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Toxic gases and efficient catching in tree crowns

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsToxic gases and efficient catching in tree crowns

Proctos, 21.06.2006 21:42

I have long read and seen on TV channels about the study of the crown fauna of trees in the tropics. But it is there that most of the species diversity of insects lives. People in gas masks with funnels and balloons on their backs in the morning, during the rising air currents, walked through the forest. Noxious smoke billowed upward. From there, thousands of new species rained down. They were caught by huge cones and simply spread out sheets. The amount collected was simply staggering.
Where would you get such a gas installation? In stores for summer residents, they offer only banal sprayers.. confused.gif


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21.06.2006 22:21, Pavel Morozov

By the way, this is forbidden.
It's just immoral.
Kill a bunch of other animals besides insects, pollute the environment.
Take "a few specimens of a few new species" and kill thousands of innocent creatures. moderator.gif
Likes: 1

21.06.2006 22:50, Aleksey Adamov

I have long read and seen on TV channels about the study of the crown fauna of trees in the tropics. But it is there that most of the species diversity of insects lives. People in gas masks with funnels and balloons on their backs in the morning, during the rising air currents, walked through the forest. Noxious smoke billowed upward. From there, thousands of new species rained down. They were caught by huge cones and simply spread out sheets. The amount collected was simply staggering.
Where would you get such a gas installation? In stores for summer residents, they offer only banal sprayers.. confused.gif

This method seems to make sense only in the tropics. There, the death of a dozen kg of insects will not play a piano for populations and species. But in our country, for example, this is a crime and also not very effective (I think so).

As for environmental OCD pollution, this method of collection is usually used for scientific purposes, and it is also associated with other types of pollution (chronic!) not comparable.

22.06.2006 6:43, Dmitrii Musolin

it seems to use peritroids (not sure)...

22.06.2006 9:39, Bad Den

For these purposes, you can use aerosol generators for processing warehouses, grain elevators, mills, etc. We use (for processing such premises) the following:: http://www.secrepro.com/web-eng/sanitary/fogger_tf35.html

28.06.2006 20:02, americanecz

I smell something...
All lessa about morals and murders will write...
But after this photo, not only my hands will itch...
it's a brutal little thing...
there prada price is not specified!

29.06.2006 11:06, Bad Den

They were taken from us for about 42,000 rubles

29.06.2006 12:06, Bear

Duc, this is a bourgeois science smile.gif
I also saw the movie - quite old. The method was called "Absolute Accounting". They went even further. A plastic bag was placed on a group of trees. Then it was lowered to the ground and toxic gas was pumped into the tank. Not only every small thing died, but also large birds. They didn't show any pygmies in the film.

29.06.2006 13:49, taler

Yes, little thoughts come to mind....Especially when the target of interest is buried in the crowns and does not want to get out.Not only do you want to arrange a gas attack,but also cut down everything nafig.Nevertheless, I urge you to be more humane!!! cool.gif

29.06.2006 15:10, Bad Den

I saw this method of fishing in the movie "Arachnophobia" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099052/)

29.06.2006 17:41, Pavel Morozov

So the world of entomologists is divided.
Now we are like fishermen: there are fans of fishing rods and other "permitted gear", and there are those who would prefer dynamite and an electric fishing rod. eek.gif

11.07.2006 12:51, Bad Den

By the way, here is an example of such a collection method. You can contact D. Telnov and ask him everything first-hand.

17.07.2006 18:55, Chromocenter

And why, by the way, it is necessary to use poison gas? Why not take something like ether - sleepy people got enough sleep - you took in some of them, released some of them, well, there will be dead people, of course, but not in such quantities.

17.07.2006 20:39, Bad Den

Ether will not work (too flammable), rather chloroform. In this generator, the pipe is very hot, and the creation of smoke from the insecticide occurs under the influence of a small explosion of fuel (a thin trickle of poison is sprayed to the state of smoke by air).
I think the chloroform will just evaporate very quickly...

P.S. I just reread it and realized that I didn't explain it well on my fingers. I'll try to find a disk with instructions from this device at work tomorrow and show you a picture.

This post was edited by Bad Den - 17.07.2006 20: 40

17.07.2006 20:46, RippeR

The idea is good, but we need really working methods.. If it works, then conencho, it would be nice! Yes, and other methods need to be used.

