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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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30.05.2018 21:42, ярослав

Do you have a green beanie on your forehead? Interesting to compare with C. rubi =)

Yes there is.My hair is so green)

30.05.2018 22:12, Vlad Proklov

Rostov region, Shakhty city. 07.05

/ finger in the sky/ looks like Ethmia vittalbella =)
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30.05.2018 22:16, Kharkovbut

I don't pretend to play a historical role, but imho this is a crambid. smile.gif
And if so, then the choice is small-Pediasia luteella, a little non-standard.
Wah, what a complex instance... smile.gif Maybe so... But I'm still for Aachenella.

30.05.2018 22:52, Dragon123


Clossiana euphrosyne
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31.05.2018 0:30, vidjl

Colleagues, please help me identify the scoop. The photo was taken on May 25 in the Rtishchevsky district of the Saratov region.

The lower wings are not visible, which means one of the three similar Acronictinae:
Acronicta cuspis, or A. psi, or A. tridens, most likely the latter disappears.
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31.05.2018 1:52, vidjl

Tell me please. Krasnoyarsk Territory. into the light. Is it Monochroa suffusella, lutulentella or elongella ?

Maybe M. sepicolella? Compare it yourself.
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31.05.2018 3:06, vidjl

Podskajite pyadenitsa, May 27, forest plantation near the railway, Tula region.

It seems to be Epirrhoe alternata, or still E. rivata, if it were possible to spread it out more precisely.

This post was edited by vidjl - 31.05.2018 03: 19

picture: pic3394.jpg
pic3394.jpg — (61.66к)

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31.05.2018 7:38, akulich-sibiria

Maybe M. sepicolella? Compare it yourself.

Still, I will focus on lutulentella, the shape of the lower basal lobes of the valva is pointed, not saber-shaped. The color of the butterfly wings is also more suitable, suffusella is still much lighter. Although a little confusing in the photo are two denticles on top of the valva. Moreover, I found a female lutulentella, although this one is slightly larger and darker in size... wall.gif

31.05.2018 8:00, akulich-sibiria

Monopis spilotella?
to the light of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
picture: IMG_6615.JPG
picture: IMG_6619.JPG
picture: IMG_6620.JPG

31.05.2018 8:57, Aksin

The lower wings are not visible, which means one of the three similar Acronictinae:
Acronicta cuspis, or A. psi, or A. tridens, most likely the latter disappears.

And why does the latter disappear?

31.05.2018 13:04, akulich-sibiria

help with Eriocrania, female. Krasnoyarsk. Ka assumption of Eriocrania sangii (WOOD, 1891)
picture: IMG_6625_.jpg
picture: IMG_6633_.jpg
picture: IMG_6636_.jpg
picture: IMG_6637_.jpg
picture: IMG_6640_.jpg
picture: IMG_6642_.jpg
picture: IMG_6644_.jpg

31.05.2018 13:17, vidjl

And why does the latter disappear?

I just have my own signs about A. tridens, if a butterfly is caught, then spread it out, let's define it more precisely.

31.05.2018 13:24, Aksin

I just have my own signs about A. tridens, if a butterfly is caught, then spread it out, let's define it more precisely.

That's just what I managed to do.

picture: IMG_1644.JPG
IMG_1644.JPG — (299.98к)

31.05.2018 14:05, vidjl

That's just what I managed to do.

What a terrible fate for a poor butterfly, impaled on almost a drill smile.gifbit directly dry, without soaking, moreover, they broke it. They would have worked for a day or two, soaked it, carefully straightened it out, even on an ordinary piece of styrofoam. Right on it would be clearly photographed, the photo is not so huge, and then it seems to me that again soon photos will not be uploaded due to such a waste of space on the server. Moreover, how and what to do with insects, soak, spread, everything is on the site.
I won't say anything specific about this photo)))

31.05.2018 14:13, Aksin

What a terrible fate for a poor butterfly, impaled on almost a drill smile.gifbit directly dry, without soaking, moreover, they broke it. They would have worked for a day or two, soaked it, carefully straightened it out, even on an ordinary piece of styrofoam. Right on it would be clearly photographed, the photo is not so huge, and then it seems to me that again soon photos will not be uploaded due to such a waste of space on the server. Moreover, how and what to do with insects, soak, spread, everything is on the site.
I won't say anything specific about this photo)))

So I don't do butterfly fishing, I only photograph them live. And this one died of its own death, so it withered.

31.05.2018 14:50, vidjl

So I don't do butterfly fishing, I only photograph them live. And this one died of its own death, and that's why it withered.

Understood) Then sign the photo with Acronicta sp.

31.05.2018 15:38, vidjl

/ finger in the sky/ looks like Ethmia vittalbella =)

Yes, so it is, here:
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31.05.2018 16:13, VitSev

Please help me identify the pigeons. Sevastopol, 31.05.2018. In my unprofessional opinion, # 1 and 2 (this is one individual) are Polyommatus bellargus, and # 3 is Polyommatus icarus.

picture: 3.JPG
3.JPG — (114.88 k)

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (112.88к)

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (89.13к)

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31.05.2018 17:26, Dragon123

Please help me identify the pigeons. Sevastopol, 31.05.2018. In my unprofessional opinion, # 1 and 2 (this is one individual) are Polyommatus bellargus, and # 3 is Polyommatus icarus.

