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Keeping and breeding butterflies

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20.01.2010 13:37, entomolog


http://butterfliesetc.com/handpairbutterflymonarch1.php - manual pairing of Danaus plexxipus (!!!)

The link looks broken...((((

20.01.2010 15:33, Бабочник

Oops...they seemed to be keeping her under wraps. And now for "raccoons" send.
But I had it saved, in the evening I will try to joke photos and text.

24.01.2010 11:44, mikee

People, I have a problem weep.gifwith the pupae of archon, Allancastria and alexanor. All from Israel, from Pasha. They began to be displayed here... The first female archon - slightly asymmetrical rear wings, but to the plane and did not spread out. The second archon (yesterday) - the wings remained in their infancy. This morning, the allancastria was released-an incomplete extension of the upper wing... It's unpleasant somehow, especially when waiting for Aleksanors.
Pupae are located in a mesh cage on a layer of sawdust. Cage - in the hallway on the shelf, because there is a cat in the house. It's clear that the hallway is mostly dark.
Periodically spray, the temperature is room temperature. I didn't put them in the refrigerator, remembering where they came from. Previously, butterflies (other species) were successfully hatched and spread on the walls of the cage. What's wrong now?
What do butterflies lack for a normal spread? Humidity level? I spray it, and I think that if it has already hatched, then the external humidity should not be so important... Maybe sveta?
Waiting for practical advice.

24.01.2010 11:54, AntSkr

This happens with Central Asian autumn species, for example, when they need almost zero humidity during the summer. This is one of the problems of breeding Middle Eastern and Central Asian butterflies. Or maybe you need to lower the temperature.
Most likely, it was not necessary to spray, I, for example, almost never spray any of my pupae - butterflies also calmly come out and spread out normally.

This post was edited by AntSkr - 24.01.2010 12: 13
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24.01.2010 12:12, okoem

I've heard that non-spreading of wings is due to lack of humidity.
In my own experience, this sometimes happened with autumn raznosyami. In the summer I have very dry, and pupae / caterpillars are not sprayed.
I also noticed that diaries come out in the morning, and also that bright light encourages them to come out. I.e., if I put a" ready " pupa on a sunny window from a semi-dark place, then a butterfly usually comes out soon. If you don't put it on the window, it comes out the next morning.
I can assume that your animals are waiting for the sun to come out, and the sun is still not there. Thus, it turns out that they come out later than they would like, and at this time the rudiments of the wings have already lost the necessary elasticity.

Cats-in the corridor. Don't let the mice get caught wink.gifIn the red corner - insects! smile.gif
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24.01.2010 12:28, mikee

Well, there are no mice in the house, and you can't keep a cat in the corridor-it's more expensive for yourself smile.gif
I took care of Allancastria - part of the cocoon stuck to one of the upper wings, so it didn't spread out.


And this is how funny the undrawn Archon apollinus looks.


24.01.2010 13:52, Бабочник

Yes, the archons from Israel have such a common thing - such wings.
At me (and not only at me) always more than a half of marriage was and xs why. Everything else is displayed perfectly.
I will ask a Slovak friend in the spring how he is doing with this case. He cultivated the archon and Allancastria deyrol series himself.

24.01.2010 13:57, Бабочник

By the way, an ambush view in terms of wintering is Luehdorfia puziloi from our yard.
I've tried to get them out of their pupae more than once. Many of them were struggling with it, but to no avail.
It is not displayed at all (I got 2 butterflies from a couple of hundred pupae).
With me, Sinyaev bred normally a series of Luehdorfia sinensis and it seems that everything was fine with L. longicaudata.
If anyone has experience of successful wintering and breeding ludorphs-I will be very grateful for the technique.

24.01.2010 14:16, Hemaris

Such wings are the result of the fact that the pupa was over-dried during the winter.

Luehdorfia puziloi most likely needs a good frost of 10-15 degrees minimum.

24.01.2010 17:08, Бабочник

Yes, the horseradish was over-dried there - they were on wet sphagnum all winter.
Frost gave ludorfiya - on the street part of the pupae was.
Ksta received a letter from a Slovak -
" Ya dumayu chto prichina est nedostatok vlazhnosti / vody/ vo vremya
perezimky i vychoda.Ya neimal takogo problema nikogda. Ya rosil /spray/
nih odin raz u nedeli i vo vremya vychoda kazhdyj den...Odnomu kolegu eto sluchilos
v cholodniku,potomu kak znajesh vychodjat uzhe pri T okolo 7 gradusa.
ili mozhet byt problem v vysokoj temperature vo vremya vyhodky.Chvatit okolo 10-15 gradusa i bez pryamogo solnechnogo zhara"(С)

