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30.12.2017 0:33, Hierophis

Well, maybe, but it seemed to me that on those cameras photos are better )
Checking a self-made EFR 600mm object, simulating the situation - a wasp is sitting on a cactus, the first picture is taken from 6 meters, the second picture is taken from 2 meters, room lighting smile.gif

picture: P1280705.jpg
P1280705.jpg — (80.44к)

picture: P1280707.jpg
P1280707.jpg — (159.06к)

30.12.2017 6:58, ИНО

The I26U is a very ancient lens that loses out to all other Soviet photographic magnifiers, and amateur photographers who printed photos tried to replace it with something better at the first opportunity (and the Vega-11U was considered the best of the domestic ones). So, if it turned out to be sharper than Vega, it means that the last instance was completely battered and its further tests are meaningless, you need to take another one.

The last pictures - horror, with "bezmylnitsa" or kayak UZ with the very first nozzle came out better. At least pan BB corrected.

30.12.2017 9:27, Бомка

I also photographed Oska at home with a Canon SX50 HS service telezoom.
With difficulty, I intended a distance of 5 meters - from the corridor wall to the kitchen window...: -)
Source files here: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5Cx1/zLtRiccs3
From top to bottom:
5 meters, equivalent to 300mm,
picture: 1_5m_300mmIMG_8527.jpg
5 meters, equivalent to 600mm,
picture: 2_5m_600mmIMG_8528.jpg
5 meters, equivalent to 1200mm.
picture: 3_5m_1200mmIMG_8529.jpg

30.12.2017 9:32, Бомка

Here's another one from 2 meters away:
2 meters, equivalent to 300mm,
picture: 2m_300mm.jpg
2 meters, equivalent to 600mm,
picture: 2m_600mm.jpg
2 meters, equivalent to 1200mm.
picture: 2m_1200mm.jpg

30.12.2017 9:36, Бомка

100% crop without processing from the image
from a distance of 2 meters, equiv. 1200 mm
picture: __1krop.jpg

30.12.2017 9:50, Бомка

The idea with a full-frame Canon 5D + MP-E 65mm
failed - without Live-view, with my vision,
out of 18 shots, this is the sharpest...: - (
picture: _1_MG_4550.jpg
Source code here:

30.12.2017 10:01, ИНО

Cool photo editor! At EFR=1200 mm, the maximum hole is already 6.5, which does not happen in" adult " lenses (and if it does, then it is the size of an anti-tank grenade launcher). It would have half as many megapixels, and in general it would be an ideal device for photo hunting. And so the grain climbs, although unequally less than my Kodak. In any case, Mr. Olympuz UZ is shamed and crushed.

30.12.2017 10:10, Бомка

And this is for dear Vitaly Ivanovich-
the eye of a horsefly on 650D+MP-E:
picture: __1_MG_0648.jpg
and crop 100%:
picture: __2krop.jpg
Likes: 1

30.12.2017 10:12, ИНО

On the" nickel " matrix must be cleaned. A "glazik" - cool, Pan Stepova will salivate with envy

This post was edited by ENO-12/30/2017 10: 13

30.12.2017 14:48, gumenuk

Thank you. This is finally a good photo. However, I don't shoot so close-up, as my pictures are intended for identification purposes (I hope they will be useful someday).

30.12.2017 14:59, Hierophis

Interestingly, in the top compacts, the objects are good, but there is no smoothness of tones, the image is always angular.
Also 100% crop from 2 meters on I11U, and a picture of a horsefly on Olipmpus 480. Such large photos of "eyes" are really of little use, but when you need to remove a bug of about 1mm, then such an increase is useful )

picture: 2P1280707.jpg
2P1280707.jpg — (72.43 k)

picture: P1016205.jpg
P1016205.jpg — (220.25к)

Likes: 2

30.12.2017 16:49, Бомка

The Canon SX50 telezoom is a universal camera,
and they like to shoot landscapes and small animals.
Butterflies from a few meters away are easy.
But close macro photography is not a fountain at all.
I used to have an Olympus SP-560 UZ,
but that one had a really good "supermacro" mode.

30.12.2017 17:41, ИНО

As for me, the "supermacro" mode in ultrazuma is not very useful - you need to poke at the insect itself and still the scale is too small. SX-m landscapes to shoot? You can, probably, for lack of anything more suitable (I also shoot the A540), but the result will definitely be "not a fountain". High-quality landscapes are also shot with a full frame, in extreme cases-APS-C. Photo hunting is another matter.

And the mirrorless camera I chose had to live for a long time, fortunately, even before the purchase, right in front of it. So we will have to continue to theorize without practice.

30.12.2017 17:48, ИНО

30.12.2017 19:22, Бомка

Mirrorless if you take, it is better with a viewfinder.
For example, Sony NEX-3n in the bright sun on the monitor to direct difficult.

