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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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06.02.2015 7:18, Ольга Титова

Pupa Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758)? Please respond. 28.11.2014, Sakhalin.

picture: DSC_0652______.jpg
DSC_0652______.jpg — (96.62к)

08.02.2015 21:09, RoPro

Please tell me whose larvae are found on the underside of the tinder mushroom. Moscow region, August 8.

picture: DSCN8760_1.jpg
DSCN8760_1.jpg — (328.8к)

11.02.2015 11:54, Andrey Ponomarev

Spilosoma lubricipeda or Spiliosoma urticae?
M. O., Nerskaya station, on rakitnik, 25.06.2014
picture: IMG_1454________________.jpg
picture: IMG_1455________________.jpg
picture: IMG_5646________________.jpg
picture: IMG_5647________________.jpg
picture: IMG_5650________________.jpg
picture: IMG_4935________________.jpg

11.02.2015 20:13, insectamo

Spilosoma lubricipeda or Spiliosoma urticae?
M. O., Nerskaya station, on rakitnik, 25.06.2014

I think it's Diaphora mendica.
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17.02.2015 8:27, Urman

Please help me with the definition. Omsk region, forest zone.

picture: IMG_6614.JPG
IMG_6614.JPG — (297.46к)

17.02.2015 15:08, Andrey Ponomarev

Please help me with the definition. Omsk region, forest zone.

Phigalia pilosaria
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25.02.2015 11:29, maik

Help me identify the caterpillar. Found on 25.02.2015. in the garden under a piece of roofing material Stavropol. It is approximately 1 cm long. I apologize for the quality of the photo.
picture: DSCF8142.JPG
picture: DSCF8147.JPG

25.02.2015 20:02, okoem

Help me identify the caterpillar. Found on 25.02.2015. in the garden under a piece of roofing material Stavropol. It is approximately 1 cm long. I apologize for the quality of the photo.

Probably some Noctuinae scoop. I will assume-Dichagyris sp. or Euxoa sp.
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26.02.2015 16:15, blackhole

Help me identify the caterpillar. Found on 25.02.2015. in the garden under a piece of roofing material Stavropol. It is approximately 1 cm long. I apologize for the quality of the photo.

picture: noct.jpg
Compare with Charanyca trigrammica / Athetis gluteosa
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01.03.2015 20:16, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region.
I've heard that you can determine the type or at least the genus of the pouch by its cover. But I didn't find any such information myself.

May 26, 2013
user posted image

May 27, 2012
user posted image

This post was edited by Woodmen - 01.03.2015 20: 17

01.03.2015 23:17, okoem

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region.
I've heard that you can determine the type or at least the genus of the pouch by its cover. But I didn't find any such information myself.

Here here there are some covers. You can look at the species that are known from your area, discard the ones that don't have the same covers, and see what's left.
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02.03.2015 8:19, Rhabdophis

Can anyone know from which beast?
Primorye, Ussuri district, early July

picture: DSC02113.JPG
DSC02113.JPG — (286.57к)

02.03.2015 12:09, Grigory Grigoryev

Can anyone know from which beast?
Primorye, Ussuri district, early July

I may be wrong, but it looks like Mirina christophi
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02.03.2015 15:31, Сергейййй

Found a caterpillar today, what kind of species and what to feed?

picture: IMG_20150302_140718.jpg
IMG_20150302_140718.jpg — (289.22к)

02.03.2015 16:28, okoem

Found a caterpillar today, what kind of species and what to feed?

The bear's caterpillar. Eats plantain, dandelion and other things.

This post was edited by okoem - 02.03.2015 16: 41

02.03.2015 17:19, Сергейййй

thank you

02.03.2015 22:36, Woodmen

Here here there are some covers. You can look at the species that are known from your area, discard the ones that don't have the same covers, and see what's left.

I Googled all 9 species for our region by Blue. I get Sterrhopterix fusca (Haworth, 1809), covers of females. And the biofuel is suitable.

03.03.2015 10:13, maik

Found a caterpillar today, what kind of species and what to feed?

Similar to the caterpillar Phragmatobia fuliginosa (Linnaeus, 1758) Try not to feed for a day or two, it may pupate. If not, then feed them.

03.03.2015 15:18, Konstantin Lyutov

Similar to the caterpillar Phragmatobia fuliginosa (Linnaeus, 1758) Try not to feed for a day or two, it may pupate. If not, then feed them.

