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Production of clarified preparations

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsProduction of clarified preparations

Seneka, 24.04.2012 10:59

I suggest a new topic. Here you can add methods for preparing clarified preparations for microscopy, as well as any other preparation methods and recommendations for drawing body parts of small insects. Established standards, "schools", projections.


24.04.2012 18:08, Proctos


A method for manufacturing permanent preparations in sandarac balsam, a new semi - synthetic medium consisting of sandarac, ethanol, camphor, menthol, chloral hydrate, paraldehyde, and cineol, is presented. To obtain it, a eutectic mixture of camphor and menthol (1:1 by weight)is added to the purified and evaporated sandarak solution in ethanol based on 100 ml of this mixture per 300 ml of alcohol resin solution. Then chloral hydrate is added to the mixture (100 grams of chloral hydrate per 300 ml of sandarak - ethanol - camphor - menthol mixture). To dilute the resulting resin, a solution of paraldehyde in cineol (1:1 by volume) is used. Sandarak balsam is an analog of euparal, but differs from it in the presence of chloral hydrate and menthol, and the absence of phenylsalicylate in its composition.

Eurasian Entomological Journal, Volume 10 Issue 3 (2011)
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24.04.2012 23:42, Black Coleopter


I prefer balms inside. wink.gif

25.04.2012 7:40, Alexandr Rusinov

I prefer balms inside. wink.gif

Once the accounting department of our charitable institution refused to pay the bill, where the subject of purchase was Canadian balm. Apparently they also preferred balms inside wink.gif

06.03.2013 19:24, krasheninnikov

Comment from the author.

It is better not to use chloral hydrate in the mixture. As time has shown, it recrystallizes. Thus, for the preparation of the drug, it is necessary to bring the object to 95% alcohol, after which it can be transferred to the resin.

06.03.2013 19:27, krasheninnikov

The final composition of sandarac balsam: sandarac, cineol, paraldehyde, camphor and menthol. Camphor mixed with menthol are sandarak plasticizers. Without them, it cracks when it dries. Cineol with paraldehyde-solvents for resin. Cineol, by the way, dissolves the Canadian balm well. It is non-toxic. It is the best substitute for xylene, toluene and benzene.
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06.03.2013 22:39, rhopalocera.com

The main question is: where can I buy all these chemicals?

25.03.2013 19:42, krasheninnikov

sandarak is sold in art stores.
Sandarak: http://www.artmaterial.ru/?content=article...5&group3=Roeper

I bought camphor, menthol, paraldehyde and cineol through Vekton. At the moment, the problem is to get cineol. It's all foreign, not in stock yet. No problem with the rest.

The cost of the mixture is 10 times cheaper than euparal.

Let me remind you again: It is better not to use chloral hydrate
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25.03.2013 19:45, krasheninnikov

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