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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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01.12.2016 16:26, Alexandr Zhakov

Please tell me the butterfly. Arkhyz . may 2015 Przysz river valley caught over nettle thickets L-20 mm mol.gif

Probably worn Orthotaenia undulana.

01.12.2016 16:29, Bianor

Please tell me the view.
Caught in the Moscow region.


01.12.2016 16:56, maik

Probably worn Orthotaenia undulana.

Thank you. It looks like they've been thoroughly battered by life

This post was edited by maik - 01.12.2016 17: 05

01.12.2016 17:00, Alexandr Zhakov

Can I have a photo of all four of them?

01.12.2016 17:10, maik

picture: DSCF3143.JPG

01.12.2016 17:30, Alexandr Zhakov

Thank you, I stand by my opinion, I show possible options with http://www.lepiforum.de/webbbs/images/f1_2010/pic68681.jpg
Orthotaenia undulana in the middle, Phiaris umbrosana on the left, Celypha lacunana on the right
picture: post_328459_1480601398.jpg
picture: pic68681.jpg

This post was edited by Djon-01.12.2016 17: 35
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01.12.2016 17:41, maik

Thank you, I stand by my opinion, I show possible options with http://www.lepiforum.de/webbbs/images/f1_2010/pic68681.jpg
Orthotaenia undulana in the middle, Phiaris umbrosana on the left, Celypha lacunana on the right
picture: post_328459_1480601398.jpg
picture: pic68681.jpg

Thank you. In fact, I didn't dispute your opinion.Just when I caught them they seemed fresh but alas it turned out not so

01.12.2016 17:49, Alexandr Zhakov

It is very easy to make mistakes here, the species are similar in appearance, and shabby specimens are even more so. The exact answer can only be given by cooking the genitals. Like all males, the answer will be unequivocal. smile.gif

This post was edited by Djon-01.12.2016 17: 50
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02.12.2016 8:55, Ольга Титова

26.06.2016, Sakhalin
identified as Deilephila elpenor (Linnaeus, 1758). Right, I hope?

picture: DSC_1481____.jpg
DSC_1481____.jpg — (225.53к)

02.12.2016 9:36, Alexandr Zhakov

26.06.2016, Sakhalin
identified as Deilephila elpenor (Linnaeus, 1758). Right, I hope?

Right. smile.gif
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02.12.2016 11:14, Ольга Титова

Laothoe amurensis? Sakhalin

picture: DSC_1482_1.jpg
DSC_1482_1.jpg — (293.32к)

02.12.2016 11:20, Alexandr Zhakov

Laothoe amurensis? Sakhalin

Laothoe amurensis yes.gif
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02.12.2016 19:50, Елизавета Рысенкова

Tell me, please, what kind of butterfly? confused.gif

5.07.2015 Tver region, Kalininsky district, Knyazevo village
picture: _________1_.JPGpicture: _________2_.JPG

02.12.2016 20:23, Nick444444

Tell me, please, what kind of butterfly? confused.gif

5.07.2015 Knyazevo village, Kalininsky district, Tver region

I think it's Mythimna impura
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02.12.2016 23:21, Елизавета Рысенкова

Can you help me with these? mol.gif

Torzhok, Tver region

1. 20.07.2015
picture: DSCN0232.JPG

2. 27.05.2015
picture: IMGP0543.JPG

3. 5.07.2015
picture: IMGP3047.JPG

4. 20.07.2015
picture: IMGP3430.JPG

5. 8.08.2015
picture: IMGP5592.JPG

This post was edited by Elizaveta Rysenkova - 02.12.2016 23: 22

02.12.2016 23:38, Alexandr Zhakov

Can you help me with these? mol.gif

Torzhok, Tver region

1. 20.07.2015 Apamea monoglypha

2. 27.05.2015 Hypena rostralis

3. 5.07.2015 Lacanobia oleracea

4. 20.07.2015 Apamea monoglypha

5. 8.08.2015 Caradrina / Athetis nothing in particular is visible.
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03.12.2016 3:10, Елизавета Рысенкова

Thank you very much!

More "city" guests. Can you help me? mol.gif

Tver region, Torzhok

1. 24.09.2015
picture: IMGP8011.JPG

2. 31.08.2015
picture: IMGP7527.JPG

3. 25.07.2015
picture: IMGP3563.JPG

4. 24.07.2015
picture: IMGP3499.JPG

03.12.2016 17:38, TEMPUS

Thank you very much!
More "city" guests. Can you help me? mol.gif
Tver region, Torzhok

1 - Agrochola circellaris
2 - Caradrina clavipalpis
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03.12.2016 21:07, Елизавета Рысенкова

1 - Agrochola circellaris
2 - Caradrina clavipalpis

Thank you.

