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Saying goodbye to 2014

Community and ForumInsects imagesSaying goodbye to 2014

Pages: 1 2

27.12.2014 22:10, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vasily, yes, this boneberry is quite a common plant in your and higher latitudes, but here it is a rare exception and a " reason for kk smile.gif"

We have a lot yes.gifof it Even near Moscow smile.gifI don't really like it in terms of gastronomy: one bone and sour (It's even strange that you don't have enough smile.gifof it

27.12.2014 22:37, Victor Titov

Viktor Dmitrievich, what do you want for the correct answer? wink.gif infa / bug from our places?

Well, I'm not doing it for money, I'm doing it for the soul... But if you insist, a bug would certainly be preferable... shuffle.gif

27.12.2014 22:39, Victor Titov

I don't really like it in terms of gastronomy: one stone and sour meat

That's how the tastes may not match - and I'll never get around the boneyard in the forest-it's refreshing...

28.12.2014 9:14, Dmitry Vlasov

after all these joys that came across on the weekend, I was waiting for a routine..

Very familiar "rag"...Immediately prof. question : is there also a rake on the bottom of the flag?

28.12.2014 9:21, Valentinus

Very pleased golubyanochk: bellargus, Osiris, anteros and another yet unidentified wink.gif

Come on, this unidentified girl, we'll identify her, my dear. smile.gif

28.12.2014 10:57, AGG

Very familiar "rag"...Immediately prof. question : is there also a rake on the bottom of the flag?

of courseyes.gif, I'm thinking of improving the design (if our offices are not closed from the new year) with a piece of rebar, and then at the slightest wind it takes off like a kite: 0

28.12.2014 11:07, AGG

Come on, this unidentified girl, we'll identify her, my dear. smile.gif

to be more precise, there are not one, but several incomprehensible ones=I couldn't remember in the field, and the fauna is relatively new to me. Valentine, I hope I can handle it myself, but if there are any difficulties, I will definitely bring it to the public, especially since I have already promised you a list of daytime wink.gifones, just so far they will not reach them in any way-they are lying on mattresses waiting in the wings.

how could I forget wall.gifanother dream butterfly from this trip Pyrgus sidae - one of the most beautiful of our thick heads jump.gifand took a pair at once when copying jump.gif
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28.12.2014 14:39, boroda62

The complex is located in the village of Voroby, on the new territory of the bird Park - Voroby. This is less than 100 kilometers from Moscow on the Kiev highway.

Dear Collector, how do you prevent the wings of butterflies from burning out? Judging by the photo, there will be a lot of sun in the room.

29.12.2014 16:21, Alexandr Rusinov

The season was very busy, as well as Elizar was engaged in the survey of regional protected areas and the search for Red Book species...
picture: 2.jpg
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30.12.2014 0:42, Victor Titov

I confess that I haven't written any fishing reports in the past season, so I'll try to improve as much as possible.
2014 was marked by a focus on in-depth study of their native places – all trips, all training camps were made exclusively in the Yaroslavl region, but the season, nevertheless, was one of the most successful in recent years. To the best of my ability, I assisted Elizar(y) and Anthrenus (y) in finding new and confirming previously known habitats of our "Red bookers". I was convinced that the population of Carabus nitens can exist in a biotope that does not correspond to the widespread literature data (in the Rostov region - a dry meadow on the edge of a mixed forest). The presence of Galeruca laticollis and Coroebus elatus populations has been confirmed in the Nekrasovsky district (the species is not Red Book, but we have local ones). Another species included in the Red Book of the Yaroslavl region, this summer managed to find Carabus clathratus and Odonteus armiger (soil trap) – these two species were previously known in our country only from references in the literature of the beginning of the last century, as well as Carabus menetriesi, Hololepta plana (despite the massive felling of old poplars in Rostov, this baby is still found under the bark of the remaining stumps), Nebria livida (a small series was collected on the shallows of the Rybinsk reservoir), Macroleptura thoracica (for the first time caught a female not only with a red pronotum, but also with the same color elytra). Calosoma auropunctatum, which I found in the Rostov region, is supposed to be included in the planned new edition of the Red Book of the region. And also from the interesting and not often we come across - Carabus cancellatus (finally, after several years of "calm", it again began to fall into our traps), Poecilus punctulatus, Phytoecia nigricornis (I learned to collect it "for any reason"), Menesia bipunctata (I collected the second copy in my life), Synaptus filiformis, Harminius undulatus, Hypnoidus riparius, Larinus planus (this is the first one larina found here), Pissodes castaneus, Hylobius pinastri, Graptus triguttatus, Bothynoderes affinis, Pryonichus ater, Velleius dilatatus… In short, it's a sin to complain about the season! Waiting for the next one…

Swans on a flight in the Rostov region.
picture: DSC00628_1.jpg

Pleshcheyevo lake.
picture: DSC00775.JPG

A heron on the prowl.
picture: DSC00824.JPG

The water level in the Rybinsk reservoir was catastrophically low this year.
picture: DSC00997.JPG
picture: DSC01002.JPG
Picture: DSC01042_2.jpg

Rostov region, Mogza River.
picture: DSCF3931.JPG

Nekrasovsky district, Solonitsa River.
picture: DSC01177.JPG

The" face " of an old oak tree.
picture: DSC01303.JPG

Linden age-old.
picture: _____0030.jpg

Autumn. On the warm up.
picture: DSC01306.JPG
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Pages: 1 2

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