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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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27.09.2016 16:09, Natali22206

Since there's still a lull, I'll put up some more of my own.
Take a look, please!

1. June, Ryazan region

user posted image

2. July, Ryazan region

user posted image

3. June, M. O., Zhukovsky

user posted image

This post was edited by Natali22206 - 27.09.2016 16: 10

27.09.2016 16:53, Alexander73

#1 was already in #30421. This is Apamea crenata
No. 2 Lacanobia contigua

This post was edited by Alexander73 - 27.09.2016 16: 54
Likes: 1

27.09.2016 17:04, Igar

#3 Charanyca ferruginea
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27.09.2016 18:24, Sve4ka

Help, please, with the definition of these butterflies.Grozny. I apologize for the quality of some of the photos. What we have, we have smile.gif

5457 - 10.05.2015
8614 - 11.09.2013

the last three are the beginning of September this year.

picture: DSC05457.JPG
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picture: IMG_4715.JPG
IMG_4715.JPG — (158.84к)

28.09.2016 11:37, NicoSander

I ask for help with pestriankami..Crimea, Shchelkino, 23.05.2010

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (293.97к)

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2.jpg — (297.74 k)

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5.jpg — (290.28 k)

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6.jpg — (298.98к)

28.09.2016 12:15, okoem

I ask for help with pestriankami..Crimea, Shchelkino, 23.05.2010

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28.09.2016 15:37, seisap

please help me with the pigeons

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1.jpg — (305.49к)

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28.09.2016 16:08, Andrey Bezborodkin

please help me with the pigeons

"Gray", no date, no place where the material was collected. Who will determine such people?

28.09.2016 17:15, Руслан Мазурик

Hello! Since I'm new here, please help me identify the next insects. All from Western Ukraine:

This post was edited by Ruslan Mazurik - 28.09.2016 21: 06

picture: IP26b3yr9iA.jpg
IP26b3yr9iA.jpg — (163.36к)

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6fa5suESilA.jpg — (297.32к)

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ZaI_JPvhjMw.jpg — (106.89к)

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ngUWQoRjoMo.jpg — (78.28к)

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4YLBJv0yEnk.jpg — (279.75к)

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AvMXBiEDp4k.jpg — (183.5к)

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2_qNyxaSzU8.jpg — (194.33к)

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fR4oOPj5vuc.jpg — (126.07к)

picture: PPdKSBjhoKE.jpg
PPdKSBjhoKE.jpg — (160.97к)

28.09.2016 18:10, Nick444444

please help me with the pigeons

Upper - Cyaniris semiargus
Lower - Celastrina argiolus
But this is all "finger in the sky" without the geography of the place and dates!!!!!!

28.09.2016 20:36, Nick444444


Unfortunately, the exact date has not been preserved; summer, shot in the field:
- Sort of like Vanessa cardui
For the future:
Take normal photos so that you can use them to determine the view, that is, take photos from under the wings and the top of the wings.
May 29, same specimen - Cyclophora punctaria
https://pp.vk.me/c626421/v626421846/19b4c/LoCUJKsJFdw.jpg - Pieris napi
https://pp.vk.me/c626421/v626421846/19b55/kbSIy8fU0Bk.jpg - Pieris sp.
July 31, pigeons by the water in all photos-Polyommatus icarus

28.09.2016 20:42, Руслан Мазурик

I will consider, thank you!

28.09.2016 21:55, vafdog

Hello! Since I'm new here, please help me identify the next insects. All from Western Ukraine:

If I'm not mistaken
IP26b3yr9iA.jpg and photo 2-Oligia latruncula
ZaI_JPvhjMw.jpg, ngUWQoRjoMo.jpg - Agapeta hamana
4YLBJv0yEnk.jpg, 8vGysMG5GcQ.jpg - Hadena filograna
PPdKSBjhoKE.jpg - Allophyes oxyacanthae

This post was edited by vafdog - 28.09.2016 22: 09
Likes: 1

28.09.2016 22:24, Сергей-Д

Hadena filograna is more likely Hecatera dysodea.
Moths-Peribatodes rhomboidaria.
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28.09.2016 23:00, Руслан Мазурик

Thank you very much! And then, the maximum that I knew is "scoop". And so I wanted to know more precisely...