17.07.2006 21:33, Sparrow

We need to learn more about the device and gas.... the method is of course hard but sometimes very useful >_<

17.08.2006 20:37, Necrocephalus

I think this method of fishing is justified only if the catcher pursues some specific scientific goals. A simple collector who will kill all the insects on the tree without exception (and poison in the area is still unknown how many) in order to replenish his private collection, none other than a malicious poacher smile.gifAnd all the buzz from catching even valuable species with this method of catching will be, for me personally, lost: well what fun is it to rummage through a pile of dead insects under a tree, looking for rarities, instead of a full-fledged tour of nature?

29.08.2006 12:35, AVA

Ether will not work (too flammable), rather chloroform. In this generator, the pipe is very hot, and the creation of smoke from the insecticide occurs under the influence of a small explosion of fuel (a thin trickle of poison is sprayed to the state of smoke by air).
I think the chloroform will just evaporate very quickly...

P.S. I just reread it and realized that I didn't explain it well on my fingers. I'll try to find a disk with instructions from this device at work tomorrow and show you a picture.

Neither ether nor chloroform will work - at operating temperature, the generator will turn into a flamethrower.

You just forgot about the banal carbon dioxide. From it, insects do not die, but fall asleep, and then wake up quite normally.
True, warmbloods behave "somewhat" differently... rolleyes.gif

29.08.2006 14:59, Bad Den

2 AVA:
Is chloroform very flammable?

P.S. I still haven't found the disk frown.gif

30.08.2006 8:14, AVA

2 AVA:
Is chloroform very flammable?

P.S. I didn't find the disk yet frown.gif

Yeah, about like kerosene. I.e. from a match will not light up, but at a sufficient temperature it burns normally. Not to mention the couples. tongue.gif

11.09.2006 21:08, Асаф

Maybe try the awesome thing a mixture of ANALGIN and HYDROPERITOL?
They are not expensive.
I warn you, I haven't tried it myself.But I want to test it in practice.
Smoke a lot from this concoction. frown.gif

11.09.2006 22:26, RippeR

Yes laaadno.. in nature, this is dispelled with speed.. at high speed.. it's easier to come up with something like a smoking torch, and then I'm not sure that it will work, that they will not fly away, but will fall. Such smoke will not kill them, but only frighten them, so the consequences are not predictable.

07.05.2007 14:39, Феанор

Well, gentlemen, I'm sorry, you're completely fucked up. Let's have some more swimmers and water meters to jam with dynamite! Simple and effective! It's a lot of fun...
Likes: 3

07.05.2007 22:19, RippeR



25.07.2007 11:07, Anthicus

Colleagues, the method of processing crowns with SwingFog devices (SN-50 and others) is an excellent method that gives fantastic results (especially in the tropics, but also in the EU (Latvia, Germany). The method is harmless to the environment - peritroids decompose into water and carbon dioxide within half an hour. And "tons of insects" do not die at all!!! They come to life and run away. Except for those that you can collect in an hour or half an hour. Peritroids only temporarily put invertebrates to sleep (as well as frogs, lizards, and other crabs)! I smoke myself for a long time and professionally. I can post photos of what it all looks like, and videos too. If you have any specific questions about the collection methods, please write to us and I will be happy to answer them. And such species that fall from the crowns or cracks of the bark, such other ways to catch oh, how difficult!

This post was edited by Anthicus - 07/25/2007 11: 09
Likes: 4

25.07.2007 11:11, Zhuk

Bliin, I want it too!!! Can I post a photo here? shuffle.gif
I remember watching the movie "Fear of Spiders" a long time ago. There were some people smoking in the tropics.

25.07.2007 11:13, omar

First of all, we are interested in drugs that are completely harmless, and where to get them.

25.07.2007 12:13, Vadim Yakubovich

Everything is interesting, spread out the techniques and everything else that seems important and paramount from your experience.
P. S.: I noticed how mosquitoes after fumigation with pyrethroids are washed off in a couple of hours, although they were lying around, well, just like dead

25.07.2007 15:44, Anthicus

In fact, descriptions of the technique exist and have long been published in Western journals. I'll look for photos at home and put a couple of them on. What seems to be the most important thing? Security! Yourself (the importer). surrounding people, as well as the environment. Regardless of the model of the "dymovik" used, it is necessary to observe increased vigilance in terms of fire safety when working with it. In short, the "dymovik" tends to turn into a flamethrower that shoots fire (i.e. burning kerosene) to a height of up to 20 m (depending on the model). Accordingly, it is easy to burn down a tree (or an entire forest) if you do not follow the precautions described in the manual for using a particular unit. You should always have a couple of dozen liters of water with you (for extinguishing) and an assistant who will help in case of problems. You also need a first aid kit. Although nothing like this has ever happened to me, I have witnessed the most unpleasant moments when fishing with a "dymovik". The area where smoke removal is carried out must be prepared in advance - grass, roots, and decks must be removed. This will make it easier to collect fallen insects, and escape routes will be free for you.

