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28.10.2015 20:15, Ivan Tislenko

Anatoly, at the moment that you are offering practically realized, in my opinion is quite enough. I think that is not very good with the collection photos. Unlike natural images can be done with the highest quality and resolution. (See, for example, on the site of ZIN). Limitations on the site would not allow them to put in all its glory.In addition, the traditional "collectible" photo spread in a vertical orientation, which further degrades the quality.

28.10.2015 20:40, Evgeny Komarov

Well, I would add. Anatoly, you are out of my comments on the "dry" instance of this problem was taken ... Just dealt with the unfortunate term, and its replacement by "collection" I am quite satisfied. Why were selected for some more features, I do not really understand.It is important that the live view (absolutely no difference, staging frame or natural catch photos) and a copy of the dried collection look much differently, most especially color. This is significant to illustrate the species.Pose, background and other characteristics of interest, but this is beyond illustrating appearance. Well, excuse me, what difference a good shot beetle (butterfly) on the meadow or in cages in the room? It somehow affects the use of the photo to identify species? So just I do not understand you here a detailed discussion about the purpose of selection.For example, I use only a selection of taxonomic groups, and how (excluding image quality) and where filmed, I was not very important. Therefore, in my understanding, the purpose of the photo screening - to find an image of the form of interest. A listed two parameters (live specimen and dry in the collection) is quite enough.

28.10.2015 20:50, Evgeny Komarov

Ivan, I agree with you that as long as online photo size is not sufficient to demonstrate the capabilities of modern macro example photos from the site of the Zoological undeniably calls "to strive for the heights" (along with pictures Makarova and a number of other authors, where, incidentally, there is a very bad shots , high resolution which does not help), but,as I understand it, is the technical (and financial) capabilities do not allow. Here http://carabidae.org/gallery limits are the same, but the quality of it is due to the selection and placement of photos of high quality. Here, too, there is a dilemma - to illustrate as many species, or, at the expense of quantity, placing only high quality pictures.IMHO, the truth is in the middle.

28.10.2015 20:59, Ivan Tislenko

If these limitations are not artificial, then it is understandable. Maybe then "collectible" photos (high quality especially beetles) ask spread in landscape orientation?

28.10.2015 21:03, Ivan Tislenko

In general, what the policy of the site - you need photo species, and so that bulk? For example, swallowtail? And in this sense means "main gallery" and "General Gallery"?

28.10.2015 21:14, Evgeny Komarov

Well, it is a matter of the author's photo. If he believes that the quality of its image suffers from the limitation of 800 pixels. Vertical, who stirs put in horizontal on 1200. Here are just a collection of pictures here is very little.I am very hesitant to spread that spread now from his collection (ancient pictures soap box more than a decade ago, and even initially reduced to its database). But decided that the best is at least something. There are better, it can be removed.Shooting (qualitative) collection specimens - work slow and time-consuming. Even if you do not layered photos using a microscope (it is primarily about small beetles), you still need to degrease beetle (clear), sometimes pereraspravit, put the lights, tripod and other ...This piece-work, requiring huge investment of time even with all the necessary equipment.

28.10.2015 21:20, Evgeny Komarov

What about "politics." I was also somewhat confused by the abundance of pictures of the same species, taken in the same region. I do not see much sense, but no restrictions established. Relying on common sense. I assume that if this type of images on the site do not have, for example, from the XYZ area, I can post a picture, even if they are already there ten.Well, if this region is already published 5-10, why? Possibly, in the future, it is worth some limitations and enter.

28.10.2015 21:21, Ivan Tislenko

Near the collection there, but some idea how difficult it is. Here most of those who already have a high-quality "collectible" picture. On the other hand, not so much, and when they appear, they can be solved individually.

28.10.2015 23:18, Irina Nikulina

Ivan, on the main gallery and more. I can not find out what the topic is discussed in detail (and perhaps it was the news of the site), but this division is just intended Peter to the gallery there was "an abundance of pictures of the same species, taken in the same region "as Eugene wrote.The plan was to leave only the main gallery-quality photos from different angles, the most successful and fully illustrate the characteristics of the type and stage of all. The selection criteria for the main picture gallery is not just discussed. At the same time, users will be able to view photos and more from the gallery.Here it is tested on Swallowtail. Over time, I think it will be done with others. Taxa. A common sense - yes, I agree, should be included in order not to load a low-quality picture for those species where sufficient quality.It only makes sense if there are no photos to view in general, or for a new site to the point, or rare species, a photo which is generally difficult to do in nature. Very occasionally do so (before even explains why :) https://insecta.pro/gallery/23764) It also happens that those 5 who are already loaded to the point, obviously inferior quality or smaller.

29.10.2015 0:08, Peter Khramov

Please explain why you need photos of beetles that do not fit on one screen Full-HD monitor / televizoara. If for the sake of the fragments, then please explain why (if the movie really need, for example, to illustrate the distinguishing feature) did not upload individual pictures it as a movie. If anything, I have no banter. Really I do not understand.Technical problems at the same site in order to have foty larger maximum size (compared with the present) I do not watch. What tyrit will often - yes. Well loaded brake on the slow tyrnete ...

