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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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25.10.2015 20:43, gokenin

Tell me, pzhlst, whose house? Thank you. Smolensk region Beginning. October's.

image: _____. jpg
_____.jpg — (230.5к)

26.10.2015 22:38, Alexander Zarodov

Or maybe Macaria signaria, because the caterpillar seems to be young and there is no date.

If the date is significant, then it is the beginning of August.
Macaria signaria I've never come across in these parts, and liturates happen.

27.10.2015 10:16, Radik

Please tell me which group the larva belongs to. Found in the forest litter that lies in a box at home, hiding under a piece of bark. Tatarstan Nizhnekamsk district 25.10.2015

27.10.2015 11:25, Sergey Rybalkin

Tell me, please, whose caterpillar is this?
Chelyabinsk region, Snezhinsk 6.09.2015.
Was on the hunt, met a few pieces, winter crawling? Or pupate?

picture: 050920151921.jpg
050920151921.jpg — (297.86к)

27.10.2015 11:49, insectamo

Tell me, please, whose caterpillar is this?
Chelyabinsk region, Snezhinsk 6.09.2015.
Was on the hunt, met a few pieces, winter crawling? Or pupate?

Acronicta psi, winter pupa
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27.10.2015 13:51, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. 09.05.2014.
On floodplain meadows. Someone's larva, probably a bug. Unfortunately, I couldn't shoot it properly, so I fell into the grass and got lost.

user posted image

27.10.2015 20:59, tomen

Collected on October 25 of this year five caterpillars. the city of Bishkek.
They feed on Castor Ricinus. Castor oil does not grow in Bishkek, it is sometimes planted in summer, in front gardens, as an ornamental plant.

picture: IMG_2455RT.jpg
IMG_2455RT.jpg — (247.15к)

picture: IMG_2457RT.jpg
IMG_2457RT.jpg — (263.83к)

27.10.2015 21:14, okoem

Collected on October 25 of this year five caterpillars. the city of Bishkek.
They feed on Castor Ricinus. Castor oil does not grow in Bishkek, it is sometimes planted in summer, in front gardens, as an ornamental plant.

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27.10.2015 21:33, tomen

Very similar, especially the individual before molting.
This is necessary, even Castor oil is eaten! )

picture: IMG_2451RT.jpg
IMG_2451RT.jpg — (241.27к)

27.10.2015 21:47, KingSnake

Help identify the caterpillar. Mordovia, July, on the hazel tree.

picture: DSC01030.jpg
DSC01030.jpg — (360.39к)

28.10.2015 7:41, Викторович

Please help me identify the pupa.
It was in a white-gray cocoon.
It is found in the litter of fir trees of the Teguldetsky district of the Tomsk region. The first decade of October. Height 17 mm approximately, width 5,8 mm.

picture: 21.jpg
21.jpg — (295.48к)

picture: 22.jpg
22.jpg — (312.71к)

picture: 23.jpg
23.jpg — (291.73к)

28.10.2015 8:42, okoem

Please help me identify the pupa.
It was in a white-gray cocoon.

A photo of the cocoon also had to be posted. Or did you deliberately complicate the task? wink.gif
The photo appears to be Pseudoips prasinana.
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28.10.2015 9:20, Andrey Ponomarev

Help identify the caterpillar. Mordovia, July, on the hazel tree.

Acronicta cinerea/euphorbiae

28.10.2015 10:09, Radik

Please help us determine the identity of the larva.
Tatarstan Nizhnekamsk. Found in forest litter. 25.10.2015

28.10.2015 18:48, Коллекционер

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. 09.05.2014.
On floodplain meadows. Someone's larva, probably a bug. Unfortunately, I couldn't shoot it properly, so I fell into the grass and got lost.

user posted image

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29.10.2015 5:48, Викторович

Please identify the pupa.
It is found in the cedar-pine forest of the Kolpashevsky district of the Tomsk region. In the litter. Without the cocoon. Second decade of October.

picture: 24.jpg
24.jpg — (324.2 k)

picture: 25.jpg
25.jpg — (290.65 k)

picture: 26.jpg
26.jpg — (262.42 k)

picture: 27.jpg
27.jpg — (277.14к)

30.10.2015 9:05, gumenuk

Help with the definition.
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the railway platform Khripan, 2015.06.13

picture: DSC04824.jpg
DSC04824.jpg — (246.9к)

30.10.2015 10:21, insectamo

Help with the definition.
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the railway platform Khripan, 2015.06.13

Calyptra thalictri
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30.10.2015 13:18, gumenuk

Help with the definition-2.1
-DSC02583-Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the railway platform Khripan. 2015.09.07.2
-DSC06257-Vladimir region, Krasny Mayak Forestry. 2015.07.04

picture: 1_DSC02583.jpg
1_DSC02583.jpg — (319.26к)

picture: 2_DSC06257.JPG
2_DSC06257.JPG — (275.02к)

30.10.2015 15:36, insectamo

Help with the definition-2.1
-DSC02583-Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the railway platform Khripan. 2015.09.07.2
-DSC06257-Vladimir region, Krasny Mayak Forestry. 2015.07.04

1-probably Odontopera bidentata. Show other photos of this copy. : head in front, abdominal legs in focus...
2 - Tyria jacobaeae

This post was edited by insectamo - 10/30/2015 15: 37
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30.10.2015 16:41, gumenuk

Is that enough of a photo?

picture: DSC02587.jpg
DSC02587.jpg — (359.68к)

30.10.2015 18:22, insectamo

Is that enough of a photo?

