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Formalin (buy together)

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsFormalin (buy together)

Seneka, 29.07.2013 10:30

People who live in Moscow and want to buy formalin 40% at wholesale price, join us.
In total, the minimum batch is 6 cans of 11.6 liters each.
The price is 395.4 rubles for 1 canister.
Payment in cash is possible.

Time is limited to this week, or rather until Friday.

This post was edited by Seneka - 29.07.2013 10: 31


29.07.2013 13:44, CosMosk

it may be necessary, but over time, the muscle tissues of animals spread like cotton wool, and insects oak to death

29.07.2013 14:17, Seneka

it may be necessary, but over time, the muscle tissues of animals spread out like cotton wool, and insects oak to death

Yes, it's still disgusting, but the appeal was to those who are already hooked on it.

29.07.2013 19:18, fayst79

I remember they made wonderful preparations.

29.07.2013 23:30, Black Coleopter

Formalin is evil!!! mad.gif

30.07.2013 8:01, Mantispid

formalin also causes cancer

30.07.2013 10:05, vasiliy-feoktistov

In general: "It is harmful to live" wink.gif
"To be afraid of wolves-do not go to the forest"

30.07.2013 10:33, Seneka

People, don't get distracted. Why, why and what kind of rubbish I will not discuss. Dima, there are people we know who need formalin, but they are not in Moscow right now. I will certainly buy, not a problem, a thousand more, a thousand less, but maybe someone else needs it, and there they don't sell it little by little.

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