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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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23.10.2016 10:33, Alexandr Zhakov

Thank you for your help!
From Seliger (Tver region, Ostashkovsky district, Nepe village) there are two indistinct micras left:
2. 27.07.2014
Can you help me?

Pandemis, probably heparana
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23.10.2016 10:41, ИНО

Can someone determine what kind of exotic ?
Taken today - hatched from the purchased cocoon.
Please forgive me for the quality - I took pictures with my smartphone

Troides sp., female. But she couldn't get out of the cocoon in any way - they don't weave. Now I looked, about the name of this beast called Troides rhadamantus, whether it really is, I don't know.

This post was edited by ENO - 10/23/2016 10: 48
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23.10.2016 10:47, gumenuk

  Troides sp. But he couldn't get out of the cocoon in any way - they don't weave.

This is what I "spun" teapot.gif

23.10.2016 12:20, Romanov2000

Gentlemen, good day to all! please help me with the remains of pigeons. Photos may not be numbered, today is the third time I post them and they are scattered. I don't know how it's going to work right now.

1) 1-4 Krasnodar Krai, Yeisk - Polyommatus icadius? 5-6 Tien Shan, Terskey Ala-Too, Pokrovka village. 7-8 Abkhazia, Hipst Mountain, - Polyommatus icadius?

2) 1-Kabardino-Balkaria, Neutrino settlement of the Elbrus region, Baksan Gorge, - Plebejus (Plebejides) sephirus or Kretania stekolnikovi ??? 2-I didn't understand the label, - plebejus (idas).

3) 1-2 Iran, Demavend volcano, - Kretania alcedo, Kretania modica?

4) 1-3 Kabardino-Balkaria, Neutrino settlement, Elbrus district, Baksan Gorge.

5) Kunashir, Cape Columnar-Celastrina phellodendroni or rather ladonides?.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (296.63к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (307.43 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (297.41 k)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (287.59к)

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (291.33 k)

23.10.2016 12:53, Valentinus

Gentlemen, good day to all! please help me with the remains of pigeons. Photos may not be numbered, today is the third time I post them and they are scattered. I don't know how it's going to work right now.

1) 1-4 Krasnodar Krai, Yeisk - Polyommatus icadius? 5-6 Tien Shan, Terskey Ala-Too, Pokrovka village. 7-8 Abkhazia, Hipst Mountain, - Polyommatus icadius?

2) 1-Kabardino-Balkaria, Neutrino settlement of the Elbrus region, Baksan Gorge, - Plebejus (Plebejides) sephirus or Kretania stekolnikovi ??? 2-I didn't understand the label, - plebejus (idas).

3) 1-2 Iran, Demavend volcano, - Kretania alcedo, Kretania modica?

4) 1-3 Kabardino-Balkaria, Neutrino settlement, Elbrus district, Baksan Gorge.

5) Kunashir, Cape Columnar-Celastrina phellodendroni or rather ladonides?.

1) 1-4 P. icarus males; 7-8-females
2) 1. Plebejus idas
3). 1. P. icarus/icadius. More precisely, only genanalysis
2. I won't risk it, but, in my opinion, not Kretania
4) There are no such butterflies in the North Caucasus.
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23.10.2016 20:32, lazardin

Good day to all, help with obtrepysh
early October, Vologda region, afternoon in the grass
picture: DSC08039.JPG

23.10.2016 20:45, Igar

[quote=lazardin,23.10.2016 21:32]
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23.10.2016 21:00, Елизавета Рысенкова

Can you at least tell me something from such lousy photos? wall.gif

Tver region, Torzhoksky district

1. Torzhok city. 21.07.2014
picture: IMGP9775.JPGpicture: IMGP9777.JPG
2. Dobryni village. 16.06.2014
picture: IMGP8044.JPG
3. Dobryni village. 16.06.2016
picture: IMGP8058.JPG
4. Vasilevo village 28.08.2016
picture: IMGP5829.JPG

23.10.2016 22:05, Vlad Proklov

I had doubts, because of the belly, but at the top, seeing orange dots, I thought of dumi shuffle.gif

E-my, prsp look!

23.10.2016 22:53, MIV

Please help me decide on the scoops.