24.01.2010 21:42, mikee

Yes, the horseradish was over-dried there - they were on wet sphagnum all winter.
Frost gave ludorfiya - on the street part of the pupae was.
Ksta received a letter from a Slovak -
" Ya dumayu chto prichina est nedostatok vlazhnosti / vody/ vo vremya
perezimky i vychoda.Ya neimal takogo problema nikogda. Ya rosil /spray/
nih odin raz u nedeli i vo vremya vychoda kazhdyj den...Odnomu kolegu eto sluchilos
v cholodniku,potomu kak znajesh vychodjat uzhe pri T okolo 7 gradusa.
ili mozhet byt problem v vysokoj temperature vo vremya vyhodky.Chvatit okolo 10-15 gradusa i bez pryamogo solnechnogo zhara"(С)

Well, I understand that the matter is clear, that the matter is darksmile.gif, in fact, everything is exactly as the Slovak friend writes. I spray a couple of times a week when I go to work. On weekends, there is usually more "watering", as there is time to see the condition of the material. The cage is in a dark place, but I can't provide a temperature of 10-15, the house is warmer. Anyway, fuck knows what they want. Thank YOU all very MUCH. Waiting for the next pets...

27.01.2010 10:01, Эрик

People, help me what to do. I've already created a theme about the pupa here... I put it not in the refrigerator, but on the windowsill, it's also cold there. I wake up sednya and he's sitting there. What to do now, can anyone help? Where can he dig up his grub in winter? confused.gif

This post was edited by Eric - 27.01.2010 10: 02

27.01.2010 10:04, Эрик


 the image is no longer on the site: SA500057vf__.JPG SA500057vf__.JPG — (1.51мб) 27.01.2010 — 10.02.2010

27.01.2010 10:07, vasiliy-feoktistov

People, help me what to do. I've already created a theme about the pupa here... I put it not in the refrigerator, but on the windowsill, it's also cold there. I wake up sednya and he's sitting there. What to do now, can anyone help? Where can he dig up his grub in winter? confused.gif

In my opinion, there is no need, and nowhere (subjective opinion). Add it to the collection! smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

27.01.2010 10:10, Эрик

Well, I really want to live a little bit... mol.gif Then you can add it to the collection.... weep.gif

This post was edited by Eric - 27.01.2010 10: 11

27.01.2010 10:23, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, I really want to live a little bit... mol.gif Then you can add it to the collection.... weep.gif

Well, in this case, you need to wait, maybe someone will advise you something. If I were you, I would "put" it before it gets frayed (it's always nice to have a fresh, output instance).

27.01.2010 10:28, Бабочник

he can live in a mesh cage for a couple of weeks.
You can feed 10% rastovorom honey or fructose. Better than honey.
How to feed already wrote in another topic...
but that's just why pickle it? Swallowtails love the sun and open spaces.
They do not even live practically in the greenhouse (they do not eat there).
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27.01.2010 10:53, Эрик

he can live in a mesh cage for a couple of weeks.
You can feed 10% rastovorom honey or fructose. Better than honey.
How to feed already wrote in another topic...
but that's just why pickle it? Swallowtails love the sun and open spaces.
They do not even live practically in the greenhouse (they do not eat there).

thank you, we'll do that. Let him live for a week wink.gif

01.02.2010 11:23, TEMPUS

Eric, will you decide what you want?:add it to your swallowtail collection,or let it live longer.I say this because in a week of active life, he will become so obobitsya that it will be difficult to recognize him.It is better to send it to the collection as soon as its wings are fully spread and dry, and without waiting for it to fly up and get hurt.

01.02.2010 20:26, Эрик

Eric, will you decide what you want?:add it to your swallowtail collection,or let it live longer.I say this because in a week of active life, he will become so obobitsya that it will be difficult to recognize him.It is better to send it to the collection as soon as its wings are fully spread and dry, and without waiting for it to fly up and get hurt.

It's just that I'm still writing a report on it, but I need it alive... wink.gif

02.02.2010 13:52, антони

Hello!!!Please help me!!I brought a caterpillar from the street at the end of August, (I thought I would release it in the evening)I didn't have time in the evening,and in the morning there was already a pupa((left,,I thought it would winter,,,yes, here the Christmas tree was brought in from the balcony and the pupa was brought in to see,, and how would they not take it out in time,, IT HATCHED TODAY!!!!(that I'm a fool,, know,,)BUT maybe you can somehow hold out until spring and release????