Is this also Caradrina clavipalpis?

3.08.2016 Tver region, Torzhok district, Voropuni village
picture: IMGP6169.JPGpicture: IMGP6187.JPG

03.12.2016 22:08, TEMPUS

Thank you.

Is this also Caradrina clavipalpis?

3.08.2016 Voropuni village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region

Yes, it is
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03.12.2016 23:30, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please tell me, is this Autographa gamma?
3.08.2016. Voropuni village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region
picture: IMGP6113.JPG

Is this Udea lutealis? Or did I make a mistake? smile.gif
3.08.2016. Voropuni village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region
picture: Udea_lutealis.JPG

04.12.2016 10:18, Gans75

Ukraine, Rivne region, April 28.
Loxostege sticticalis ?
user posted image

This post was edited by Gans75 - 04.12.2016 18: 33

04.12.2016 10:44, Andrey Ponomarev

Ukraine, Rivne region, April 28.
Loxostege sticticalis ?
user posted image

Pyrausta despicata
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04.12.2016 12:31, TEMPUS

Please tell me, is this Autographa gamma?
3.08.2016. Tver region, Torzhoksky district, Voropuni village
And this is Udea lutealis? Or did I make a mistake? smile.gif
3.08.2016. Voropuni village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region

Sovka-yes, gamma.
Ognevka - most likely Udea fulvalis.
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04.12.2016 19:48, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please help me identify the butterfly. mol.gif

5.08.2016 Tver region, Torzhok district, Voropuni village
picture: IMGP6381.JPG

04.12.2016 20:22, TEMPUS

Please help me identify the butterfly. mol.gif
5.08.2016 Tver region, Torzhok district, Voropuni village

Apamea monoglypha
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04.12.2016 21:06, Елизавета Рысенкова

  Apamea monoglypha

Thank you, I didn't recognize her. wink.gif

Can I have two more moths from the same place (Tver region, Torzhoksky district, Voropuni village)?

1. 3.08.2016
picture: IMGP6012.JPG

2. 12.08.2016
picture: IMGP6512.JPG

04.12.2016 21:14, Nick444444

Thank you, I didn't recognize her. wink.gif

Can I have two more moths from the same place (Tver region, Torzhoksky district, Voropuni village)?

2. 12.08.2016

Sort of like Eupithecia icterata, but I might be wrong smile.gif
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04.12.2016 21:29, TEMPUS

Thank you, I didn't recognize her. wink.gif
Can I have two more moths from the same place (Tver region, Torzhoksky district, Voropuni village)?
1. 3.08.2016
2. 12.08.2016

1 - Cyclophora albipunctata

Sort of like Eupithecia icterata, but I might be wrong smile.gif

Yes, it is.
Likes: 1

04.12.2016 22:18, Елизавета Рысенкова

And this is Brenthisino?
Unfortunately, I couldn't get a better picture.

Tver region, Torzhoksky district, Byltsino village
picture: 1__1_.JPGpicture: 1__2_.JPG

04.12.2016 23:26, TEMPUS

And this is Brenthisino?
Unfortunately, I couldn't get a better picture.
Tver region, Torzhoksky district, Byltsino village

it is
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05.12.2016 14:44, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar 15.05.2011
Eupithecia dodoneata ?
picture: Eupithecia_dodoneata.jpg

05.12.2016 15:57, svm2

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05.12.2016 19:52, Елизавета Рысенкова

Could it be Clepsis rogana?

Dobryni village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region

picture: 1__1_.JPGpicture: 2.JPG

06.12.2016 1:05, шустов

There is an opinion that this is Sciota marmorata, who is "familiar" with this butterfly, please speak out. Early June, in the Cretaceous mountains.
picture: __________283.jpg

07.12.2016 1:05, dabl

Please help me determine! Karelia, August.

picture: P8270294_2.jpg
P8270294_2.jpg — (526.08к)

07.12.2016 1:26, Alexandr Zhakov

Please help me determine! Karelia, August.

Acleris laterana
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07.12.2016 11:52, Сергей-Д

There is an opinion that this is Sciota marmorata, who is "familiar" with this butterfly, please speak out. Early June, in the Cretaceous mountains.

I didn't catch it, but:
- I don't see anything more similar among other species.
- marmorata is known from neighboring regions (Donetsk and Luhansk).
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08.12.2016 9:24, Dracus

Chrysodeixis chalcites (Esper, 1789)?

Padua, Italy, yesterday, ex pupa

picture: 9IAwYGkTf0c.jpg
9IAwYGkTf0c.jpg — (63.72к)

08.12.2016 12:12, maik

tell me a butterfly Stavropol 2016 July-August date I don't remember L-55mm
picture: DSCF3152.JPG

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