It looks like different types. Which is Plusia festucae, which is P. putnami?
1. Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe, 20.07.16.
picture: Plusia_festucae____________.____.__________________________.__________._20.07.06._leg.__._________.jpg

2. Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, Kacha station, taiga. 10.07.15.
picture: Plusia_putnami_______.________________.____________._10.07.05._leg.__._.____________.jpg

3. Is it similar to Hecatera dysodea, or the banal H. bicolorata?
Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe, 18.06.07
picture: Hecatera_dysodea______.____.____._______________.___________________________18.06.07_.__leg.__.______.jpg

4. Sideridis egena or turbida?
Khakassia, Eastern foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau. 6.08.09.
picture: Sideridis_egena_____turbida___________________________________________________________._6.08.09._leg.__.______.jpg

23.10.2016 23:18, VitSev

I doubted something. Polyommatus icarus, or what? I will be grateful for your help. Sevastopol, 23.10.2016.

picture: IMG_5024_________.jpg
IMG_5024_________.jpg — (113.84к)

24.10.2016 1:12, Romanov2000

I doubted something. Polyommatus icarus, or what? I will be grateful for your help. Sevastopol, 23.10.2016.

Definitely not ikarus. I think bellargus

24.10.2016 10:15, Alexandr Zhakov

Good day to all, help with obtrepysh
early October, Vologda region, in the afternoon in the grass

No doubt Poecilocampa populi.
Or did I miss something? smile.gif

24.10.2016 10:27, VitSev

Definitely not ikarus. I think bellargus

Thank you very much! And what are the obvious signs of "definitely not ikarus"? I'm not an entomologist (I work in another field of biology), but I'm interested smile.gifin

24.10.2016 10:31, Alexander73

to MIV - 1. festuka, 2-putnam. Understood here: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1277878
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24.10.2016 11:33, Andrey Bezborodkin

Thank you very much! And what are the obvious signs of "definitely not ikarus"? I'm not an entomologist (I work in another field of biology), but it's interesting smile.gif

Well compare at least the fringe of the wings of males icarus and bellargus on the Crimean site:
The shades of blue-blue-purple background are also different. Usually, to compare pigeons, you also need to see the underside of the wings, but here the top is enough.
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24.10.2016 15:00, VitSev

Well compare at least the fringe of the wings of males icarus and bellargus on the Crimean site:
The shades of blue-blue-purple background are also different. Usually, to compare pigeons, you also need to see the underside of the wings, but here the top is enough.


24.10.2016 15:31, Alexandr Zhakov

Please help me decide on the scoops.
3. Is it similar to Hecatera dysodea, or the banal H. bicolorata?
Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe, 18.06.07

4. Sideridis egena or turbida?
Khakassia, Eastern foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau. 6.08.09.

3. Banal Hecatera dysodea.
4. If you choose from these two species, then Sideridis turbida.
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24.10.2016 17:03, Alexandr Zhakov

Can you at least tell me something from such lousy photos? wall.gif
Tver region, Torzhoksky district
1. Torzhok city. 21.07.2014
2. Dobrynya village. 16.06.2014
3. Dobrynya village. 16.06.2016
4. Vasilevo village 28.08.2016

1. Cnephasia/Eana they can't even be identified by good photos.
2. It looks like Phiaris. probably obsoletana.
3. Crambus, a species even hard to guess
4. similar to epinotia ramella
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24.10.2016 17:33, Ilia Ustiantcev

1. Cnephasia/Eana they can't even be identified by good photos.
2. It looks like Phiaris. probably obsoletana.
3. Crambus, a species even hard to guess
4. similar to Epinotia ramella

For me, in the second photo, Clepsis is mottled, like rogana.
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24.10.2016 18:48, Alexandr Zhakov

For me, in the second photo, Clepsis is mottled, like rogana.

Maybe so. smile.gif
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24.10.2016 23:27, coriander-lithurgus

Can you tell me if the scoops are defined correctly?picture: U2Zun_croper_ru.jpeg 1 picture: m3PeH_croper_ru.jpeg 2picture: WkgKg_croper_ru.jpeg 3

26.10.2016 15:07, Ольга Титова

Help me determine up to gender. Sakhalin.

picture: DSC_0744____.jpg
DSC_0744____.jpg — (269.41к)

26.10.2016 15:53, Пчела

Please help me identify the caterpillar. With an appetite I ate a near-water plant, June 12, Suzdal district, Vladimir region.

picture: IMG_0775.JPG
IMG_0775.JPG — (321.61к)

picture: IMG_0787.JPG
IMG_0787.JPG — (316.21 k)

26.10.2016 16:06, Alexandr Zhakov

Please help me identify the caterpillar. With an appetite I ate a near-water plant, June 12, Suzdal district, Vladimir region.