..... or order funerals. frown.gif

04.03.2015 5:52, maik

..... or order funerals. frown.gif

Or this option . Mine thank God is gone jump.gif

This post was edited by maik-04.03.2015 05: 53

07.03.2015 16:30, Nikel

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. June 7.
On a willow tree. Whose oviposition?

user posted image user posted image

Hello, I have such eggs in the laboratory hatched parasites. Eggs from willow trees in Saratov on the Volga river 10/07/2014. Is there excrement on top of the eggs? who left it-the host or the parasite? I would like to know approximately who the parasite is.

picture: IMG_5003.JPG
IMG_5003.JPG — (274.55к)

08.03.2015 10:12, Woodmen

Hello, I have such eggs in the laboratory hatched parasites. Eggs from willow trees in Saratov on the Volga river 10/07/2014. Is there excrement on top of the eggs? who left it-the host or the parasite? I would like to know approximately who the parasite is.

This is the oviposition of a leaf beetle from the tribe Galerucini, possibly Galerucella lineola. As for the parasite, it's probably one of the Chalcidoidea. But I'm not an expert.
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12.03.2015 11:15, Konstantin Lyutov

help pozh. with the definition. 1,2 photos crawled on the ground, there were no plants nearby. 3,4,5 lived on cabbage, with age from nezhnosalatovaya turned into svitlokorichnevuyu.. August-September 2014, Orel.
ZY. and in the last photo, the parasite egg, the caterpillar carried it on itself, unfortunately, the photo of the goose's corpse was not preserved. Maybe you can tell from one egg who killed the caterpillar.. ?? Thank you in advance.

picture: P1030236.JPG
P1030236.JPG — (323.74к)

picture: P1030235.JPG
P1030235.JPG — (300.13к)

picture: P1030252.JPG
P1030252.JPG — (297.28к)

picture: P1030275.JPG
P1030275.JPG — (330.68к)

picture: P1030280.JPG
P1030280.JPG — (308.1к)

picture: P1030286.JPG
P1030286.JPG — (298.42к)

12.03.2015 12:48, TEMPUS

help pozh. with the definition. 1,2 photos crawled on the ground, there were no plants nearby. 3,4,5 lived on cabbage, with age from nezhnosalatovaya turned into svitlokorichnevuyu.. August-September 2014, Orel.
ZY. and in the last photo, the parasite egg, the caterpillar carried it on itself, unfortunately, the photo of the goose's corpse was not preserved. Maybe you can tell from one egg who killed the caterpillar.. ?? Thank you in advance.

Spilosoma lubricipeda and Mamestra brassicae
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12.03.2015 19:55, RoPro

Please tell me what kind of caterpillar it is. Moscow region, July 9.

picture: IMG_3360_1.jpg
IMG_3360_1.jpg — (443.61к)

12.03.2015 20:39, TEMPUS

Please tell me what kind of caterpillar it is. Moscow region, July 9.

Spilarctia lutea
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13.03.2015 19:58, VBoris

Hello! Help with larvae and pupae.
293crop-end of April, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
315crop-end of May, Minsk region, Belarus.
4-end of June, Orsha district, Vitebsk region.
449crop, 450crop, 462crop - end of July, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
501crop (someone out of gaul?) - early August, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
537crop - mid-August, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
583crop-did the fungus strike the aphid?

picture: 449crop.jpg
449crop.jpg — (92.49к)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (278.06к)

picture: 293crop.jpg
293crop.jpg — (90.92к)

picture: 315crop.jpg
315crop.jpg — (411.92к)

picture: 450crop.jpg
450crop.jpg — (142.43к)

picture: 462crop.jpg
462crop.jpg — (157.94к)

picture: 501crop.jpg
501crop.jpg — (202.74к)

picture: 537crop.jpg
537crop.jpg — (194.17к)

picture: 583crop.jpg
583crop.jpg — (151.54к)

13.03.2015 22:38, insectamo

Hello! Help with larvae and pupae.
293crop-end of April, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
315crop-end of May, Minsk region, Belarus.
4-end of June, Orsha district, Vitebsk region.
449crop, 450crop, 462crop - end of July, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
501crop (someone out of gaul?) - early August, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
537crop - mid-August, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
583crop-did the fungus strike the aphid?