02.02.2010 14:23, Shtil

On the pin! jump.gif

02.02.2010 14:50, vitalbata

Show the hawk moth what winter is - let it go! wink.gif lol.gif

02.02.2010 17:17, okoem

BUT maybe you can somehow hold out until spring and release????
Or on a pin, or feed it by hand, then it will live another week or two. But it will become a mess. frown.gif There was already the same sad story with a hawk moth a year ago, read the forum.

02.02.2010 17:39, антони

And what to feed???HE is now sitting in a 500-liter aquarium,, a lot of space can not be much beaten,, on the pin once can not ((

02.02.2010 17:41, sapalex

Hello!!!Please help me!!I brought a caterpillar from the street at the end of August, (I thought I would release it in the evening)I didn't have time in the evening,and in the morning there was already a pupa((left,,I thought it would winter,,,yes, here the Christmas tree was brought in from the balcony and the pupa was brought in to see,, and how would they not take it out in time,, IT HATCHED TODAY!!!!(that I'm a fool,, know,,)BUT maybe you can somehow hold out until spring and release????

When did you take a CATERPILLAR, why? Play with her? confused.gif

02.02.2010 18:02, А.Й.Элез

Freeze it and spread it out. And about feeding before execution-only if the feeding species, of course. And even then it won't last long, it's better to kill it right away, while it's still fresh.

02.02.2010 18:12, vasiliy-feoktistov

For hawkmoth in general (if the pupa is warm), it is common to go out in winter.
It is definitely included in the collection.
In general, it was necessary to think when the caterpillar was taken or the pupa was buried somewhere (right in August, when it appeared). And you wouldn't have a headache.
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02.02.2010 18:56, Dr. Niko

Hello!!!Please help me!!I brought a caterpillar from the street at the end of August, (I thought I would release it in the evening)I didn't have time in the evening,and in the morning there was already a pupa((left,,I thought it would winter,,,yes, here the Christmas tree was brought in from the balcony and the pupa was brought in to see,, and how would they not take it out in time,, IT HATCHED TODAY!!!!(that I'm a fool,, know,,)BUT maybe you can somehow hold out until spring and release????

Well, if you have so everything happens by chance, then you accidentally put it in the freezer. And then in an hour or two it will not be a pity to prick at all! lol.gif

This post was edited by Dr. Niko - 02.02.2010 18: 57
Likes: 1

02.02.2010 20:26, Мих

well, everything is just like animals write! Kill, stab, freeze! I wouldn't be able to kill a hatched butterfly either! we can try to keep her alive.
what kind of butterfly?
you can try to feed a 10% solution of honey. (if there is no honey - sugar)
carefully unfold the proboscis with a needle and submerge it in the nutrient liquid, while holding the butterfly by the wings.
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02.02.2010 20:28, Papaver

And how many months will the butterfly live like this?

02.02.2010 20:29, Мих

depends on the view.. 0,5-1,5

02.02.2010 20:35, Papaver

depends on the view.. 0,5-1,5

I don't know otkel afftar Anthony, but, for example, in Moscow to relative warmth-more than 3 months. And even then it's not the season for hawkmoth... smile.gif So in any case, it's murder.
So maybe not to torment the animal?

This post was edited by Papaver - 02.02.2010 20: 36
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02.02.2010 20:39, okoem

can I see a picture of your pet?
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02.02.2010 20:50, vasiliy-feoktistov

can I see a picture of your pet?

That's right, and geography would be nice. If it's my region, then there's no point in keeping it until spring.

02.02.2010 22:33, антони

I understand it was stupid with the caterpillar,, it was lying on the sidewalk,,, But in any case, I asked for help and not for,,,,, So I'm not from Moscow,, and unfortunately yes!,, until the heat is at least 3 months,,, I will kill I definitely won't do it!!!if anyone has really something to advise,, thank you very much!!The view I don't know,,, ((I'll never do it again(((

picture: IMG_3370.jpg
IMG_3370.jpg — (136.22к)

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02.02.2010 22:40, vasiliy-feoktistov

Hyles euphorbiae Linnaeus, 1758 (Milkweed hawk moth) this, but you are not going to kill-it will "give an oak" itself and in the near future.

02.02.2010 22:40, Ilia Ustiantcev

By the way, this is Hyles euphorbiae, not the most northern butterfly...

02.02.2010 22:41, vasiliy-feoktistov

Ilya, how did you get there smile.gif

02.02.2010 22:49, антони

But you can try to feed it???7 tell me what???What do you mean, not the northernmost one?and what was she doing in the Altai Territory then??

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