And where to buy peritroids is not for me. You can buy them here in the EU. As for you, I have no idea.

25.07.2007 15:48, Anthicus

By the way, another convenient and cheap way to collect (for the tropics) is to spray mosquito repellents on branches / branches. They smoke beetles out of hiding quite effectively. The truth is, they don't put it to sleep and it falls down (if you don't catch it in time). Cons: toxic to the environment, can only be used at a short distance, you need to store a lot of packages for air collection, the remaining used bottles in the tropics have nowhere to put (there they can not be recycled - replenishment of local landfills). Pros: cheaper "dymovik" (if, of course, not thousands of bottles to buy).

25.07.2007 15:50, omar

With safety for the environment, it became clear to me completely. It is significant that not a single drug was named. But bravo pronounced " EU " .
Likes: 1

25.07.2007 15:56, Anthicus

With safety for the environment, it became clear to me completely. It is significant that not a single drug was named. But bravo pronounced "EU".

I think cars are much more dangerous for the environment as a whole. And fires from discarded cigarette butts occur thousands of times more often than from "smoke detectors". As for drugs, as I already mentioned, go to the Internet (I don't like to repeat what someone has already written once). And what's wrong with the acronym "EU"?

This post was edited by Anthicus - 07/25/2007 16: 00

25.07.2007 16:09, omar

I was only interested in really SAFE drugs, which, as you said, do not kill anyone, and quickly decompose into water and carbon dioxide. But it seems to be in the wrong place - it's not a sin for you to burn a che thread.

25.07.2007 16:13, Anthicus

I was only interested in really SAFE drugs, which, as you said, do not kill anyone, and quickly decompose into water and carbon dioxide. But it seems to be in the wrong place - it's not a sin for you to burn a che thread.

Oddly enough, it was security that I put first. So about "burn", sorry Dear, not to me. Regarding drugs: any synthetic peritroids-yes! They are cheaper. But they often add some (I didn't go into details) "stabilizers" (i.e. synthetic ones will decompose worse). Natural peritroids - also yes! Only they are required (for one full tank) in about 10 times more than synthetic ones. They do not add "stabilizers" to natural products.

This post was edited by Anthicus - 07/25/2007 16: 14

25.07.2007 16:50, Zhuk

And where do we sell smoke detectors (in Moscow)?

25.07.2007 17:41, Proctos

You can buy pyrethroids in a container of one liter or 5 liters of ready-made solution or concentrate, so you need to take it. They sell offices for the control of household insects. But as I understand it, they prefer it for cashless payments.
The composition is classic-permethrin or cypermethrin. you can look for small vials in OBI-type stores, but the pyrethroid concentration is specifically reduced for safety reasons. And in the field, it is still better to use a slaughterhouse.
However, do not expect any miracles, immediately and a lot, from pyrethroids. This is still a rather complex type of fishing, which requires persistent and massive application to get a total result.

This post was edited by Proctos - 07/25/2007 17: 45
Likes: 1

25.07.2007 18:07, Bad Den

And where to buy peritroids is not for me. You can buy them here in the EU. As for you, I have no idea.

Dmitry, just name these drugs, and where to find them, here, with us, is another question.

25.07.2007 18:12, Bad Den

And where do we sell smoke detectors (in Moscow)?

I'll go to work and ask the staff. We have such units, but we bought them for good money, something like 1.5 Kilobucks per unit.

25.07.2007 20:03, omar

Dmitry, just name these drugs, and where to find them here, with us, is another question.

I think that if a person wanted to tell, they would tell everyone at once, clearly and clearly. But here's the catch-he lives in the EU, and that says it all.

26.07.2007 7:46, Anthicus

Here, in fact, is my short note about this method on the website of coleopterists (provided with several photos): http://www.zin.ru/animalia/coleoptera/rus/fogging.htm

There is a summary of the essence of the collection method and about chemicals, too.

And the smokestacks themselves are better to take in Germany, swingtec company, www.swingtec.de. It sells pest control equipment (the main use of "smoke detectors") and sells these units at the manufacturer's price. Various units are offered - from portable (such as SN-50, which is considered optimal for individual fees), and stationary (which are mounted on a car platform and from which, for example, in the United States, reservoirs are fumigated to kill mosquito larvae, etc.

By the way, the features of using this method include: 1) you need a complete calm (so that the "smoke" lingers around the object being smoked for a while) and 2) there should be no rain.
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