29.10.2015 0:38, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Peter, for the collection of beetles are almost always done a vertical shot. It is common practice.
I attribute this to the fact that in the collection boxes, they are usually vertically.
In this case the picture is always greater height than width.Even with my old soap dish picture if a large beetle, it turns out a lot more in pixels in height than the size taken on the site and must be reduced.
A TV set in my drum a photo: vertical or horizontal. Anyway, should engage with the :)

29.10.2015 2:23, Peter Khramov

Basil, and where an explanation of something in your comments?)

29.10.2015 5:33, Vasiliy Feoktistov

So I think that your question is about increasing the size of the adjustment, which is inevitable in a vertical frame)))

29.10.2015 10:06, Ivan Tislenko

Irina, thanks for the reply. In general, as I understand it, it is encouraged to ship high-quality photos in virtually any kind.
Peter, if the site is supposed to "forever" in a few years 4K monitors are no longer exotic. From your answer, I realized that the only disadvantage of high resolution photos have been added - is the speed of loading pages.

29.10.2015 12:30, Peter Khramov

Basil, so no difference in the same height, not the height. Still in the TV it will not fit.
Ivan, about 4K - it's not exotic. The thing is statistics. That's Full-HD is now already a hundred years if not exotic. Do you know how much goes to the site with a lower resolution than Full-HD? Almost 80%. And, for example, 1280 benefit of the people no less than the same Full-HD.Such is uncomplicated statistics on the site in the last quarter.
In mind, I think, needs just one more to do the size of the future. Ie sculpt large (virtually unlimited) foty not in lieu of the present size, and besides him. Over time, the opportunity to do so.

29.10.2015 12:54, Anatoliy Kuzmin

In this case, it would be good to provide an opportunity to restart and for large photo quality.

29.10.2015 13:23, Peter Khramov

We will make the ability to update foty for better (eg, the same copies peresnyatye with the new camera / light), and at the same time dolepim additional load. size.

29.10.2015 14:14, Fedor Ovechkin

According to the latest remarks Anatoly and Petr think it is important to clarify that there are not talking only about the pictures collection samples, but from nature. For example, there is a qualitative picture of the length of about 3000 pixels, and it is already uploaded to the site, and before it is reduced to, say, 1280 or 900 pixels in length in order to maintain quality.It is important that it was possible to restart the same picture with higher resolution when it would be technically possible.

29.10.2015 14:15, Peter Khramov

Yes, Fyodor, this opportunity will have all the pictures, regardless of the type specimen (collector / in nature).

17.11.2015 21:35, Shamil Murtazin

Something thought to offer this type: make notice that under your photos left a comment. Often See photos and the question arises, who would like to ask the author. Not always a good idea to use drugs.

17.11.2015 21:51, Peter Khramov

Yes, notice and mailing an email - in the priority plans. Without Email this now all you can watch in the section of the Community "your subscription."

12.01.2016 14:49, Evgeny Komarov

That would still be certainly very interesting in the future be able to see statistics on supraspecific taxa to units inclusive. I have in mind the following: open / select the detachment / family / genus and can see the number of available online taxa of lower rank - families / genera / species. And at the same time many of them illustrated.How to implement it visually - a lot of variants, but technically, I hope not too difficult?

12.01.2016 17:36, Peter Khramov

Did. Shows the number of orders, families, genera (including illustrated) plus a link to the list of species to sample this taxon.

12.01.2016 20:48, Evgeny Komarov

And where this is, Peter? Have not found!

12.01.2016 21:30, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Eugene, as seen from above and from the tribe. It's called "The child taxa" and is located below the photo.
For example: https://insecta.pro/taxonomy/840979
At birth in this place it is just a link "Forms" , which leads to the catalog.

13.01.2016 7:34, Evgeny Komarov

Aha! Excellent!

25.01.2016 8:52, Shamil Murtazin

I propose to redirect on the old link - lepidoptera.ru, do the Russian version insekty.pro

25.01.2016 13:14, Peter Khramov

Shamil, and it was, but in this mode Lepidoptera was not glued all the way to the insects with TZ Yandex and sticking it would like to ...

31.01.2016 13:20, Yuri Semejkin

Peter! And if, in the author's photographs do Hemiptera separation bugs and cicadas? To sample (it will be convenient or not). And when images are not one and not two, and you want to throw for example bug and begin to view their pictures to throw off, and in the eyes dazzled the start guessing SKIDYVAL- not throw off. As a result, formed doubles.Just easier to view your own, to throw shots, thereby -saving time ..

31.01.2016 13:27, Peter Khramov

Yuri, as in the gallery you can select for any taxon, and not only on the force. Or you're not on that?

31.01.2016 14:05, Yuri Semejkin

In general, yes. Question withdrawn.

13.04.2017 8:49, Boris Loboda

Is there a system of email notifications for comments?

15.04.2017 13:49, Peter Khramov

Currently no.

16.04.2017 10:25, Boris Loboda

> Сейчас нет.
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