Polyommatus icarus?
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31.05.2018 20:39, Alexandr Zhakov

/ finger in the sky/ looks like Ethmia vittalbella =)

She. smile.gif
Zagulyaev, in" green", is given for this region, and Sinev only for the Far East (although there is probably something else there. )

This post was edited by Djon - 31.05.2018 21: 03

31.05.2018 23:06, Aurelian

Good afternoon dear forumchane! Maybe this time someone will respond, and smovet can help with the definition?
South of Armenia, Kafan, Artsvanik tailings dam, 19.05.2018

9359 - Iolana iolas
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31.05.2018 23:32, vidjl

Вот статья по Ethmiidae. - V. V. Dubatolov, P. Ya. Ustjuzhanin, V. K. Zinchenko
Review of Ethmiidae (Lepidoptera) of the Asian part of Russia and neighbouring territories.
1 female Ethmia vittalbella, Primorye, Chuguevsky district, mouth of the Sokolovka river, svet, 12-08-1984 (opr. Kuznetsov).
The range gap is very large, a mistake probably.

31.05.2018 23:36, Vlad Proklov

She. smile.gif
Zagulyaev, in" green", is given for this region, and Sinev only for the Far East (although there is probably something else there. )

... and in the article "Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis" is given for the Saratov and Orenburg regions.
Described, I think, from Turkmenistan (I may be wrong).
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31.05.2018 23:53, MiLLeNium Niobius

It seems to be Epirrhoe alternata, or still E. rivata, if it were possible to spread it out more precisely.

I see more of the first in it, but for a different reason - the dark belt on the front wing in E. alternata fits to the wing edge at a right angle, and in E. rivata-at a slightly different angle from 90*. Whether it is distinctive, maybe not. The spots aren't as contrasting, but I can see two spots at full size. I'll leave the first version. Thank you so much for the picture :thanks:

31.05.2018 23:56, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Poplar 27.05.2018
picture: IMG_6446.jpg
picture: IMG_6448.jpg

01.06.2018 0:11, vidjl

Moscow region, Poplar 27.05.2018

Cucullia chamomillae
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01.06.2018 0:28, vidjl

Cucullia chamomillae

No, I didn't see it , it's still Cucullia lucifuga like that.
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01.06.2018 10:26, Andrey Ponomarev

No, I didn't see it , it's still Cucullia lucifuga like that.

Pancake obloms

01.06.2018 11:07, vafdog

Please help me identify a few fire points.
2. Russia, Voronezh region, Liskinsky district, Divnogorye
[attachmentid ()=301420]

then chebur, can you cook genitals, interesting spor

01.06.2018 16:56, Gerc77

Hello. Please help me with the definition. 20.05.2018 Minsk region, Minsk district. Polygon during the day. I apologize for the quality of the photo.
Thank you in advance.

picture: DSC_0077.jpg
DSC_0077.jpg — (74.5к)

01.06.2018 17:15, ярослав

Orenburg Region, 29.05.2018Caradrina sp.And before the view?Really?

picture: SDC15937.jpg
SDC15937.jpg — (313.6к)

01.06.2018 17:42, svm2

From the set for the Blue region
C. wullschlegeli is suitable
In any case we have it
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01.06.2018 18:35, Igar

Hello. Please help me with the definition. 20.05.2018 Minsk region, Minsk district. Polygon during the day. I apologize for the quality of the photo.
Thank you in advance.

Ematurga atomaria

01.06.2018 22:11, Slavinator

Saratov region, Engelsky district, May

picture: ________2.JPG
________2.JPG — (292.54 k)

picture: ________4.1.JPG
________4.1.JPG — (324.62к)

picture: ________5.1.JPG
________5.1.JPG — (278.2 k)

picture: ________3.JPG
________3.JPG — (285.55 k)

picture: ________1.1.JPG
________1.1.JPG — (275.95к)

01.06.2018 23:00, Igar

Saratov region, Engelsky district, May

From top to bottom.
2. Phlogophora meticulosa
3. Minucia lunaris
5. Dypterygia scabriuscula

This post was edited by Igar - 01.06.2018 23: 13

01.06.2018 23:57, beautyfil

Here's something of a luxury moth, it appears. I'm focusing on the Leeuwenhoek mole, but I haven't come up with a more precise definition. Who can help? Dnepropetr. obl, 2018

picture: IMG_4102.jpg
IMG_4102.jpg — (162.05к)

01.06.2018 23:59, Vlad Proklov

Here's something of a luxury moth, it appears. I'm focusing on the Leeuwenhoek mole, but I haven't come up with a more precise definition. Who can help? Dnepropetr. obl, 2018

No, this is the ecophorid Schiffermuelleria schaefferella.

02.06.2018 11:19, Opatrum

Comrades, can you help us determine what kind of butterfly it is?
Photographed yesterday, in Stavropol, in the "thicket" of the forest belt, in the evening, fluttering among the trees.
I apologize for the quality of the picture - I didn't want to pose)

picture: IMG_20180601_183957.jpg
IMG_20180601_183957.jpg — (293.57к)

02.06.2018 11:44, Василий пенза

Ligdia adustata
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02.06.2018 14:43, beautyfil

No, this is the ecophorid Schiffermuelleria schaefferella.

It's too bad that the interface was Anglified. I can't figure out how to send you a Thank you with a flowersmile.gif) Accept at least thissmile.gif)

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