I will assume that:
450crop - Euthrix potatoria
501crop - Cerura erminea
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14.03.2015 10:21, Woodmen

Hello! Help with larvae and pupae.
293crop-end of April, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
315crop-end of May, Minsk region, Belarus.
4-end of June, Orsha district, Vitebsk region.
449crop, 450crop, 462crop - end of July, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
501crop (someone out of gaul?) - early August, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
537crop - mid-August, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus.
583crop-did the fungus strike the aphid?

449crop.jpg — Liocranidae
4.jpg — myxomycetes
293crop.jpg-Cocoon of the Ichneumon rider (Ichneumonidae)
315crop.jpg — either Amata sp., or Cybosia mesomella
537crop.jpg-Golden-eyed egg laying
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14.03.2015 11:10, VBoris

Woodmen, is the hole in the myxomycete an accident or was there a parasite inside?
insectamo, for 501 butterfly eggs? The hole in the egg is the exit of the caterpillar or parasite?

This post was edited by VBoris - 03/14/2015 11: 14

14.03.2015 11:19, VBoris

462crop-not a potter Wasp?

14.03.2015 11:50, insectamo

  Woodmen, is the hole in the myxomycete an accident or was there a parasite inside?
insectamo, for 501 butterfly eggs? The hole in the egg is the exit of the caterpillar or parasite?

About what the eggs look like after the caterpillars come out, you need to ask Gennadich. I brought it out last year; there may be a photo.
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14.03.2015 12:45, Woodmen

  Woodmen, is the hole in the myxomycete an accident or was there a parasite inside?

I don't know about parasites in mixes, some insects are used for food:

user posted image user posted image
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14.03.2015 14:22, VBoris

Woodmen, since such a topic has already gone on about mushrooms and insects that feed on them, can you tell me the family / genus of this beetle, on rotting wood, I also shot the same one on a NON-cap mushroom (end of July, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus)? I apologize for the offtop, just in the topic on coleoptera did not prompt shuffle.gif....

This post was edited by VBoris - 14.03.2015 14: 23

picture: 475crop.jpg
475crop.jpg — (184.86к)

14.03.2015 15:39, Woodmen

  Woodmen, since such a topic has already gone on about mushrooms and insects that feed on them, can you tell me the family / genus of this beetle, on rotting wood, I also shot the same one on a NON-cap mushroom (end of July, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus)? I apologize for the offtop, just in the topic on coleoptera did not prompt shuffle.gif....

No, I'm not a specialist entomologist and generally an amateur amateur. About mine, I can still assume that they are from the Leiodidae family, but your beetle seems to have different antennae.
So zvinyayte.
Likes: 1

14.03.2015 16:52, Konstantin Lyutov

Good afternoon, dear experts, tell me pozh., what happened to the masonry, why did it die ?? on two small beds of cabbage, about 10-15 yatsekladok were found, all in this state... as a result, last summer I did not meet a single goose of Pieris brassicae, although I collected about 12 caterpillars of Pieris rapae and two Mamestra brassicae from the same beds, which I safely bred in captivity,only one scoop was hit by a rider. maybe cold nights, spraying from pests and diseases or something else..???
Orel, 2014.

picture: P1030218.JPG
P1030218.JPG — (279.94к)

14.03.2015 18:02, okoem

Good afternoon, dear experts, tell me pozh., what happened to the masonry,

I think the eggs are parasitic.
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14.03.2015 22:53, Triplaxxx

  Woodmen, since such a topic has already gone on about mushrooms and insects that feed on them, can you tell me the family / genus of this beetle, on rotting wood, I also shot the same one on a NON-cap mushroom (end of July, Rudensky district, Minsk region, Belarus)? I apologize for the offtop, just in the topic on coleoptera did not prompt shuffle.gif....

This is Scaphisoma sp. (Staphylinidae, Scaphidiinae).
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14.03.2015 22:56, Triplaxxx

I don't know about parasites in mixes, some insects are used for food:

user posted image user posted image

The first photo shows Aspidiphorus, most likely A. orbiculatus (Sphindidae), and the second shows Anisotoma sp. (Leiodidae).
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14.03.2015 23:07, Konstantin Lyutov

I think the eggs are parasitic.

thank you for your answer, but can it be that absolutely all eggs and absolutely all clutches were infected with parasites ?? let me remind you that there were quite a lot of them in different places.

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