, and after some disagreements and disputes, it was recognized as Zygaena loti. But then it seems that they did not pay attention to the dark legs!

1. 19.07.2015, Penza region.

picture: DSCN7144_15.JPG

And this year again in the same place was very similar. Also with dark legs. Can you tell me who it is?

2. 17.07.2016г.

picture: DSCN5480_15.JPG

15.11.2016 14:47, Balazs Benedek

Thank you, Balash! Here are some more hoods.

1. Ocd. Cheats, steppe. August 5
  picture: IMG_8065______._____._5.08.07._leg.__.______.jpg
Cucullia distinguenda

2. Khakassia, foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau. August 4th
  picture: IMG_8071______________________________________________________._4.08.09._leg.__.______.jpg
Cucullia humilis
3. Altai, okr. Shebalino. July 10
  picture: IMG_8074_____________._________._10.07.10._leg.__.______.jpg
Cucullia praecana
4. Kemerovo region, Russia Novokuznetsk. July 15
  picture: IMG_8076__________________.____._____________._15.07.10.__leg.__.______.jpg
Cucullia umbratica
5. Krasnoyarsk (city limits). August 22nd
  picture: IMG_8078___________________________._22.08.86._leg.__.______.jpg
Cucullia umbratica
Wrote a letter in PM.
Likes: 3

15.11.2016 21:01, MIV

I did a great job - I put things in order in the box with the pupae! Many thanks to Balash.
It remains to clarify a few more types.

1. Cucullia lucifuga? Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe, 8.06.16 g
картинка: Cucullia_lucifuga___Denis_et_Schiffermuller___1775_______.____.____._______________.____________________________8.06.16_.__leg.__.______..jpg

2. Cucullia lucifuga? Zap. Sayan, hr. Ergaki. N-1500m. 17.07.09.
picture: IMG_8204______._________._______.___1500_._17.07.09._leg.__.______.jpg

3. Cucullia lactucae? Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, taiga. 20.05.2000
picture: IMG_8208______.________________.________________._20.05.2000._leg.__.______.jpg

4. Cucullia asteris? Altai, okr. Aktasha.15.07.11
image: IMG_8227_____________._______.15.07.11__leg.__.______.jpg

5. Topworm Cucullia absinthii. Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 20.07.06.
picture: IMG_8235___________.____._______________._____________________._20.07.06.__leg.__.______..jpg

15.11.2016 21:28, Alexander Zarodov

Can you help me with the micra? Very gracefully posed smile.gifby MO, July

Gelechiidae? Metzneria?

picture: moth061101x.jpg
moth061101x.jpg — (296.44к)

15.11.2016 22:32, coriander-lithurgus

Please tell me the type (s) of thinworms. Wingspan: 1-30mm; 2-53mm and 37mm.picture: 78kvd_croper_ru.jpeg 1. picture: JmTaT_croper_ru.jpeg2.

This post was edited by coriander-lithurgus - 11/15/2016 22: 32

15.11.2016 23:22, Balazs Benedek

I did a great job - I put things in order in the box with the pupae! Many thanks to Balash.
It remains to clarify a few more types.

1. Cucullia lucifuga? Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest steppe, 8.06.16 g
[attachmentid ()=274253]

2. Cucullia lucifuga? Zap. Sayan, hr. Ergaki. Н-1500м. 17.07.09.

3. Cucullia lactucae? Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, taiga. 20.05.2000

4. Cucullia asteris? Altai, okr. Aktasha.15.07.11

5. Topworm Cucullia absinthii. Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 20.07.06.

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15.11.2016 23:23, Kharkovbut

Is it possible to determine this?

Ukraine, Kharkiv region, 3-8. vii. 2016

picture: ZYG__7_03_2016__Kh.jpg
ZYG__7_03_2016__Kh.jpg — (221.72к)

picture: ZYG__7_06_2016__Kh.jpg
ZYG__7_06_2016__Kh.jpg — (149.8к)

picture: ZYG__7_08_2016__Kh.jpg
ZYG__7_08_2016__Kh.jpg — (214.06к)

picture: ZYG_7_08_2016__Kh.jpg
ZYG_7_08_2016__Kh.jpg — (148.83 k)

15.11.2016 23:39, Nick444444

Is it possible to determine this?

Ukraine, Kharkiv region, 3-8. vii. 2016

1,2,3 - I vote for Zygaena angelicae , because of the white tips on the mustache smile.gif

This post was edited by Nick444444 - 11/15/2016 23: 44
Likes: 1

16.11.2016 11:29, Alexandr Zhakov

Please tell me the type (s) of thinworms. Wingspan: 1-30mm; 2-53mm and 37mm.

Triodia sylvina
1. ♂
2. ?♀ ♀
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16.11.2016 19:11, AGG

Ephestia kuehniella ? Tambov, yesterday, confectionery shop
[attachmentid ()=274284]

16.11.2016 19:46, Sergey Rybalkin

I ask for help in defining and specifying scoops.

All collected in the Chelyabinsk region, Snezhinsk. Dates on labels

467-Presumably a pair of Orthosia gracilis
468 -?
469 - ?
470-Presumably Orthosia cerasi
471-Presumably Autographa mandarina
472-Presumably Orthosia incerta
473-Presumably Acronicta aceris
474-Presumably Hecatera bicolorata

picture: 467.JPG
467.JPG — (401.74к)

picture: 468.JPG
468.JPG — (385.67 k)

picture: 469.JPG
469.JPG — (339.47 k)

picture: 470.JPG
470.JPG — (433.77 k)

picture: 471.JPG
471.JPG — (459.8к)

picture: 472.JPG
472.JPG — (387.78к)

picture: 473.JPG
473.JPG — (429.55 k)

picture: 474.JPG
474.JPG — (402.04к)

16.11.2016 20:26, Alexandr Zhakov

I ask for help in defining and specifying scoops.
471-Presumably Autographa mandarina
473-Presumably Acronicta aceris
All collected in the Chelyabinsk region, Snezhinsk. Dates on labels

467-Orthosia gracilis pair
468-Rhyacia simulans, if there is Rhyacia arenacea in the region, then one of the two
469-Deltote deceptoria
470 - Orthosia cerasi
472 - Orthosia incerta
474 - Hecatera bicolorata
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17.11.2016 11:27, maik

Good afternoon. Help determine the moth of the KCR Arkhyz May 2015 roc. p. Romantic
stream bank L-20 mm
picture: DSCF3096.JPG
picture: DSCF3098.JPG

17.11.2016 12:54, svm2

Trichodezia haberhaueri
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17.11.2016 15:23, Энтомолог 365

Please help me determine the butterfly approximately, at least up to the family. The wingspan is 2.8 cm. The location of the find is unknown.

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (64.37к)

Pages: 1 ...765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773... 986

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