It's not a caterpillar, it's a sawfly larva.
Try posting your photos here: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=180650&st=7150

This post was edited by Djon-26.10.2016 16: 06

26.10.2016 16:49, John-ST

Good day to all.
Moscow region, Railway
Catoptria permiacus?

26.10.2016 17:01, Vlad Proklov

Good day to all.
Moscow region, Railway
Catoptria permiacus?

It's either her or pinella. Genital pair.
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26.10.2016 20:04, Bianor

Help me determine up to gender. Sakhalin.

Most likely this is:
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26.10.2016 20:21, NakaRB

Check out micra, plz...
all - D. New items-Begichevo, Serpukhov district, Moscow region.

1. 24.05.2015
user posted image

2. 06.06.2015
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3. 10.06.2015
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4. 13.06.2015
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5. 13.06.2015
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6. 13.06.2015
user posted image

7. 15.06.2015
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8. 16.06.2015
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9. 16.06.2015
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10. 23.06.2015
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26.10.2016 23:10, Sergey Rybalkin

I ask for help in determining: All collected Chelyabinsk region. Snezhinsk

447-26.09.2016, I assume that wintering Conistra vaccinii (Linnaeus, 1761)
448 - from pupa 12.06.2016, I assume that Polia bombycina (Hufnagel, 1766)

picture: 447.JPG
447.JPG — (306.81 k)

picture: 448.JPG
448.JPG — (302.13к)

27.10.2016 1:12, John-ST

Something with this one is not catching up at all.
Moscow Region, Railway

27.10.2016 1:30, Vlad Proklov

Something with this one is not catching up at all.
Moscow Region, Railway

P. contaminella. Nice butterfly!
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27.10.2016 2:11, John-ST

Is it Crambus perlellus f. warringtonellus?
2nd decade of June and 2nd decade of July.
MO, Railway, into the light.

27.10.2016 3:43, Vlad Proklov

Is it Crambus perlellus f. warringtonellus?
2nd decade of June and 2nd decade of July.
MO, Railway, into the light.

This type is a stretchable concept, but the form is not. And not particularly necessary.
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27.10.2016 7:06, John-ST

This type is a stretchable concept, but the form is not. And not particularly necessary.

I've never seen one before. Mostly silvery-white, slightly grayer, or slightly yellower. Usually no more than one or two pieces per night. And these up to a dozen per night arrived, the usual form flew the same as always. At first I took them for a different kind, but there was nothing similar except perlella. Only the Germans on lepiforum found perlella with black and silver stripes along the veins.

27.10.2016 8:53, Ольга Титова

Identified it as Odontopera aurata. Tell me, right? Sakhalin, June.

picture: DSC_0752______________.jpg
DSC_0752______________.jpg — (99.94к)

27.10.2016 22:14, MIV

Most likely this is:

I think it looks more like a female Phthonosema tendinosaria or a similar species. Sinev has four types of them in the yard. However, none of them is specified for Sakhalin smile.gif.
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27.10.2016 23:27, coriander-lithurgus

Tell me, please, the type of this firebox. The snout span is 45 mm.

picture: BfcdO_croper_ru.jpeg
BfcdO_croper_ru.jpeg — (137.61к)

28.10.2016 1:07, Пензуит

Please tell me about thick heads. Penza region

1. Carterocephalus palaemon?

picture: DSCN2340_15.JPG
picture: DSCN2343_16.JPG

2. Thymelicus lineola or sylvestris? Can they be identified by their underwear?

picture: DSC_9320_16.JPG

And what kind of moth is this, can you tell me? Crawled on October 22 at a temperature of 1-2 degrees.

3. ?

picture: DSCN8751_16__.JPG
picture: DSCN8759_15__.JPG

28.10.2016 1:30, Nick444444

Please tell me about thick heads. Penza region

1. Carterocephalus palaemon?
2. Thymelicus lineola or sylvestris? Can they be identified by their underwear?

1 - yes.gif
2 - I'm leaning towards Thymelicus lineola
Yes, you can. Sylvestris has a slightly greenish tint, but this is on fresh specimens, on flown ones it is difficult to see. It is better to take a photo of the top of the wings in such cases.
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