28.09.2016 23:24, coriander-lithurgus

Good evening to all! Please help me understand the Euxoa scoop type. All of them were caught in Budyonnovsk, Stavropol Territory, in 2013-16, in the month of September. Wingspan: Specimen # 1 - 32mm; # 2 - 30mm; #3-33mm; # 4-32mm; # 5-38mm; # 6-34mm; # 7 - 35mm; #8-35mm; #9-32mm; #10 - 35mm.

29.09.2016 11:23, seisap

Upper - Cyaniris semiargus
Lower - Celastrina argiolus
But this is all a "finger in the sky" without the geography of the place and dates!!!!!!

you for not specifying it, the date was forgotten-several years have passed, and we are caught in pitches. obl

29.09.2016 15:22, Руслан Мазурик

May of this year, on the wall of the house. Phymatopus hecta or Pharmacis lupulina?

This post was edited by Ruslan Mazurik - 29.09.2016 15: 23

picture: rVroaN2WR6M.jpg
rVroaN2WR6M.jpg — (185.27 k)

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2kfEEqAzs88.jpg — (188.71к)

29.09.2016 16:21, Alexander73

Pharmacis lupulina
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30.09.2016 14:41, Руслан Мазурик

What are the views? West of Ukraine, August 2016

This post was edited by Ruslan Mazurik - 30.09.2016 14: 42

picture: 8zJns5fJZ4w.jpg
8zJns5fJZ4w.jpg — (114.36к)

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RDSOH8RFwRE.jpg — (123.77к)

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ztjSGAXbkO8.jpg — (153.68к)

30.09.2016 19:27, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar, born 30.09.2016
Depressaria radiella?
picture: Depressaria_radiella__._._.jpg

30.09.2016 20:10, Ilia Ustiantcev

Radiella is quite different, especially here. Rather, it is Depressaria rubricella (=daucella)
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03.10.2016 14:21, Romanov2000

Good day everyone!
Tell me please. On the left is Lycaena dispar, Moscow region. On the right, Terskey Ala-Too, Pokrovka village on August 28. Is this also Lycaena dispar?

picture: IMG_20161003_130909.jpg
IMG_20161003_130909.jpg — (303.22к)

03.10.2016 21:55, Sergey Rybalkin

I ask for help in determining the scoop.

This post was edited by Alexanor - 03.10.2016 21: 57

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04.10.2016 23:02, Balazs Benedek

I ask for help in determining the scoop.

Acronicta megacephala
Lacanobia w-latinum
Lacanobia aliena
Lacanobia suasa
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04.10.2016 23:20, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Serebryano-Prudsky district, Lishnyagi village, 3.10.2016
picture: IMG_6021________________.jpg
picture: IMG_6034________________.jpg

05.10.2016 8:30, svm2

Athetis lepigone
Similar to Nycteola revayana
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05.10.2016 20:56, Alexandr Zhakov

I ask for help in determining the scoop.

Acronicta megacephala

And it can't be 441-Acronicta concerpta
By area, I know it can't be, but it's very similar.

05.10.2016 21:13, MIV

Got confused in Diarsi's. The first two are from Krasnoyarsk like D. dahlii, the last one from Altai-D. mendica? Please help me!

picture: Diarsia_dahlii__Hubner___1813____________________._________________._____._________________._1.08.10._leg._.______..jpg

picture: Diarsia_dahlii__Hubner___1813________.____.____._______________________._8.08.15._leg.__.______..jpg

картинка: Diarsia_mendica__Fabricius__1775______________.______.___1600_._13.07.10.__leg.__.______.jpg

05.10.2016 21:44, Shamil Murtazin

05.09.2016, Crimea
picture: IMG_2794_21_28cr.jpg picture: IMG_2792_20_27cr.jpg

picture: IMG_2805_15_33cr.jpg

3. Something Agapet-like...
picture: IMG_2818_11_37cr.jpg picture: IMG_2815_12_36cr.jpg

picture: IMG_2832_6_44cr.jpg picture: IMG_2830_5_42cr.jpg

picture: IMG_2835_3_45cr.jpg picture: IMG_2837_2_46cr.jpg

6.the photo is unique and bad... maybe there will be ideas about who it is?
picture: IMG_2771_28_20cr.jpg