30.12.2017 19:43, ИНО

It is clear that it is better, but nowhere. You have to choose from what is available in the city. And the best thing that was at an adequate price - Olympus e-pl3. The advantage is a tiltable screen (all alternatives have it "nailed down"). But alas, this very screen also died, it turns out that baby food flowed eek.gifthere Well, I didn't have time to buy it. Now I will visit pawnshops, we have a lot of them now divorced and they accept photos, but unbought ones are rare and, mostly, DSLRs, although at affordable prices.

30.12.2017 23:52, Бомка

If there is an opportunity to get out to Rostov-on-Don for the holidays
,then Sony Nex-5 body is sold there - for only 3,500 re.
Plus a thousand re and 8 hours of life on the road.

This post was edited by Bomka - 12/30/2017 23: 57

31.12.2017 1:11, Юрий352

Happy New Year to all of you!!!

Another experiment (such as "macro"). smile.gif

It was made "in a hurry" from what is available.
"Macro system" consists of a ten-year-old Kodak Z1012 IS soap dish+ Lens from Zenith Helios44-2 (as an attachment lens) + a tube made from an aluminum beer can cut, rolled up to the desired diameter and cut to the required length (so that the soap dish lens does not stick into the "nozzle lens"), which is fixed with ordinary electrical tape (yellow-green) + a metal clamp (for mounting on the fixed part of the soap dish lens). The Helios44-2 lens is inverted.
The Kodak Z1012 IS has a 10MP sensor, it was experimentally established that 5MP is optimal for the lens of this camera (no more, I shoot on this setting).
The distance ( from the lens) to the stick rod is about 30-40mm ("by eye"smile.gif).
user posted image

user posted image

Two test images were not processed by external filters, only the size was reduced from 2592X1944 to 1024X768. The fragment in the corner is 100% .
user posted image

user posted image

The second option: an Zenit tele-converter K-1(2-fold negative component) was added to the " nozzle lens "and the focus of the" nozzle lens " (Helios44-2) became about 116mm.
user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

This image has been corrected (by level).
user posted image

This "design" was used in the summer and for my modest tasks-it is quite suitable.
user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

This post was edited by Yuriy352-31.12.2017 01: 42
Likes: 2

31.12.2017 5:55, Бомка

Three more interesting
macro lenses:
1. Yasuhara Nanoha 4x-5x Super Macro 20 mm f/11
~ 500 $

2. Zhongyi Mitakon 20mm f/2 Super Macro 4.5х
~ 200 $.

3. Laowa 24mm f / 14 2x, underwater.

This post was edited by Bomka - 31.12.2017 05: 56

31.12.2017 8:43, ИНО

If there is an opportunity to get out to Rostov-on-Don for the holidays
,then Sony Nex-5 body is sold there - for only 3,500 re.
Plus a thousand re and 8 hours of life on the road.

Thanks for the tip-off. But somehow suspiciously cheap, maybe there are some problems there? I don't want to spend money on the road and break off somehow. For example, the seller will say that the lens can not be provided for verification, and buy a pig in a poke. By the way, what is their shutter life?

31.12.2017 9:12, Бомка

The resource is 50 thousand rubles.
A whale lens is not suitable for macro photography.
Better macromech with any manual, such as Vega-11u, prikolhozit.
The seller needs to call and ask for everything you need. :- )
P. S.
In the settings menu there is a point "descent without a lens".
So you can check the carcass.

This post was edited by Bomka - 31.12.2017 09: 16

31.12.2017 9:47, Бомка

Here are two other mirrorless sonki in Rostov-on-Don:
1. At 16Mpx and already with two lenses =10 tr. -
2. At 20Mpx, with a VIEWFINDER and one lens = 7 t. p.
(in a store, shopping trip or pawnshop).

At the same time, you can take macro rings for NEX = 400 rubles.
or here for 850 rubles.
buy adapters / adapters-
M39-E =450 rubles.
m42-E =650 rubles.
Canon-E = 690 rubles.
Nikon-E = 750 p.
Battery = 890 rubles.
Macromech for macro photography of pzf M42 = 1500 rubles.

This post was edited by Bomka - 31.12.2017 09: 53

31.12.2017 11:53, Hierophis

31.12.2017 12:22, Бомка

Yes, the viewfinder is poor, but it is there.
Worse, the screen doesn't rotate.

31.12.2017 23:03, Hierophis

I made myself a gift for ng, increased the GRIP on my pribluda, now at maximum magnification you can capture more details jump.gif

picture: P1290077.jpg
P1290077.jpg — (146.57к)

picture: P1290079.jpg
P1290079.jpg — (652.64к)

Likes: 1

01.01.2018 0:40, ИНО

01.01.2018 1:05, ИНО

I also found this option: a Pentax k-30 carcass, the mileage is only 4 thousand, but the diaphragm drive does not work. In principle, with Soviet lenses, it's not worse for nafig,. but pochtitl on the forum that this is only a symptom of an incomprehensible sore, which with further development can affect the mirror and shutter, because all these cases are connected mechanically and work from one motor. Yes, and the DSLR is, that is, heaviness and a long working period. But the images from it, especially at high ISO, are much better than from any micra or even nex for my taste. But the screen is not rotating. And a lot of complicated mechanics that tend to die from the slightest sneeze. In fact, it is very strange why such things cost exactly the same as mirrorless cameras, which have only one shutter from moving parts, and, therefore, their production costs several times cheaper. I would like to throw the Pentax matrix along with the stub into the mirrorless case with a comfortable grip and EVI, while maintaining dust and moisture protection - I would definitely take such a camera even three times more expensive. But it is not found in nature.