I think it is... although it would be more interesting to look at the abdominal legs smile.gif
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31.10.2015 9:24, gumenuk

Can I identify it?
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Hripan railway platform area. 2015.06.19

picture: DSC05233.jpg
DSC05233.jpg — (200.37к)

31.10.2015 11:10, dim-va

Please identify the pupa.
It is found in the cedar-pine forest of the Kolpashevsky district of the Tomsk region. In the litter. Without the cocoon. Second decade of October.

Hawk moth Hyloicus morio

This post was edited by dim-va-31.10.2015 11: 13
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31.10.2015 11:55, insectamo

Can I identify it?
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Hripan railway platform area. 2015.06.19

Probably Thymelicus lineola.
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31.10.2015 12:07, gumenuk

Help me determine it.
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Hripan railway platform area. 2015.06.07

picture: DSC04492.jpg
DSC04492.jpg — (292.07к)

31.10.2015 12:29, insectamo

Help me determine it.
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Hripan railway platform area. 2015.06.07

?Trichopteryx carpinata/polycommata
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31.10.2015 18:15, ИНО

Not really pupae, but just their exuvia. All found under one lagging piece of stump bark in a deciduous oak-dominated forest (the stump is also oak)

1. Large, at least as thick as your little finger:

picture: ______303.jpg

2. Small, about 1 cm long:

picture: ______304.jpg

3. Medium, about 2 cm long:

picture: ______305.jpg

It's also ventral:

picture: ______306.jpg

31.10.2015 18:24, Nick444444

Not really pupae, but just their exuvia. All found under one lagging piece of stump bark in a deciduous oak-dominated forest (the stump is also oak)
1. Large, at least as thick as your little finger:

1 -Lymantria dispar
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31.10.2015 18:31, okoem

2. Small, about 1 cm long:

It can be a leaf wrapper or a glass case...
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31.10.2015 18:32, ИНО

Don't leafwigs pupate in the leaves? Or are there exceptions?
P.S. N-yes, I stepped a little, the apple moth is also a leaf wrapper, and pupates not in apples. Then I will reformulate the question: what groups of leafhoppers pupate under the bark? Fruit moths are excluded, there are no fruit trees.

This post was edited INO-31.10.2015 18: 35

31.10.2015 20:07, okoem

Don't leafwigs pupate in the leaves? Or are there exceptions?
P.S. N-yes, I stepped a little, the apple moth is also a leaf wrapper, and pupates not in apples. Then I will reformulate the question: what groups of leafhoppers pupate under the bark? Fruit moths are excluded, there are no fruit trees.

I don't do much leaf-wrapping, so I don't know. But, as a general rule for lepidoptera-in the soil, under the bark and in similar places pupate to winter at this stage. And in the leaves pupate those species whose pupae develop without diapause.

If they were found on a tree stump, they probably could have crawled from herbaceous plants.
Fruitworms do not eat fruit, but fruits - some peas, for example, or acorns.

This post was edited by okoem - 31.10.2015 20: 20
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31.10.2015 21:49, Andrey Ponomarev

[quote=ИНО,31.10.2015 19:15]

These are leaf wrappers
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01.11.2015 16:54, Anton Kozyrev

Saratov region, May 2015.

01.11.2015 19:35, Andrey Ponomarev

Saratov Region, May 2015.
picture: IMG_6307_5MP.jpg

Malacosoma neustria
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02.11.2015 7:02, Викторович

Please identify the pupa. Found without a cocoon.
Teguldetsky district of the Tomsk region. Fir-birch forest. Bedding. Under a birch tree. August 2015
Length about 13.7 mm, width 4.8 mm.

picture: 11.jpg
11.jpg — (317.39к)

picture: 12.jpg
12.jpg — (330.49 k)

picture: 13.jpg
13.jpg — (306.99к)

picture: 14.jpg
14.jpg — (304.28к)

02.11.2015 10:35, okoem

Please identify the pupa. Found without a cocoon.
Teguldetsky district of the Tomsk region. Fir-birch forest. Bedding. Under a birch tree. August 2015
Length about 13.7 mm, width 4.8 mm.

At first glance - a moth, a male (with feathery whiskers).
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02.11.2015 10:50, Викторович

In the area where this pupa was found, all the leaves on the birch trees were eaten.
I am afraid, as if not a speck-ripped off any nibud

03.11.2015 10:21, gumenuk

Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Hripan railway platform area. 2015.06.02.
On a young rose shoot. At first I thought it was a sawfly

picture: DSC03983.jpg
DSC03983.jpg — (359.64к)

03.11.2015 10:36, insectamo

Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Hripan railway platform area. 2015.06.02.
On a young rose shoot. At first I thought it was a sawfly

This is the sawfly, there are several similar species from different genera. Show all available camera angles with the maximum resolution.

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