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High technology for catching insects

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsHigh technology for catching insects

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29.08.2008 13:31, Zhuk

Ripper zhzhosh! lol.gif

29.08.2008 15:22, Cerega

Dancing little men to the masses! You give me a five-year plan in three years!

11.12.2008 19:35, Трофим

To useful tips: sometimes I like to give the color of professional accessories to ordinary household items. Here, for example, homemade dies for small things (I don't know about the standards – I just chose the best option), in matchboxes pasted over.
The document for pasting is attached, you can insert any drawing in the center, depending on the purpose of the matchboxes.

download file ____________________.doc

size: 152.5 k
number of downloads: 589

PS Matchboxes can be different in height, so to make it look nice and thick lines fall on the edges of the bend– you also need to edit the distance. Here are some fun tips. smile.gif

14.01.2009 20:09, Liparus

Have you ever heard of dry freezing?you wouldn't have to wait a week or two for it to dry!

I've never used the stain myself, and I've never seen it before rolleyes.gif shuffle.gif
When fishing, I put beetles in boxes, butterflies in envelopes, and in marozilka...For example, yesterday razspravlyal dorkadionov poymanyh in May 2008 (and unnecessary desiccator)...

I was in Crimea last year...I caught butterflies in envelopes and in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) the butterflies are still alive, after lying there for a week I get them out and go home (the road takes about 12 hours).I get them (they are still moving (like parasitized,they can't fly, as during wintering) and immediately without a desiccator I spread out 30 pigeons, and gradually everything else in a day...

But beetles, unlike lepidoptera, can be stored in the freezer for at least a year... smile.gif

I also remembered how this year I brought German os from the Crimea...how I drove them between the keyboard buttons. lol.gif

14.01.2009 21:58, RippeR

well, freezing has already been discussed in other topics. Many people actively practice it or combine it with morphing.

14.01.2009 22:49, Liparus

well, freezing has already been discussed in other topics. Many people actively practice this or combine it with morphing.

What about dry food? smile.gif I have seen on TV more than once :an exhibition of corpses of horses and people on which dried bodies of people are presented,and about four years ago it was told in a TV program how some American invented all this at home and thus it is not required to make stuffed animals,even lizards and fish he dried in one day... confused.gif confused.gif confused.gif maybe someone heard?

This post was edited by Liparus - 14.01.2009 22: 53

14.01.2009 22:54, RippeR

I don't understand something.. Dry what do you mean? frown.gif

15.01.2009 8:24, Liparus

I don't understand something.. Dry what do you mean? frown.gif

I do not know there with the help of some substances shrink muscles and tissues in animals and fish without losing shape, while the animal is placed in some kind of chamber...and a lizard or snake looks like it's alive,only the eyes are made of plastic...

It's just that if someone came up with something, I'd collect frogs and snakes and fish smile.gif

Of course it was very interesting when beetles or dragonflies did not change their color frown.gif

15.01.2009 8:26, Liparus

I don't understand something.. Dry what do you mean? frown.gif

Well, I say that I saw it on the box two years ago, and how that it confused.gifwas developed by an American chemist...

15.01.2009 9:49, Alexandr Rusinov

There is such a technique, but it has nothing to do with entomology. It is used in the manufacture of stuffed small animals (up to a cat's size, so with "dry horses" you went too lol.giffar ). The essence of the method is that the animal is frozen with liquid nitrogen and dried in this form under vacuum. Dehydration occurs in a few months, not in a day or two. Installations of this type can be bought in the West, they cost several tens of thousands of euriks. By the way, the method was not invented in America, similar experiments were conducted in the USSR in the 80's
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