02.01.2018 1:39, Юрий352

02.01.2018 2:47, AVA

I also found this option: a Pentax k-30 carcass, the mileage is only 4 thousand, but the diaphragm drive does not work. In principle, with Soviet lenses, it's not worse for nafig,. but pochtitl on the forum that this is only a symptom of an incomprehensible sore, which with further development can affect the mirror and shutter, because all these cases are connected mechanically and work from one motor. Yes, and the DSLR is, that is, heaviness and a long working period. But the images from it, especially at high ISO, are much better than from any micra or even nex for my taste. But the screen is not rotating. And a lot of complicated mechanics that tend to die from the slightest sneeze. In fact, it is very strange why such things cost exactly the same as mirrorless cameras, which have only one shutter from moving parts, and, therefore, their production costs several times cheaper. I would like to throw the Pentax matrix along with the stub into the mirrorless case with a comfortable grip and EVI, while maintaining dust and moisture protection - I would definitely take such a camera even three times more expensive. But it is not found in nature.

Canon 6D Mark II wink.gif

02.01.2018 7:54, ИНО

Are you ready to give it to me?

02.01.2018 14:26, Wave Storm

I watched the Fujifilm forum. Good cameras, beautiful photos. By weight, even less than the advanced Olympus and Panasonic. But their 60 mm macro lens (90 in 35 mm eq.) gives a magnification of 1:1, but 1:2. Another 80 mm macro lens (120 mm in 35 mm eq.) weighs 750 g. For comparison, the new version of the SLR Tamron (with stabilizer) weighs 550 g, and my Tamron (without stabilizer) weighs 405 g. And here's the price difference: the Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di VC USD 1:1 Macro costs $ 650, and the Fujifilm XF 80mm f/2.8 R LM OIS WR Macro Lens costs $ 1200. This is even more expensive than the Panasonic Macrolake ($800). No, still, for amateur macro among mirrorless cameras, the micro 4/3 system with the Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro lens will be more profitable, which is sold for$ 500 and weighs only 185 g.

02.01.2018 15:11, Hierophis

Buy more and makroobjective - it's somehow not serious at all ))
Although, if of course the hands are afraid to experiment a little, then yes, you need to buy, or shoot at the Entrance smile.gif

picture: P1290894.jpg
P1290894.jpg — (171.77к)

02.01.2018 16:13, Wave Storm

And what do you mean by that about being serious?

02.01.2018 16:44, KM2200

I think the mass of DSLRs is primarily due to the huge amount of mechanics stuffed into them.
You're wrong.

02.01.2018 16:50, Hierophis

The fact that with average incomes in our region, buying a specialized macro-project is, to put it mildly, consumerism, the meaning of which is questionable. If not as colorful, but acceptable results can be obtained using what is sold at flea markets, and especially considering that usually such things are bought just for lulz, and not for work.
From the fact that a plant or insect will be photographed through samopal, and not on a factory product-it is unlikely that the probability of determining the species from the photo will change much, for example, and if the application ends with this, then investments in both are not comparable with the effect of the final result)))
In addition, by buying an object, you are even more sponsoring the creepy West, don't forget about it weep.gif lol.gif

02.01.2018 17:06, Wave Storm

02.01.2018 17:27, Hierophis

This is your opinion, which is not always relevant to reality.

Omg confused.gifAnd then what is the purchase of a macro-objective?
In general, consumerism is the acquisition of things that cost radically beyond the limits of cash abundance, and which are not utilitarian, do not bring profit.
Buying something for pleasure is not consumerism, unless you have to take out a loan, sell a kidney, or eat only bread and water)))

It's one thing when a person has an income of, say, about $ 3,000 a month, he bought a makrik for $ 750, another thing if you buy this makrik with an income of 300 a month just to post a photo on a photo site smile.gif
As an investment-also no, to sell in the secondary market of the object at the price of a new one is unlikely to come out, at least do not put on any protective filter, BOO it is BOO, and by themselves they become cheaper and in the primary market or even completely replaced by others.

And since when did Japan become outside the halo of Western civilization? ))Australia is generally on the other hemisphere-and also there jump.gif

02.01.2018 18:12, Wave Storm

02.01.2018 18:55, Hierophis

Still, it has nothing to do with "sponsoring the creepy west."

Wikipedia of course, but smile.gif

03.01.2018 7:35, ИНО

In addition, by buying an object, you are even more sponsoring the creepy West

A brief moment of enlightenment?

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