06.10.2016 9:55, Alexandr Zhakov

05.09.2016, Crimea

Crimea is big. Points specifically desired.
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06.10.2016 11:46, Alexandr Zhakov

05.09.2016, Crimea

1. Eucosma with the view is difficult, several options, and everything is not very
good 2. Autostichidae Oegoconia deauratella
3. something Agapet-like... I'd say Cochylidia subroseana, and that's only because everything else is even less similar.
4. Gelechiidae somewhere Scrobipalpa, with a species even more complex, like the giant acuminatella (although there may be a 100% errorsmile.gif)
5. This is Coleophoridae, only Budashkin can tell anything from the photo, but you need a dot.
6. Gymnancyla, if there is hornigii in Crimea. then it is.
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06.10.2016 18:47, Shamil Murtazin

Crimea is big. Points specifically desired.

approximately 45°10 '37.5" N 33°18 '13.8" E
Zaozernoye, coastal area, near a salt lake (or swamp)
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06.10.2016 20:52, Shamil Murtazin

Crimea, Zaozernoye, 05.09.2016

picture: IMG_2825_10_39cr.jpg
IMG_2825_10_39cr.jpg — (205.48к)

picture: IMG_2824_8_38cr.jpg
IMG_2824_8_38cr.jpg — (192.08к)

06.10.2016 20:54, Alexandr Zhakov

Crimea, Zaozernoye, 05.09.2016

Eugnosta lathoniana
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08.10.2016 23:14, аруд

Is it possible to determine something from such a map., pliz, photo against the sky. July, Kaluzhskaya. Thank you.

image: _______. jpg
_______.jpg — (308.62к)

08.10.2016 23:43, Vlad Proklov

Is it possible to determine something from such a map., pliz, photo against the sky. July, Kaluzhskaya. Thank you.

Noctua interposita
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10.10.2016 13:32, Oleg Nikolsky

Dear experts on scoops, help us identify the species in the images, where possible-up to the species, otherwise at least up to the genus. The last two pairs of digits are the day_month of shooting.

picture: 71_24_08.jpg
71_24_08.jpg — (138.17к)

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43_27_07.jpg — (151.67к)

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41_27_07.jpg — (107.67к)

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42_27_07.jpg — (102.2к)

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31_22_07.jpg — (106.13к)

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22_17_07.jpg — (154.04к)

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51_29_07.jpg — (103.96к)

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21_17_07.jpg — (181.4к)

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11_05_07.jpg — (137.79к)

picture: 12_05_07.jpg
12_05_07.jpg — (156.38к)

10.10.2016 15:29, Alexandr Zhakov

Dear experts on scoops, help us identify the species in the images, where possible-up to the species, otherwise at least up to the genus. The last two pairs of digits are the day_month of shooting.

Something is not clear, why do you post the same butterfly under different numbers? What would confuse the definers or yourself? And why do the numbers go out of order (11, 12, 21, 22, etc.)? I already don't ask why the numbers don't go in a row (
I'll try to tell you how to fix this, if it's just a question of not knowing the forum functions. You don't upload your photos to the message, but only attach them to it. To upload to a message, click the "Add to message" button next to the uploaded file. Put the number, insert the cursor under the number in the message. again the number, and insert the next photo. smile.gif
71. Anarta trifolii
61. Xestia baja
51, 52, 53 Assumption Euxoa nigricans
41, 42, 43 Hoplodrina, and then presumably
31 angles are murderous, I thought on Mythimna, but rather a female Simyra nervosa
21, 22 perhaps Photedes fluxa
11, 12 here in general pass. frown.gif

This post was edited by Djon - 10.10.2016 15: 30

10.10.2016 15:38, Alexandr Zhakov

When I answered, I understood how you put the numbers in paragraphs. smile.gif, then it is necessary to pass through the point: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3.

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